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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. So we have the same six sense Hybrid..well I have more..but who cares.
  2. Did anyone fgure out what Fez's real name is???When Fez said his real name the school bell rang.Once the World Series is over.......all new 70's show. Quote from Kelso "Not Glued SUPERGLUED!!!!"
  3. Shyguy: #1 Sepiroth " Cool" Click for more information #2 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" Click for more information #3 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" Click for more information #4 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" Click for more information #5 Forte "..." Click for more information #6 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" Click for more information #7 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" Click for more information #8 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" Click for more information #9 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" Click for more information #10 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer" Click for more information #11 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" Click for more information #12 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" Click for more information #13 Babygirl "Jedi Master" Click for more information #14 Cera "The Cynic" Click for more information My #1 became #14.LOL.
  4. 1.Design-whatcha think??????No design would mess up the whole game 2.Graphics-nobody like a character the look like a built up toy legos. 3.AI-Well.....it wouldn't be very good if the whole character is udderly stupid. 4.Interaction-is it cool that you could float in a Jungle???Nuh uh 5.GamePlay-this is very important to RPG games 6.Story-no story....means nothing coming together 7.Props-more fire power. 8.Sound-gotta love the music 9.Size-doesn't matter 10. Gore-Max Payne good......but Teletubbies........better.:devil:
  5. Sere yes..... To get you you must be very dark of your self... For Example.....under the picture it says about insanity rules.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B]And it's not really an ability, but I have ghosts in my room. Which is why it's always cold in my room. I hear voices. And it's only by a certain window though. Sometimes I'll have a necklace hanging off of my lamp, and it just starts swinging, even though there's no air going to it. Oh yeah. I have a possessed computer. That thing KNOWS.[/B][/QUOTE] I have ghosts in my house.Mainly the bathroom.When I go into the bathroom.....I here chants of the words in the song "The Ghost Of John".It freaks me out though....
  7. 1st time Cera 2nd time Animelover 3rd time James :D.Thats my top 3 results.
  8. i got 3 1: I could see the future in my dreams.Like my friends hair jokes.lol.But after it happens I remember it and I don't get to change it though :(. 2: I have another spirit inside of me.......guiding me......my eyes doesn't become 100% when it happens.But when it kicks in I do something 100%/correctly.Only happens when i'm doing physical things.Not intellects.I wish I could use it for tests.But I do good on tests anyways.It also helps me in Staring contests. 3:Like Zero's Last one.I know when someone's coming.But sometimes the sense doesn't come in but some how i'm not surprised.WHen it happens the effect kicks in and it's the same as #2,Eyes isn't 100% when it happens.Also knows what happens.SO I think ahead. I think my friend and my dad has a sixth sense.My friend can see the future in his dreams as well.I'm not sure with my dad........but I think he could read minds.... My friend and I thinks that we are some how connected.....and abnormal...
  9. LOB might be in the GoldenWest Swap Meet:D.I can't beleive I didn't get the chance to buy a Relinquished and the other good cards for 1.00 each.:(. LOB is also at malls.....
  10. Wow Alex.....thanks for that imformation...... *thinks about the monster replace+Lybraynth Maze/Wall combo.* Is Kuriboh effect a defensive effect?Because I think it's effect blacks an attack from a monster...
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B]THe Dark energy in the first duel. Ya i know it real, but in the show, it tripled the attack for of saigi the dark clown! If you use that on a 900, it would be a 2700. Thats very powerful indeed. [/B][/QUOTE] It was negative energy.....it tripled Saggi's attack points.But Saggi's atack power was 600.THen tripled so it's 1800. I wish that theres a magic card that could make a monster immune to every attacks from every elemental types exept earth monsters.
  12. Franky Age:1,000 your race/kind/type/whatever: Frankenstein your occupation: Vampire's Servent your origin: Penssylvania your bio: He's working for his master dracula.Implanting brains,raising the dead,doing evil deeds......Beware he is mear immortal and almost can't be knocked down.....and he's most weakness is....he's is extremly unintelligent.So don't expect him to do your laundry.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The One [/i] [B][color=darkred] Alternatively you can call me John. :D[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] A guy that has the same name as me....finally.Well John is a mostly a used name so.... Isn't this topic related to that Otaku history topic?
  14. I just wish this topic would be closed........... The point is already set...Yami is not Turning back on yugi period So.....this topic is no use....exept if you want to unleash your anger here....then do it....I don't care......because.....I'm...not...responsible.......for....the....whole........arguement......so.........stop.........and...let...this...topic...die....
  15. Well........the Intials GSB was from my pokemon version.I was planning for GSBY but i'll wait intil there were a name changer. G=Gold,S=Silver,B=Blue.They were all versions of Pokemon.I mastered everyone of those colors I mentioned. The Name popped up from my head.I intialed every one of those colors so......G/S/B Master WAS BORNED!!!!!!!!!
  16. Wow.....flame flame flame....... Altron,manage your anger for gawd sakes.You don't flame them because they're newbies.Don't just cuss them out.Because they won't stop. Pojo gets almost 100% of its infomation from other sites.Their OWN information,100% pure crapness. Yami won't betray Yugi......if he's evil why would he locked up te shadow games hmmm????It wouldn't be a couincidence(sp).If he's evil then he wouldn't lock up the shadow games.If you beleive in that info then your pure crap ok???Blam that piece of ****. P.S. I think we're done now and close this topic.
  17. I got the yugioh desktop....but for some reason the connection with the other player disconnects during the game. You could duel on apprentice.But it takes longer to set it up and you have to have patches.Patches for the desktop is optional.the Bull patch lets you have a non-fusion Five God Dragon card in your deck.Each patch let you have new and diferant monsters. Don't duel a apprentice player with your Desktop,because it won't work.
  18. Pojo is a backstabber,i would trust that info or anything else.It's most unlikely that Yami Yugi/pharo/Yu-gi-oh would turn it's back on Yugi.Yami may have his memories erased.But he's not evil.I would trust Lelola's information on this one.
  19. Some rumors say that FFXI is coming out on the late February 2003 in the United States of America.
  20. I agree with HyperSHadow ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Take one Para: Time for a celebration my brother, Para and Dox does the celebration and gets stuck in the rolling in air stunt Para: ahhhh....that was a relei----HEY WHAT THE *beep*.Who the *beep* is that? Para2: time to reveal our self...... Para and Dox stops and reveal their costumes. And it was.... Jessie: Prepare for Trouble James: Make it double Director: Son of a *beep*. This is Yu-Gi-oh.Not a kids show.So get the *beep* out of here!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Davis did you have to spend almost over $80.00 for official cards?ecause in yugioh tourneys you're deck that you made is rejected and have to get some official ones.You know that you have officials if the card has a golden shiny Logo of yu-gi-oh on it.
  22. Shadowbot: So they're differant worlds right? Squall: Yes... and---AH!!!! [i]Barret,Squall,and Shadow bot gets swollowed up by darkness.By the time they wake up.....[/i] Shadowbot: WHere are we??? Barett: A place with a bunch of doors and colors. [i] Squall stared at Barett [/i] Squall: You're not very smart aren't you?
  23. Samus: I will take the pokemon world too... Ness: Me too When Samus and Ness reached to the pokemon world in Saffron city.... Samus: HOLY --- Ness: oh my.... over 100,000 Mewtwos and Bowsers were at Saffron city waiting for them to come. Samus: ........Ness.......get....Kirby...here.....right now... Ness: .....Sure.... Ness floats away slowly and catch up speed.While GannonDawf laughs while he was levatating down to the original Pokemon Arena. Real Gannondawf:AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA fool,when that little brat comes back.He'll see that you're already dead by these clones. Samus: I don't think so. Real Gannondawf: DESTROY THE ENEMY CLONES!!!!!!!!!! THe Mewtwos and Bowser floats up to the arena. Samus: Must get that pokeball... Samus ran and caught it then release it,it was a blastoise. Samus: YES!!! The Blastoise shot the whole group with 100 Hydro Pumps which made them Flying and the Skyscrapers stopped the group. Samus: Only 10 Mewtwos and Bowser left standing. The remainings gets ready to battle Samus.While the others were struggling.
  24. The Beggining of Duel Monsters?????Then the Pharoh would be the Youngest.If the Begining of the Shadow Games then nobody would be able to lock the Magic because he would be in teh Puzzle.
  25. Ness: damn bowsers Samus: I wish all of the bowser would DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i] then suddenly a HUGE explosion came up and destroyed all of the bowsers and half of the Mushroom Kingdom.[/i] Samus:........WHo just used 50 of my Bombs???? Pikachu walks slowly innocently in the background Fox: Whoever did it must be pretty smart....... Zelda: Ness Check the whole world for any more clones Ness: But Zelda... Zelda: no buts Ness: ok.. Samus: Check the place the original POkemon arena for Mewtwos Link: Ness already left Samus: that was fast ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile... Bowser: How long do this plan work???? Gannondawf: Yeah.... Mewtwo: Be patient....I already send the clones to the Original SSB pokemon arena and the Hyrule Kingdom. GannonDawf:Exelent........now.....those brats will have to Split up to destroy them.... Mewtwo: Thats part of the plan........the one who's going to the POkemon world will be destroyed first then the clone will head for Hyrule Kingdom to destroy the rest. GanonDawf: I'll be watching the Clones Closely.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ness: WARNING WARNING Clones are at the Pokemon world and the Hyrule Kingdom!!!
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