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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. D_A,you could be on the evil side,if more people wants to be on Galabadia's side,I'll make Cerberus avalible for only for Galabadia people.If D_A the only Galabadia soldier person,I'll use Cerberus for later purpouses. We'll start when all or almost all GFs are taken. Asuka,Shiva is already taken by Progressive.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sheikahmon [/i] [B]Whoa, wait a minute. Basic error here, G/S/B Master. You said that your male Kangaskhan hatched from an egg with a baby in its pouch. Very strange, considering that Kangaskhan is one of those species that is ONLY FEMALE! There are various Pokemon that only come in one gender. Hitmontop is only male, Tyrogue is only male, and Tauros is only male. Jynx is only female, Miltank is only female, and KANGASKHAN is only female! Hope to have cleared this up. [/B][/QUOTE] Strange...my game is glitched.My Kangaskhan is a male.....very strange.
  3. This RPG will revolve around FFVIII. This is one of my 1st RPG so cut some slack on me.Sorry if it is too much info. [i] 10 years after Ultimecia's death and the team returned to the present,everything changed. Squall obviously became the headmaster,Rinoa married Squall and lives in Balamb,Zell lived in Balamb with his mom and brags about how he defeated Ultimecia to the whole town,Selphie and Irvine got married and moved to Trabia to helped rebuild Trabia garden,and Quistis became the INstructor again in Balamb Garden.Edea and Cid stayed at the Orphanage Squall somehow made Balamb garden unmobile and puts the Balamb garden where it was orginally placed.Selphie and Irvine took the Ragonarok to go to Trabia. As for Seifer,he rebuild Galbadia Garden with the help of the Galbadia region's money and created an army of Galbadian soldiers and swore revenge against Squall. One day,Edea became possesed and Rinoa's sorceress powers became weak.Dr.Odine and Laguna in Esthar beleives that Ultimecia is doing this.How?The Past of the Future made Ultimecia exists on and on but it's memory is still the same.After the possesion,Edea comes to Seifer and tells him things.Seifer tells Edea what has happen. Ultimecia in the future becomes mad and converts her mad magic into Edea.Making Edea the MOST powerful sorceress that exists in the present time.Possesed Edea uses her ability to blow away some GFs from Squall. After this action,Cid returned to Balamb with Selphie and Irvine with the Ragonarok and becomes Headmaster again.While Squall is Second in command.Edea overrules Galbadian Garden and became the leader while Seifer is in Second of command. After Cid and Squall heard what happened to Edea.Squall orders his special SeeDs to defeat Ultimecia again.While the other SeeDs defeat the Ultimecia before the Ultimecia the special SeeDs are fighting...and one of the Special SeeDs is you [/i] Cactuar,Bahamut,Tonberry are the GFs that's been blown away.....You could get them but you'll have to fight them in during the RPG.ALso they'll be at the locations of where oyu get it in teh game. Eden,DoomTrain,and Diablos is the only GFs that are not avalible.They'll be used later in the RPG.The special GFs that are not avalible is Gilgamesh because it'll be used later in the RPG. THe avalibles are: Quezecoatl, [COLOR=red]TAKEN[/COLOR] Shiva [COLOR=red]TAKEN[/COLOR] Siren Carbuncle [COLOR=red]TAKEN[/COLOR] Leviathan [COLOR=red]TAKEN[/COLOR] Pandemona [COLOR=red]TAKEN[/COLOR] Alexander [COLOR=red]TAKEN[/COLOR] brothers [COLOR=red]TAKEN[/COLOR] Cerberus (reserved only for Galabadia people) and Ifrit [COLOR=red]TAKEN[/COLOR] They're abilities are mastered too. Your Sign up will be: Name: Age GFs: (Max is 2) Bio SeeD level:(Max is 20) Weapon: Limit Break(1): Garden: (Balamb,Trabia,or Galabadia) Heres mine Name: John Age: 18 GF: Alexander Bio: John enrolled in the garden 9 years ago.Has been a SeeD when he was 16.He suceeded in every mission he was in.Finally he got in the special SeeD army and he's proud of it. SeeD Level: 20 Weapon: Gunblade Limit Break: Psycho Blade Garden: Balamb
  4. Auron could beat the final form of sephiroth?????Safer Sephiroth?After AUron gets hit by Safer's Pale hourse,poor Auron gets hit by every negative status effect exists!!!But since Auron can be equiped with Ribbon it only does weak damage......But still if you're against Bizzarro Sephiroth with only just auron Auron has to attack ALL of the parts of Blizzaro Spehiroth.WHile Sephiroth recovers parts of each of his body with the core.and the core is what keeping it alive.PLus you have to knock out the head,Arms/fins,and legs just to inflict damage to the core.ALso Auron has to take out just the TOrso to beat it but the Core will just heal it.PLus the Torso can be hardly damaged at all.SO you need to take out the core to caus havoc on the torso.Sephiroth will immediatly transform into Safer Sephiroth and take out the Damaged Auron. NOte/Edit: I'm not Assuming that Sephiroth is the best and blah blah blah.Auron might beat Sephiroth in some unknown reason (I don't play FFX but I read about it and plan stratagies for each bosses.)
  5. Well 3 Magic Rulers is keeping me happy.Plus 2 card protecters :D. Well happy over NOT getting McDonalds to get YGO cards. I really wanted Millenium shield though but I got 2 [strike] Laberynth [/strike] Walls Edit: Oh yeah I ahve a Turtle bird because I won some kid in a duel for his McDonlad TUrtle BIrd since he has 2 of em.
  6. Still don't get it but in POwer strength???Mesa don't get it. I'd vote for Sephiroth because he's just cool and the last boss in FFVII.
  7. ????Worst character or the bad guy character?
  8. OoT: Whats up with Break's member title? Moderator & Idiot..... [size=1][color=crimson]I are idiot. You must ask me on PM, it's a long story, my friend. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color] Anyways is Gizamaluke a beast?I could really cause some havoc if he does. Do you recommand me to learn EVERY abilility that I can learn?
  9. A 100 posts will change your newbie title into a Junior Member.
  10. -When you see a gigantic parrot and thinking if it is Ho-oh - When yuo see a raging storm out in the oceans,you tell everyone that Lugia is angry -When your hometown gets a blizzard you think Articuno is there -Asks every Red,Ribbon tied,haired nurse if she's nurse joy. -you keep on getting all 251 pokemon in your pokemon game -you threatened every kid you know that they have Celebi to give Celebi to you.
  11. OK,I just bought FFIX.And I have a few questions.... Does Quina's Limit glove work on bosses?(I'll be unstoppable if it does,9999 damage!) How do I get to the boss in the cave near Qu's Marsh?(One with dead Bermecia soldiers and Black mages,the last word in the location was Groto) and What level do you recommend fighting the boss?
  12. [i]Tiamat Zero flew and landed near a cave where he found the Magus sisters.Tiamat Zero explained and the Magus Sisters ran into the forest near them.[/i] Tiamat Zero: TIme to get back with Griver [i] Tiamat Zero changes into HUman form and ran into the Forest with the Magus Sisters.[/i]
  13. Same episode SS5 Gogeta said in the last Quote Lisa: With Mr.burns last strength he landed on W S.To his vision he saw M S,Maggie Simpson. Mr.burns: No, with my last strength swollowed my Gold Filling.
  14. If anyone want to beat Ruby Weapon with KoTR. Be sure to give all of your character with all of your Mystyle Armor so Ultima won't affect you. [spoiler] To beat Sephiroth w/out KoTR,be sure that Omnislash does a 9999 damage average so thats the only thing that does most damage to Sephiroth.Use De-Barrier to remove that rediculious barrier to cause serious damage.After you use Omnislash,use mime to do your other character's Limit Break.Vincent's and Cid's Limit Break is good.Be sure to lower Vincent's Limit level to 3 so his Frakenstein Limit Break would work.HIs Frakenstien LImit break causes a 5-times attack hit I think.Cid's HIghwind limit break is multiple hit (about 9 times it hits I think). I don't know about Tifa's Ultimate weapon special ability damage.BUt no need for that. As long as you mime after Vincent's limit break attacks,you'll use your limit breaks as well.It should be easy demolishing Sephiroth like that.Just beware of Sephiroth's Super nova.You'll be just fine.Also equip everyone with Ribbons.You'll be safe against Flying horse(I think) with ribbons on because I think it causes every Negative Statuses.ONe last thing,cast Big guard regulary followed by a regen-all before you make the barrage of LImit breaks.I equip Enemy skill to Cid and Regen-ALL to Cloud. Before you fight,Vincent's limit should be at max at level 3.So you could begin the barrage immediatly after the magics when you have Vincent on hold.You'll easily beat Sephiroth and enjoy the ending. [/spoiler]
  15. Tiamat Zero: Good for nothing fool...He underestimates his endurance,Oh well,I have to find the Magus Sisters and Ifrit. [i] Tiamat Zero changed back to Aeon form and flew out of the forest.He goes to the volcano that was linked to the ring of fire and founds Ifrit.Tiamat Zero landed on the volcano and standed on the edge of the rim.He shouted Ifrit's name and then suddenly Ifrit jumped out of the lava and landed on the rim.Tiamat Zero explained why Griver calling all Aeons and have to meet the others.Ifrit grew vicious and ran to fight.[/i] Tiamat Zero: I shouldn't have mention Seymour....Time to find the Magus Sisters. [i] Tiamat Zero jumped off the rim and flap it's wings rapidly to quickly fly away from the hot Volcano.[/i]
  16. [i] Tiamat Zero flew in Aeon form and landed with a huge thump.[/i] TIamat Zero: I saw the explosion,what's going on here??? Bahamut: Sin Spawn Tiamat Zero: I guess it got stronger,it's still alive.I'll finish this off with a more powerful version of Mega flare,Terra Flare [i] TIamat Zero flew up and charged up for 10 seconds.After the 10 secs. he shot an immense beam of energy at the Sin Spawn.It made a crater but the Aeons stared at the screan of energy while TIamat Zero flew down to see if it was dead.[/i]
  17. [i] TIamat Zero opened his wings and flew out off the ground forcefully. Tiamat Zero came down into the forest and made an earthquake when he landed,Griever stopped.[/i] Griever:Go to my fort now with the others. [i] Tiamat Zero didn't respond and flew towards the fort,Griever ran deeper into the forest finding the final Aeon.[/i]
  18. Good for you Enigma(and I mean it) I don't know if this is up Homer: Act shock and walked towards the cake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Homer: Do you know how many boobs i saw? 15! *falls down on the couch*
  19. Name: Tiamat Zero Element: Non-elemental Aeon Looks: With Tiamat looks from FF8 mixed with Bahumut Zero's wings from FF7. Human looks: Hazel eyes,Blue highlighted black hair,blue shirt with silver stripes,Denim shorts,and silver tennis shoes. Weapon: Gunblade Human overdrive: (6 at most) Blasting Zone Rough Divide Demon blade Aeon Overdrive: Dark FLare Terra FLare
  20. Cassidy: It's Jessie Butch: And John James: YOU SAID IT ON [strike]PURPOUSE[/strike]!!! [i] A Promise is a Promise[i]
  21. [i] Franky punches Candy and throws her out of the window.He also throws Sage out of the window[/i] Franky: Well that shooked me off.....so..... [i] Franky walked towards Geroshi and took control of the P.S. System.He spoke and said...[/i] Franky: Well girls,this is it...the finals is coming...Like y'all heard I have gone mental and now paronoid of getting off the competition....so if I get out,Bye and good luck to all of you.End Messege.Note,I'm still in pain after Sage's Paralyzing Whip. [i] Franky gets out of the room and goes into his room.He looked outside the window and saw Sage and Candy crawling on the ground.Franky smiled and grabbed his Sniper Rifle and 10 gernades[/i] Franky: If I get out,I'll destroy the wheel of misfortune and kill myself...plus the crew :D.......What am I thinking killing the crew...they deserved the suvival......OH well,I'll destroy the wheel of misfotune and myself when I get eliminated...yeah thats what I'm going to do. [i] Franky loads up his Sniper Rifle and get his Thompson Sub-Machine Gun and loads that up.Franky arms himself with the Rifle and Gun with the rows of Gernades[/i] Franky:.....I'm Ready.
  22. Franky:*exagerates* I'm going to be next...I'm going to be next...I'm going to be next....I'm going to be next...I'm going to be next....I'M GOING TO BE NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............The girls will be voting me out......I know it.............I need to win the next challenge if I survive...AHHHH!!!!!!! OH NO I'M GOING INSANE AHHH!!!!!!!!!!! [i] Runs around the stage and out the door.He ran through the door of the Tribe home and then ran through his door.He went berserk and starts to throw everyone's stuff out of he window[/i] Karina: HEY YOU PSYCHO DON'T DROP STUFF ON US YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!! Rabid: Let me kill him Karina... [i] Franky starts to be mental and his mind starts to go nuts..Franky hears stuff that his psycho self hears[/i] Psycho Self hears this: Athena: I don't think so Rabid....Kill him once we eliminate him. Karina: Yeah HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! Franky:........AHHH!!!! [i] Franky goes berserk and throws stuff everwhere[/i]
  23. Nope,I beleive that there will be more games after Ruby and Sapphire.They'll probelby going to create PKMN Stadium 3.IN Japan they probelby made PKMN Stadium 4.......I don't know how many Season there is now,because is Johto counted as 1 season or 3?(Johto League,Master Quest,and .......I forgot the name)ANyways there will be more games after R&S.They have to create PKMN Stadium with R&S pokemons [strike]accesseble[/strike].
  24. Franky: If I could have canary's voice I could make everyone deaf.....anywho here I go... [i] Franky goes up to the stage,he enhaled so much air that he stomach stomach starts to expand[/i] Rabid: This is going to be some show...... Geroshi: GET OUT OF THE ROOM!!!!!!! [i] Everyone exept Franky was running out of the room.Franky stopped enhaling and his stomach pushed the tables and chairs.[/i] Franky:[SIZE=10]AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] [i]Franky let out a scream and his stomach started to shrink.THe windows broke and 18 bottles broke instantly.3 bottles rolled on the bottem then finally it broke at the end.[/i]
  25. Ryan,actually there's already a Pokemon Live thingy in Japan.You just have to hook up your game boy to a cellphone like thing and dial the nunber the trainer is...that you have to dial in the correct trainers number.If you don't and dial [strike]reklessly[/strike],you might lose so easily to a trainer that has great experience(like me)You can only battle.
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