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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. HAHAAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA.Man I love to see chapter 2
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]whoops...yeah, monsters.... ritual monsters are cool, cause they're normally REALLY powerful....just read the little paragraph.. [/B][/QUOTE] Exept one I know.
  3. Blue eyes is getting more powerful fusion forms.Yesterday I saw another blue eyes fusion form.And it's really powerful.It's call Blue eyes ultimate knight dragon.A fusion with BEUD and Chaos soldier.To create the monstrosity of 5000 Attack and Deffense points.PLus 12 stars.And it's real.The pic is in the attachment. Go to this link if you don't beleive me. [url]http://store.yahoo.com/my1stop2shop/japyugeydrag2.html[/url]
  4. 1) Do you speak Japanese fluently? No 2) Have you taken a class in Japanese? no If so, how many? 3) Have you bought a book related to learning Japanese? no If so, how many? 4) Can you count how many Japanese words you know? no If so, how many? 5) Do you know hiragana and katakana?no 6) About how many kanji do you know?no 7) Do you have any friends or relatives that speak fluent Japanese? no 8) Do you WANT to learn Japanese? oh yes
  5. If only the creaters of FF movies saw this.They would make it.
  6. Well that doesn't work all the time.Because they run away to another area when you fly to the closest area to the route.Try to use matched types instead.Typhlosion will do the trick for Entei.If Entei is around Violet ( which mostly is ) then go to the routes.With 5-9 max repels and couple of ultras,fasts,and Heavy balls.If Entei didn't ran away to another route then go to the route and use max repels.Typhlosion MUST have earthquake and newly evolved (lv36) or more but under lv40.Or it can be just at lv40.Anyways under lv40 is better.Once you find Entei earthquake him.and press A to inflict more damage.It should be around yellow or close to red.Haunter should do the trick next.When oyou find Entei again.Teach Haunter toxic and use it on entei after the hypnosis.Then keep switching pokemon intil about a quarter is left of Entei's HP.Then go for it.Throw a bunch of ultras,fasts and heavy balls.Or you could duplecate Master balls and throw it once.
  7. Uriel also Ultimate offering have to make a tribute to a monster that have the tribute effect.What's Tribute to the doomed and mask of darkness?
  8. Use BEWD for this combo.With dragon tresure and Giant growth so 3000 x 2 = 6000 x 2 = 12,000 attack points!But with BEUD it's 18,000 AP.
  9. Someday RAW and Smackdown! will have a war.Like I said in the other WWE thread. Micheal cole??? He's going to get kissed every Smackdown! by Nidia the trailer trash of Caroline.But hey Micheal cole is now Nidia's man. Bischoff.....the man who wasted $300 for front row seats and what did he get in return????? A very angry additude,2 of his westlers is on Smackdown!,and 2 kick outs from the arena. GoS I don't think Edge,hogen,Rock are moving. but if the rest are moving then RVD is going to be on Smackdown! if you're right.
  10. I use Lord of the D. to protect my blue eyes from spells like change of heart,sould exchange ect.And plus I tend to Wait for my summoned skull,dark energy,and sword of dark destrution if I have Yami as my field card.That way i get a 1000 attack point boost up.All together.If it's Dark magician replacing dark energy and book of secret arts then 900 attack point boost up. so SS 3500 and DM 3400.I tend to use stratagy that just make my opponent just defend.Because once my SS or DM get boosted up that high then they start to use defence mode.I just attack any monster on my opponent's field Intil he runs out of monster cards.
  11. Final fantasy 8 fans you might want to read this. ````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Chapter 1 -New friend In the morning 2 boys woke up in the infirmary with their gunblade."The injury will be fine boys" said Dr.Kadowaki." Ok" said falkner softly."Say what's your name" said Dr.Kadowaki."Scythe" said the other teenager."Falkner". Then Scythe got out of the bed quick and said "I'm going back to the dorm,aren't you going Falkner?" "Sure" replied Falkner "Don't forget the Gunblade" "I'm a step ahead of you so SEE YA!!!" Scythe ran away without hesitation. " WAIT!" shouted Falkner who ran quickly towards Scythe.Falkner and Scythe ran to the elevator to catch up for class. Once they got there the students were outside the classroom "Look like we miss class" said Falkner A boy came up and said " well yeah exept only 3/4th of it.This is break time." Then suddenly a girl rushed towards the class room and ran into Falkner and said " did I miss class??" Scythe said "only 3/4" The boy said "My name is Dan" "My name is Kim"said the girl Then the PA annnouncer said loudly " Class is in 5 minutes all, people who are taking the field test meet the instructors after class around the front gate,Besure to get your GFs before you go to the Front gate.And also prepare yourself.BUT DON'T TAKE TOO LONG!" " Geez whats with the PA person today" said Dan. Again the PA annowncer said " oh yes Class dismissed for an unknown reason" " Unknown reason???" said Falkner " It sure beats being in class Falkner lets go and get your GFs i'lll get mine" said Scythe Falkner and Scythe slide in their card to get inside.And turn on the computer to grab their GFs Computer: student........Falkner....... GF Jumbo Cactaur and Eden Falkner said" yes" Computer: student........Scythe.......GF Diablos and Doomtrain Scythe said" i have the gold" Scythe ran to the door and Falkner also to tell eachother the GFs they got then ran off but Dan and Kelly stopped them Kelly said " hey you guys I got Siren and Leviathan" Dan said" so what I got Bahamut and Carbuncle" Falkner" good GFs.." Scythe" I got better ones but we gotta go so bye Dan" why won't we all go together since we all paticipating" Kelly"fine with me" Falkner and Scythe" ok" Falkner" I gotta go to the library because there's something that I want to check out" Scythe " ok see ya" Falkner ran to the library and saw an energy rising. Falkner "A draw point,An esuna draw point" Falkner drew the draw point and got 10 esunas.Then grabbed a magazine called Occult fan 1 from the shelves then walk away with a smirk on his face. Kelly imediatly saw Falkner and said " HEY THERE'S Falkner!" Then falkner ran to the front gate and also the whole group intil they saw a draw point Scythe " an old draw point enough for all of us to draw" Dan " ok LET'S DRAW!!!" Everybody got 8 cures and ran intil they saw a group of instrutors and students. Kelly: this is it Falkner: yeah. Dan: good luck to everyone. Scythe: I don't need luck. Instrutor: HEY YOU GET OVER HERE!!!!!!! Dan: cranky instrutors.... to be continue.... ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` It isn't much but eh.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by digitalshadow [/i] [B]What powers do each Millenium Items have? Well besides the Ring, Eye, and the Puzzle. [/B][/QUOTE] Millenium Rod Use as a cane and theres a dagger you can use as a weapon Millenium Scale If your sins are heavier then the feather of truth then something will eat your sins. Millenium tauf (round ball with the eye) Might have the power to see the future or is it the last one which I forgot.
  13. Name:Kastrol Age: 21 Weapon:2 Razor swords ( a big sword,on the end of the blade is big but it goes smaller at the tip,little wavy spikes every where around the blade 1 inches away from each spikes ) Bio: Haven't had a good life.Once he was 6 the war started and then created shelter for him.When he reach the age of 15 he left and found an underground tunnel.Stayed there for 5 years.Then start looking for Ryowa. Appearance: Buff,Tore up clothes(jeans,red short sleeve shirt),Scars on the face( left cheek and forehead ),Brown eye,and Black hair. Race: Human
  14. Did anyone saw sex in the beach????Trish made the cover.Terri,torrie,and trish was hot.But I think Terri should've made the cover.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]Whhen are the structure decks coming out? I have had sveral answers and i wanna know when its gonna come out. So if you have the truth tell me. I'm sure others would like to know as well. [/B][/QUOTE] Around the new year or around the year 2003
  16. Welcome and this is suppose to be at the intodution forum.But don't worry.This happen 1/4th of the time.
  17. No you can't.Fusioncards are like Rituals.You have to monster reborn the fused monster to make the fusion monster and use another Monster reborn to reborn the Fusion monster.Rituals like Gate guardian has to have all 3 cards to create him.IF he is in the graveyard then you have to reborn him and put him into the field but you can't do that.But you can do that if you have sanga and the other parts then you can but you have to discard sanga and the other 2. Lets take flame manipulater for example.He is made out of Flame swordsman and Masaki(or something) the legendary warrior.With those to cards on the field face up and you put the polymerization card.Then you could summon the flame manipulator.BUT only if he is in your Fusion deck area.Not in the grave.If he is in the grave then you can't summon it. Same for Reborning a Ritual.If you reborn a fusion then it goes to your fusion deck area. If you fuse and the fusion monster is in the graveyard then I don't know what happen.It eithers: the monsters and the polymerization card goes to the graveyard,or the polymerization card is discarded ONLY.
  18. Hehehe,the HBK incident,is made by most chance the UNAmericans or maybe Bischoff.
  19. Real life pokemon??? Virtual reality is enough but not Realife breathing thing.I hope they don't fail like pokemon village.You start out with a level 5 pokemon then when you walk around you battle a level 65 dratini,BAM!You lose in one hit K.O.Hehehe,thats the ultimate failure in pokemon silmulation.Pokemon valcono's is more like it.You battle pokemon trainer humans controled by a computer.Which is too easy if a level 1-30 is the pokemon you're challenging.I wish there's a web site with pokemon simulation like PV.It was a sucess.My scizor on there is level 89.But gave up because there were nobody to challenge.Right now all my pokemon is level 100. But back to topic,Scientists would be dead already to create a pokemon.It would take over 2 century to make a Caterpie.Over a milenium to create a dragonite.Over 100 millinium to create celibi.It's almost impossible.Also it would cost OVER 10 BILLION!So it's better off with Virtual reality.
  20. Ra's good because you could sacrifice 3 blue eyes making it 9000 AP.Oblisk isn't much.Osiris is pretty good.But you could make your opponent do the work for you.You see if you have soul exchange use it on a god card.Then the god card is yours for no tributes. hahahaha
  21. How many life point you set up????? If 8000 you could kill him after the 4000 use just dessurt and it should be decresing his life points by 2500 if you destroy his monster and use it before he transform the 3 parts into one.so that makes 6500 and he only have 1500.Then if you have soul exchange exchange your weakest monster in attack and get your oponent's gate guardian.That should stop him.Then after his turn heehehehe wreck some havoc.
  22. ALso I heard Yugi being the 60% owner of idustrial illusion.Also Yugi keep changing spirits to make pegasus' millinium eye unuseable.
  23. I saw one in stores exxept it has a differant cover.and also the joey structure.
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