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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. G/S/B Master


    John: I just need 3 badges.... time to get back to Fortree City. OLD MAN!!! Hey where are you? [i] John looked to his left and saw him eating at a fast food restaurant. John ran towards it and sat next to the old man [/i] John: Take me back to Fortree City Old man: Won your first badge already? John: No, One of the Gym leader there said I need 3 stinken badges to battle her. I'm planning Fortree,Mauville, and uhhhhh I forgot. Old man: You could go back to one of the Kanto and Johto regions right??? John: I don't know about that.... The only place that i could go in both of them is New bark town and Pallet town. I'd have to start over. Old man: There goes one plan. I know the 3rd one you could challenge the rustboro gym leader again. Then go after that gym leader. John: Sure... soon after aquiring 7 badges.... I'll show that snotty nose Sootopolis brat who's boss!!!
  2. whoa!!! It seems like another Dynasty Warriors 4 game when you've shown pictures like that! Also, what about weapons?(Ultima Weapon, Emerald, Ruby, Omega) Every game I know has weapons!! Well except FF9, they had Ozma.
  3. lol, Kairi doesn't have an attack or weapon. Name: Donald Appearance: Ya know what donald duck looks like? Weapon: Save the Queen Special Attack: Magics
  4. hahahaha. The normal bosses were challenging. Hidden bosses were overkill.I played that game because I had nothing to do.
  5. DISCONTINUED FLAVOR KerryBerry (ketchup-flavored ice cream) - the public just won't buy it! *falls down anime style* What in the world were they thinking of? Of course the public won't buy it. ( Unless you put in your hamburgers hahhahahha)
  6. G/S/B Master


    [i] John cheered Rayne on at the side lines, because he wanted Rayne to win not Ryo. John walked over to Max.[/i] John: Ya wanna battle after this match? Max: Sure, another Gym battle match would be fine for me. John: *chuckle* thanks. hehehehehe. She doesn't know whats going to hit her. ha! [i] John returned to the side lines and continue cheering for Rayne. [/i]
  7. Scott: When's the next meeting Jean? Jean: 9:00 tommorrow in the morning. Scott: Hopefully, this will end soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- [i] While in a distance from them... [/i] Victor: They're still with the negotiation? It should've been over now. Yuriko: Be patient...It'll be soon over Mortimer: I'm getting bored and tired. [i] Mortimer spotted a fly and he immediatly snatched it with his tougue and eat it [/i] Victor: Sometimes, you sicken me Toad.
  8. [i] Zerano opened his eyes and saw the plate above him [/i] " Grrr, So this is what being a human being is like," growled Zerano. " Feel so powerless... can't even fly." [i] Suddenly there was a rush of wind behind him. He sensed someone there. [/i] " Who's there. COME OUT YOU COWARD!!! " yelled Zerano. [i] He pulled his Katana out of his Shealth and got ready. [/i]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JJRiddler [/i] [B]Asuka Clay has no one here in GA! It is all ruben all the way! He will win becuase almost every balck person in America is vtoing for him. And people here are predjce about gya people. [/B][/QUOTE] Ermmm, did you just say that Clay is a gay person? He's not gay, even though he goes to the YMCA, he's not. I'm sure not all the people in the area you live aren't prejudice against Gay people. ( hopefully this post won't change the whole topic into a discussion of Homosexuality. )
  10. Ahahahaha. I thought the game was going to be released next year like it said on the FOX 11 news ( they showned the whole begginning part of FFXI ) It was about Video Game Graphics... It said this is the first RPG game (or FF game) to be online. Do you ahve to pay the charges for beiong online? Not sure if it's November 4th, 2003 though.
  11. G/S/B Master


    JOhn: GUess I'll take care of you Grovyle. You'll be fine with me. [i] John ran back to the pokemon center in Fortree city to heal up the 4 pokemon then he went back out. [/i] John: Hmm, the gym leader hear uses bird pokemon. I gotta get my badge so I could use fly....toughy. My pokemon probleby doesn't stand a chance. But I need to go to Rustboro. It'll tkae monthes to get to Rustboro by walking. Hmm. Man: Looking for a way to go to Rustboro young lad? [i] John looked behind him and saw an old man with an Alakazam. [/i] John: Yeah. Man: I have a way to get you there. Give me 1000 yen and I'll take you there. John: WHAT?!?!?!?! YOU CRAZY KOOK I ONLY HAVE 700!!!!! Man: Fine, i'll battle you. If you win you'll get the trip for free. If you lose--- [i] Suddenly a net appeared out of nowhere and it captured Alakazam. [/i] Voice: Congragulation. Your pokemon is captured. [i] A Team Magma member lunged out of the treetop and into a balloon that was in the sky. [/i] TMM: See Ya!! John: GO BLAZIKEN!! Use Flamethrower!!! [i] Blaziken came out and blew a stream of fire that aimed to the net. [/i] Man: USE LIGHT SCREEN!!! [i] Alakazam covered itself in a sphere. Flamethrower went around the sphere and Alakazam was let loose. Alakazam used a psychic attack to slow down the drop so that ALakazam didn't hit the ground hard. ALakazam touched the ground and focused his eyes on the balloon.[/i] TMM: GO MIGHTYENA AND HOUNDOOM!!! [i] The TMM let loose 2 Heavy balls and it exploded into Mightyena and Houndoom. [/i] Man: PSYWAVE!! TMM: AHAHAHHAHA TAKE DOWN YOU TWO!!! [i] The psywave didn't effect the 2 gothic black dogs and they both charged right into Alakazam. Alakazam layed flat on the ground and is trying to get up.[/i] Man: RECOVER!!! John: BLAZE KICK!! [i] Alakazam recovered but some bruises were still there. Blaziken unleashed an incredible spinning Blaze kick that did incredible damage to it. Plus they were burned. [/i] TMM: GRRR!!!! YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!!! John: Hahhaahahaha. Finish it off Blaziken. MEGA KICK!!! [i] Blaziken unleashed an upward megakick on both of the firey dogs. When they got to the top of the balloon, the dogs burned the cover and blew up the engine which blew up the whole balloon. The TMM cursed out loud and they flew all the way into the sky. [/i] John: yeah!!! Man: I thank you. As my token of grattitude...I'll take you to Rustboro. I'll be there with you at the location in Rustboro you wish ALakazam! come here. [i] Alakazam walked up to John and focused his eyes on him [/i] Man: Close your eye and picture where you want to be. [i] John closed his eyes and pictured the Rustboro Gym. [/i] Man: Open your eyes..... [i] John opened his eyes and saw the entrance to the Gym. He opened up and saw Rayne and Ryo battling. [/i]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zeh [/i] [B]How important are a couple words under your name? [/B][/QUOTE] Very to newbies. Little to members and others rank above it. Hahaha. Also To become Mods, you'll be chosen by Adam or Chales here. Not sure about James though ( since he's the Site Director)
  13. Ancient Force: Bahamut, the dragon king Power: Non-elemental Attack: Mega Flare Incarnation: Zerano Encarta Gender: male Supposed age: 28 Trade: Dark KNight Weapon: Katana Appereance: A man with a purple armor. His face is covered and his eyes glows yellow threw the open area. 6'9
  14. G/S/B Master


    John: Yes I caught a Pidgeotto!! [i] Suddenly, a voice came out. [/i] Voice: Stupid Grovyle....You've failed me too much!!!! [i] A kid kicked an injured Grovyle into the air, and he walked away. JOhn rushed towards the Grovyle and rubbed his fingers on his it. [/i] John: Show some respect for this pokemon, kid!! Boy: Ha, it can't do squat. Here's it's pokeball if you want to keep it. [i] He threw a [pokeball at John. John caught it and made Grovyle return to it. [/i] JOhn: I'll show you respect for pokemon 2-on-2 battle. Boy: Sure....GO SALAMENCE AND MILOTIC!!!! [i] The boy threw 2 ultra balls into the air which released to giant pokemon [/i] John: grrr. Tough. GO GYARADOS AND COMBUSKEN!!!! [i] The 2 pokeball exploded and released the 2 pokeball [/i] JOhn: I'll start. Combusken, flamethrower at Milotic!!! Gyarados, DRAGON DANCE!!! [i] Gyarados focused and stood still, while Milotic took a direct head from flamethrower [/i] Boy: ahahahha...Salamence, slash at that weak Combusken. Milotic, hyperbeam at Gyarados! [i] Combusken was knocked out instantly from the slash. And GYarados didn't even fazed from the Hyper Beam. John gave a Max revive to Combusken. [/i] JOhn: GYarados, show MIlotic what a REAL hyper beam look like!!! [i] Gyarados unleashed a HUGE hyper beam at Milotic, Milotic was knocked out [/i] Boy: Grrr, Milotic return. GO WAILMER!!!! Salamence hyper beam at Gyarados!!! [i] A wailmer came out of the pokeball while Salamence used a hyper beam at gyarados. Gyarados fell and was struggling to get up. Gyarados quickly regain his energy. [/i] John: No, Gyarados......grrr. Gyarados use hyper beam. Combusken mega kick on Salamence!!!! [I] Both attacks were critical hit and Salamence was limping. Gyarados fell down and was regaining energy.[/i] Boy: Wailmer, Water gun at Combusken!!! [i] Wailer shot a little water gun at Combusken. Combusken wasn't that much effected against it. [/i] John: Gyarados, you did well, return. Combusken, FINISH SALAMENCE WITH A FLAMETHROWER!!! [i] Gyarados returned to it's Pokeball. Combusken unleashed a flamethrower which finished it off. [/i] Boy: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? grrr you beat my SALAMENCE!?!?!?!?!?!? I give up.....you win. Soon I'll beat you and have my revenge. [i] The boy made Wailmer and Salamence go back to their pokeball and he ran away. Suddenly Combusken evolved into Blaziken.[/i] John: Yes Combusken evolved into Blaziken!!!!
  15. G/S/B Master


    A distance from all the other trainer were.... John: Finally, after all the grueling matches. I have made it to Fortree City. [i] He gazed at the treehouses there were.Then he climbed a ladder and walked towards a pokemon center. Then he climbed down and healed his pokemon. John walked to the PokeMart where he bought some Super potions. Then he left on his journey to Rustboro. Suddenly he found a Pidgeotto.[/i] John: Hehehe This ones mine. GO COMBUSKEN!!! [i] He threw a pokeball which released a large bird that was Combusken. Pidgeotto started with a strong gust attack at it. [/i] John: Hang in there!!! Now use Blaze Kick!!! [i] Combusken lunged at Pidgeotto and summoned a firey tornado around one of the legs. It Hurricane kicked it into the air, then it landed on the ground. [/i] John: GO GREAT BALL!! [i] It landed on Pidgeotto's head and it was inside it. It wobbled a few times into it stopped. It was caught! [/i]
  16. Clay's going to win. Why? Ruben was in the bottom 2 ( which sunk my percentage of Ruben winning ) and Kimberly.....errrrr, something tells me she should've been out from the beggining. Besides, Clay sings better then Kelly Clarkson in my opinion.
  17. Here's a very dumb card I made up ahahahhahahah. Suicidal Soldier 0/0 Earth/Warrior type Effect:If theirs any card in your hand,graveyard or field, all monsters on the field, in your deck,and in your hand are sent to the graveyard. And all but 1 of your life points are deducted. Very,very a must-not card to ahve in your deck hahahahaha.
  18. NO WAY!!!! Sure it gotten worse. But it's still funny ( mostly a chuckle or an insane laugh ). Can't beleive they stop showing all new specials ( Halloween and Cristmas ones ). Now they just shown a new episode ( where Homer got his liscense provoked ). It wasn't as funny as the old ones. But they shouldn't take it off the air. Or else I'll just watch some thing really worse ( King of the hill a.k.a political cartoon gone bad )
  19. I'll take the double-part option Name: (I don't remember any) X Name: Sabertooth Mutant Ability: Healing, Unhuman strength ( any others? ) Children (if any): none Good or bad: Bad
  20. Yeah, my PM box messege is working!!!! I just switched my skin to Version 6 and it started working again. Strange isn't it?
  21. Dang it, all the wicked characters are taken. Name: scott summers X Name: Cyclops Mutant Ability: Plasma energy from his eyes Children (if any): none Good or bad: Good
  22. G/S/B Master


    Rayquaza is a legendary pokemon. It's not allowed. Name: John Age: 14 Hometown: Sootopolis City Appearance: a Pokeball bandana that covers his black hair, Red shirt with a picture of Groudon on it, Jeans, and Brown eyes Bio: He was born in Sootopolis city. The Hoeen pokemon professor gave him the first pokemon when he was 10. Then later on he caught another one. Not many trainers came to the underwater city. He challenged all of them in a battle. He defeated all of them. After their defeats the Gym leader in Sootopolis would cream them badly. Soon he left with his 2 companions. Pokemon: Gyarados and Combusken
  23. Riku is the enemy not both of them. Riku tried to control the Keyblade in the middle of the game, because Maleficent said so. Riku was Maleficent's pawn because he wanted to bring back Kairi's heart. So in a point of view, Riku is either good or bad. If wanted to be in the beggining and have Kairi be taken instead of King mickey, Riku would be a "Good Guy". If it's after the game, Riku is the enemy. P.s. The person who brought back Kairi's heart was Sora.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1] Does it work for you on other skins?[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] On the original skin yeah. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] Do you login automatically when you visit OBs? (cookies) [/size][/QUOTE] Yes. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan [/i] [B][color=darkblue]I had that problem when it wouldn't let me into any threads. I figured out it was my Freedom Security Protection. Disconnect your security programs and have someone send you a pm. It might work, it might not.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Erm how do you do that?
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