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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. Name: Draco Malfoy Appearence: I can't really explain him but blond hair, blue eyes and taller then Harry. House: Slytherin Friends: Crabbe and Goyle and most of Slytherin Small Bio: Draco comes from a family that every family member is under the dark lord He-who-must-not-be-named (or Lord Voldemort or [spoiler]Tom Riddle[/spoiler] ). Draco is proud of his family because it consist only of purebloods. He dispise Mudbloods, who are Wizards with muggle blood in them. He hate Harry Potter especially. His jelousy makes him hate Harry even more. His first encounter with Harry was in a shop in Diagon Alley and 2nd in the train where his hatred began. Draco's countless attempts to get Harry expelled always backfired.
  2. Lol. thats why hotmail is for. My spam consist of hentai, porn and many others you don't wanna know. I just delete everything that goes in my junk mail, if someone is going to give me something through e-mail (dunno why though, use AIM), they give me they're e-mail, add it to my save list, and the mail doesn't go through the junk box where I delete everything. I wish I had MSN as my internet server :(, damn AOL.
  3. OOC: Remember Rei there is a high chance of an RPG that is made from a hardworking person may fall, but I'll try to be active. I won't post unless someone else will post, I don't want to double post ya know. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fast wind blew towards a red headed boy. His eyes reflect the sea, and the sun rised upon him. The boy sighed and lept off the ledge. "Hey John, watcha doing out here?" a man asked "Quick stop in my exercises." Replied the boy. "Oh, well get back home, your appretices are getting a bit crabby." said the man "Oh no..." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John ran off to his gym and inside were pokemon everywhere, his haunter was floating away from a mad machop and Typhlosion was repeatly using flamethrower at a Bellosom. "What happened here?" asked John "Kyosuke here made Typhlosion ticked off," said a boy, "There was nothing we could do." "Hmm, I'll be back, don't worry" said John as he ran off.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuyasha7575 [/i] [B]I have another problem I am at Agrabah i am inside the cave of the wonders and cannot figure out how to beat the level and find Jafar who has Jasmine I need help bad people. [/B][/QUOTE] Umm, first drop into any holes you can find. It'll get you underneath the cave. You need Alladin for these things to work. First go to any statues and send out Alladin's monkey to activate it. Repeat to every statues you see, get some tresure chest if you can. I had no absolute help with this and it was hell to find Jafar. Anyways, I don't think you have to defeat Jafar but Genie Jafar I can help. Targets: Genie Jafar HP: (Unlimited?) Lamp(???) Parrot(none, but it's fun to attack him until he drops to the ground :P) When you see Jafar's parrot, attack the lamp he has with magic. Only use physical attacks when you're in range or he drops to the ground becuase of exhaustion. Dodge Jafar's attacks and the key is to always move, stay in one place and you might die. Have some potions to spare. Seems that goofy and donald does suicidal attempts to attack the lamp or Jafar.
  5. I was one of the final 4 survived in the otakuboards haunted survivor mwahahaha. Meet your doom :D Name: Magiku Anima Age: 36 Description: Wears a huge thin robe hiding many things under his huge sleeves like swords and hair brush. He has scruffy hari and a mark on his right cheek. He has a strange glowing green eyes. His skin a pale and soft. Sometimes his glare can give goosebumps... Bio: He came from an ancient group called Anemos. The group is known for wizardry and witchcraft. The group orginated from a small part of china and grew in population. He resides in the original spot where the group has started. He entered the contest to prove himself to the ancient group.
  6. ROTFLMAO, this dad is an idiot. Comet Cursor as a hacking tool lol, Imagining youself saying "I will hack you with my Goku cursor mwahahhaha" Linux is just another Internet server. It could be used as a tool, but nah, if you're a computer expert then maybe. He syas if they wear baggy pants and bright colored shirts, they're a hacker. Uh huh, you expect a 2nd grader to be a hacker riiight. The dad needs to respect his kids privacy. I'm starting to think that he will follow his kids till he dies -_-. This is really sad.
  7. Desy, this is going to be a huge problem lol. 2 seans is going to make a huge confusion. Sean Masaron and Sean Marshall.... P.S.: My text is royal blue --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=royalblue]"Thanks for the lift kid." a muscular man said[/COLOR] "Anytime sir." replied a young boy counting the gil the man gave him. The boy left on his chocobo and leaving lots of dust. The man wheezed and walked towards the a house. [COLOR=royalblue]"Why did I even volenteered," the man mumbled. [/COLOR] Sean entered the old house and found several people inside talking very quietly. [COLOR=darkblue]"Hello, my name is Leo, Leo Mortan, a man said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Sean Masaron," quickly said the tall man. [/COLOR] Then he handshaked Leo's hand. Sean some what nearly squeezed the blood out of his hand as Leo reacted quickly and snapped his arm back. [COLOR=darkblue]"Watch it there," said Leo[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Sorry, I guess I was a bit uhh." Sean quivered [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]"Thats ok, I guess you were nervous," Leo replied[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Yeah, nervous..." slithered Sean[/COLOR] Sean walked slowly towards a corner where he put balls of crystal into each knuckle socket in his worn out gloves. [I][COLOR=royalblue]"Note to self, buy new gloves." spoke to himself[/COLOR] [/I] [COLOR=deeppink]"What are you doing?" a girl asked out of nowhere.[/COLOR] Sean suddenly almost leaped into the ceiling dropping many of the crystals. [COLOR=royalblue]"Quite a scare you gave me," Sean said [/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]"Sorry, whats your name? I'm Lavie Silvana." she said[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Sean Masaron, and I'm putting materia into my gloves" replied Sean.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]"Oh." said Lavie[/COLOR] Then she left to talk to the others. Sean sighed and retreived his other materia. Then soon when he filled each slot, he put his left gloved hand inches away from his face when suddenly it turns into a huge blaze of fire. [I][COLOR=royalblue]"Perfect," grinned Sean[/COLOR] [/I]
  8. Anyone got any ideas where to get ships that deals over 100 damage?I know the pattern it's green ball, green ball, green ball, and then random gun shots on your field and Bass's, then he's shield regenerates repeat. So annoying when he gets it up gar.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by (_)ltryneo [/i] [B][color=red]Sorry I misspelled it its spose to be Jirachi and its number 201 on pokemon ruby/sapp its types are Steel/Psychc and is knowen as the Wish Pokemon. ~(_)ltryneo[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] first of all, you cannot use Jirachi as it is a legendary pokemon. And one super massively powerful one. Dragonite, you could use Dragonair and in the RPG level it up to Dragonite. And Rei, hope my pokemon is weak enough lmao, I have to decresed it down a notch.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B]But one thing they do not do is draw May to her correct age. I mean, crap man! She's filled out, taller than ash, and actually has curves! That girl is NOT 10! I repeat: She is NOT 10. She lied about her age! [/B][/QUOTE] Ash is a midget, admit it XD. The characters has grown and have a deeper voice though. Gotta put that in consideration.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuyasha7575 [/i] [B]I just beat cerberus in Hercules level know what do I do after that.I thought i had to go back to Traverse Town at Traverse Town the shopkeeper that lets you stay in his place gave me a book to deliver i already beat Tarzans level and found the keyhole and got the Traverse town keyhole. I'm just wonderin what do I do know. [/B][/QUOTE] OK, you ahve to deliver it to the fairy god mother. Go to the place where you fought your first battle with GOOfy and donald or the place you met Leon. Search for a mat with a fire or thunder sumbol. Cast either fire magic or thunder magic. the Mat will open, then you have to jump on the steps, miss and you ahave to swim back to the begginging. Once you got to the island, go into the house and talk to teh fairy god mother and SOra will give her the book. WHich is where you can go into the Winnie the Pooh world.
  12. Sage where are you in X-2? I'm at Kilika Woods trying to get the awesome sphere. Can't wait till I join the youth league, so that I could destroy old people :P.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuyasha7575 [/i] [B]ive defeated the ceberus and saved that town where do u take the book given to u by the shop keeper in Traverse Town where do u take the book. [/B][/QUOTE] I think you give it to the fairy god mother. I'm not sure. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squall [/i] [B]Allright, I haven't really fought in this battle, but my friend has, and couldn't get near beating him, so, how do you beat Sephiroth?[/B][/QUOTE] Hmm, Just keep moving, that All I could say, try to attack him with long ranged attacks. Such as spells. Keep a healthy supply of potions that fully restore your hp. WHen he says SIn harvest, get as far away as possible away from him, it'll definately kill you or damage you badly.
  14. Anime Books California Dance dance revolution!!!!!!!! Electricity FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Garden Grove (my home town) Harry Potter books Ice cream James (can't put this in words) Krispy Kreame donuts LMAO (thank god for that abbreviation :P) Manga New thingamajiggers Oreos Poking (espicially with a sharp pencil >_
  15. I's a decent game. Why? The bosses aren't so very tough unless you let them go into oversoul. X-2 is hard on puzzles though -_-. THis is basicly the world of X revisited. I hate doing favors in the game such as searching for Ronso Cubs. Gah, almsot got killed in that one. I like to put one thing straight IT'S NOT A GIRLS ONLY GAME!!!!!!!!!!!! There I said it XD. X-2 is about Yuna finding a suspicious sphere and when she played it. The sphere showed a person locked inside a cage who suspisciously looks a lot like Tidus (who looked a lot like Riku from Kingdom Hearts in the heartless costume ^_^). She joins the Gullwings along with Rikku and Paine to find more of the spheres Yuna found. New things: No more difficult to understand Sphere grid (YAY!). BUt you still have a garment grid, which is bassicly the same thing. THe more garment spheres you put, the more garment you can switch in battle. I like to put Yuna in the warrior garment, her attack is bolstered and she has the brotherhood sword. You still can mash the X button to quickly finished a battle. The bad thing about this game is that you're limited to 3 characters to battle with. Decisions, Desisions: In this game you couold actaully decide what to do like in Dynasty Tactics. LIke joining New Yevon or the Youth League and supporting Air ? inc and Agents Inc. More about the game: There's up to 5 story levels. Some options you make in previous story levels can make an event in future one. If you can make 100% in the game (doing everything the game has to offer in other words), you can get the special FMV of Yuna and Tidus. AFter beating the reguardless of getting the FMV. You'll see theres a new option in the beggining called New Game+. Use the option and you get everthing from the file you beat the game in except for the levels, they went down back lvl 1. That doesn't amtter, since you can still beat everything so easily with your maxed out garments :D. Anybody got tips for X-2? I got one, train for 6 hours in the first stage :D. Really, I killed the first boss so quickly before he got the chance to use oversoul, when he's in oversoul, grab jumbo bag of chips becuase it'll be a while to destroy him without training 6 hours.
  16. Name: John Komiyo Age: 24 Town: Ameruta Pokemon: Typhlosion, Poliwhirl, Chinchou, Crocanaw, Haunter, and Pidgeotto Apperence: Lance without a cape, headband, and instead of a jump suit, he wears the Ash's clothing when he was in the Hoenn region except without the hat :P. Bio: He was the champion from Kanto and Johto Region and he resides Yaton region for training. He is Lance's cousins. Even though the resemblance is very close. John battles people only with 5 badges. Any lower, he'll think that they're not ready for him. He always help people in need. John has many other pokemon but he keeps them in Oak's Lab. Trainer or Gym Leader: Gym Leader Badge: Spirit Badge.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Asim [/i] [B]I think ff8's seifer Almasy is the best , he is always in somekind of conflict with Squall , his character comes of evil and complex , but really he is kind of a evil/good guy , any way his intentions are vague , and he is torn by confusion , mayhem , he has to be the best . Asim , but call me ( the frost duke ) Anyone wants to join me in world conquest , join me now . [/B][/QUOTE] Seifer was Ultimecia's pawn. Not a maniac like Kefka ^_^. Kuja is indeed a dork. *shudders* Somebody needs a fasion make over. Sephiroth is cool, but not evil. He's twisted, but not evil. UNpredictable moments freaks me out. Such as [spoiler] Killing Aerith (I was furious, I maxed out Aeris's limit breaks..... all for NOTHING!!!!!!![/spoiler]. Oh boy, At the final fight, THe damage I inflicted against him should've been death. The repeated power of knights of the round 2x plus Omnislash compells you :D. For X-2 the main enemy is Le Blanc ( or is it [spoiler] Vegnagun and Shuin? [/spoiler] )
  18. Everyone has a deeper voice. Ash should be 14 or 16. When growing as a teen, you don't look older at all. Each season should be a year apart. Beggining to begginging.
  19. Name: Amura Asakura Age: 28 Profession: (for now, I don't now what position I could be in) Side (Jin or Valentine): Valentine Weapons (water, air, fire, light, earth): Earth,fire,water, and a Laser charged Katana. Bio: Amura led a dark life. Heartbroken from many deaths, and recent bad news in his life. He is currently Valentine's right hand man. He has a secret crush on June Valentine, but he hides it really well. His katana took down thousands of lives and he has a really fast reflex with it to block laser shots. He is refered as the "Fallen Angel" to many of his comrades and soldiers. Appearance: 5"9, He wears almost the same attire as Sephiroth from FF7. THere's a sheath hidden behind his cape that holds his lethal katana. Black Hair and brown eyes. Sometimes when you make eye contact, you could see a bit of a scarlet color in the pupils.
  20. You could've simply edit the last post, and no offense, but to get it nomineed, it has to be sponsered by some stupid american company such as Disney. It may be unfair, but this petition will go nowhere. Edit: any mod want to take my post away? I was about to play mod >_
  21. Can we do history like Break did? I have lots to tell :D. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Sean Masaron Gender: male Age: 23 Job: Personal Trainer Height: 6'4" Birthdate: April 6th Birthplace: Wall Market Specialities: Fighting, making empty threats, and various materia techniques (the ability to mixed up propertys of materia to amke a multi-function one, and using the right materia in a fight) Appearance: Auburn hair with hazel eyes that turn scarlet most of the time. His face can be easily mistaken to be angry. He has broad shoulders and ripped muscles that can be seen through his black t-shirt that says "Pity is for the weak on the back" that isn't tucked in. His abs can also be seen through.He wears brown saggy pants and tied a part of the jeans to his ankle. He wears what looks like a pair of black army boots. His hands has red gloves with metal knuckle pieces attached to it. Personality: Strong willed and friendly. He likes to follow around people's orders and stand up for them. When he's frustrated he'll curse as much as a garbage truck. He's always happy to help out people in need. He doesn't really want to travel the whole world, or the whole planet. He's a small town guy. He doesn't really drink. If you put alchohol in his drink, he'll be a mean drunk. Very mean. He has plenty of friends. WHenever his friends are in trouble he immediatly reacts and run to them to help. He beleives that 1 person can make a difference in the tide of battle.... History: At the age of 2 he moved to the chocobo ranch near Midgar. As he done more chores for his grandpa, he became stronger and stronger. Sometimes, he would see the most unlickely things, such as male and female chocobos mating. Repeatly in the age of 7, he would ask his grandpa about it, of course he would change the subject. Soon in the age of 18, he moved back to Midgar in Wall Street and training there. when he was 19, he started his job as a personal trainer. The people he worked with eventually were his buffed up friends that backs him up in very bad situations. Every saturday night, he visits the honeybee inn and charm the girls there. He doesn't really sleep with them becuase whenever he thinks about it, he thinks of the chocobos. Whenever his eyes turn scarlet his whole body seem to glow red and trembling with so much energy. His parents are unknown, and he has a natural talent of materia usage and he could do all sorts of things with it.
  22. Lol, I was over reacting that cerberus was tough that I got to lvl 46. I gotta stop training with Wakka. Anyways, get "dodge roll" equiped. Then battle, when he gets his head lowered slash like crazy and jump on top of his head, that way he can't attack you. But try to hang on. Each attack to the back of the head is extra EXP I think. If you fall, run away until he stops the attacks. Repeat you should beat him.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stephanie Ayler [/i] [B]Soon to be manga? Dude, are you serious? Thank you. I would love to see that. And yes I agree; "Ash the BIKE ZAPPER!!" I know that's true.:laugh: Uh.....what a minute? You mean to say that you make pokemon mangas?? :nervous: Real cool!! :freak: [/B][/QUOTE] Naw, I don't really make mangas. I just make it in comic book form (I can't remember to do it right to left >_
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]There is a rank beyond "I Live Here", yes. But you'll have to wait and see what it is. ~_^[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] James, I fear the rank beyond I live here. Please don't say it out loud >_< Honestly we should get our rank depending on our post quality. Because I would like to be a newb again :P
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