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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. OOC: If you're calling me in real name, just call me John. [i] John goes to the washroom to wash off the blood. then comes back. [/i] John: Guess no one is comin until tommorrow.... And the club will be taken away muahahahahaha. Taylor:... Errr, I don't think so. JOhn: Ok [i] John goes to the bar and orders soda. [/i]
  2. OOC: ANything you want... G/S/B: Wish that they can put up a video arcade in that expansion that they're planning.... Kesaki: Exactly... G/S/B: Look at the map of the club, that map looked like a 2nd grader did it. Taylor: Excuse me??? [i] Taylor then punched G/S/B in the face. G/s/b howled in pain as he land on the ground. [/i] Kesaki: .....Wow.
  3. OOC: Yeah you can. G/S/B: Not exactly. But there's nothing to do... Waitress: Here's your stick bun [i] the Waitress handed him a sticky bun... BUt it looked like it was covered in too much frosting.... [/i] G/S/B: Errr, thanks... [i] G/s/b grabbed it and tried to pull it off. Unfortunately it was so sticky that it was stuck to the plate. [/i] Kesaki: You wanna some help for that?? G/S/: Yeah. [i] Kesaki and G/S/B pulled on the sticky bun finally it was removed to the plate. [/i] G/S/B: ..... Note to self, order with less frosting. Kesaki: What did you say? G/S/B: Nothing
  4. [i] Enters the club [/i] G/S/B: Well time for some fun. [i] G/S/B goes up on the stage and grabs the microphone [/i] G/S/B: *taps on the microphone* Testing testing, ok this is the grand opening of Taylor's club. I'll come back up on here once more people comes in. I'll sing a song and people will boo at me hahahahha!!!!! Just Kidding, I sing fine. Sometimes I sing bad, sometimes I sing good. [i] G/S/B gets off the stage. Then orders a Sticky bun. [/i]
  5. [i] 5,000 years ago, in the village of Andros, an old mage told of a tablet that laid the story of a group of people who held extrodenary power. They were corrupted and brought chaos to the land. They're were no hope until another group of people waged war on them. There were no hope of destroying them without destroying themselves. The sacrifce was great but it was needed. The sacrifice was made and the corrupted was gone. 5,000 years later, it happened again. The evil was reincarnated and destroyed villages. The village of Andros was still alive and well. And it was the next target. The cry of help was heard and the surviving villages was scared. Everyone except the reincarnated heroes. And the act was made. The heroes mind was erased but soon they will retain it. The reincarnated humans made their way to the Village of Andros, as they least expect it, they will soon find out that they won't be the only ones.... [/i] Class: Mystic knight (2)- Me, aYokano Water/Ice Mage (1) Fire Mage (1) Thunder Mage (1)- T man Wind Mage(1) Warrior (5) Healer/Summoner (2)- Ohkami All elemental Mage- Akira Name: Age: Weapon: ( Please no guns or anything from this time that was invented. It's only swords wands ect. ) Class: Village: (Miran, Lacos, Black mage village, Andros ) Skills: ( up to 2 ) (Summoners PM me for your summoning skills list. ) Appearance: Bio: Note: In the RPG, I need good quality posters. Please try to post actively. If you don't then PM me a reason. This is act 1. So when this SHORT RPG is done. There will be another sign up. All people that signed up will be automatically in and I'll post it my own because I'm going to change something in their sign up that may please them. I'll add more about it when the Act II sign up comes up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Andon Mackillion ( Can't make up a name!!! ) Age: 18 Weapon: Mystical Excaliber Class: Mystic Knight Village: Andros Skills: Climhazzard, Black Magic Sword Appearance: Leather brown boots, Wrinkled pants with a belt, black shirt with a black jacket, red band around his head. Metal bands that wraps around the legs ( not tied together) and another set of Metal bands that goes around shoulder and hips. A sheath that holds his sword is attached to a metal band. Bio: Andon is a resident in the ancient village of andros. He roams around the street and he lives with his Brothers and sisters. His parents died because they were in one of the villages that was attacked by the evil ones. As he was growing up he managed to steal things. For some reason he knew things that he learned. Like how to fight or knew how to cast spells. This boy is one mysterious kid.
  6. If you know wrestling, RVD set up finisher is the 5-star frog splash and Kidman's is also the Shooting Star press. RAW Name: Booker T Height: 6'3 Weight: 250 lb Championships (optional): WCW Champion(5x), WCW U.S. Champion; WCW Television Champion; WCW Tag Team Champion; Intercontinental Champion; WWE World Tag Team Champion Set-Up Finisher: Scissors Kick Finisher: Scissors Kick Status: Heel Class: Heavyweight Style: Balence Bio: Booker T came into WWE and quickly established himself as one of its top superstars. The Bookerman continues to pride himself on his success in WCW, where he held the WCW Championship on five occasions. In fact, Booker is the most decorated man in WCW history -- altogether, he held 22 WCW titles! Since coming to WWE, Booker has given fans no reason to doubt that his success here will dwarf the success he was able to garner in WCW. Already, the Houston native has competed in numerous main events, including WrestleMania XIX, and has captured the World Tag Team Championship. In addition to his nearly unparalleled in-ring ability, Booker T is also a master showman. Each week on RAW, fans hang on his every word, waiting for their opportunity to scream along with him... "SUCKA!" And regardless of the city, Booker's Spin-a-roony blows the roof off of every arena it graces. Name: Ultimo Dragon Height: 5'8 Weight: 185 lb Championships: WCW Cruiserweight Champion, WCW Television Champion Set-Up Finisher (if applicable): N/A Finisher: N/A Status: Face Class: Cruiserweight Style: High-Fler/Technical ( after seeing all his matches it's hard to decide) Bio: Ultimo Dragon is one of the greatest international competitors ever to hit WWE. With a background in kung fu, kempo karate and kickboxing, he?s also one of WWE?s most innovative in-ring competitors. He?s the inventor of several maneuvers, including the Asai moonsault. Dragon spent years competing around the world and developing a reputation as one of the best in the game. WWE was the one place he had never appeared, until he made his highly anticipated debut in the summer of 2003. Dragon grew up watching the original Tiger Mask defend WWE's now-defunct Junior Heavyweight Championship all across the world, including at Madison Square Garden. Since then, he'd dreamed about performing at the "World's Most Famous Arena," a dream which has finally come true. His goal of wrestling at MSG played a big part in his decision to return to action, despite calling it quits for several years due to nerve damage in his arm that at one point seemed to be career-ending. Born in Japan, Ultimo Dragon has lived for the last several years in Mexico City. (Today he has a wrestling school in each country.) Dragon himself began training for sports entertainment in his native country at age 18. Soon after, he moved to Mexico, where his career took off. He traveled back and forth from Mexico to Japan repeatedly throughout the early to mid-1990s, winning numerous titles in the process. By 1996, he was also wrestling in WCW. After he won gold in that organization, he held 10 championships at the same time; he?s possibly the only competitor in history who can claim such a feature.
  7. My gradmother (on my mom side) is going to die. She couldn't eat, she's so weak, and she has stroke... *sigh* I pray that she gets better. Grandparents are good ol'folks. Some are insane nuts that fears that World war 3 is coming. Too bad I don't see my grandparents often.
  8. ahahhahahaa. Yeah right. You can't trade pokemon from r/b/y/g/s/c. It even says it in the instruction book. lol.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The (Sic) Shape [/i] [B]Well there is a reason why the Weapon in the CG that attacked Junon and the Ultimate Weapon look different: Its because of the graphics! I will always say that it is Ultimate Weapon until I die. And even if it was Emerald it isnt purple and its head doesnt stick up into the air but remains between its. It also doesnt have a huge horn like Ultimate Weapon. Also, there is only four Weapons, not five. [/B][/QUOTE] 5 weapons. If you saw the sequence where the weapons were summoned, 5 lights were shown. WEAPON attacked Junon. Not Ultimate Weapon. Ultimate weapon is a black dragon. Besides, the weapon that atack Junon doesn't have wings, riffles are shown in his shoulder blades, and has a really deformed face. Even if it was blown off by the Junon cannon. Besides, it couldn't be different because the graphics sucked, Ultimate weapon was attacking Mideel and it had the same graphics as the one when WEAPON attacked.
  10. G/S/B Master

    otaku prom

    Note to Acira: Ask somebody around the board. Private messege them and make a story out of it lol. Or just come alone and still make an RPG out of it John was looking around in the RPG forum and saw the oaku pron thread. He browsed around the thread and thought who should come with him. John: Hmmm, who should come. He clicks on the edit profile boutton to look at his sig. John: Hey I can ask Cynthia! But wait, I should think about this first. John thought long and hard. He thought of other girls. But then he just said no to all of his decisions. Soon he came to his senses and sended a PM to Cynthia. He typed in "bra" in the receiptempt bar. And start typing to her. After a day later a messege from her came up. "Sure I'll go with you to the Otaku Prom. It sounds like fun. That was nice of you to ask me! I feel loved! Well I better let you go for now but not forever!!! A bien tot!!!" John had a blank face at the ending. But a few seconds later he yelled with joy and started dancing.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]It is true that the Weapons true purpose is to eliminate anything harming the planet, Midgar was targeted by Diamond Weapon, and Junon was targeted by Emerald Weapon and NOT Saphire weapon, there is no Saphire weapon in FF7 and in all of my research I could not find any proof that the Weapon which had attacked Junon was anything other than Emerald Weapon. I know people will now say 2 things to try and prove me wrong.... 1. The Weapon got it's head blown off 2. The Weapon which attacked Junon is a different colour to the Weapon in the water Well, there are quite simply answered and I myself am surprised that some people did not pick up on this. As for the Weapon getting it's head blown off, simple, it was NOT killed, if you play close attention when you are fighting Emerald Weapon, it does NOT have a head. [/B][/QUOTE] *smacks his head* Ok this is going to be another weapon dicussion war. Ok, In the Junon, the guy didn't have a huge torso like you battle emerald Weapon. If you look closely during the battle of Emerald, You can see it's head shooting the lasers at you. I don't think Emerald had riffles or tails coming out from his back and rear-behind when you see him swimming. I'd doubt that it was blown off by the Junon cannon lol. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]As for the different colours of the two Weapons, it can be anything really, a colour change because of the water or something, but the most notable thing is that the 2 Weapons look very much alike, so why people thought it was a different Weapon altogether is beyond me. [/B][/QUOTE] It was a different weapon because when you see when the weapons were summoned, you see FIVE lasers shooting out and you see the weapons except the fifth one. The 2 Weapons looked different when the WEAPON showed it torso. It didn't have a hole and some sphere like figure in it like Emerald weapon. Maybe I should stop shouting back at people to prove my point. I'm still searching in my brain for plot holes/theories.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The (Sic) Shape [/i] [B]2 things G/S/B Master: 1)There is no Sapphire Weapon. The Weapon that attacked Junon was Ultima Weapon, which even though its head was blown off still lived. Then it attacked Mideel due to the lifestream appearing. Diamond weapon attacked Midgar because it was attempting to shoot the Crater. It was protecting the Crater. As for Emerald it was the weapon that shot the Gelninka down (The ship that shot down). 2)The real Sephiroth was killed by Cloud in the Nibelheim Reactor and somehow his body was perserved in Mako at the Crater. As for the Sephiroth that killed President Shinra, he was a spirit supposedly brought by Jenova, allowing him to go through walls and fly. As for the Masamune I don't know. Anyways, here is my own opinion on something: Vincent Valentine. I got friends who says he's a vampire. Well their wrong! Vincent is not a vampire. Just becasue he wears dark clothing doesn't mean that he is a vampire. As for the demons, they were injected into him by Hojo as he experimented on him.[/B][/QUOTE] 1)I just called the unknown weapon Sapphire because of his color. Jeez, and also if it isn't the weapon's real name, so what. I just nicknamed it Sapphire just for fun. 2) Good point.... Probleby one of his supporters killed him. Thats my 2 cents. Vincent/vampire: AHAHAH!!! You got yourselves some clueless friends. Vincent, like you said, was injected. By Jenova Cells by the way.
  13. I Consider to make this topic merged with the other theory topic so tat all the theories/plot holes will be all in one topic FF7 Plot hole Now you all know that Sephiroth died and his dead corpesis laying around the lifestream right? Well while your chasing around Sephiroth's spirit there's a HUGE plot hole well you're in Shinra's Headquarters the first time. Palmer said Sephiroth came in and killed the President right?? You see Sephiroth Masemune on his back. But his true masemune was laying around in the lifestream. Is it the real deal, or Palmer was really scared and drove into a paranoid freak? But Sephiroth could be Jenova in disguised as somewhere in the game, it said that Jenova can take place of anyone and anything. But the masemune blade is still a mystery. But the blood trail is freaky, very freaky. FF7 Theories Weapons Now, on to the subjects of the Weapons. When released they seem to go on the rampage. However, it should be noted that two of them seem to have quite specific objectives: Diamond attacks Midgar and Sapphire(the unknown weapon) attacks Junon. These are the two largest Shinra cities, and the two greatest wounds of the Planet (discounting the Northern Crater which was sealed off). So it seems as if the Weapons were trying to destroy two major areas harming the Planet, not simply going on a mindless rampage. I think the idea that they are trying to bring more souls into the lifestream is quite unfounded, but that's just my opinion... As for the motives of Ultimate, Emerald and Ruby, it's hard to tell. However, one must remember that Emearald and Ruby were only added in for the American version, and were not originally meant to be in the plot, and Ultimate seemed to be in their mainly as a source for Cloud's Weapon and little thought seemed to have been put in to its creation. Diamond and Sapphire seem to be the only ones with any major role in the story. Black/White materia Issue Personally I think these have some link between them. The Black Materia summons Meteor, the Ultimate Destructive Magic. The White Materia summons Holy, the Ultimate Protective Magic. Both seem to be tools of the Ancients and are very powerful. their exact origin is unknown, but it seems as if they may have been created by the Ancients. One point to remember is that materia are condensed mako, or lifestream, and it is said that materia contain the knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients. Very little more is said about the White Materia, but perhaps more can be discerned about the Black... When the party visits the Temple of the Ancients Aeris says "This is... the Temple of the Ancients... I... know... I feel it... The knowledge of the Ancients... floating... You could become one with the Planet, but you're stopping it with the strength of will. For the future? For us?" This implies that there are some souls which could become one with the Planet, but do not in order to protect something. We know that the Temple of the Ancients itself was the Black Materia. My theory is that many Ancients gave up their lives to create the Black Materia. Which helps to prove the FF7/FF10 theory that Ginnylyn has. The souls of the Ancients, all joined together, formed the black Materia and it's great power. The White Materia is probably a couterpart of it. These two materia were great weapons the Ancients formed for times of great need. It may be that they were created after Jenova was sealed off, in case Jenova should ever escape. Any more theories/plot holes for FF7?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mei [/i] [B]Actually, at the end of the game, Squall does NOT die.--If you wait til the very end, you'll see Rinoa pointing up again, then the screen turns to Squall, who smiles, walks up to her, and *kiss*[/B][/QUOTE] I agree strongly with Mei. Watch the end of the end. Ultimecia possesed Rinoa. They're not one. Besides, if Rinoa wanted a dead Squall, Ultimecia would somehow make herself mad and channel all her powers to Rinoa. Which equals to deadly destruction. Or when Rinoa was kidnapped by Seifer and used her energy to power up Adel, Ultimecia puts all her power into Adel, making her a monsterous powerhouse, thus destroying Squall & Co lol. Squall didn't die at the end. He was knocked out/unconcious. Then Rinoa came to his rescue and woke him up. Then the credits roll. In the end of the credit picture, it show Squall and Rinoa at the balcony. THen at the end of the end, it shows like Mei described *smooch smooch*
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wild thang [/i] [B]master, are you a babysitter? [/B][/QUOTE] No, but I want to be one ( So I can get more cash!!! ) I heard these babysitter urban legends 2-4 years ago. I still remember them.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlackDragon465 [/i] [B]Yep society sucks these days. I just can't belive I can' buy a rated M game without being asked for my damn age and giving them proof. Sadly I am not old enough to be 18. I mean who gives damn if they sell rated M games to a 4 yr old? Sadly this dissapoints me of having such an idiotic people living these days. But those assholes can't stop me from buying M rated games. I just get parents credit card and order them online although I would really like to be able to just go to a store and get them there..:) [/B][/QUOTE] Lol, your life must've suck. Where I live, I can get any kind of game I want ( except adult rated games ). Toy guns banned??? That'd be a crazy world. I can't play with my water gun!!!! ( Yes I do use it so I can bother my sis with lol ) But jeez. Banning toy guns isn't going to do anything. You see guns on TV, cartoons, and anime. There's no stopping children from using/seeing a gun.
  17. I've got one..... The dog meat story was very disgusting. And funny for some reason. One day a baby sitter was taking care of someone's baby. The parents was out of town. She soon opened the oven and saw something cooking in there. She called the parents to say thank you for the turkey they left. The parents said that they don't anything about the turkey. THe babysitter opened the oven again and pulled it out. SHe found out that it was the baby!!!! She called 911 and called the parents. The parents and the cops came in. The parents accused the babysitter of roasting the baby and she was took into custody. Here's another one: ( Don't quite remember this one ) Once there was a babysitter ( a differant one). She was taking care of 2 kids. 1 baby and 1 little boy. She took the little boy to sleep and also the baby. SHe first took the boy into his bed. Then when she got in the baby's room, she heard a voice. The voice said to get out of the house. SHe ran out of the room. Then when she was brave enough she went back. She heard the same voice and messege. She took the baby into sleep and quietly get out of the room. WHen she was relaxing in the living room. She heard a scream. She went into the boy's room and saw him bloody dead. SHe went to the kitchen and called the police that she heard a voice and then she saw a boy dead. When the police got there, the babysitter was dead.
  18. G/S/B Master

    otaku prom

    I'm confused. But count me in!!! Just do you have to hook up with a member outside the thread or inside?
  19. Endurance is a not very known tv show on NBC. The objective of this game is to collect all 12 (or in this version 6) triangular stones. THe stones can be collected by completing tasks that sorta goes with with what the stones say. Teams gets eliminated by losing in a pyramid challenge. The only way that the team go to a pyramid challenge is that the winning team from one task chooses them by giving them the simoti(can't spel this word) pot. THe pot when opens, it makes something realy bad happens to them in the next task they face. After the task, they go to the pyramid challenge. The team with the pyramid challenge chooses which other team that goes with them so that if they survive, the other team becomes eliminated. Then the winning team in the challenge gets the other team's stone if they have any. Like in the show, you can make alliences with other teams. Of course, I'll be the host. Note: I will put you into teams. But in the sign-up sheet, it's just a suggestion on which team you want. I will be only picking players that can post actively, have a good profile, and good post quality. I'm going to pick a boy and a girl on the same team. If there is too many boys or girls, then I'll put them in just a 1 gender team. Red Team- Orange Team- Yellow Team- Green Team- Blue Team- Ohkami/Mia Purple Team- Sign up Sheet Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Suggested Team: Bio: Stats: ( THis is a new addition. This factors how well you and your partner in a task ) Max Points: 30 ( Ten max for each ) Strength: Friendship: Intelligence: Luck: Stamina: Good Luck!!!!
  20. I've got another idea. This was inspired by newgrounds abusive system by the way. How about under a post that allows people to say if the post/topic was abusive or out of topic and it shows how many people said it was abusive. Then when 10 ( or how much votes you want ) people/votes that said it was abusive or out of topic is deleted, boom, just like that. This way the mod doesn't have to close topics or delete a post ( if they can ). Also an option to tell if it was usefull/helpfull/wasn't abusive or out of topic. If 10 ( or some number ) said it was helpfull/usefull then a point is given ( using Braidless Baka's idea for the 2nd option ). For the ranks , I would suggest changing the udderly funny title "I Live Here" to "Otakuboards Oldie".
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kesaki_Inedia [/i] [B]Name:maiyu Age 14 Grade: 7th Appearence:light green long leeve shirt under a blue vest and pink skirt black socks past knee and pink shoes. ------------------- Navi Name Roll (you know the info for her right or do I have to write it?):bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] You have to write it of course. If you're haveing trouble with Roll, Pm me for her appearance ( I might give you a picture. ) and everything else.
  22. We can have fictional Djinns right? ( since yours isn't real according to my stratag guide :D ) But since Amber can be a saturn djinn, it makes sense. Mine willl be Torch (Mars type) if it's only real Djinn
  23. This may be suggested on the board before but I want to say this idea again only for v7. I would suggest RPG Hacks. Like character stats. Everytime you post your character builds up and also your money to buy stuff that helps your character. The character is use for spar battles. Though it must be players that are online to battle. And yes it is possible. If you want, you can add ranks to the characters and the ranks can be upgraded( like warrior->Ronin ), or a rank change ( Warrior-> Magician/Mage ). This might be a handful for a board this popular so this is just a suggestion. I understand if it bring back the server freezes ect.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan [/i] [B][color=darkblue]His dad was....creepy. He told Ash to use Pikachu, or make him stronger, yet he didn't tell him to use a water or grass type, like a good trainer would. He's probably telling the kids to use psychic types against dark types. 0-o[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Thus the reason why he was a very bad trainer. Of course their not reconized. A trainer can start out on any gym leader ( except ones that require a number of badges to fight him/her ) Don't expect them to be reconized from a whole another region lol.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dj Professor DM [/i] [B]Name: Meteo Dragoon Age: 15 Grade: 8th Appearance: Tall and muscular he wears a dark red outfit other than pants which are black. has Blonde hair and green eyes. Short Bio: A good friend of Lans who is a year older and a year wiser than Lan as well. Meteo knows Lan since he was 7. Name: Zero Appearance: Red helmet and suit, pale face, green eyes, and a green saber attached to his belt. Special attak: Saber slash [/B][/QUOTE] I took the role of Zero ( and only Zero ) already. So pick a fictional character if you want to keep your character. Or pick the show characters. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kesaki_Inedia [/i] [B] Do i need to put roll as my net navi or will someone else play as her? [/B][/QUOTE] You'l play as both Maiyu and Roll
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