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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. I keep on using my GFs for damage.But he manage to repair himself and survive all of my powerful attacks.I can't seem to destroy him.Darn Seifer,why won't he look at the sky to see that huge tarantula.Nothing works.So what do i do????
  2. people who are into dbz VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH is a mindless DBZ zombie to me.I'm into DBZ but not very much.Even my friend is still talking about DBZ.And keep on with the quetions about them.Even print out fake DBZ pictures.He can't even know what pic is fake.
  3. Narrorator:this is what the robos are doing,Rubber robos swarming the whole town.Blocking traffic,robobattling,and threatening every resteraunts to hand their food to them. Who is going to stop them??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asuki: i hate this.1 minute they're stopping traffic.The next---- Brike: be quiet. I'm meditating Asuki: uh huh. to get you calm HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Brike: I'LL SHOW YOU!!!! 2 rubber robos came in crashing to the window. Rubber robo 1: WE CHALLENGE YOU TO A ROBATTLE!!!!! Asuki: Can you wait for 10 minutes for my partner to come here???? RR: sure. Brike: but Asuki you------ Asuki: be quiet. i know somebody will come here.If our luck pays off.You can't beat them alone. Brike: i know i could beat those guys. Asuki: uh huh, sure.THe last robattle was against a begginer.You're not fit for a 2 on 1 robattle Brike: ok. RR2: only 8 more minutes. Asuki: come on come on. somebody come here.
  4. let me think ugamon ummmmmmmmmmm.................................................................YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PrettygurlRei [/i] [B]Way at the top the moderator said you can't beat the elite four with only two pokemon in r/b/y! I have a friend, not me cause I think pokemon sucks, that beta the elite four with a level one hundred blastoise. So there! You are wrong little moderator BWA HA HA HA HA! [/B][/QUOTE] hahahaha yeah right.Like one blastoise beat up the elite 4 in RBY.He must mean GS.If he did then he must have OVER 99 full restores.The mod said that to beat the pokmon without any items and I too said that.So there,make your friend to beat the game again with no items.Loser.
  6. Do anybody play that game??? It's pretty weild.The character speaking is japaneise and the rest is english.Also isn't the princess of the fearless a playable character or is that a girl who look just like it?????What was the level after the level where you get ambush by those scissor hand guys in the elevator?I think it was an old game but i just got it though.
  7. But anyways Mewtwo can be a playable player.And he can float.
  8. Did anybody saw Smackdown???? It was cool!!!!!! Angle and edge was in a cage match.With Hogan did interferance for edge.If Hogan didn't interfere and the referee was still up then angle would win.But edge won anyways.With the help with the super spear.THey're were cool moves in the match.
  9. I would fire Dreamer.He's just getting more weilder and psychotic now.You saw the video right??He was in the barber shop and eating hair.Then probelby hire Sabu. I'll edit more ideas later. Edit: Rhyno and Sabu together in a tag team match.Fire Ric,Probelby fire Jazz.And maybe hire the whole NWO crew like sting and randy savage.Hire the whole ECW wrestlers.Hire goldberg.Cut Test's immunity by 3/4.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Paul [/i] [B]I wouldn't have Steelix, one fire pokemon and your finished, i would replace it with this team: Raichu Magnet LV:100 ThunderBolt Thunder Zap Cannon Rain Dance Typlosion Charcoal LV:100 Flamethrower FireBlast DynamicPunch Sunny Day Ferilegatr(sp) Mystic Water LV:100 Surf Hydro Pump Slash Bite Meganium LV:100 Razor Leaf Solorbeam Body slam (need a move here any suggestions welcome) Pidgeot Sharp Beak LV:100 Fly Wing Attack Mirror Move Whirlwind - for annoying pokemon that won't let you run away. Dragonite LV:100 Hyper Beam Psychic FireBlast Thunder What a mixed bunch , i will welcome any suggestions to improving them with open arms. [/B][/QUOTE] Raichu 5/10 no way in the battle world you are going to use zap cannon.Replace it.Unless you have a good luck charm.which you need to make zap cannon hit.Or have gameshark and make it learn mind reader or lock on.Pretty good with the others typhlosion 8/10 Replace something with flame wheel. Again with low accrate attacks.Replace 2 moves with thunderpunch and earthquake.But remove dynamic punch.If going to keep that,then use the samething with raichu.Or equiped it scope lens.But it just make a 50/50 chance though. Feraligatr 9/10 good.But replace bite with earthquake.Thats how you protect yourself from eletric pokemon. Meganium 9/10 good. use sunny day in your arsinal.Makes solarbeam a 1 turn attack and a little more damage.Synthesis over razor leaf. Pidgeot 7/10 replace 2 moves for steel wing and mud slap.I would think Vaporjolt would like the whirlwind. Dragonite 6/10 psychic and hyper beam doesn't serve your pokemon well.Safeguard and outrage will do the trick.Equiped with that dragon attack boost up or bitter berry. overall 44/60 The grade: B+ for the good part: +4 pokemons has a 2.6 boost up. bad news: -need to own Pokemon stadium 2.Why? Because need to work out with type match up and what moves can defeat the pokemon that can defeat your current pokemon on the field. -No need for low accrate high powerful attacks I'll edit for more reports
  11. Wayne brady all the way.He's the most funniest of all.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] Not really... They still got up from that last blow... That was merely round one of the fight... I wish someone would just nuke Townsville in the dead of night and kill all of those fools... -End Rant- [/B][/QUOTE] They got up because of some tear drops.For the nucular bomb the town.The PPG would suvive and mutate.Into MPPG [B]M[/B]utant [B]P[/B]ower [B]P[/B]uff [B]G[/B]irls.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  13. the original SF2????Is that the one that ken get possesed????if it is that one then it is great.i know the story how ryu gets evil.But not evil just sort of bad.
  14. duh.i think darktooth is a big black truck.i had a dream about him. i was playing my TM2 game in paris.But it changed.Its all like TWB.Dark clouds,sort of a foggy arena,and good hiding places.Then suddenly darktooth came crashing down.With other cars.Grasshopper,thumper,spectre,and everybody including sweetooth.and exept minion because i was minion.i use the hit and run tatics. but sometimes when i'm on blowned up bridge. I fall a long way down to the water.The rest i could tell but a think its a long story.
  15. i'm Trajo Thgra.I can't prononce my Last jedi name.My name is screwed up.But i think i could pronounce it a little.BUT TRAJO?????it sounds like my friend's joel's last name trejo.or something like that.For POH's friend's jedi name it would be trajoh thugra.
  16. One thing.They switched metel with some RAW news.Whats with Goldust anyways???? He's insane with elvis' [email]bullcr@p.Also[/email] Goldust is never going to be in the nwo EVER!!!!! For the World wildlife thing.I think the World wild life should change their name.And get beat up by all of the wrestlers.hehehe.And no Wildlife bulls*** will stop the WWE(F)
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by XxDMONxX [/i] [B]Rate this team................. 1 Steelix Slam Toxic Iron tail Crunch (( he is at lvl 100 and i have fed him the max of each vitamin and hp ups ))) 2 n/a 3 n/a 4 n/a 5 n/a 6 n/a [/B][/QUOTE] Thats not even a team **** head. but anyways as you wish. [size=1][color=deeppink]You should mind your tongue. -Nerdsy[/color][/size] P.S. rate MY team.Read topics for a while dude [size=1][color=deeppink]Sorry to but in again. His little intrusion is all right, it's better that more post in someone elses Rate My Team thread than start fifty ga-jillion topics. -Nerdsy[/color][/size] Steelix Earthquake over toxic or slam.If your going to keep toxic then sandstorm over slam or crunch. One more thing don't add any special moves like Fire,water,or grass.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]In any case, I think the whole idea of super charged kindergardeners who can NEVER be defeated is moronic... Bleh! [/B][/QUOTE] They're defeatable. With RRB they're doomed.
  19. i sort of like PPG.But the most gross thing i ever seen is when PPG kissed the RRB.But RRB rules.THey beat up PPG.And end with a powerful,fast takedown to the ground making sort of a energy blast.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]I'd have to disagree with you there. I didn't see him wrestle Jericho.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] well he did nerdsy.In smackdown.Jericho won against HHH.Then a week later he wrestled with hogan.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by chris00k [/i] [B]Name: Chris Winner Medabot's name: Quatre Parts: Aracno blaster, rokusho's right arm (Rokusho's sanbara sword), rokusho's Legs, Metabee's Head, regenerater & Sumilidon's Cheast part (Is All red like fire). special weapon:Medaforce & Shadow sword stenghth: 99 speed: 89 Defence: 88 Power-up avalible: YES ( Rappid Says "Dud You suck" when uses Medaforce) [/B][/QUOTE] um.....did you read the rules bottem of the sign up????You have to lower 2 of your stats
  22. Ok. Raw sucks.But please Summerslam have to be better.And judgement day was the worst event ever.
  23. Well because you have to follow the bleep bleep bleep sound. For example: say its at the north diretion and it starting to make a noise. i move 1 step closer and repeat.Always repeat but stop when its at something you can't go through orit stop the sound. If stop then go back and get the item.If its the blocked road then press A
  24. 18 HOURS???????? d@mn. it takes normelly 2 days but 18 HOURS????I remember G/S expert.But now i sort of mastered the following letters in my user
  25. They are.And they showed already the 2nd season.They're cousins demi.And they trained together with Li's servent or master or something like that. Or a family member.
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