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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. hey outlaw were you at the other gundam RPG that DBZman created???
  2. yeah. note to self: kill shinji.
  3. its fun but you don't download it. and its free!!!and why its fun?? because you can receve over 200 credits.and your goal is trying to get the word seven on any location on the slot. i am playing it right now. and here is the link: [url]http://www.simslots.com/Slot507.htm[/url] have fun playing.
  4. hey Mstyrios WX how old are you right now???
  5. oh. then the first five people get to go with the highest.
  6. starmie 3/5 ice beam over thunder wave. or rain dance over thunder wave. entei 0/5. need houndoom. no entei. 2/5 dragonite thunder over thunder wave. 5/5 tyranitar 4/5 mewtwo hyper beam over substitute. attach pink bow. 0/5 zapdos need jolteon. no zapdos.
  7. WWF rocks ECW and WCW suck butt. booker T is show off
  8. G/S/B Master

    Dbz Rpg

    in the other RPG Absorbing Crisis Cell has returned,Cell has came back AGAIN!!! cell: HAHAHAHA suckers *absorbing the scientists* i will get my revenge on my enemy,the Z-fighters because the scientist don't know a single clue their doing!! so they go to the lab with cell's dna and then cell became alive!!! so its up to the Z-fighters and the new Z-fighters to stop him. heres is the slip to sign up: name: description: ( or picture ) power level: ( must be 10,000-100,000 ) weapons: you don't have to have weapons. and if you are in SSJ4 then you power level is over 1,000,000. and if you signed up for absorbing crisis then post here with nothing exept you have to tell me the power level and weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name:Asuki description: king kai's light feather shirt clothes, red band on his head,brown skin,black hair. power level: 100,000 weapons: a sword
  9. [COLOR=crimson]i can't seen to go back into my old name,silver master 64. so i have to create another name. and why did shinji spam??[/COLOR]
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