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Everything posted by G/S/B Master
i live in south california. garden grove.Here in my neiborhood its dog street.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]He hasn't come back for me yet.... I've been wondering where he wouldv'e gone to and went looking for him (:drunk: ), though no luck.... maybe he [i]doesn't[/i] come back... [/B][/QUOTE] you have to win the grand leaders. then go back to that guys house and i think you will see him.
Gollen: TAKE THIS YOU LOWSY SLUGS!!!!!!! Slug: YOU CALL US LOWSY???????? Gollen: A FLYING SLUG???? slug: YOU BETCHA AND YOU ARE GOING TO GET PUMMELED HAHAHA!!!! *cough* *cough* HAAHAHHAHA a ki blast fired from the flying slug. SLug2: huh????? AH!!!!!!! take this you weakling!!!!!!!! slug2 ki blasted Gollen and gollen was pushed to the flying slug. Slug: this one is yours slug!!!! Ki blasted gollen back SLug2: NO YOURS!!!!!! Slug2 blasted gollen back Slug: no yours!!!!! Blasted gollen back Slug2: grrrr wait lets play ping pong with him Blasted gollen back Slug: yeah lets play ping pong. Gollen was balsted back and forth. He was a sayain so everytime they hit he was stronger and madder. * for 2 hours* half of the slugs were killed Slug: i'm pooped Slug2: me too Gollen: BUT I'M NOT GRRRRRRRRRRRR FINAL FLASH!!!!!!! Blasted 12 slugs Jin: alright 13 slugs to go.
i might buy it.i have soft hentei on a street fighter movie.
OOC: ok, i usually write more then that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reid: lets finish this Gollen Gollen: ok........ Reid and Gollen: BIG BANG!!!!!!!! The two big bangs came crashing together making a smoke screen.The 2 slugs were destroyed. With still MORE smoke. Meanwhile Freiza: WHERE THE HEAK WITH THOSE SLUGS?????? ok.....THATS IT SEND 50 SLUGS TO THE SAME LOCATION!!! ???: ok Freiza:if i don't know how strong they're i'll keep on sending slugs and i'll send more everytime i'm impattient Back where the z warriors are....... Cruiz: huh??????? oh great more slugs Jin: yeah but more then before. Gollen: great more slugs to beat up and destroy. 50 slugs came rushing towards the Z Fighters. To be continued.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] The Genki-Dama would still be more powerful. As it has been said, it draws a bit of energy from all living things, whereas the other attack would just be coming from Gokou.[/B][/QUOTE] Goku is more deadly if he battles someone on the sun.Because the sun's flares counts as a living right??? Also the sun is huge star but has some surfaces. So Genki-dama has [SIZE=10]MORE[/SIZE] then enough to destroy a planet.
hey sailor what with quoting my post?????
it is typical. Stone cold turn on the WWF and other wrestlers in Invasion. It wil be an all out war in a few monthes. It will be in a matter of time when smackdown get down and dirty against RAW almost filled with NWO wrestlers.
*enters the battle* Gollen: bonjour stupid FINAL FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * he kills one slug* Reid: that wasn't enough Gollen: that was a little of my final flash. Reid: oh.
Name: Jonathon Age: 16 Main Pokémon: tyranitar Other pokémon: charizard,rapidash,Kingular,Magmar,and dodrio Apperance: Black shirt,red shoes,Jeans,Black and white cap,and Blue gloves. Bio: trained when he was 10. he worked hard and traveled around the world to beat trainers. He beat a lot of trainers and became an experience elite trainer.Intil he stopped his traveling and entered the johto leagues.His training area is the mountain near to volcanos and lakes.His tyranitar is a very accuate hitter making it a very tough pokemon to beat. Pokémon's Level: 90
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Satoshi_Tajiri [/i] [B]Psyduck is rarer, stronger and better than Mew!!! P.S. joking :babble: [/B][/QUOTE] hehehehe. (stupid cr@p). anyways there is a code such thing like that but thats not the way. the method is the same but you have to swim to the right and stop at some platform.Then there should be a truck. Move it with streghth and a pokeball will appear after you move it. Then press a to get it and mew will battle you.But one thing is the truck is unmovable.
Espeon Morning sun Psychic Endure Psych-up Item: twisted spoon Flareon Fire blast Sunny day Double-edge Skull bash item:charcoal Jolteon Thunder Rain dance Thunder wave Headbutt Item: Magnet Vaporeon Hydro pump Blizzard Toxic Iron tail Item: Nevermeltice Umbreon Moonlight Shadow ball Faint attack Psychic Item: black glasses Tyranitar Earthquake Crunch Rock slide Hyper beam Item: pink bow
No wonder ric flair was against stone cold.Ric flair will give the NWO the advantage and in control of RAW
Brolly is a legend. Broly is a lengendary SSJ. And if you want the rules of the legendary SSJ.You can ask me but heak with it i'll tell you anyways [list] [*] one will appear every centrury [*] the power of every level will have the same power as the next one ( for exemple when a LSSJ becomes SSJ it has a power of an USSJ ) [*] can't be defeated one on one [*] the power level when they're born is 1,000 or 10,000 [/list] theres more but i can't think anymore. But i think thats all of them.
Buu clothes based on the one he absobed. The way gotenks escaped from buu is he defused.
Gogeta is controled by goku. Making it learn the genki-dama (spirit bomb) But only for 30 min. But it will lower to 20 min if it goes SSJ4. Veggeto is controled by vegeta(more like vegetables).Making it have the ego of vegeta (so do gogeta). But the portera earrings have an energy boost up.Normerly the fusion boost the energy 1/8. But the potera earrings boosts up a half of 1/8 or 1/8. so i'm i right????
i know the G/S ball has a lock that is [SIZE=10]STRONGER[/SIZE] then the master ball. Making it the strongest ball in the world.But whoever made it must be the one who created the master ball.
I would like to thank this forum because...
G/S/B Master replied to zidane11's topic in General Discussion
Well half of this should be in the Otaku lounge like 75% of it. But anyways i got to otaku when i was seaching for pokemon codes and cheats. On yahoo,and otaku appeared on the seach screen so i checked it then signed up for the messege board. At that time the IM_GENGAR the spammer was on it. -
well i was thinking about those 2 attacks. Soukidan was yamcha's special attack???? And it was a spirit bomb type right???? Also goku's genki-dama is also a spirit bomb type right??? So i know the spirit bomb depends on how the planet size AND how much livings.The one thing i need to know is this. Does the Genki-dama do more damage then the soukidan???
Big show is in the nwo.But thinking about it made me predicting that the undertaker( or underwear ) and brock lsnar is going to join the nwo. also did anybody saw the last episode of dark angel???? Lita was the special guest of it.
do anybody watch it???? it was funny. very funny.Like yesterday at Saturday. the desppressing persian tow truck man. He was a therepy and he said all these things about his family. ( his kids saying he's a porn star hahahahahahahahaha)A few weeks ago they put part of the life as a child. and that was one of the newest mad tv member bobby lee. That was one of the funniest times since the persian tow truck man.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ugamon [/i] [B]hehe i am in big trobale if i fight both of you at one time lol [/B][/QUOTE] hehehe yeah. double medaforce. But ugamon you should only have one special and one of your stats have to be in the 75-100 not 2. but since you have a great down level on your strenghth i'll let you off with that stat.let see ugamon 249,Ryo 248,and me 247.
Anime Were Goten, Trunks, and Bra born without tails?
G/S/B Master replied to Geist's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] But then that means there are two moons, as if Piccolo blew up the Moon, then how did Goku and Bebi-Vegeta fight on the Moon?:confused: :confused: :confused: Another thing only Toriyama could explain... [/B][/QUOTE] Might be an artificial moon.Like the one when gohan got to oozaru in the early DBZ.and piccolo try to blow it up.BUT that was either be an artificial moon or an artificial moon rays/light. -
when after medabee,rokusho,and arcbettle defeated giganko.10 years later he has been restored and his medal is in place.Because of the rubber robo gang he has been revived. He's been guarded for secret missions but what was it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- now I need your: Name: Medabot's name Parts: special weapon: stenghth: speed: Defence: Power-up avalible: something that is 75-100 in strenghth,speed,or defence will be the only one thats 75-100. 100 is the maximum. Parts must be existing ones.But if you are going to use the promisince parts you can't.But you can use other special parts like metabee's missle launcher. If you want the power-up like arcbettle to pump up your medabot's special put yes.But that will sacrafice almost all of your medabot's energy. You can have the medaforce only for the first 5 people who want it and sign up.But it will be your special weapon. Name: asuki Medabot's name: Brike Parts:Missle launcher,Rokusho's hammerfist,Rokusho's sambara sword,sumilidon's legs. Special weapon: Medaforce Strenghth:100 Speed:74 Defence:73 Power-up avilible: yes
Gaming Typhlosion+flying pokemon=ultimate force against the elite 4???
G/S/B Master replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Well Fire (Typhlosion) is usually effective against Ice type pokemon (first leader), though she also has water type pokemon, so a flying type would do to beat here. Those two pokemon alone can beat the first leader. The second leader is a bug/grass/poison type leader. Typhlosion can mostly beat all of his pokemon single handedly. The third leader, a fire/rock type leader. Flying type pokemon can usually put up a good firght against the fire type he has, and Typhlosion would be more effective against the rock pokemon. Fourth leader, a dark/ice- (Sneasel) type. Typhlose and Pigeot (or flying type) can beat here, usually Typhlosion would beat Sneasel, and the dark type. Though Pigeot would put up a tough battle for the Dark type pokemon. Lance is a dragon/flying- (Garydos)/water type trainer. Pigeot usually is total crap against electric type, and Lance's Dragonites know electric moves. So Pigeot is gone. Typhlosion could/could not beat the Dragonites Lance has. If he does, Garydos would likely kill him. Though if Garydos comes out first (which he usually does) Typhlosion will lose about 3 quarters of health beating him, than Dargonite would beat him. [i]Unless of course your Pigeot and Typlosion are on level 100.[/i] Sorry about the long response, I got a bit carried away.... :D Hope it clears some things up. [/B][/QUOTE] huh????? the 1st 3rd and 4th you all got it mixed up.1st one is psychic,water,grass,and flying.Well i will explain how i beat the elite 4 in Gold version 1st member:Will Xatu is the first one to beat so i have to use typhlosion's thunderpunch since its a flying type. then slowbro same stratagy then another xatu same one AND the last one eggxugutor burn it into crisp with my flame wheel 2nd member:Koga. ariados is easy. i could go 2 ways kill him with pidgeot or typhlosion. forretress, must be destroyed with typhlosion with flame wheel. because forretress is a duel type pokemon and flame wheel or any other fire attack multiply its damage by 4 muk, destroyed by typhlosion with his earthquake crobat, he's a tough cookie. takes me 3 hits to beat him because of the max potion koga have. then the last one...venonat.destroyed by pidgeot or typhlosion 3rd member bruno hitmontop....tryed fly but keep on using detect so i killed him with 1 wing attack. onix...switched and earthquake the heak out of him. hitmonchan, switched again and wing atttacked him hitmonlee, same stratagy for hitmonchan. machamp...this guy is mighty powerful but 2 flys is enough. 4th member karen umbreon..tough one. need a lot of wing attacks. gengar.. switched and earthquake him off. murkrow.. thunderpunched him houndoom... earthquaked him last but not least vileploom flame wheel her. my other four pokemon was togetic,jumplufff,weepinbell,and machoke.