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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Uriel5 [/i] [B] he plays something called Ultamate Offering and says that if he pays 500 life points he can play a monster card that takes tributes(Gate Guardian) without having to tribute... I'm not sure if that's what it really does tough... he once tried to tell me that a Fake Trap card could undo the attack he made. [/B][/QUOTE] Ultimate offerring let you have an extra monster summon and reduces 500 life points PER MONSTER ON HIS FIELD!!!! You can do this after he summon a monster then you could do it so the life points he wastes is 500 in the first one,1500 in the second one,then he can't do anything intil the opponent destroys one monster then he could do another one which makes 2000.So he wasted all together 4000 life points with no tribute/sacrifice.He's better off with sacrificing monsters.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nefertimon [/i] [B]If Espeon is gonna learn Psych Up, try teaching it Swagger as well. Then remove the Blackglasses and replace Bite with a physical attack. Use Swagger, then Psych Up, then use a physical attack. Espeon will have more attack power to use the physical attack! (hint: Headbutt does a decent amount of damage!) ;) Everything else is good, but please replace Bellossom's Poisonpowder with Sleep Powder or a non-Grass attack (I would recommend Sludge Bomb). [/B][/QUOTE] Use shadowball for that combo.It's attack power is 80 but headbutt is just 70.But it's better with umbreon.Since the swaggered can attack you with it's most powerful physicle attack.And umbreon has more attack power then espeon.Also more defence and speed.Keep on swaggering then pokemon espesially Tyranitars.But don't use shadow ball for Tyrants.But keep on swaggering.Intil you think it's enough then psych up and use iron tail.Intil it falls.Then you could dominate the battle.
  3. Never understand any of the word they said in DBZeta.It's the same thing as DBZ.I only watch channel 22 for it.Nothing else.
  4. I think you forgot to say this. Bischoff's card said Smackdown's loss will be RAW's game.Schratn9 it couldn't be Hogan you know when Hogan said when Bischoff tried to get him to RAW "negotiate my $#%".Can't believe that Kurt have a brother named Eric.maybe I should do the full coverage on main matched.You forgot at the start of the match Y2J grabbed a steel chair and edge used a baseball slide to the steel cage door making impact to the steel chair hitting Y2J.It was on the replay.RM sure do have speed and balnce for having around 231 pounds.
  5. Tri-Dravolix- A 3 headed dragon/water type pokemon.The evolved form of Dranix.Look like blue eyes ultimate exept with bahamut heads.With waterproof armor around the whole stomach,It has the sharpest claw and still have the protective wing that is 2 time bigger then it's whole body.To evolve Dranix to Tri-Dravolix you have to equip Dranix with metal coat and use thunder and water stone on Dranix to evolve. Zewtwo:The evolved form of Mewtwo.When he mastered he psychic power,his armor Giovanni gave to mewtwo,Got on mewtwo and overpowered him to Evolve him and it took control of him.It look like a blue mewtwo with the armor.
  6. Dang what a smackdown.Mysterio made a surprising entrance.He won the match against Chavo.Salvatore do the review.Because i'm not going to write the whole thing down.One thing Mysterio's eyes creep me out.
  7. Uhhh that's right to left.Lef to right is 3,2,1.But anyways It's left to right though
  8. G/S/B Master


    I think It's short for "pokemon virus".
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Uriel5 [/i] [B]The best cards in my deck: 1. Seiyaryu 2. Dark Magician 3. Fissure 4. Dark Hole 5. Dragon Capture Jar [/B][/QUOTE] hehehehehe.You won't dare using DCJ( dragon capture jar).Unless you have Lord of the D.
  10. You need 2.1 for Joey's problem ONLY like LK said.So you're wrong Gohan.10 for Pegesus' castle.
  11. User Name: G/S/B Master?? hehhehehehe.I used to be Silver master 64 in the old time before Cruizr was born in the boards.When every time the board changes I mastered my pokemon games one by one intil this day forward my final user name G/S/B Master.Which is short for Gold/Silver/Blue master.I'll change it to G/S/B/? Master if I get another one and defeat the game. Avatar:Well no explaination for this one.I don't know what expression does this buu avatar is.But I think is sadness. Which I am right now. Sig:The simpson saying and my buds.I don't know if the Dramon guild is still alive.
  12. he's my most ultimate pokemon Dranix-Look like Bahamut from Final fantasy.But bigger and It's wing are bigger then it's whole body.With a steel coating.A dragon/steel type. With so much power that all of his stats are off the chart.His attacks can't miss.He's a legendary pokemon.But when in groups................you're dead meat.He uses the wings as his shield.His wings can withstand any thing and any attacks.It's also sharp. Sorry for that.I kinda went overboard hehehehe.
  13. Turn off all of your on switches and turn on all of your switches left to right.In that order
  14. Well dark hole says destroys ALL monsters on the field.So it means that it destroys everyone's monster.
  15. It didn't happen to me.I duplecated items with my bellsprout.Sometime it duplecates but mostly the item duplecates.After the duplecation process my bellsprout name is Bel9999999999999999999 and so on with the 9s if there's any space.
  16. They're running out of Magic idea.I know i'll make up one like apocalypes.A magic stronger then ultima.ohhhhh yeah man.it would junction perfectly.25 would max 1 stats. 9999 for attack power.9999 for almost any strong magics out there like Ultima.9999 HPs,that would be incredeble.But if an opponent uses it...Then you're doomed.But if Apocalypse Junction to elemental defence full 100.Then 0 damage.But if you could have 200.It wouldn't be a problem. FFVII-FFX is better then the original.Oh yes what XXXX magic do Flash?But anyways i'll buy FFIX when I have the time.I also might buy 1 of the original too. Anways in topic:If final fantasy will be keep on being populer then they'll keep on realesing the games and accessories.
  17. [COLOR=skyblue]In the First digimon movie for the US.Did I just heard that Kari in our war game part "I got my friend a pink power ranger toy?" then why did Tai tryed to grab the present???Isn't he too you know old to play with little power ranger toys.[/[/COLOR] Edit:hehehehehehehehehe step one complete.Is this better or worst???
  18. I got a Jolteon now.With Flamethower,Surf,Thunder,and Rain dance.I'll be working on flareon now.I duplacated my fire stones.So I got another chance to get a special pokemon.Flamethrower from Flareon,Surf from Vaporeon and Thunder and Rain dance from the Jolteon I just wish that the baby Kanguskhan wouldn't have a baby on it's pouch.It's really weird for a male to have a baby.I mean a male having a BABY!!!:eek: Thats just weird.
  19. Happy birthday.Wish for a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmm I wish you have a uhhhhhhh happy birthday!!!! yeah I wish that you have a happy birthday and get alot of presents.And I mean it.
  20. You heard Mr.mcMahon.A ruthless aggression lover.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lauren [/i] [B]I always Yell Pokemon Puzzle League because I cant get past Normal mode:grumble: [/B][/QUOTE] Man amateurs these days.I passed Normal and already at the ultimate level,SUper hard and I don't yell when Gary Kicks my butt.It's not the gary you know with that weak little krabby. no no.It's the gary who EVOLVED ALL OF HIS POKEMON!He's almost a bad #%$.He kicks my butt by his extreme speed to combo his chains up to 7 or 6! But I did 8 when he was softened up a bit.Then mewtwo,the pokemon who whopped my butt so bad that I had to restart at Final Gary.But if i know where your house is then you would give me your gamepack and give you the acess to the 2 secret levels. V(very)-hard and S(super)-hard.The key for winning this game is a fast hand with fasts finger and a smart stratagy.
  22. Stephanie is sort of cool now but geez.Y2J is scared of Edge.I mean come on he should be happy.It's a good thing this is Jericho's bad month.He gets beaten by the Rookie John Cena then this week he got disqualified by using the low blow aka The jewel crusher aka cheapshot to the jewels.But anyways Stephanie is with the public now.Or is she????
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ugamon [/i] [B]how about mine? i belive it is 100 mewtwo psychic recover swift psybeam 89 typolon( bah i spell bah lol) firewheel firepunch swift fire blast red gyrados waterfall hrydopump icy wind dragon rage ho oh fire blast recover scared fire fly amprrose level 79 thunder punch thunder flash thunder shock last one! steallix 89 rock throw head butt iron tail i forgto the LAST ONE! [/B][/QUOTE] ok. Mewtwo Replace swift with either amnesia or tri attack.Equip pink bow or twisted spoon Typhlosion Thunder punch over swift.Earthquake over fire punch.Equip soft sand,magnet,or charcoal. red gyrados Surf over Hydro pump.Dragon breath over dragon rage.Dragon rage is a set damage attack. meaning it's sort of like Night shade.An attack that your pokemon's level is the damage of night shade.Which is bad. Ho-oh good but replace fire blast with steel wing Ampharos Move set for this is return,thunder,rain dance,and fire punch steelix Move set is iron tail,dig,crunch,and return.
  24. The last time I visited that site it was the BEST ever. I changed my time with the code thingy.But anyways that site was created by Pokenerds.They're more smarter then me in pokemon.Anyways catch a Jynx in Ice path.It's a pretty good pokemon
  25. Revive Cloud???? I only slashed dragon 2xs and cloud is still standing.This is weird.Maybe Sephiroth has a special ability of manipulating.He Manipulate Cloud while in the game about 2 or 3 times already.1 at temple of anceient,2 at aeris' death,and 3 uhhhh I think when cloud gave the black materia to sephiroth then the WEAPONs awoke.I guess he's no normal character anymore.he must have surpassed level 100.But if he has a level growth the passed year like Cloud then he's only at level 54 at the beggining of the game.But at the begginging of the game his level is around 60,70 or more.
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