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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. well there going to be a tournament. the peoples in the tounament will be splited up into 4 division. the winner of each division will battle eachother.the final one standing will be the winner. and the winner will have to face me in a duel. if i win the winner won't duel me forever and the one who is defeated by the tounament winner duels me and repeat intil theres a winner. You can make up cards but make up cards must be lower then 2500 attacks points and defence. but no fake fusion.and unlimited of every cards. heres my cards: faceless mage eye of illusion dark magician flame swordsman water mist yellow tornado Summouned skull Red eyes black dragon 3 blue eyes white dragon G of thunder G of water G of earth 5 pieces of exodia swords and shield axe rader celtic warior Kunai with chain Gia the fiece knight Curse of dragon Faroh imp unicorn horn lyberyth tank 5 polithysm ( fusion card)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]I started watching this show for abou tthe last 2 months. Can't wait until 2 weeks so they start the tournament. :) Btw, my favorite medabot is the Medabee lookalike...I forget the name. [/B][/QUOTE] it was karrakkot or something. its realated to some fruit.
  3. SMX or ikky???? WHO WILL WIN THE BATTLE!!!!! SMX is henry from the 24 hours store.Arcbettle have the shadow sword adventage but medabee might have to use the 'medaforce dissapear reappear' act again. But arcbettle has power. and his special is really good.Arcbeettle and metabee is like the same thing. same everything. same power.
  4. my favorite autobot is optimus and magnus. i like them MORE if they fuse together into omega prime. galvatron( thats how to spell his name) is my favorite but he sucks compared to omega with sword. but galvatron and optimus would be an intense battle. but its already show that battle. galvatron got his power boost up by draining all of the autobot's energy exept omega. and omega got his boost up by faith of all autobots and another one from maximus to form the sword. the sword gave him extra boost up. so its like omega is more superior then galvatron because galvatron sucked up 17 autobots and omega got only 3 so omega is more superior and galvatron is the loser.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]did you ever see the episode where homer tripped balls after eating the hot pepper? lol adam said it before i could... illegal sales of weed would come to almost a complete halt if it were legal (not including adults buying for minors, fake id's, etc.). i think libertarian... we should only be punished for crimes against others. smoking weed/doing drugs only counts as a crime against the self. [/B][/QUOTE] oh yeah LOL!!!! on that episode homer was 'the pepper eating wax gum machine!!!!'
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mina Karusala [/i] [B]As the GS ball was found by Dr. (forget her name), could it have been found after the legendary birds incident in the Movie 2000? [/B][/QUOTE] it was Dr.Ivy. and G.S. ball has a rumor that celebi the time traveler is in it. but it might be true.the person who made it is unknown. and liamc2 your wrong. it must be more force then the 3 birds. like lugia and ho-oh they're far stonger then any legendary pokemon. even probleby mewtwo which is probleby the unstopable pokemon.
  7. G/S/B Master


    Tani: i'm back and it's safe!!!!!!!!!!! Zee: alright. * when 1 inch close to the mountain* All: whoa. Rondell: HEY LOOK UP ON THE TOP!!!!!!!!!! ENTEI!!!!! Zee: and in bad mood. Seto: WHAT??? * entei starting to fire beams everywhere* ron: anger problem. Lauren: whats going on???? i have to run all the way to here. Seto: Mr.E is in a bad mood . Lauren: huh?? AAHHH Ron: WHOA. almost hit lauren. Tani: what would calm down entei????
  8. HAHA that was h[ll@ funny!!!!!! the drug dog bites his whinky.and the crows turn on him and started drinking his eye juice.when homer starts to smoke marajuna he starting to act weild and his eyes is like seeing the 70's or something.
  9. G/S/B Master


    OOC: i'm getting you out of the cave. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ seto: HEY WAIT FOR ME!!!!!! Ron: hey seto. Zee: hey i almost forgot to say this ron. where is mewtwo ron??? Ron: since i lived in lavender town and in the Kanto region. He's in veridian. Seto: how do you know??? Ron: since mewtwo has taken over Team rocket. team rocket's headquaters is in veridian. Seto: oh.:worried:
  10. G/S/B Master


    ahhh good cover firedude. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ron: or just let me beat up some pokemon and evolve my quly boy to typholsion and let my typholosion to dive in the lava to get it. typholosion can dive in lava because of its super hot skin. Rondell: wouldn't take a long time??? Ron: let me see the analizer in my comp. * starting to type stuff and put wires on quilava* Ron: nope only 2 strong pokemon should do it. Zee: ok.
  11. oh. it was in my computer. and it was install in it when i got my new computer.i found it in my DBZ folder.
  12. G/S/B Master


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiTerriermon [/i] [B]:therock: Why would a legendary Pokemon want to be captured,im sorry, but that dont make no sence. [/B][/QUOTE] maybe i'll edit that out.
  13. i need help on how to beat the game with zangeif and roll. because i have difficulty on beating the game with them.
  14. who is it???? i remember him some anime called escaflownae or something
  15. this is a reminder that today is day light saving day.i think i know what you need to do with your clocks.
  16. i got the game. even though it boring. i hardly play it. so i amost always play TWISTED METAL 2!!!!!!
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B] [COLOR=deeppink]I meant from Tough Enough.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah i think so. nadia and maven was the champions. but i don't know what happened to nadia. she dosn't wrestle. she sappose(SP?) to wrestle.
  18. G/S/B Master


    Ron: no, you can have charizard but i need to score with venusaur. Zee: ok Ron: suicune come back. Ron: TACKLE,HEADBUTT AND TAKE DOWN COMBO NOW AND DO IT 5x!!!! * venusaur was very weak after the combo 5 * Rocket: OH NO!!!!! Ron: oh yes. USE FLAMETHROWER TO FINISH UP THE BATTLE. Rocket: I'M DEFEATED:( :bawl: . Zee: look out rocket. Rocket: huh??? AAAHHH CHARIZARD NO!!! DON'T LAND ON ME!!!! DON'T- Zee: whatever monkey boy Ron: lets go to entei MT Mewtwo: i will be gone untill you find my hideout. MUHAHAHA *dissapears* Ron: and i already know where it is. Zee: then lets go after we get THE CRYSTAL OF ENTEI!!!!! Ron: ok. huh this suicune is following me. Zee: i guess it likes you,LIKE NURSE JOY!!!!! Ron: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :flaming: Ron: well ok if he likes me GO POKEBALL!!!! Zee: now you now have legendary pokemon. like the rest of the group Ron: my cyndaquil has evolved into a quilava. Zee: and without looking, Ron: return quilava. Zee: well LETS GO TO ENTEI MT!!!!
  19. who thinks that the new undisputed belt looks ugly? i do. because it look like the WCW and the WWF champion belts combind.
  20. G/S/B Master


    Ron: HEY SETO!!!! Seto: hey. Ron: suicune cut attack Suicune:...... * suicune cut out of the net * Ron: ALRIGHT ROCKET LETS BATTLE!!! Rocket: heheehe a 2 on1 battle Seto: make it 2 on 2. Seto: GO MEW!!!! Mewtwo: i'll get that little wimp. COME ON MEW!!! Rocket: GO VENUSAUR AND CHARIZARD!!!! Ron: suicune can i trust you to battle with me???? * suicune shook his head yes * Ron: alright GO SUICUNE AND CYNDAQUIL!!!!
  21. G/S/B Master


    Ron: cyndaquil return. GO golbat. USE SUPERSONIC IN THE POKEMON CENTER!!!!!!! Tani: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?! Ron: bye!!! RETURN GOLBAT. * Ron ran to suicune cave. * Ron: yes got away. huh??? SUICUNE!!!! Suicune: ....... Ron: whoa i got though the cave all the way. * suicune rubbing on ron's pants* Ron: DOH! oh well suicune was wet and needed to dry off. * ron petted suicune. * Rocket: GOT YOU!!!! Ron: HUH???? TEAM ROCKET!!!!! and mewtwo???? Mewtwo: oh yes me. now i will use you as bait and get you to lure your friends
  22. G/S/B Master


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B]i target your hats, one dragon head targets one, and the other two target the other one, and my gate guardian targets the last! i use my eye of illusion to take your flaming magician, hehe. [/B][/QUOTE] tiger do you know anything about dueling????? eye of illusion only works like that if the eye of illusion have a sample of an attack not just take it away. anyways to the duels i place in all of 5 cards of EXODIA!!!!!! every card come out of my hats.supreme black skull dragon molten fireballs,ultimete dragon 3x white lightning,and EXODIA GOLDEN BEAM!!!! all of my monster completly destroy all of your monster and comes down all down to 0 in life points. i won the duel. you shouldn't taken away all of my power monster. power monsters takes away a chunk of your life points.
  23. G/S/B Master


    rondell: well we better leave. Zee: yeah Ron: HEY WAIT!!!!!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!!!!! Tani: oh yes we can. Ron: GRRRRRR.:mad: :flaming: . OUCH WHO DID THAT????? Nurse joy: i did so let defrost that pidgeot. Zee: bye bye hehehe. Ron: NNNNOOOOOOO SOMEBODY SAVE ME NO!!!!!! Rondell: ok lets hit the road to that cave. Ron: GRRR you'll regret this you guys Nurse joy: so you have a fire pokemon??? Ron: yes. CYNDAQUIL GO AND USE FLAMETHROWER!!!!!!! * cyndaquil came out and defrost the pidgeot * * while in the cave. * Zee: HEY SETO!!!! Seto: hey wheres ron????? Tani: he is preoccupied. Rondell: what do you mean by that??? Tani: busy with something
  24. Name:Jimmy Age:21 personality: brutal and determined how long have you been fighting: 17 years weapons:sword,Laser gun,and energy cannon Bio: fighting since he was a young boy which is 4 years old.even though he was born AS A WIZARD!!!! Race: magician
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