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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. There's no such thing as a curse ring in FF7 no-name
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]I have got another problem. I want to get a gold Chocobo. But I can't seem to find the right kind of chocobos that I need in order to breed a gold one. So far All I have seen in terms of Chocobos is the plain yellow ones. And once I find the right kind of chocobos I need what kind of green is the best for boosting their stats? Does the Ultima Weapon fly around after you first fight it? I think I found the ultima weapon (It is a weapon and it used Ultima Beam on me). But everytime I try to start a battle with it for some reason I go flying backword. And hwen I do start a battle with It the weapon will always run after about 5 turns. [/B][/QUOTE] To get a gold chocobo You have to get two Class S chocobos together.They have to be male and female.Then breed them with a carob nut.I would max out the stats first before racing them to raise chances for a special kind of chocobo.After you mate them with a Carob nut.But the Chocobo caught must be good or great.Get a Great male chocobo from mideel.Good in the golden saucer.After that get another one thats feamale either great or good.Now max all of their stats then race them to S Class.Then you get either a Mountain chocobo or a River chocobo.Once you have either of them get em again.They must be a male or female mountain chocobo and a Male or female river chocobo.Max their stats and race them to S Class.Them mate them with a carob nut.You will get a black Mountain-river chocobo if you suceed.Now here is the ultimate chocobo you wanted the gold chocobo.Get a wonderful chocobo from icycle inn.Then mate the wonderful chocobo with the black chocobo with a Zeio nut which can be stolen from a monster named Goblin.Then there you have it.You should get the Sylkis green.That boosts up all of your chocobo's stats. For ultimate weapon once it gets to Cosmo canyon it will stop running away and fight.You can damage Ultimate weapon by ramming the highwind and you take no damage.You fly backword because of some reason.Same with Ruby weapon. When you win you get Cloud's ultimate weapon and you can now reach anceint Forest.Where the Typhoon summon materia is.
  3. I saw him with blue or green eyes
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaizer_Boy [/i] [B]Here's my very good pokemon team. Ho-oh(Ho-ohy) Sacred Fire Fire blast Anceint Power Psychic Yadoking (Impmon) Mystic water Psychic Surf Ice punch( Gonna change that) attract Gengar (Gas boy) Gold berry Psychic Shadow bomb Lick(I'm goin to chance that soon) Psy wave Maganeium Merical seed Solar beam Vine whip Razor leaf Headbutt Lugia Areo blast Waterfall Wing attack Head butt Porygon 2 Pink bow Zap cannon Head butt Psychic Protect Please rate my team. [/B][/QUOTE] This suppose to be at the sticky Rate my team Desbreko has.Next time USE IT!!! Ho-oh 1/10 bad.....need recover,Replace fireblast with fly Yadoking ?/10 I'll edit this later.Don't know much about it Gengar 1/10 Bad.....Hynosis and dream eater will do........Psywave..... a set damage move......Very bad decision Meganium 2/10 Sunny day is a must have for solarbeamers.Use it over vine whip. Lugia 6/10 good but replace water fall with surf.And psychic over head butt if you have one. Porgon 2 3/10 very mystroius.No zap cannon...Even if you have lock on it's still a bad choice.P2's special attack force is almost so low that it couldn't inflict major damage to a mantine.I wuld switch Por gon 2 with some else. 13/60 bad team Improve- Must have pokemon stadium 2 to learn about each and EVERY one of your pokemon basic stats. Combo attacks.. power and accurate attacks.... and 3 or less more things that i'm not going to say I'm going to see about yadoking/slowking later in Pokemon stadium 2..........*puts on arnold swatchenagor(sp)'s voice* i'll be back *ends it.*
  5. yeah it's great.And rM this is spam and it will be closed.Unless it is ending up like the one in the digimon forum.
  6. Can't beleive Triple H did it.I thought the UNAmericans did it. Well now I know who did it.
  7. 1800atk/2800def.It's powerful once you have shield and sword.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]Oh so thats what the passwords are for. I wondered why they had them. [/B][/QUOTE] To get cards that they don't have in the game.well you can almost all of them but they're some that you can't.So you have to get the password from somewhere around in realife. :shifty:
  9. Well they could get the person that did some girl's wacky hair from the 80's show.You only need over 2.5 gallon of hair spray!
  10. no all blue but I think I saw a little orange
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [Banyway, what's the bad ritual card you were talking about, G/S/B? [/B][/QUOTE] I saw one on some yu-gi-oh card selling site and they had wicked cards.I saw some really rare card and it was a ritual and it has NO ATTACK AND DEFENSE!!!!!!!!!I thought about it and it was an effect card.It must be.
  12. Don't DOUBLE POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!God.But anyways roxieortatiana,The head original price is 50.00 but now 49.95 is the cheapest price. so $170 is all 5 parts of Exodia.I win duels without Exodia. Genki doesn't have all 5. *Closes all the windows and lock the door and activate security sensors.*
  13. If dark sage is all black with red stipes it's magician of dark/black chaos.
  14. :therock:????????Aren't they all real?????I mean all websites have what we have.
  15. Ryowa:Is that you Kastrol???? Kastrol: is that you Ryowa??? Hiro: You guys know eachother??? ????: I'm outta here ???? ran but he ran right into a tree and falls on his back. Kastrol: yeah we know eachother but we're not going to tell how.Anyways where are the others? Ryowa: they're all spreaded out.But now we're staying here and wait for the others to get here. Hiro: ok that sounds like a plan to me. Ryowa: no it isn't.
  16. :therock:??????? My elemental change.Not the max.But anyways when Are we going to start???
  17. Well.That means Yu-gi-oh 1st season must be own by UPN.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mat [/i] [B]Ok, I have a few questionns 1. What level does Pidgey eveolve to Pidgeyooto in gold? I thought it was 16, but mine is at 17. 2. Is houndoor is silver? what level does flaffy goto amphros [/B][/QUOTE] DON'T DOUBLE POST!!!!!!ok now you know lets get it over it. 1. lv18 2. no 3. 30 Why you need this?????
  19. Name:Zero Age: 25 Magic:Meteor( Magic that makes a shower of huge meteors) Ultima ( A huge amount power and energy is built up when the right time comes extreme power and energy is pushed out making a huge damage.) Elemental storm ( Thunderbolt rages everywhere in the area,Sharp iccicles hurls at the enemy with a tornado,and fireballs fire rappidly in the hand.) Elemental:Lightning,wind,and fire Weakness: Holy Weaponry: Holy protective water proof steel,Razor sword ( like cloud's Ultima weapon from FF7 exept with little thin spikes on the tips of the blade 1 inces away from each.an ax underneath the blade Clothes:Leather pants,Tough boots,and red shirt. good/bad:Good Hair color:black Eye color: brown Height:5'9 history:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]yeah but for a short while the official yu-gi-oh website called it Black Mage. Well i guess its fixed now. [/B][/QUOTE] Good thing some names were dubbed.
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