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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. I got one Marineangemon wasn't the only small mega I have spikes on my head I'm a little virus Who am I????
  2. O.k. I thought you want to get through the maze. Do this 2,1,3.If that doesn't work try 3,1,2.That should work.If that doesn't work then I don't know what to do.Intil I get another combo in my head.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]Great team but you must change the pigeots attacks. Sumfin lik this: Pidgeot Steel wing Mirror move Aero blast Fly equip: Sharp beak [/B][/QUOTE] PIdgeot can't learn aeroblast.Here's the other Poliwrath Poliwrath Mudslap(cloned TM) Belly drum Rest Surf Equip:Mint berry
  4. Typhlosion Thunderpunch Earthquake Flame wheel Flamethrower equip: magnet Pidgeot Steel wing Mud slap Whirlwind Fly equip: soft sand Poliwrath Mind reader Dynaymic punch Hydro pump Blizzard Equip: scope lens Note: I have 2 poliwraths.I will post the other poliwrath later Jumpluff Synthesis Sunny day SolarBeam Return Equip: Miracle seed Mewtwo recover Psychic Future sight Counter(TM from R/B/Y) Equip:Twisted spoon Raichu Thunder surf Rain dance Iron Tail Equip:Metal coat
  5. Let see my walkthrough guide book... ok. Chocobo ranch area:Poor and weak chocobos Junon area: fair and poor chocobos Gold saucer area:good and average chocobos Rocket town area: below average(mediocre) chocobo Wutai area: Average and Fair chocobo Icicle Inn area: Wonderful and weak chocobos Mideel area: Great and fair chocobo. I would recommend the Mideel area.Do not get a chocobo below average ok???But you don't know which chocobo you have anyways.
  6. If Valen's doesn't work then turn off all the switches and walk out of the tunnel then try to start from the end and turn on all the switches from there.That sghould work.
  7. Well in my Guide book shouldn't Aeris learn the Fury Brand limit break????Shouldn't Red XIII learn Lunatic high????Instead my game skipped those Limit and go to the next one.How come they skipped the Limit????
  8. OH yeah I just discovered that the zombie like pokemon you see in the middle of my first picture,I think it was Yomawarru
  9. Misdreavus must HAVE pain split.It could probelby do critical damage to Mewtwo.If Misdreavus's HP is low and Mewtwo's HP is around over 3/4.Then use Pain Split right away if you think Misdreavus is going to die in the next turn!Then continue with the attacks.Now good luck battling.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jitoya [/i] [B]does anyone know a way to defeat the dark aeons? did anyone else beat both ultimate and omega weapons in to the ground? how do you get the celestial mirror? where can you get or steal megaelixers? [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know what kind of FF you on.But if it's FF8 then i could help. To get Megalixers(FF8 style):You can get MLs by refining the Bahamut card to get 100 Megalixers.This requiers Quezecotl's Card mod ability.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B] [COLOR=deeppink]He got hit by a truck. Which is funny, he could survive getting shot, burned, electricuted, slashed, and beaten to a bloody pulp, but one truck took him out. o.O Heh, the first time I got to that part, my AV Jacks went out, so I didn't see what happened to Palmer either. o.O[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Palmer did get hit by a truck.He almost got hit by the propeler of the Tiny Bronco then BAM got hit by Shinra's truck.
  12. It will also happen to you when you get to Junon and Junon harbor.You get attacked by bottemswell.You have to use your magic to destroy the bubbles. For Reno: If you are still stuck then try to paralyze Reno with the choco/mog summon.Then hit him with full force. Note to GothMog: What are you talking about???? So what if he uses trine.I got trine once by materia keeper.Then use it against it.Don't post something else when no one is talking about it.If the post is deleted then i'lll edit this section of post out.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]G/S/B, just a wild guess: Tsukaimon, the black Patamon? And who is this mod who keeps moving threads?! This is an entertainment thread, not RPG!!! Gee, and no explanation! Maybe I should send some PM'S...:mad: [/B][/QUOTE] Yes it is Tsukaimon.Also it's a game.Hence the name Game/Rpg.So chill dude.
  14. My best is.... 1.Man eater bug 2.Blue eyes 3.Dark magician 4.Summoned skull 5.Gia the fierce knight If i only have 2 more Just Desserts then i could inflict up to 7500 of your life point then go for the kill.If the life points setting is 8000.
  15. I think he's at the beggining of the lighting the candle and stuff.I can't help you because I didn't play FFVIIII [SIZE=1]What the hell is FFVIIII o_O; Don't you mean FFIX...? -SG[/SIZE] Yes FFIX.Oy,need to work on roman(sp) numerals.
  16. Is it just me or somtime the ChocoMog materia summons a Fat Chocobo instead of ChocoMog?When I sometime I am battling tough monsters I got a Fat Chocobo instead of ChocoMog.I don't know what element the Fat Chocobo is.It might be wind.But anyway did this happen to you?
  17. Cloud you forgot Final Fantasy Chronicals for PSX
  18. Alright then. I appeared in the digimon card game for PSX I have something in common with Patamon and Tsunomon My most powerful attack is darkness blast Who am I
  19. Well do you mean the 1/35 soldiers????You get 2 in Junon and the rest from the speed square.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Actually, I mainly base my argument on the fact that I've only ever seen [i]four[/i] WEAPONs coming out of the crater... Including Ultimate WEAPON... There's Ultimate, the black dragon one. There's Diamond, the grey one with the red jewel thing in it's chest. There's Emermald, the big blue one. And then there's Ruby, the red one with the long arms, that you only see from a distance when it's flying off... I've never seen a fifth WEAPON in there...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] There's only Ultimate,Emerald,ruby,and Diamond WEAPONS.There's no 5th WEAPON.If they're a 5th weapon then we could battle it.But i did see an insane fish got shot by the head by Shinra's cannon.It didn't look like Emerald.It might be the 5th WEAPON.Buts thats crazy.Emerald and "The 5th WEAPON" are differant shapes and color.But anyways the head was shot and it was blown up so...we can't fight it because it's already dead:D
  21. Of course it is Justimon,too easy.But this next one might be easy I'm related to gargomon I appeared in the first american digimon move When I has been eaten I destroyed something in that digimon Who am I?
  22. I hate Midgar Zolum.I hate him so much that he killed me so many times when i start over my game.But with my walkthrough book i know that Midgar zolum got impaled with a broken tree.Also it has the picture of it.Bleed cobra bleed:devil:. Emerald weapon news:Emerald did get shot.Shot in the face that is.But the color changed for some reason.Emerald is probelby a water based weapon. About Rufus and his father:Like father like son they're both stick with one option when fighting,run away.I would of killed Rufus but no,he have to run away. One question: How come I have to fight Ultimate weapon first to battle with the others?????Is Ultimate the weakest of the weapons or not????
  23. I have one: This is an easy one I appeared in 03 I would of been a "superhero" With my blade supercharged I could cut the D-Reaper in half Who am I?
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