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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. Name: Mike Age:12 Deck Type:Mixed up Apperance:A black bullcut,yellow short sleeve shirt,brown shorts,blue shoes Bio:Pegasus capturred his cousin,while he was a really good duelist.In this chrisis he thinks that he can defeat every duelist in his way Favorite Card:Blue eyes white dragon
  2. For Masterdramon's:Is it Magnaangemon?Or Gallentmon with the Arc bird(I forgot the name)???
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B] [color=indigo]There isn't some trick to find them more often, is there?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] There's a code/cheat/trick that could transform a regular,common pokemon into a rare,shiny pokemon.But unfortunatly it only works for the Japaneise version.Also it might make the pokemon disappear.It's almost impossible in a part of the code/cheat/trick.I would tell it to you guys but just tell me and I'll tell you guys.(PM is better.So it's not sort of a spam post) In the topic: I almost caught a pink Graveler but i killed it.:(
  4. hmmmmm it might be physical aknowlogement.The balls might have wore Mewtwo out.But it can't be like real life.Also I didn't have any weird catches i remember.I sort of cheated on legenday pokemon catches on G/S.
  5. One of them is Jolteon with Pin missles.Also ghost types.You need a a special defence pokemon to stop mewtwo's special attacks.Like Blissey.But you need to raise Blissey's defence.It's the worst in that area.Teach Blissey softboiled.Also get misdreavus.He's a ghost type and helps you win against Psychics like Mewtwo.Teach Misdreavus Shadow Ball and Psychic.These 3 pokemon are good.But if you're talking about R/B/Y and not G/S/C then give me some time.But get Jolteon with pin missle.
  6. Well what happen if you're against Safer Sephiroth??I don't think I'm against Bizzaro-Sephiroth.If Bizzaro-Sephiroth is that fish-like guy then he's too easy.Safer i think is the octapus.Bizzaro never hits me or even touch me.Bizzaro is probelby the one who has to be splited in 2 groups.
  7. Heres the main characters.I have no info on any of the pokemon but i know that it was the 3 pokemons that will be showing up.
  8. Go with hydro pump.Only if you have scope lens.Or something that will increase your accracy.i would advise hydro pump to poliwrath.Since it can learn mind reader.
  9. Heres the 3 new pokemon that will be showing up on the new GBA game.I'll give you the 2 main characters that you can pick soon.After somebody post.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MaijinVegetaX [/i] [B]This is the only one of my teams I want rated. Possibly I may switch in a Skarmory, Celebi, or Scizor. I am the best trainer IN THE WORLD. Espeon Lv.80 Mewtwo Lv100 Starmie Lv100 1.Shadow Ball 1.Shadow Ball 1.Icebeam 2.Psychic 2.Psychic 2.Blizzard 3.Recover 3.Recover 3.Psychic 4.Rest 4.Rest 4.Recover Mew Lv92 Charizard Lv100 TyranitarLv61 1.Thunder 1.Flamethrower 1.Furry Cutter 2.Psychic 2.Slash 2.Crunch 3.Blizzard 3.Dig 3.Earthquake 4.SoftBoiled 4.Fireblast 4.Detect [/B][/QUOTE] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!More likethe person who has the most suckest team with only little good attacks.LETS SEE WHAT YOU GOT!!!! Note: let me show this new guy some moves that he doesn't know so let me tease him ok???Also he's not the best trainers.Vaporjolt is. [color=indigo]No matter what a person's team is like, it is not acceptable to make fun of them or their team. - Desbreko[/color] Espeon ohhhhhh need psych up.No hazers or psydo hazers. Mewtwo need thunder.If keeping rest then attach mint berry. Starmie Need thunder.Thunder over blizzard. Mew i hardly rate Mews but i'll check on this pokemon later.I need to check on the info on this pokemon Charizard Change fire blast into rock slide.Not sure though.I'll check on it later. Tyranitar This is bad.Change fury cutter to a rock slide.Remove detect.It's useless.Because tyrant has HIGH DEFENCE!!! Rating on the trainer:You're not the greatest pokemon trainer in the whole world.I could demolish you in minutes.I don't think you own POke stadium 2.Or at least N64.Buy those things.Go to earls acadamy.Then you'll know how to really make your pokemon the best.Vaporjolt,Lady katana,and Ben or Paul are the best trainers i know.I also too am one of the best.But not the best in the whole world.So don't call yourself the master.Because you'll never be the best in the world.
  11. I would say Bugsy.His Scyther was a challange a little bit.Because he survived only 2 ATTACKS!!!!While the other only had 1 attack of my furious quilava or cyndaquil.Even quilva or cyndaquil was 1 level lower than scyther but still whupped his butt.The hardest would be Gary.He creamed almost all of my pokemon.But 2 or 1 pokemon in my team was still left standing.
  12. Gollen: hehehehe.But first is first.We need scouters. Jin: why? oh that.You blew it up. Reid: lets go then. Kune: yeah. Everybody zoomed through to get to the ship. Jeson: ahhhh scouters. everybody got their scouters but the sayain armors were cracked and about to fall off with one touch. Cruiz:welll look like we have to change armors too. Gollen: you tell me.My armor is going to turn into dust.Because of those misrable slugs blasted me. everyone changed but the old armors just cracked and fell down but Gollen's turned into dust,and everyone got their armors. Jin: Now lets go to the chamber.
  13. Name:Shinzu Bio:His mother died.His father is stilll alive and a good fighter.Trained him intill he was 35.Now training himself and improving his skills. Personality:Very strong.He's gets angry really easily.Making his strength build up gradrully and it strength will stay that high forever. Power Level: 1,000 Strength:300 Ki:600 Defense:99 Speed:1
  14. Charizard vs Togemon Heres another round.But all hopes to charizard.Because you know why? BeCAUSE ALL POKEMON ARE DOWN!!!!!Not alll but you folks know. Refree: ready??? GO!!! Announcer: now its starting but.....Charizard is......a sitting duck.With togemon's acarracy so low.It's BLIND!!!!And ohhhhh charizard fire blasting and slashing togemon.And.......*hands down a paper*ohhh Gyarados IS IN THE BATTLE TEAMING UP WITH CHARIZARD!!!!They're starting up a combining force of 2 hyper beam put together.Also togemon is running around for no reason.And the blast got Togemon plus they both added a secret weapon to that blast and it is DRAGON RAGE!!!!!Charizard and Gyarados is THE WINNER!!!!!
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ProudClod [/i] [B]Any way, I dont really know which sephiroth you are stuck on, Safer or Bizzaro?[/B][/QUOTE] The sephiroth where he is octapus like.And Inside the earth's core.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char! [/i] [B] [color=teal][size=1]Hm? What secret moves are you talking about? I gotta Typhlosion, and I'm interested...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Its earthquake and thunderpunch.Very effective with Typhlosion.
  17. I need a plan.He kicks my butt with his sun expansion to cream my team from an over 7000 HP to a measly 500 and under HP also making my characters attack eachother (mainly cloud because he is hardly in any bad condition).Them Sephiroth beats me up with his magics.At that time Knights of the Round wouldn't be availible ( because of the semi-boss. )If you're planning for Megalixers then you have failed,because that time i don't have any more megas.But 2 or 3 X-Potions though.So give me a walkthrough for beating him or a preperation before the semi-boss or just advices.Walkthroughs are better though.
  18. I didn't see it.But if its like the seizure robots in the simpson.We have to problem but hey,it took only a few minutes for the seizure to stop.But it's very dangerous though.Finally pokemon is seirious.Very seirous.Very very seirious.Over digimon's writer serious.( Illness serious.)
  19. wtf?Paul,we're talking about starting pokemon.Not others pokemon Topic: Now,choose totodile.Cyndaquil is good in the 1st half but 2nd half,the typhlosion will be dead,unless maybe the 2 secret moves willl help the guy.Chicorita will help in the 2nd half.But in the 1st half its not good.Totodile is a good choice.It has a 50/50 chance for each half.
  20. Pokémon Crystal What should I change? Alakazam (L67) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Flash, Psybeam Item: Twistedspoon Need a psycal(sp) attacks.(example:normal,fighting ect).Or bllissey and other high spe.defencers will have the advantage and take control of the battle. Hypno (L60) Attacks: Psychic, Hypnosis, Ice Punch, Dream Eater Item: Quick Claw Same problem as Alakazam.Change ice punch into a phsycal attack Steelix (L58) Attacks: Iron Tail, Strength, Crunch, Earthquake Item: Blackglasses Sandstorm over crunch.Also probelby use Poke stadium 2 to get bind back.A combo with bind.Also probleby put toxic in the arsinal.I think you can put toxic. Feraligatr (L56) Attacks: Cut, Ice Punch, Surf, Hidden Power (ground) Item: Mystic Water Thunderpunch over hidden power.Earthquake over an attack. Xatu (L53) Attacks: Solarbeam, Fly, Psychic, Sunny Day Item: Sharp Beak good.no need for rating. Gengar (L51) Attacks: Hypnosis, Fire Punch, Dream Eater, Shadow Ball Item: Spell Tag Need curse.ttach leftovers All my Pokemon need to do in order to beat the game is to beat Red. In Gold and Crystal, I have never battled him before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Pokémon Gold[/b] What should I change? Alakazam (L57) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Flash, Recover Item: Magnet Same problem as Hypno. Starmie (L50) Attacks: Surf, Psychic, Zap Cannon, Recover Item: Mystic Water Good but zap cannon vhanged into thunder or thunderbolt. Machamp (L46) Attacks: Vital Throw, Strength, Dig, Cross Chop Item: Black Belt Rock slide over something. Butterfree (L46) Attacks: Sleep Powder, Psychic, Solarbeam, Sunny Day Item: Miracle Seed good. Ho-oh (L44) Attacks: Sacred Fire, Fly, Dragonbreath, Fire Blast Item: Sacred Ash whoa.i think you can make Ho-oh learn earthquake.If you can remove fire blast.Sacred fire is a special attack. Typhlosion (L44) Attacks: Cut, Iron Tail, Rollout, Flame Wheel Item: Charcoal thunder punch and earthquake over cut,iron tail,or rollout.Flame wheel is also a special attack.attach magnet. All my Pokemon need to do is beat Red. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This area has hardly any rating.Why? Because I'm too lazy and have hardly any time.I'll continue with the others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pokémon Silver What should I change? (don't worry if three of my pokemon are Psychic-type; I like that type of Pokemon) Hypno (L69) Attacks: Psychic, Hypnosis, Ice Punch, Dream Eater Item: Nevermeltice same problem as the other psychics. Misdreavus (L66) Attacks: Perish Song, Confuse Ray, Psychic, Pain Split Item: Focus Band Alakazam (L65) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Flash, Recover Item: Magnet same problem. Lugia: (L61) Attacks: Aeroblast, Surf, Fly, Hydro Pump Item: Sharp Beak Magmar (L60) Attacks: Strength, Psychic, Flamethrower, Fire Blast Item: Charcoal Meganium (L60) Attacks: Body Slam, Razor Leaf, Solarbeam, Cut Item: Miracle Seed Sunny day over cut.Use the HM remover.(If it exist). My Pokemon have already beaten the game, but I'm worried about other battles... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pokémon Yellow What should I change? Zapdos (L51) Attacks: Thundershock, Drill Peck, Thunder, Sky Attack Alakazam (L50) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Ice Punch, Recover Butterfree (L48) Attacks: Mega Drain, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Solarbeam Nidoking (L46) Attacks: Bubblebeam, Body Slam, Horn Drill, Fire Blast Pikachu (L45) Attacks: Thunderbolt, Thunder, Flash, Mega Kick Vaporeon (L45) Attacks: Surf, Ice Beam, Bite, Haze
  21. Ditto or something that is genderless but not legendary with anybody exept for legendaries are a good combo.
  22. Nope.No 1/35 soldier there.It's a lie.So you're crazy. Edit: hmmm.Some how i got 2 1/35 soldiers.I forgot,my firend delete my old file and copied his file to my memory card.He must of use that method to get 1 of the 1/35 soldiers.The only way i could know is to ask him.
  23. Or make a simiulater.It almost always works.For the moving thing.Well i think with no water and a strong cable holding you up.Then use all of your swimming technices(sp).And voila.A blitzball.Also when somebody hits you,then you're stuck for 5 slow seconds.
  24. After the last group of fighters defeated the terrorist.They are planning to take over europe.By infiltrating the british boat.By doing that they are going to take someone a send a threat.The soldiers are more deadlier now.But 2 of the person who last defeated the terrorist is on board though. For people who don't know the game chrisis beat: It was a game of 4 characters.They are beating up the terorists and saving the boat.With bosses who are sort of easily defeated.And the setting was at christmas.Where we are also setting up at.At christmas eve though.That means more weapons. i need: Name: Weapon: age: description: bio: Remember its a boat we're on.So we could throw them off the boat.Weapons are equipments so we could use them many times you like.It is like video game so i am going to set up the area,enemies,weapons,and throwing off the boat capablity.Guns are one hit though.But need to change it every 3 shots. Exept machine guns.But one sign up person can have it.If used in 2 levels you can't use it any more and have to wait 1 area. Old characters on the boat: Eiji and Julia Name:Zanki Weapon:Machine gun age:17 description:blue vest,Red shirt,Denim pants,Black hat bio:Eiji's son.Now his skill of fighting is a little bit better then Eji.
  25. Asuki: you know what to do brike. Brike: right. Brike started waving his hammerfist at his enemy rapidly and charged at it Brike: TAKE THIS ROBOCHICKEN!!!!!!!!! ??? took over 20 hits of the fists Brike: NOW TAKE THIS SAMBARA SWORD!!!!!! the sambara sword took ??? outside and went through the door. RR: NOOO!!!!!! RR'S Medawatch: warning warning 96% damage. Hadufa rapidly shooting seeker missle and made ????2 flying out of the house and outside where ??? is. RR2'S medawatch:warning warning 100% damage.Medabot destroyed. RR2: NOOO MY MEDABOT IS DESTROYED INTO PIECES!!!!!!!! Anto: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.Thats what you get. Asuki: power-up Brike. Asuki's medawatch: power up 98% RR: BEAT HIM UP BEFORE HE CAN BE AT 100% NOW!!!!!!! Anto: don't think so.HADUFA!!!! Hadufa tackled him ??? and pinned him to the wall. Asuki's medawatch: power-up completed. Asuki: MEDAFORCE!!!!!!!!!!! Anto: GET OUT OF THE WAY HADUFA!!!!!!! Brike's medaforce build up into a humungous ball of energy and threw it at ??? and hadufa got out of the way RR: warning warning 100% damage.Medabot destroyed RR2: next time we will beat you.With more powerful medabots HAHAHAHAHA Asuki: i beleive you owe us a medapart.It was a submision robattle. RR: dang it.
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