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Everything posted by G/S/B Master
This is about the PM Messege warning box. When ever I get a PM, the warning box never comes up. I think it is because of the Liquid skin I'm using. I need help here :bluesweat . And I did put yes for the enabler.
Sign Up Kingdom Hearts:The Capture of Kairi and The New Evil
G/S/B Master replied to Sakura's topic in Theater
Ok, oh yeah one more thing, Riku and Sora are enemies. Character 2: Yuffie Weapon: Ninja Stars Description: Same thing from FF7 Summon: None Bio: Same as Leon's. Character 3: Beast Weapon: Claws Description: a beast with a Purple cape and fancy Clothes. Summon: none Bio: He wants to help find Kairi because he want to return the favor for helping him find Beauty. -
Sign Up Kingdom Hearts:The Capture of Kairi and The New Evil
G/S/B Master replied to Sakura's topic in Theater
I'll sign up with NO summons Name: Leon Weapon: Gunblade Summon: None, N/A,Zero Description: He wore the same thing exept a short jacket with a red griever head in the back. Bio: He was helping Sora finding Kairi because it was an reward from beating him with Yuffie and with Cloud in the Colliseum. I'll play Aeris and Yuffie for you if you like. -
I remembered something really weird about what Misty said in one of the episodes. Ash: Can't beleive Brock is going to be married Misty: Just like we're going to some day Ash: HUH?! To refresh which episode it was..... Brock broke a fall of a girl. Then she fell in love with him and started making up weird fantasies. I forgot what her name was ( it was parts of pokemon names that her parents describe her as ). But then James broke her fall later in the episode. Then she fell in love with him. Team Rocket used it as an advantage to steal her father's pokemon because the girl's father was a Pokemon Researcher. After Team Rocket was once again defeated the girl fainted. The father explained why she fell in love with a guy so quickly. And Brock was left dateless and wasn't married. So it left me with one explaination. Misty likes Ash. Manga series sort of supports it ( and it made Brock look like a serious pain in the behind ). How would you think of it? ( Hopefully the conversation would be good so this wouldn't be closed)
Delia was mentioned in one of the pokemon movie. Misty's last name wasn't mentioned in any resorces I know.
RPG Pokemon: The conflicts between Team magma and Aqua
G/S/B Master replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
I'm back!!! -------------------------------- [i] As they reached the top of the ashy mountain, they landed on the ground and withdrew their Pidgeots. They ran as fast as they can, but then 2 Team Magma members blocked their way. [/i] Magma 1: So it's the little kids.....how sad that the mountain is going to explode. Magma 2: And you're not going anywhere intil you battle. Brendan: You go on ahead Amber, I'll take care of this. [i] Amber shook her head and ran ahead [/i] Brendan: GO GOLEM AND GENGAR!! Magma 1: GO MIGHTYENA! Magma 2: GO SHELLGON! Brendan: WHAT?!?!?!?! [i] the 4 pokemon exploded out of the pokeball. [/i] Magma 2: Evolve my shellgon!!! [i] THen shellgon evolved into.... a huge dragon [/i] -
Shade, when the RPG is going to start?? And what are the effects/attack/defense of Warlord of Set.
I have a question about recruiting on Blitzball..... how the heck can you recuit an Al Bhed????? ( I think on my game they didn't resign Nimrook's contract. )
????? That's the wrecked ship.....You can't explore the S.S. Tidal.
[i] The team ran off to the cable car north of Mauville where they heard that Team magma and aqua and fighting there. On their way they came by a tv reporter and a camera man. The reporter asked for a pokemon battle with any of the 4 trainers. [/i] Brendan: Sure,Krystal,Zan, go on ahead. Amber and I will take care of this. [i]Krystal and Zan ran off to the cable car. [/i] Tv Reporter: GO EXPLOUD!!! Camera man: GO MAGNETON!!! [i] The 2 pokeball they threw out opened. One looked like Mickey mouse gone mad which was Exploud, and the other was 3 Magnemite combined, which was Magneton. [/i] Brendan: GO GOLEM!!! [i] Brendan threw an Ultra ball out which Golem came out. They awaited for Amber's pokemon [/i]
Sign Up Pokemon: The conflicts of Team magma and Team aqua
G/S/B Master replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
Jeez, I thought this RPG is going down under... SORRY PEOPLE!!!!! I'll start the RPG as soon I count how many people is in it and split them into catagories... Note to Ikaku:......not sure if you could become a neutral character. Well if you want to be a side character to this RPG then go ahead. Edit2: List: Chosen ones: Brendan, Amber, Krystal, Zan (4) Team Aqua: Archie, Leigh, Saku,Seion (4) Team Magma: Chaos, Kazumaki (2) Side Character: Imaku (1) It'll begin soon enough people...... -
WHat happened if you killed Shiva? ( I used her to destroy the guards with her overdrive, then Anima killed her with Pain. ) I remember in a stratagy guide in GameFAQ saying that you should use the NulMagic ability in a order. Don't remember what it is, but it helped the user to block all of his Multi-spells.
I'm referring to the first battle in FFX.He wiped me out with his Multi-spells (Multi-watera,Multi-fira), and I thought I had Anima to worry about. How did you handle Seymour?
As for the description for Team aqua....: They look the same as Magma except that they do not wear anything in front of their face. Plus instead of red, it's blue. Master Quest: It's the same ol' thing like Johto Journeys and that other one after it (don't remember title). Master quest is the 3rd part of the Johto episodes not the 2nd half.
Yeah thats the answer... ask a question.
I use virtual desktop, it's more easier to install than apprentice. Note to Domon: I don't think any of the patches has Valkyrion so that the magnet warriors aren't that much use.
No mercy Continuous Trap This trap remains active intil your opponent attacks 5 time. Negate 5 attacks. All effects on the opponent's field are negated. For each attacks all monster level 2-12 on the opponents side of the field are destroyed and all level 1 are in attack mode and all stats are reduced to 0, any equip magic cards equip to the level 1s are destroyed. Matrix Evolution Equip magic The monster's stats are triple of it's original stats Matrix Zoa [8000/16,000] Monster Effect: This monster is only summoned when [Metal Zoa+Matrix Evolution] are sacrificed. All machine types on the opponent's field are removed from the field, but they can attack, block attacks for the monsters of the owner of the card, and sacrificed. All non-machine types on the opponent's field becomes machine types automatically and the same effect applies. This effect doesn't applies with monsters level 10-12. For each machine types on the field, in the graveyard, and out of the field, this card gains 500 attack points. Double pain Continiuous Magic Both players from now on recieve twice as much LP damage
Jeez this topic again.... It all started about......the year 2000-2001. I've been searching for cheat codes for Blue Version ( Don't ask ). Then suddenly the word [url]www.pokecheats.com[/url] came up. I visited the site, and I clicked on forums accidently. I joined and I've been a member since then.
User Name: GSB Master ( leave off the slashes ) Name: John ( Should I change my name to Johnny since Etarah's Maverick and I have the same name? ) Bio: He has been a member of Otakuboards in the year 2001, he left the board for a while in 2002. When the board was plagued by spam, he came back to save the forums including the POkemon forum.
Oh, Frustration does equal damage on how angry it is at you.
It doesn't make any sense. Yu-gi-oh and Pokemon competing eachother?? Please... There's nothing to compete. There's no company that is using their own anime to compete with others. Besides, kidsWB are throwing episodes at us that was made in Japan and that was translated, in that time..... POkemon was almost over when Yu-gi-oh got popular in Japan I guess. So no competition.
Roxanne-Stone badge Brawly-Knuckle Badge Wattson-Dynamo Badge Flannery-Heat badge Norman-Balance Badge Winona-Feather Badge Tate & Liza-Mind Badge Wallace-Rain Badge In R/S, what's TM 50, what does it do, and what is the base damage?
Frustration Q: In Ruby/ Sapphire, how do you get the new legendary Trio (step by step) and who are they?
Name: John Age: 16 Looks: Like Yami in Battle city, exept with green spiky hair. Deck Theme: Dragon/Warrior/Magician/Machine Rare Cards: Hell masker Frankenstein (japeneise), Black paladin, XYZ Dragon, Black Luster Soldier, Valkyrion, BEWD, Master Dragon Knight Bio: A HUGE fan of Yugi. He looks like yugi, he talks like yugi, heck even at the same age. Exept he's as tall as Yami. Yugi is his idol. The weirdest thing that....... he also has dueling knowlegdes of Yami. Personality: Same as Yugi's
Get a geodude and evolve into a Graveler, raise Grovyle's level to 36 so it can evolve, put Poochyena in the daycare. By now you should defeat the gym leader's pokemon easily.