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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. Well,here's a con for you all:I can't summon any GF.Pandemona already know Initiate.My brain doesn't think fast and quickly summon a GF.....Does Ifrit kill Cactuars?He's level 78,he learned Sum Magic 10,20,and 30%.*Mutters about should've gotten Jumbo Cactuar in Disk 2* Edit: WOOOOO!!! I'm having a time of my life destroying these little brats!It's like GF ability heaven.I'm almsot done with Carbuncle's,Leviathan,and I think the Brother's GF Ability.Thanks a lot guys!!!!
  2. Maybe I should put Water in ELemental Junction and Stop in Status Junction.So I would cause Serious damage to them and would be frozen at the same time.Can't wait till I get Strange Vision for Selphie (maximum Hit Rate!!!).*Goes off continuing playing Final Fantasy VIII killling Quistis to get her to the danger HP so she could use the Limit Break*
  3. For suicune,it likes to be in the route west (left) of New Bark Town.Or somewhere near Cherrygrove.
  4. Franky: Wow,we really have a PA Announcement speaker,lol.Maybe I should work out,just in case the next challenge might be a physical one. [i] Franky goes to his Brain jars and pulled out a cloned Brock Lesnar Brain Jar.He pulls out the brain and his brain and inserted the Cloned brain while the Smart brain is in the jar.Franky goes to BL mode and starts all the workouts he does daily.Franky BL mode goes back to the jars and switches the cloned BL brain with his smart brain.Franky goes back to his smart self and tested his knowledge.As usual he answered everything correctly.[/i] Franky: Hmmm,i'm perfect as usual.......I better check on the girls to see what they're doing. [i]Franky comes knocking on Yami's room [/i]
  5. I found out that Entei likes to be in the Route South of Violet City.....If you put a fire pokemon (namely Cyndaquil) it might attack you more...It doesn't always work but it works mostly for me.
  6. I would Lower....Because you may raise your Life points with Solemn Wishes and Dian Keto....But you're just going to lose easier....When you lower your opponent's Life points it makes winning more easier. If you choose both then you'll love the Mystic Box+Immortal Of thunder combo.It gives the user the edge.You see....IoT raises your life points by 3000 when you summon it.But you lose 5000 when it goes to your Graveyard....But I know how to take advantage of it....Since Mystic Box switches monster and destroys the monster and the monsters go to the oppisite Graveyard....You get the 3000 bonus and your opponent gets the 5000 lost.It turns the whole thing around.Not only that you could destroy your opponent's most powerful card :D.Very deadly indeed.
  7. THats strange,when I hit one successfully hit one with Squall,I get nothing.
  8. Name:John Age: 15 Pokemon: Kingdra nicknamed Typhoon: Twister Surf Ice Beam Skull Bash Tyranitar Rock slide Hidden Power Crunch Earhquake Porygon2 Psychic Substitute Recover Double-Edge Pikachu Rain Dance Thunder Surf Iron Tail Scizor Sword Dance Steel Wing Fury Cutter Skull Bash Thinking about the Last pokemon later... Chosen Legendary Pokemon:Ho-oh
  9. This is suppose to be in the Movie tv or whatrever it's called.ANd it's Superintendent Chalmers not SUper Nintendo Chalmers Lol. Here's one from the Halloween Special Homer: Take me!!! Zombies: Brains Brains.....*taps on Homer's Head and walks away from Homer* LOL!!!! When the Zombies taps his head it's HOLLOW! Here's another one from the same episode [i] Homer shoots the Flander Zombie [/i] Bart: Homer,you killed the Flander Zombie! Homer: He was a Zombie?
  10. OoG: Wow,good banner.How many lines can we put when we have a banner in our sig? Franky: Well................I don't know,2 person at a time? [i] 2 by 2,the Crimsonata members walks slowly into the polygon tower.Franky looked up and see endless staircases[/i] Franky: *gulp*Damn thats high. Sage's Voice: Oh yes it's high,it's endless.It reaches over 10,000 Lightyears so don't bother walking or running up MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Karina: Uh huh,so......we're living here right? Athena: Right Rabid: Well,shall we get moving and go to our rooms? Yami: Yeah lets go!!!! [i]The Crimsonata gooes to their rooms.Once Franky was in his room Franky started to get worried[/i] Franky: It seems that all the boys are getting eliminated.I'm most likely to be next.I mean,look at me now,I'm surronded by GIRLS!OH well,I have to survive the whole madness.*sigh* Looks like it's all up to me now.I'll win for the boys.Yeah!
  11. Well,I'm getting very annoyed by Cactaurs running away constantly.How do I stop them from running?I think I can stop them by casting Berserk on them.But I never made a sucessful shot because I put 100 Berserk into My Status Attack and try to attack but no Sucessful hits.I try casting on them but they easily run away from me....I noticed that when My character make a move,1 of them run away. I tested that theory but it rarely works.So,How do I make them not run away?
  12. Franky: I'm here, still,and Geroshi go back with the vomiting Kevin won't cha? Geroshi:.....ok *mumbles* [i] Geroshi goes back to the vomiting Kevin.[/i] Franky: uhhh.........you must be mistakened of "torn apart".FIrst we'll merge with the LImetime tribe.Second we won't be "torn apart"ok?So we won't split apart.Or you mean that we'll be alone and won't be on teams?
  13. Gouf,what's the effect of Obliesk?
  14. Magic Ruler is Basicly all of Pegasus' deck in the TV Show.It has toons,Relinquished ect.
  15. I don't think the duplecation trick works on Crystal Version.And also, when you fly Entei and Raikou move.Also sometimes when you get their they move some where else.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Barrel_Dragon19 [/i] [B]Well the thing about that is that you would have to buy all new cards...and I AM NOT GOING TO DO THAT...I have almost $300-$400 dollars invested in my cards...I'm not throwing them away and spending another $300-$400 dollars on my cards...they would have to give the cards away for that to work right...could work if Upper-Deck gave you the same amount and same cards as you did before...then the old cards would just collect dust... [/B][/QUOTE] We would have to switch cards for the SImulator to work.BUt either switch your cards or duel the old fashion way.
  17. I thought Gate Guardian is a spellcaster....Hmmmm.
  18. I would say thank you too.... Liamc2: He was the first person who ever greeted me nicely after my mysterious leave (Muahahahaha) Lady Katana and Lalaith Ril: Well,you guys were the only one who PMed me a Happy Birthday to me so Thanks. VaporJolt: Almost the whole board don't remembered old Vaporjolt Probelby,or maybe saw him around the board.A true pokemon expert....But now I'm probleby the pokemon expert here and the master of Attacks lol.I give him a Special thanks to him. not but not least Adam: Thank you for Creating boards.I really Appreciate that...If it weren't for the baords,I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. I have a feeling that I forgot someone but I don't know who.....
  19. $30 of my money got jacked,my sister owns me $20 bucks,every Asian new yer I get $60 or more,and since I'm smart I get a LOT of money off my Report Card.So actually I'm earning about over $100 each year:D. Back to topic: I hope the Yugi and Structure Deck comes out.......SoI can get the Black Luster Ritual....
  20. Ahehehehehe.......since their called starters.....ahehehehe...THEIR PRICES LOWERED AHAHAHA!! Ahem,I'm planning to get those 2 with my long saved money.(over $600 :D)
  21. [i] THe Camera Man russhes up to Franky which is who resting at a tree.Franky faces the camera and started talking. [/i] Franky: I feel that I'm being voted off......I don't know that we're going to get along since we're fighting now.......I think Karina or Athena would win.... [i] Kevin charged at Franky with Metal Gloves and Punched Franky off the Ground and in the air.Franky landed and swung his Sledgehammer towards Kevin.Luckily for Franky Kevin was lightweighted enough to be spinning around with a sledgehammer.THe handle of the Sledgehammer wacked his stomach and he was lifted up with the Sledgehammer which was acting like a bommerang.[/i] Franky: MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! See Ya! [i]Franky waved at the camera person and he and the camera man ran to see whats going on with Kevin.[/i] Kevin: I'm gong to be sick [i] Kevin vomits immediatly and Franky laughed.Then the PA came on.[/i] PA Announcer: Clean up in Aisle 3!!! Another vomit problem!!! Karina: What the..... [i] everyone came to aisle 3 where they saw Kevin vomiting nonstop.Then Sage came.[/i] Sage: WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  22. I'll help,I know TONS of stuff about FFVIII,VII,and X. I want to bring back Neo Bahumut and Bahumut Zero :devil:.ANd sage PM me about it.My E-mail account is lost somehow.But mainly I WANT to be in this RPG. I have one Question,are we bringing back the old bosses and Monsters from the past games?
  23. Actually it's not easy.Is Dr.Odine in the Lunatic Pandora lab? Or his Lab?
  24. Franky: Lets kill some Limeys :devil: [i] The whole Indigoth Tribe charges into the Limetime Tribe Terortory and Franky swung his Sledgehammer at the whole tribe so they would get out of the tunnel and into the mall [/i] Kevin: Grrrrrrrrr Athena: *battle cry* [i] Athena strikes back and swung the bat so hard at Franky that it semds him flying through the glass window 5 foot away. [/i] Yami: HEY!!!! [i] Yami charges at Athena and slashes her right arm.While Kevin goes to the weapon shop Franky is in and grabs a 64 caliber gun that has only 1 bullet in it.[/i] Kevin: EAT LEAD!!!!!!! [i] Kevin shoots the gun but it missed and the bullet ricochet around the shop.Franky managed to jump out of the shop,while Kevin is busying dodging the bullet.THe bullet finally stopped at a narrow crack in the wall.Franky came back and stole a wizard staff.[/i] Franky: STOP!!! [i] Franky casts Stop on Kevin and he froze Completely [/i] Franky: This should give me some time. [i] Franky goes to the item shop stealing Hi-potions. [/i]
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