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Everything posted by G/S/B Master
Herobear's answer: Use SOlomen's law book like Domon said, and place the Armed Ninja on the field and use it's effect so you could repeatly us the Solomon's lawbook.
$97? Jeez you got ripped off big time. Thats about 8x more than what I payed......I got it for $17 (plus tax). But I didn't get I die. Or are you talking about the Joey starter extension.
Long ago 2 pokemon,the creature of the sun and the sea, fought on the Hoenn region. The sun pokemon created land with it's magma power while the sea creature made islands and the seas. But when a legendary pokemon appeared, it created the orbs which stopped the war between the 2 and the world was peaceful. Thousands of years later, it happened again. Exept it was humans, which was called Team magma and team aqua. Team magma's mission was to expand the land so more people could live there, while Team Aqua's mission was to flood most of the land so their would be more space water pokemon. To fullfil their missions, they will take the orbs which will awaken the 2 pokemon and use their powers. This might also distub the pokemon that also created the peace.....It's up to the chosen pokemon trainers to stop the war before it'll happen again. *Note: this RPG might spoil the Ruby and Sapphire pokemon game I'll need... Name: Age: (up to 24) POkemon: ( No legendaries, must have a water pokemon that can dive underwater. You'll see why hehehe. Only 1 trainer can have a Tyranitar) appearance: Bio: What team you're on: ( can be chosen ones,Team magma, Team aqua. If you chosen Team aqua/magma, then don't write your appearance, instead what position you're in. Positions: Grunt,Elite grunt,Administerator Grunt or leader. If a leader then you're name must be Maxie if you're the leader of Team magma. If a leader of Team Aqua, then your name is Archie.) Name: Brendan Age: 16 Pokemon: Gyarados Gengar Manectric Typhlosion Pigeot Golem Appearance: Same appearance to the male character in R/S exept has brown hair instead of silver. Bio: His grandpa told him the history of hoeen and decieded to make a group of team that would stop it from happening. He strangely sense that Team magma/aqua is going to make it happen again. What team you're on: Chosen ones.
I really like to use Giant Trunade. It usully throws my opponent off game. All magics and trap cards are returned to the owner's hand. Really good if your opponent uses let say.... Kiseitai or played Mirrior Force face down. Then I play a card and destroy his monster. If I have more than 1 monster I destroy his remaing monsters/attack his life points.
Easy, sail back to Dewford, and go to the cave where Steven is. Then train. Get a Magikarp and train it into a Gyarados. Thats what I did before I battled Brawly to kill some time hahaha. FOr some experiences, go north of Slateport and you should see a house called the "Trick House". When you enter the house it says " Somebody is watching". Go to the table and search around intil a text box appears. Then after the man has finish blabbering, go to the scroll and start using your Rock smash ability. There some trainers in there that has pokemon about level 12-15. You need a secret code to get inside. Find a scroll and go to the metal door. Press A and it'll open. The guy inside will give you a item and you can leave by going into the hole. I'd advise you to catch an Electrike so it could beat your rival's starter. The Electrike is around the grass before you fight your rival. Also catch a Geodude from the cave near Dewford so you could destroy the 3rd gym leader. Dump Poochyena, because it isn't that good. Trust me, in each battle Poochyena always get Knocked-out when I use it.
Hypershadow let me give you a little help with the gym leader. Pokemon: Geodude and Nosepass. Geodude: You should easily beat it with Ralts or Wingull. Nosepass: You should only battle with Ralts, because Nosepass can easily kill your Torchic/Conbusken(in 2 hits in that form I think) and Wingull with Rock Tomb. Double Kick is a good help against the deformed creature. Note: You can evolve Wingull to Pelipper :D. I have one question, in the anime is Team Magma and Team Agua on Team rocket's side?
Right now I'm on the 7th gym leader. Here's all the legendary pokemon you can find on R/S. [spoiler] The new trio of legendarys: Regi-ice,Regi-steel,Regi-rock Latios(ruby) , Latias(Sapphire) Groudon (Ruby), Kyogre ( Sapphire) Rayquaza (both of the version, sidenote: VERY VERY POWERFUL!!!) [/spoiler] The legendarys seems good enough. The new trio of legendarys are very hard to get in the process, but it pays off. Celebi is replaced with Rayquaza, the ultimate legendary pokemon of all. If you want to know how to get them, PM me. Summary: It's a really good game. The graphics, attack animation, and a few others has really improved. I reccommend it to all the Pokemon fans out there. 2-on-2 battle: It's really cool alright, but it seems that some of the attacks could damage your pokemon and both of your opponents. A good example is SelfDestruct. It practicly destroys every pokemon on the field, but it still a good option.
Hey! How come my question was skipped?
Name: Jack Pokemon: Poliwrath
level 10 Which pokemons have spanish numbers in their names?
Note: I thought the ritual magic card for Relinquish is Dark Illusion ritual Here's my Updated deck: Non-tribute: Rainbow Flower Nimble Momonga Kiseitai 2x Trap Master Overdrive 3x Giant Germ 2x La Jinn Wall of Illusion High Tide Gyojin Ancient Brain Mysterious Puppeteer 2x Ryu-Kishen Powered Man-Eater Bug Dragon Zombie Hane-Hane Blue Winged Crown Lord of D. Armored Zombie Guardian of the Throne Room Giant Soldier of Stone Neo the Magic Swordsman Bite Shoes Fire Kraken Oni Tank T-34 Mystical Elf Man-eating Tresure Chest Dark fire soldier #1 Dark fire soldier #2 Battle Ox Tribute 5-6: 3x Labyrinth Wall Shadow Ghoul Summoned Skull Tribute 7 and up: Sword Hunter 2x Ryu-Ran Hyozanryu 2x Wingweaver Dark Magician Blue-Eyes White Dragon Gaia the Fierce Knight Magics: Sogen Tribute to the Doomed Dian Keto Tremendous Fire 2x Ground Callapse Card Destruction Share the Pain Ookazi Curse of Fiend Horn of the Unicorn Chorus of Sanctuary Monster Reborn Last Will Remove Trap Dark Energy Sword of Dark destruction Change of Heart Inexperienced Spy 2x Fissure Shield & Sword Soul Exchange Chain Energy 2x De-spell Dark Hole Ancient Telescope Tailor of the Fickle Invigoration Book of Secret Arts The Flute of Summoning Dragon The Cheeful Coffin Traps: Ultimate Offering Just Desserts Mystic Probe Enchanted Javelin What card I need to get rid of????
..... 1st step.First get 2 good or great Chocobos and use a Carob nut to mate. To increse your chances, make the parents S class racers. Repeat this again and you should have a moutain and River chocobo. You get a Carob nut by stealing it from a Vlakorados that roams in the forests near Bone Village 2nd step: Get another Carob nut and train the parents ( Moutain and river chocobo ) into S class chocobos.Then mate them again with the Carob nut to get a Black Chocobo. 3rd Step: Get a wonderful Chocobo and train the Black chocobo and the Wonderful chocobo into S class racers. THen mate them with a Zeio nut. You should get a Gold Chocobo. To get a Zeio nut, steal one from a Goblin. 4th Step. Go to the island northeast from the Chocobo ranch and get the KoTR materia Q: In FF7, In the GOlden Saucer battle arena, what enemies do you fight when you are invited to the special arena?
Switch Tifa with Barret and make him learn like a late level 2 or a early level 3 limit break. Preparation: Aeris should have the Cure-all combo in her materia slot and with the bolt 2 ability,If you have the elemental materia then put elemental-bolt materias into her armor so she's protected from Trine.While Cloud should have the ice 2 ability. Barret should equip enemy skill so it could learn the Trine ability. Materia Keeper HP:8400 Actual battle: He's one tough boss.Most of it's attacks can do 200-300 damage. Don't use any fire spells because it heals him. First hit the boss hard with bolt 2 and ice 2 magics. Whenever you can use limit breaks USE THEM IMMEDIATLY!!!! Except for Aeris's.When your MP is low then switch to normal attacks or use ethers. WHen he's almost dieing he'll use Cure 2 on himself. But don't worry it only heals about 1,000 HP... that isn't much. When you win you'll recieve a Jem Ring, 3000 EXP, 2400 gil, and 200 AP.
I just saw the first half of the preview..........and once again Ash destroyed another bike. LOL! [spoiler] I wonder when Team Rocket strap Pikachu in some electro-Magnetic field... [/spoiler]
Yup, those are the 2. Either 1 of you post the next question.
I know part of the movie.... [spoiler] There was one kid that never had a Duel Monsters card in his life. When he first got his booster....he got a REBD. He was surprised and never showed it to the public, afraid that someone might steal it. Later Joey was with him when suddenly 2 men in black suits ( one of them was Kimo :shifty: ) attacked the kid. Joey defended the kid and beated them both up. But 1 of the guards fought back and beated him badly. Joey took the REBD before he got beat up. When the guards left. Joey dropped the Red Eyes and his blood dripped on it. Later Yugi is dueling Kaiba. ( Note don't have the full coverage though.) In the middle of the duel time, Kaiba used a card called chain of destruction to lock all 3 BEWD in one freaky lookin chain.The kid notices that Yugi have his Red eyes in his hand ( for some reason. ). He wonders why he's not using it. Joey said that he's not using it, because the kid doesn't beleive in his dueling skills ( or something like that) with his REBD. Then little bit later, the kid yells at yugi that he beleives. (Not sure bout this part) Then Yugi put it out on the field ( with his Dark magician I think ) and kicked major *** with it. Then in the last scene. The kid was dueling and he drawn his REBD. He put it out and the movie ends. The background of the ending is the Red Eyes black dragon. [/spoiler]
Yup next year is the new series. I'm going to miss Misty though :(. I notice ash wears the new R/S clothes thats going to appear in the game. I believe the girl is in the game too. Strange...
Rhydon's special attack does sucks BADLY!!! So go to the offensive and get a Machamp..... If a poliwrath get this move set: Mind Reader ( Waste some PP ups on it :D ) Dynamic Punch Fissure and Surf Item: Mystic Water You'll beat a Tyranitar quick and easy. For a Machamp, equip Black Belt, teach Cross Chop, and let it rip.
What would you do with a Trillion dollars?
G/S/B Master replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
In reality, it's impossible to get a trillion dollars, even if you have all the money in the world. If I had a trillion dollars, I could buy the whole earth. -
Don't mention Kuja's Metal Thong. *shudders* I agree that Sephiroth is a great villin. He masaquade a large amount of people, he's worthy of being the final boss ( you and your people with your cheap KoTR summmon ),and well.... HE'S A PSYCHOTIC INSANE MANIAC!!!!! I'm not sure of Kefka though...since I don't play FF6 heh.
* Searches through his guide book* Hm02: Route 16, Fly ability. Q:Which 2 pokemon when you spell it backwords, Decribes what kind of animal it is.
Edea first battle stratagy guide: [spoiler] Preperation: Squall equiped with Carbuncle. Seifer Battle: Squall first cast Carbuncle so his Fire/Fira spell gets repelled. Mug him intil you get a hero. Then finish him off. Edea battle: Luckily Irvine and Rinoa comes to your party. Squall cast Carbuncle, Rinoa becomes the healer of the party, and Irvine attacks normally or summon GFs. After Carbuncle casts reflect on everyone, Edea will waste her turn casting Dispell on everyone so let Squall cast Carbuncle everytime Edea casts Dispell. You could draw if you want to because she has a nice set of spells to draw. Sooner or later Edea stops the battle either that you defeated her or wasted too much time. Edea uses Ice strike on Squall which Squall mysteriously survived. 2nd Battle Seifer: Somebody casts Carbuncle, somebody becomes healer, and Squall attacks. This time he got a wicked attack called "Demon Blade". It does extensive damage and he seems to target Squall the most.Squall should mug him and go for the kill. 3rd battle Seifer: Dude this guy never quits, use extreme caution and use the stratagy above. 4th battle: Edea: This time she has a spell called Maelstrom which causes curse and lower down you HPs to critical. The healer must use Remedies or an Esuna spell on everyone so they could use Limit Breaks. Don't try using Carbuncle because most of her spells are unreflectable. Mug her and win. Squall and Zell are must haves in this battle. Use Squall's and Zell's limit breaks so they could do some extensive damage. For Zell's, his Strength must be high so that the Booya+Punch Rush combo can work. [/spoiler]
Anime Weird Yu-Gi-Oh Though of the week #1: Looking at Card Destruction
G/S/B Master replied to Circ's topic in Otaku Central
*Looks close on his card destruction card* The magic looks a lot like Infinite Card. Monster: Harpies lady Sisters Ritual: Crab turtle Trap: Just desserts or bad reaction to mooshi. -
I'm going to take a while guess. Sand attack, tackly, and take down.
This is actually a question, if you wander around the continent with Esthar, you'll find a line crater like thinger-majigy. If you tried to cross it with the mobile garden, Nina starts to say that theres a power surge and needs to get out of the area......Not sure if this is Esthar though because it's in disk 2 when you find it. My 2nd question is about my theory about bosses using GFs. I know you're thinking thats a crazy idea right? It sorta true but it's not confirmed yet. For example, in the Iguion boss battle, they cast reflect on each other. But if you draw Carbuncle from it. They stop casting reflect. The only boss that I don't know that uses GFs is Ultima Weapon. So do you think that bosses uses the GFs until you draw them?