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Everything posted by G/S/B Master
Well i don't know who is the hardcore champ and the eurupen(sp) champ so who is it???
i think you should be solar hypershadow
we're forgentten one person here. and it kune. check vampire D's post -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everybody turned SSJ Gollen and reid: BIG BANG!!!!!!!!!!! Cruiz and jeson: ka......me.......ha....me..........HA!!!!!!!!!!! Jin: TRIPLE MASENKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that destroyed half of the slugs. 15 survived Gollen: why won't they be destroyed all together. Reid and gollen: BIG BANG Jeson and cruiz: Ka......me....ha.......me........ha....me.......HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jin: TRIPLE MASENKO!!!!! All of the slugs were destroyed Gollen: so Jin why you came back??
Theres cards that never been shown on the television screen.Like the return card.
Jonathan: HEY YO!!!!!!! Terri: hm. who are you 2 guys Ryo: i'm ryo and i don't know what the other guy is Jonathan: it is Jonathan. Lizardmon: i smell data. Cloud: the digivice picked up a digimon in a....MEGA FORM??????? Jonathan: whoa. i only encountered champions but MEGAS?????? Ryo: quickly every one digivolve into megas. Jonathan: lets warp. MOONLIGHT ENERGIZE!!!!!!! Lizardmon warp digivolve to.......................NOCTOSAQUILMON!!!!!!!!!!!! Argomon warp digivolve to.........................STORMDRAMON!!!! Howlmon warp digivolve to......................PROWLMON!!!!!! Fenrimon warp digivolve to...................REBELMON!!!!!!!
You forgot Mztic gohan that the Millenium cane or rod can turn into a dagger or some sort to kill someone.
Jonathan: lets destroy dino breath Tyrannomon: WHAT?? Madramon: ok STAR FLARES!!!!!! the claw of madramon slashed tyrannomon in a star shape with a flameing claw.And tyrannomon's data was absorbed. Madramon: that was easy. Jonathan: ummmm giant parrot coming through?????? Parrotmon: hehehehehe SONIC DESTROYER!!!!!!!!! Madramon:grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUICK SLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Madramon slashed parrotmon with one swoop and madramon absorbed its data. Jonathan: that was easy *digivice making sounds* huh??? an arrow??? Madramon de-digivolved to lizardmon Lizardmon: maybe its more digimon for us to destroy Jonathan: nope. It can't be. A digimon can't have this much power. maybe theres more like me. LETS GO!!! Lizardmon: ok ok ok.
well check the each and every forum for the rules then
erm. power ranger?????? i can't believe this but eh.
Gaming Twisted Metal: Black (Spoiler Alert)
G/S/B Master replied to *-- RagnaroK--*'s topic in Noosphere
Do any one of you know anything about dark tooth???? I didn't beat the game but i know i could trap him the subways in hong kong and hit him with all i got in my arsinal. I need the description and his special. -
Name:Jonathan age:11 Digimon: R:Lizardmon *Attack acid spit C:Madramon *Star flares and quick slash U:NoctoDevidramon Darkness blast M:NoctoSaquilmon demon bomb and demon glare Crest and digiegg:Neutron Bio: Had his digimon since he was only 8. His digimon was inffected by the virus Diaboramon had and Kokomon only about a little.Jonathan was a Brave kid.Stand up against bullies.Almost beat up all of them up Description: Blue,red,and orange striped vest,Black shirt and pants Magna: NoctoChaossaquilmon Attacks: Element blast Proton strike Burning flares of Souls Shadow Strike Virus slash Description: sort of look like impirialdramon in paladin mode.With omnimon's head and megakabuterimon's horn.Cannons for hands but the hands can pop up.Red eyes,Black armors, and Red and black diamond shape crystals on each side of the sword. Armor: NoctoWarSaquilmon attacks force of destrution
Golleid: oh great more bag of cr@p coming. 100 juinior slugs was storming and powering up. Slug: hehehe EVERYBODY LETS DO IT!!!!! every slug blasted a ki blast like crazy making a ki storm. Juiz: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!!! GOLLEID LETS DO IT!!!! Golleid: setting up an ultimate attack??? ok. Juiz and golleid put their palms together charging up a giant kamehameha. Juiz and Golleid: KA...ME....HA...ME....HA.....ME...... Slug: cease fire. wait for enemy. Juiz and golleid: HA!!!!!!!! Slug: WHAT???? WHY YOU YOU CEA---------- the kamehameha destroyed 70 slugs. but golleid and juiz defused
Gollen: lets do something reid like search for the Dragon balls.Or something. Reid: wait..........my scouter is picking up something........ slugs the slugs were coming in a fast motion. But very human like. Cruiz: its the slugs. With higher ranks then junior. Jeson: lets fuse. Gollen and reid: FUSION!!!! Cuiz and jeson: FUSION!!!! after they fuse they had 2 scouters one on each eye. SLugs: hehehehe. 20 against 2. what a disadvantage. Golleid: i heard that. FINAL FLASH!!!!!! the final flash destroyed 15 slugs in it path but 5 didn't get hit by it. Slug: d@mn thats good. Juiz: this is better He Raised his left arm and he charged up to use his flaming destrution. Slug2: this is all yours. Juiz: bye. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr AHH!!!!!!! he realesed the flaming destrution and a slug was wiped out. Golleid: you take 2 and i take the other 2. Juiz: hehehe good.
Booker is in the nwo????? whoa. yeah it is exept scott hall.
IT RULES!!!!!!!! But how did bison mange to survive Ryu's and Ken's haduken combo in the 3rd and 2nd movie of SF.And he was pushed to his ship and KABOOM no more ship.
Gaming Typhlosion+flying pokemon=ultimate force against the elite 4???
G/S/B Master replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Paul [/i] [B]well said, who thought that The Egg that Mr. Pokemon gave you hatched a random pokemon? we all make mistakes so don't feel hard about yourself. [/B][/QUOTE] i think your a little off topic and we all know that it will be random. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B]True, but Feraligator is the next strongest starter next to Typhlosion. I wonder if anyone does actually pick Chikorita as their starter, knowing it really doesn't stand a chance at the first two Gyms.... [/B][/QUOTE] yeah but save chick dude for the 2nd half of the game. Because it will have a [SIZE=10]HUGE[/SIZE] advantage.Totodile have sort of an equal chance against all of the 1st and 2nd half of the game gym leaders. -
Juiz: lets go to the ship. Reid: ok........ everyone entered the ship and theres all kind of stuff Gollen: whoa.... sayain armors,scouters.....everything. Juiz: yeah.......what a heap of things we could use. Reid: then lets use them. after a few minutes they have scouters and sayain armors. Gollen: with these things we could now know how strong our opponents is. And which one is the real frieza. So we don't have to be fooled. Juiz: yeah. and a lot of junk to use. theres pods. only 6 of em. Jin: i'm back with the senso beans. Reid: good. Jin: i only got 20 of them. 4 for each. everybody took 4 senso beans. and juiz throw the sayain armor and a scouter at Jin Juiz: use them and wear em.Like we all did. Jin: ok
Gaming Twisted Metal: Black (Spoiler Alert)
G/S/B Master replied to *-- RagnaroK--*'s topic in Noosphere
Does minion still possess the same special????? Like the 3 missles and a freeze.Also i thought dark tooth was sweet tooth father. Not marcus.Also do any one of you need help on that game??? -
Gaming Twisted Metal: Black (Spoiler Alert)
G/S/B Master replied to *-- RagnaroK--*'s topic in Noosphere
WHAT?????? oh yes i almost forgot to put this. In twisted metal 2 he eat souls. not flesh. human souls. -
Gaming Twisted Metal: Black (Spoiler Alert)
G/S/B Master replied to *-- RagnaroK--*'s topic in Noosphere
Well i know how to defeat the game. The badboy in this game is warhawk which is the final boss. and i pretty much know all of everybody's special's name.And how to get the secret characters.I know all of the hideouts,danger place,almost everything about the game. -
Goleid: i only have 10 minutes of juice left for this kamehameha. 10 minutes of fusion. Juiz: better hold it up intil you realease it. just keep on charging it up. Goleid: ok. i don't know how much i could take in its a little painful and it has been 20 minutes now its like 22 now. 8 more minutes. Jin: he's coming with impact. Goleid: finnaly...........about now i could realese this. Juiz: just about enough time for your fusion to end 5 more minutes. Frieza: AAHHHHHHHHH I NEVER PULLED THIS HARD!!!!!! HAHAHAHA UH OH I'M GOING TO SLAM TO THE GROUND AHHHH!!! Frieza slamed to the ground and it made a hole. Jin: 1 more minute Goleid: ok HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frieza got a direct hit of the kamehameha and was almost destroyed. But reid and gollen defused Gollen: oy that took a lot of me. Reid: me too. Juiz: this is our chance. lets hit him with the final blow.
Gollen: NO!!!!! Gollen flew to the sky and got hit by the V-85 Deathball Gollen: i won't let you 2 get seriosly hurt are you ready Reid???? Reid: ok.... Gollen and reid: FUSION!!!!!! Then became Goleid( if you got a better one post it) Goleid: KAIOKEN!!!!! goleid did the kaioken 20xs but frieza blocked half of it. Frieza: that all you GOT??????? Frieza released his finger beam at Goleid and he got a direct hit.Goleid's veins popped up and turned SSJ Goleid: oh yeah. everyone distract frieza. i have a little surprise for him. KA.......ME......HA........ME...HA .......ME....................... Goleid charged up to 4 minutes but he was still charging. Jin: you heard him DISTRACT FRIEZA!!!!
OOC: hmmm that means the fusion takes up 10 mins per post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frieza: hehehehe huh?????? oh more slugs ok then everybody come here 30 slugs came to frieza Frieza: everybody squish yourself together * everyslug squish themselves together* Frieza: exelent. here you GO!!!! frieza absorbed every slug Cruiz: grrrr this is tough. Jin: man and we wern't in our SSJ form. Reid: thats what we need to be in.
Freiza: hmmm stronger and stubburner then i thought. Leader: what should i do???? Freiza: get more slugs this time more expeirience. After the rookies are done get the juniors. 30 juniors Leader:ok meanwhile.... Gollen: this is for the others!!!! goleen threw a pointy rock at a slug's chest and the rock went through his heart Cruiz: nice one. Reid: TAKE THIS SLUG!!!! Fired a ki blast close up through his stomach Gollen: i have a plan why won't we combind our attacks??? Like hitting our attacks together. to be continued.
The rock did get hurt.I mean the NWO smashed the ambulance the the rock inside it.the NWO have to do community work