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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. man i am confused. what do i suppose to do???
  2. its hardly any people at night. there loads of them all day.when is the people starts to build in???
  3. ok i'll do chapter 6 chapter 6 cherrygrove here we come. when JT got out of the area. he saw a crowd of people. he got there and he disturb it. " EXCUSE ME?? ARE THERE ANYONE NAME ANDREW AROUND HERE??? " said JT " i'm andrew said the battled trainer and JT said " here is the pokedex that Prof.elm gave me and you. " ok and bye " said andrew and JT left. he saw cherrygrove when he saw a trainer. JT said " hey guy you want a battle??? " " ok" the guy said "ok" and they battled. another crowd was hanging out of both battle. " GO EKANS!!! " said the guy. JT said " GO EEVEE ". the guy said " EKANS ACID ATTACK!!! " " JUMP EEVEE AND USE A QUICK ATTACK!!! " said JT the guy said " quick go under ground. " " eevee AGLITY NOW!!!! " then ekans appear and missed eevee. " ALRIGHT!!! JUMP AND USE SKULL BASH!!!!! " said JT and the match was over. the guy said " you are good. soon i'll battle you again ". and he left. " eevee return " JT walked and he is at cherrygrove city. " ah here it is cherrygrove " he said and he ran to the Pokecenter to recover his pokemon.
  4. coming around no.5. chapter 5 new trainer when JT woke up he said " WHA!! 11:30 DARN IT. WHAT CAN GET WORST I'M LATE. " he pack up fast and ran downstairs. ' BYE MOM I'LL BE BACK BYE BYE " said JT " WAIT JT" said JT's mom then it was too late. JT went into elm's lab. "hello" said elm "late as always."JT said "sorry,so wheres is my pokemon " " i got 2 new pokeballs but here is the old one. heres another it is a cycndaquil. " " alright " said JT. elm got a messege. "Hi there" said oak in the computer screen." i got a machine for you i got 2 and it fits right in the transporters." said oak. " send it here " " ok" said elms.the elm's transporter got oak's machine. " bye pro. elm" " bye pro.oak" elm said " this must be the pokedex. " JT said "can i have one???" " yes elms and also the other one is for this boy name is andrew can you give it to him???" " yeah sure " said JT. and then JT left for his journey and walking in the grass for pokemon. then he saw his mom. mom said " don't forget your pokegear. and your fishing rod i put prof.elm and mine on your phone." " thans mom for calling dad that i can borrow his good pokemon fishing rod " said JT. and then he left . he go though a gate and he saw a geodude. alright a geodude. go pokeball!!! then an eevee came out. an eevee??? darn. ok use tackle. then geodude use tackle and hardly knocked out eevee. ok go cycndaquil!!! use fire spin now!! then cycndaquil appear and right away his flame in the back appear and used fire spin. now eevee and cycndaquil use take down now!!!!!! they both use take down and geodude almost knoked out. NOW GO POKEBALL!!!! then the ball got geodude. and it appear with a red light it shake and shake then it stoped. "YES I GOT A GEODUDE!!!"
  5. i think its good. can i join. i think the 2 pokeball you got was a houndour and a mareep. or a mareep and a eevee ( eon )
  6. hey jcgoudy you got my name in your sig.
  7. hopefully you get it fix. and the slowest thing happen to me right now is entering the page.
  8. i think he is. like when he battle aguinst seadra to like knock out the most cans. he gets out his pokedex. its like he doesn't kow what a seadra is. he battled one before in the pokemon league.and check it out in the pokedex already. that is so stupid and dumb. he is a jack@$$.
  9. thats strange. first spamgeta v2.0 then shinji V2.0. what are these V2.0s???
  10. a fusion like vegeto might have an avantage aguinst gohan.
  11. a psychic attack??? it didn't learn that attack yet. because ash didn't train it good.
  12. how ss trunks?? primeape can beat it no time. just one rage then jumping mega kicks. finish it with one dynamic punch. primeape is a P1 chapion. to your information p.s. don't make it into a fight please. to DarkerSephiroth, it was in veridian forest.
  13. he could've have a power team. like this kind of combo primeape's dynamic punch,pidgeot speed and quicknest,charizard's power,pikachu super eletric shocks,MUK's flubberness,snorlax's super body slam. now that kind of team is ultra powerful. if you don't like muk then add in bulbasaur's grabbing power or tauros's k.o. fissure attack
  14. he left pidgeot to protect the pigeys and the piegeotos
  15. Flik, do you know why i was gone for a while?? because stupid netzero can't freaken go online. so my brother have to install the stupidist internet of all,AOL.
  16. that puny little butterfree??? nah. besides he could of kept that PRIMEAPE!!!
  17. homer is a gay person and ned flanders too a gay person.
  18. maybe we should have one. for the U.S attack. for the people who died there. luckly,good thing adam still alive from the twin tower crash.
  19. the "i say a word you say a word " type of topic is just plain spam.
  20. i think he should. besides, to me johto pokemon are more stronger then kanto pokemon.
  21. so whats new here??? right now i am on aol a.k.a gay-ol (because its so dumb) and i know about the terorist attack.
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