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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. G/S/B Master


    I really like Water pokemon because the Whirl Island episodes. My favorite is Poliwrath. Not only it's a water, it's a really good fighting pokemon. The good move combos you could use is Mind reader/Dynamic punch and Mind reader/Fissure. If it's against a flying pokemon I think that it could counter every one of it's attacks. Making it a Killer pokemon. I also like Suicune. It could learn mirrior coat and it's really cool lookin. Really packs a punch.
  2. [i] As Kjata go to the Alexandria harbor where the Hilda Garde 3 was mysteriously parked, Zidane stops him. [/i] Zidane: Give this letter from Garnet to Eiko when you get to Lindblum. [i] Zidane gives him the letter and Kjata continues on. He talked to the first Alexandrian Soldier and rode on the statue. After the ride he continue walking and finally out of the cavern. He boards the Hilda Garde 3 and the ship took off to Lindblum. [/i]
  3. Errrrrrr ok.....Mostly the RPG doesn't make since because all the evil of the past are all DEAD. Name: Kjata (ja-ta) Appearence: Like Kuja from FFIX Age: 21 Attacks: Flare Star, Climhazzard, Executioner Magic: Flare, Holy, Curaga weapon: Excaliber Bio: When he was a baby, he was founded near the Iifa Tree near Kuja. Zidane took him to Alexandria where he builds up his knightly skills from Steiner. He somehow inherited Kuja's special ability and left for his journey.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B]That Would be the wonderful Edea card. Question: What card has the following: ..4 A...A ..2 [/B][/QUOTE] is that the Alexander card?
  5. Perfect game (for gamecube,or if something happened Playstation :D): Lush 3D graphics, competitional events ( like a pokemon race, the speed depends on the pokemon's stats, or like a pokemon sumo wrestling match ), no more random encounters and actually see the pokemon on the field, side quests, options to join Team rocket, let you actually travel the whole world, ride on the S.S. Ann ( and please no more titanic events on it!!!!!!!), and most importantly...... make it an online game!!! Yeah I agree with changing clothes and stuff. It's a lot better than buying jewlery from the diamond seller in G/S LOL!!
  6. If you don't have Invincible Moon, go get a Tonberry GF. Learn the ability "Call Shop".Buy yourself the pet magazine and read it!!!! About Siren: Yeah, you did miss out on some good GF ability. Also it's good in the sorceresss battle so you could Silence them out.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nefertimon [/i] [B]Another thing you can do is use a high-level Kadabra or something like that.[/B][/QUOTE] A downfall to that is if your "high-level" pokemon is over level 40. It won't listen to your commands most of the time. To beat Morty: Catch a hoothoot and a geodude. Don't let both of them evolve. Then when Hoothoot reach level 34, it'll learn confusion. Let hoothoot evolve at level 35. When Geodude reach level 36, it'll learn EarthQuake. Let Geodude evolve at level 37. Extra preperation: While you train those 2 pokemon and the others, get Mint berries. Once you have 6 Mint berries, stop getting them and buy 6-12 awakenings. WHen you're ready to battle Morty, equip every pokemon with Mint berries so when your pokemon become asleep they'll be awake instantly. Good luck....
  8. Nope, nope, and nope....... GinnyLyn's Question: 17 It seem that no one will get my first question right so the answer was Teddiursa.
  9. In the 1st disk, when you're finding the Pluto Knights and you're controling Steiner. If you search the castle throughly, you should find the kitchen room. In there, move left to the next room. Move more left intil you see a Qu that looks a lot like Quina! Well, I don't exactly know if it is Quina, because when you talk to her/im it the name doesn't appear. So is it Quina?
  10. What level do you recommend before you fight? Steal list: [spoiler] Nova Dragon-Grand Armor, Dragon Wrist, Remedy Malris (Chaos Guardian of Fire)-Masamune, Ultima Sword, Genji Armor Tiamat (Chaos Guardian of Wind)- Grand Helm, Feather Boots, Blood Sword Kraken (CHaos Guardian of Water)- Glutton's Robe, Wizard Rod, Genji Helmet Lich (Chaos Guardian of Earth)- Black Robe, Siren's Flute, Genji Gloves Deathguise- Duel Claws, Black Belt, Elixer Trance Kuja- Rebirth Ring, White Robe, Ether Necron- Elixer (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) Hades- Robe of Lords, Battle Boots, Running Shoes, Reflect Ring Note: List courtesy of the official FFIX Stratagy Guide [/spoiler] Now I will continue destroying Grand Dragons.
  11. I'm on disk 4, preparing myself from [spoiler] Nova Dragon, the 4 chaos guardians, Deathguise, maybe Hades, Trance Kuja, and Necron.[/spoiler] Any tips for before I face those bosses?
  12. Yup. Hey I beat the first form of Ultimecia with only the attack and GF ability, and also almost defeated Griever. But it wiped me out with ShockWave Pulsar. Sure you have to fight some bosses to make the battle easier. But hey it's much more easier than beating [spoiler] Ultima Weapon [/spoiler] in my view.
  13. More quotes from the Frank Grimes Jr. Episode. Officer Wiggum: Hey you are uppose to be there. Prisoner2: Are you saying that he is crazier than me?!?!?! Wiggum: Yes. * the 2 switch places * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob: Hello bart. Bart & Lisa: AH! Sideshow bob!!!! Bob: Call me Bob, we known each other for so long. Bart & Lisa: AH!! Bob!!
  14. Re-live the simpson quote topic lol.Don't quite remember this quote though. * Homer painted "El Homo" on the wall " Guy: OH your so wonderful!!! Homer: Thanks. Bart: Uhh dad. *Homer relizes and use purple paint to paint over it.* lol. More Ralph quotes lol. - Even my boogers are spicy. - I'm scared, too scared to wet my pants. - Hi Super nintendo Chalmers. Frank grimes Junior epi. Homer: But thats impossible, he didn't marry anyone! Frank Grimes Jr.: Well he happens to like hookers.
  15. It wasn't Entei. You were right on the bonus question. If any of you have the 3rd pokemon movie video. Watch the credits and you'll see her pokemon.
  16. Don't be so sure. I've seen Yu-gi-oh card stickers. My friend has the dragon champion card sticker with silver lettering and a holo picture on it......The stickers are very true on what they look like in real life. I don't know if this is considered a pack,but he also got 2 Dark magician in one Yugi Starter deck when he bought it.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red]Tiamat isn't weak against much, but you can hit him with GF Doomtrain. As for getting Eden on Disc 4, it's not easier, because on Disc 4 you would have to either A) fight the series of Bosses to get to Tiamat or B) go through the ordeal to get the Ragnarok.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You don't have to battle all the bosses to get to Tiamat. (The 1st boss you see is the one you must battle.) I think Tiamat is easier, becuase you don't have to fight a guy that has an ultra cheap move that can wipe out one of your character in one turn.
  18. Answer: Abra: level 50 Kadabra level 50 Alakazam: Level 50 Q:In the ending of the 3rd pokemon movie,what REAL pokemon Molly have? Bonus: Did her mother come back?
  19. If you want Eden so badly the easy way.Wait intil Disk 4 and...... [spoiler] Then inside Ultimecia's castle,go to the clock tower and you'll see a dragon that looks like Bahumut. Run up to him and you'll be launched into a battle. Tiamat Squall should draw Eden from Tiamat.While your other 2 character should summon Shiva and Ifrit because I think Tiamat is 4x weak to ice and fire type attacks. In Squall's next turn,he should cast protect on everyone from Tiamat's Dark Flare attack....Do not summmon Quezecoatl or Pandemona because Tiamat is immune to wind magic and resistance to thunder magic. After you defeat Tiamat,you get Eden if you have drawn him from Tiamat.You get to name him and it's offcially yours. [/spoiler]
  20. I got Jin. I always play with him....because of his very cheesy move in Tekken 3. 2nd try: Kazuya Mishima 3rd try: (this time a female character) Nina.......
  21. Black waltz and Sea Lion vs Zidane stratagy guide: Made by me :D. [spoiler] First Black Waltz#1 will summon Sea lion.If you got Mage masher equiped to Zidane you'll easily win the battle with his Dyne ability "Tidal FLame".Raise Zidane's level around level 15. Your first priority is to knock the stuffing out of Black Waltz.Focus all of your attacks on Black Waltz intil he dies.When your HP is 150 or lower use potion immediatly...After you knock out Black Waltz,attack Sea Lion.If you trance,don't be afraid to use Tidal FLame.When you cause enough damage his bell will change to blue to yellow.Be careful,he'll use Blizzard and immediattly use Wing attack.Sometimes he uses that tatic for a counter attack.Finish him off quick,use potion when your HP is lower than 200 this time. When his bell becomes red,He'll be using Blizzara now instead of Blizzard.KEEP YOUR HP UP!!!!!!Attack it 1 or 2 more time and start stealing stuff.Stop stealing once you have Mythril Dagger and Ether.Then go for the kill. After the battle,the cinema shows you that another Black Waltz was watching you.But it dissappeared.Later,Garnet changes her name to dagger.It's really funny if you put in Garnet instead. Then you'll be walking to Dali,your next destination. [/spoiler] ____________________ OK,I'm collecting blood stones now.I have collected one,but I can't light the candle in the central stair......That suppose to be the one I could get my 2nd bloodstone.HOw do you get all the blood stones? [size=1][color=crimson]Don't double post you fool! Never ever do it again! :) -[b]Break[/b][/color][/size]
  22. I got almost all of my cards rares and super rares in one Magic Ruler pack
  23. I'll join...Save a spot for me....I'm downloading the file right now.. I'll edit this post to get my stats
  24. Actually I heard that Green's graphics was as bad as the unfinished image of MissingNo. lol. I hope that they don't make names like Pokemon Ethics lol. It wouldn't be a surprise if there is a 3rd one. Topaz,Diamond ECT.
  25. This is my friend weirdest move: When ever he uses SHadow of Eyes my face down monster,it's always mystical elf. My weirdest move is that I used De-spell on his toon world which obblitherated all of his toons and theres no monster left,used my borrowed megamorph on my blue eyes,used 2 oozaki,attack with my blue eyes,attack with catapult turtle,and use the catapult effect and sacrificed my blue eyes,bringing down my opponent's life point down to zero. My opponent's life point was under 13,000 but over 10,000 because of that cursed Solemn Wishes....
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