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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. Note to Juu: DAMN HOW MUCH BAN DID YOU PUT ON ME!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!!!! I'm getting more enemies lately.Toon-Roy,`Matt`,Sereri(or Catgirl-sakura),and Julian.........getting more soon :D. Now that Juu or Mana ban me (More then 3 times :shifty).I can't get into Theotaku.Because of floods of....never mind.(Why won't people stop fighting me :worried: )
  2. G/S/B Master


    Golem is good.But can't complete the 2x explosion cheap attack.Golem offensive and definsive are almost of the charts.But a large downfall in Speed.GO with Gengar if you want explosive destruction :D
  3. wow 14-15 people including me and Red XIII is in the RPG!RedXIII why won't you start the RPG right now?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B]I can't say that I really talked to you, but I was there. You reminded everyone that you were from Otakuboards several times .[/B][/QUOTE] Several?????I only say "I am from OB" to a person...never mind. Juu you already told me that you were just kidding. I use Apocalypes_Weapon,Chibi_AW,and I sometime use GigaOmegaX
  5. I got one 1.Play Immortal of thunder 2.Play Mystic box on Immortal of thunder 3.Destroy your opponent's powerful monster (mainly BEWD) Thats how you gain 3000 Life points and make your opponent lose 5000 Life Points.Very Evil :devil:.I use that a lot in some Computer Virtual systems. 2nd 1.Play a Zombie Creature (Taking Dragon Zombie) 2.Play Castle of dark Illusion 3.Play Sword of the deep seated 4. In the next 4 turns your monster should be 3600 attack points stronger. 3600+1600(Dragon Zombie)=5200 Attack points
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B]I Yeah. Maybe you guy's knew "Katanga" . . . I'm sure Apocalypes_Weapon did ^_~ [/B][/QUOTE] Sere refreshen my mind a bit please?I knew Kittana :drools:
  7. THis is turning to be evil somewhat meaningless topic.Hehehehe:naughty:
  8. My user there is Apocalypes_Weapon.I go there almost everyday
  9. My deck base on varaities.Fiends,SpellCasters,Dark types,Dragons ect.I just use the good defense monsters (Wall of illusion) and good non-tribute monsters (La Jinn,Neo the magic swordsman) So it's pretty umpredictable.I keep my deck up to 60 cards not including my Fusion cards and side deck lol.I keep lots of stratagies in my deck (Dragon zombie+Dark castle of illusion or something+Sword of the Deep seated is one of them)
  10. Name: Ragonarok Age: 24 Race: 20% Saiya-Jin/80% Human Weapons:Masamune Blade Bio:Ragonarok isn't his real name but he likes it.He was an orphan when he was a child.Related to Son Goku.He is tough and strong. Appearance:Tall (Almost as tall as Shaquile O' neil lol),Has the same clothes as Goku exept the colors are reversed so the orange GI is Blue and the orange is inside.Wears a saiya-Jin Armor.Black spikey hair and Dark brown eyes Personality:Aggresive and sometimes EmotionLess/coldhearted. Stats 35,000,000 Attack: 5,000,000 Defense:6,000,000 Agility:6,000,000 Speed:4,000,000 Ki:7,000,000 Ki Defense:6,000,000 Intellegence:1,000,000
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]I don't think so. And G/S/B Master, having Phoenix Final Attack doesn't really help for just one person--Life2 would be much more effective. ;) Oh, and I think you can steal another Curse Ring off the Ultima Weapon during some fight. Can't remember which. [/B][/QUOTE] Too bad killed him too. Phoenix Final attack prevent you from dieing right???And also Pheonix's atack also casts Life 2 you know.
  12. YEAH.Look like BEUKD is now officially....MODK.Altron gundom why won't you please be nicer on newbies.Tyrant dragon isn't much you know.More of a waste of monster tribute.
  13. It says " the one the only" can't read the last one.I think it was midus.Trunks IS squashed.
  14. He learns twineedle at level 20
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] What have you been smoking, G/S/B Master? Of course there's a curse ring! All you have to do to get it is go to Mideel with Cid on disk 2, check the area around the back of the house where the maid sells you Accessories (across the bridge). You find a Beat up old key. Take it to the weapons shop, try to use it on the door at the back. After it breaks (which it will), tell the guy the truth. He'll laugh and give you a curse ring. The curse ring itself increases all your stats--But after 60 seconds in battle, you die. Most battles (excluding boss battles) won't last that long, so It's worth it. [/B][/QUOTE] NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!I missed it....But if you equip curse ring with the person who got Phenix-final attack then you can take the advantage
  16. Well I seen one.The saddest I've seen in this year. In mon colle knights, rockna was held by dread dragon then the dragon'a skin swarmed all over rockna and then Rockna was at dread dragon's bellly.Later dread dragon casts a battle spell.It sucked up almost every one.Kahimi and Mondo's words touched my heart.It was real sad.............Mondo will never see his buddy ever again.And his friends.Mondo's friends are spending there days in eternal darkness.:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
  17. Green when the yami version of him gets on hold I think.
  18. That's R/B/Y.We're talking about G/S/C
  19. In kanto.........palett town.You can't reach Kanto there intil you have beaten the Pokemon league.You can't reach pallet intil you have moved the snolax and get all the badges that snolax didn't blocked. If you want to IM me then put in KyOoTeBiNg.Don't ask why my SN is that.
  20. And when you reach to kanto visit gary's sister everyday at 4:00 til 5:00.Then she will groom your pokemon. Making it more happier.Don't give bitter things.Or else it will be mad
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dibi2004 [/i] [B]Ok sounds good, and another q....should i keep Togepi?? [/B][/QUOTE] ARE YOU KIDDING ME???????YOU SHOULD KEEP IT!!!!!!When it evolves to togetic teach it return IMMEDIATLY!!It is happy with you and also gets a 1.5 boost up with it to make a heavy hitter.
  22. Well at this time bedrill doesn't have any poison type attacks.Until you get the toxic or the sludge bomb TM later in the game.
  23. Well let me think........I don't think it's handy.But keep training it though.It might come in handy.Because of the twineedle attack.
  24. 7 chips???? To get in duelist kingdom???? HAHAHAHA.Yugi never lost a duel in duelist kinggdom not including kaiba.
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