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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. [quote name='Panda']Seaweed is great! I grew up with it so I love the stuff! :tasty: I guess this goes back to that saying that if you are asian you will eat anything from the sea! LOL[/quote] Seaweed is goood! Also Spinach ^_^. (WHich is scary since I'm asian too X_X) THe clostest to exotic I got in eating is....... Pig liver. Or Spam, or french thingamabob. They're goood!!!!!!! Mix some rice or Raman Noodle or both and it's good ^_^. [quote name='Panda']For me the most unusual food I have ever eatten is jellyfish. It has an weird texture. Jellyfish is chewy on the outside like jello, but has a cruchy part inside like a rice crispy. Very salty and slimy. It was served cold so I am not sure if it was cooked first then put in the fridge or if it was raw. I wouldn't go out and order more, but if it were given to me I might eat it again. [/quote] Jelyfish is like..... chewy to my teacher. SHe said she'll never eat it ever again, since it was so weird. [quote name='Ryu_Sakura']Now the weirdest thing I've ever eaten would be.... the paper from those paper pixies sticks, it's good I tell you! GOOD! But, it's pretty gross and hard to chew, and I doubt good for my health...[/quote] My friend is eating test paper. So it's safe.... high on fiber I believe ^_^.
  2. O.O This is a dream come true O.O. I can help with anythoing associated with text. Whats the plot you have in mind?
  3. Time for the demon to enter...... Shaman Name: Zabuza Mishima Age : 19 Description: (I'm very tired. I'm jsut posting so that my spot is saved. I'll go find a picture or create the description with words) Personallity: Cold blooded. Period. Hardly have any other emotions. Very quite an mostly anti-social. Bio: (Will do later.) Fighting style: Whats oversoul????? I will choose Integration for now. Ghost: Name: Sun Kyosuke Bio: Kyosuke unlike Zabuza had a happy childhood. He lived in the Three Kingdom era. His bloodline leads to the famous and glarious philosipher named Sun Tzu. From time to time, he trained under many legendary officers. From Zhuge Linag, to Lu Bu. When he met Ma Chao, he devoted his life to the name, "justice" and was a legendary killing machine. He wasn't known well since his legacy wasn't writened in paper. He was killed by Xiahou Dun and his soul was cursed by Guan Yu. He was forever incased in the tablet that says, "Kyosuke, may he forever live in eternal hell." Soon, the tablet was discovered by Zabuza's dad and given to Zabuza himself. Now the 2 was lifetime partner. Personallity: He's Zabuza's perfect match. Kyosuke devotes himself to "justice" and often stops Zabuza in his bloody rampage. If Kyosuke and Zabuza ever have a same bad feeling about a person, they will truely become one and go on a blood thirsty attack Both; Main Weapons: Crescent blade (basically a halberd), and a standard long sword. Side Weapons: Daggers, Techniques: Oni Giri: Kyosuke and Zabuza taps into the inner evil of themselves and unleash an incredible amount of energy. They focus their energies into the sword and slashes the opponent, if it misses it turns into a shockwave giri that Yoh uses and it homes into the opponent until it hits. Every passing seconds it gets weaker until it dissappears completely. HOwever, the inner evil continues to slash his opponent until they're bleeding everywhere. 2 more will come soon
  4. 1. Keiji, your sign up is wonderful 2. jroc will NEVER start it. Sorry. With the info I got now, he/she'll will never start it. Unless it the person is notified.
  5. [i]You know, I wonder if they'll laugh when I am dead Why am I fighting to live, if I'm just living to fight Why am I trying to see, when there aint nothing in sight Why am I trying to give, when no one gives me a try Why am I dying to live, if I'm just living to die[/i] Copied the chorus lyrics from my mood song *points down to his sig* We just live becuase we just do, but I'm begginning to think that we live for destruction and innovation. As a buddhist, if you were "reincarnated" you would never know about your past, since your brain doesn't recorded it. Everyone in the board may had more then 1 chance at life and never knew. So just live your life to it's full potential. Don't fear death. You might be back here ^_^.
  6. ^takes ten year olds to the next level I'm 10, and I'm mature.....I think ~_~. Depends on the mood, location, and the poeple around me. If around friends, fart/other immature jokes for the boys (immature), and normal talking to girls (usually mature ~_^). If I'm near a teacher or my parents, I'm mature, if I'm near my sister, im/mature. And if I'm at home, im/mature and if I'm at my dad's friend's house, mature. If I'm angry, immature since I throw insults everywhere. If i'm happy, im/mature ^_^. So yes, I'm mostly mature. Usually my teachers say I'm a young man..... whatever they mean by that >_>. Maturity depends on how you react to things. Thats how I think it is for now.
  7. Erm Sephy is Masemune and Tidus is a broadsword [center]Character: Squall Lionheart Age: 17 Ultimate Weapon: Lion Heart Limit: Rough Divide/Renzokuken Job: SeeD (Assassin, Mercenary ect.) Appearance: [img]http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/DL0083/images/squall.jpg[/img] Bio: The one hero from FFVIII. He had a bad childhood. He was very skilled with the keyblade and a graduated from SeeD. He was wiped out from existance in the FFVIII world shortly after that [spoiler]romantic kiss with Rinoa[/spoiler]. He misses everyone in his world but he is still willing to live in the new world that Paralax placed him in. His Lion heart was made from the most rarest of items and forged by a good weapon smith. Personality: Stone cold. He keeps to himself and often silent. He rarely cheers people up. He has this behavior from his lonely childhood. Rinoa however, is the only person Squall truely loves. Wakes Up where: Tokyo, Japan (Searchin for CLoud ~_^)[/center]
  8. Its a lot better then my pathetic poems XD. Anyways, good work. It felt uncomplete since it doesn't have a title. Which will be hard since its all over the place. But good luck on searching for the title!
  9. [quote name='Shadow Wolf']I can't get back into Kilika Temple so I can complete it so I can get Anima. Any suggestions? PLEASE?[/quote] Wha? When you get to your airship and land on kilika island. Go to the most northwest and you can get back to the forest. Search the place for items and go to your east and go north. You should be at the stairs and soon ascending to the place where you fought a sinspawn. Go up more and you will find the temple. Plus, go to Ifrit's resting room to get spheres :D.
  10. Can someone make a John Cena avatar/banner doing the prongs? At the top in small font it says, "The doctor of thuganomics is in the house!" and my OB name at the bottom.
  11. My background images doesn't work anymore. When I send it in. the .gif part of the link is cut off. So it's basically butchered.
  12. Note: THis is a little bit before the latest post that ArunueShekamari posted ^_^. Also I will be using my gun every 3 days. We're entering day 2......If Shekamari tells me that a cahracter is unactive. I will kill. Otherwise, I'll kill off one of the nonplayer characters ^_^. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The desert is so cool in the early mornings," said Makiyu trotting on Kalu. Like Kanucha advised him, he paced his horse. But not too fast, since he had enough time to travel through the desert with this steady pace. Soon he heard audible scream following a loud sound of, "Get off me!" Makiyu reacted rather quickly and messeges flooded into his brain. [i]"That sounds like the girl I met earlier![/i]" He got Kalu to gallop over to the spot where Kanucha is.... "Ugh, get away from me!" yelled Kanucha. Milo moaned lazily as he opened his eyes. "Are you ok!?" roared Makiyu when he commanded Kalu to slow down. "Yeah, but get this kid away from me!" said Kanucha. "Who are you calling a kid?" said Milo. Makiyu stopped his horse.[i]"Hmmm, what do they have against eachother?'[/i]
  13. :flaming: If a pilot cursed at me for not being a Christian (i'm a buddhist), I would tell him stick a bible up his ***** and do his job.:flaming: [quote=AnonymousSource]Christian's are supposed to witness to others and try to spread the religion... THROUGH LOVE... I believe everyone should be a christian just because I think it's right, but I also believe in freedom of religion. Call me crazy, but I think cursing people is no way to let them see God's love...[/quote] He shouldn't be propaganding religion to other people when his job is to fly an airplane. Sure, he could've spread it with "love". BUt still his job is to fly an aircraft. Propaganding from other people: Sure as long you don't have the normal :flaming: or bad mouth. Poeple don't have to believe the same religion as you do. [quote name='Shinji']Professionaly, I'd be surprised if this pilot keep his job. [/quote] I agree. Can anyone tell me that he got fired. I'm really hoping he did ^_^.
  14. [QUOTE]awsome! I started this yesterday and we only need one more person! W00T! heh heh....okay! as soon as we get one more person I'll start it up! let me say you'r all going to be verry disapointed with my firts post [/QUOTE] Evil......................................................... [QUOTE]all our names begin with M........-.-....[/QUOTE] True -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Makiyu Aranta attached all of his supplies and mounted on the horse. THe horse wasn't very cooperating, but soon with 3 kicks, the horse galloped out and broke through the wooden door before it could even open. Makiyu was riding on an unstable horse. But soon, he will find a way to tame it..... Hours into the day. The sun was blazing and any animal in site was searching for shelter. The horse stopped and layed down. Makiyu slumped off his horse and breathed slowly and hardly. Drinking out of his cantene. He sahred some with the horse for rejuvinaton. But the horse only gave a hoarse neigh. Makiyu finally thought of a plan. Makiyu grabbed a shovel and dug a hole in the sand. He led the horse into the hole and they rested inside of it. It was 6 foot deep. Makiyu dug into the sands towards the outside so taht they ahve stairs to walk on. And Mkaiyu made sure that the hole wouldn't collapse. The 2 companions rested in the hole, looking outside, and cooling off real fast. OOC: There, the first post replied :D.
  15. I think all psot from v.3=v.4/5 are deleted. Since I don't see my very OLD posts anymore in my post searches. I think most accounts that are unactive or banned are also deleted. [quote]Well I lost 700 and even though the title system is there, I liked having a lot of posts just for the thing that you have a lot of posts lol.[/quote] "I lost 700 pounds from subways!" I was thinking about that when I saw your messege X_X. Anyways, it's like for me, the more post you have, the mroe powerful you become. I was thinking about an RPG hack at that time so yea.
  16. Ah, a Dog-eat-dog race. How exciting ^_^ Name: Makiyu Aranta age: 26 Gender: Male Bio: Makiyu traveled along the plains. Searching for challenges. Physical and Mental. Whne he saw the sign. He immediatly jumped and goes ran off to register. Besides, the 3 quadrillion* dollars would go nicely ~_^. Apearence: Red headband, a black mask, emerald green eyes, red shirt, denim jeans, brown shoes, and a small build. Wepons/Suplies: A gun. (can't afford to die ^_^) Other Suplies: Food supply (both horse and human), a canteen, back pack, shovel, sleeping bag, map, and compass. *= I'm not sure if thats the value. I need to refer back to my math notebook. If I need to eliminate some items, let me know.
  17. Whoa, excellent job Solo. Write another chapter as soon as you can! You got me into a cl1ffh4ng3r......l33t 1s 3v1l! Meh. I want in! I'l be the dude in the red coat in my banner/avi!
  18. Ultimate Muscle: They butchered it............. I hate it so much, I want to kill the person who made it so that it's all about farting.....gawd. Sonic: SX isn't bad. Knuckle did appear. In random episodes. Can't wiat till shadow appears though. But if they butchered him. I will be so damn mad.
  19. I've never heard of this manwha before. Do manwha share the same layout as manga? Or american comics? And are they avalible everywhere? Can you show me a sample of it's artwork? P.S. yes it is too many question. But this is the 3rd time the word manwha has shown up on my screen -_-.
  20. Yay Cogan :D [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/oakenot/cogan.JPG[/img] Name: Cogan Gender: Male Abilities: Speed, Agility, Cloaking Himself in Shadows Weapons: Long Blade, Shurikens Bio: He may be a ninja, but peace is essential in his life. He relies on not fighting unless it is needed. He barely talks and keeps to himself. He’s taking on this tournament to test his skills and himself, like he has with so many others. He is quick and crafty and can think on his feet, but he’s been known to be defeated by an ultimate weaponsman. Your Name: (Your screen name on OB) Prize: Ancient Warrior armor Favorite Terrain: Forest I wish I can get 1 more prize :(. Edit: Whoa, close call Lrb.
  21. Thanks to manga, I have a reflex to read all your posts backwards! -_-; [quote]Do you think that manga should take the form of US comics and lose their original form?[/quote] No they shouldn't. I rather read it the way the artist meant to be. Besides, if SJ putted in USA form, like the magazine said, it would be all wonky. So the original way is the better way. [quote]What are the benefits or negative aspects of dropping the original version of the manga for a more foreign-friendly version?[/quote] The benefits is only for the manga newbies. They read the way they're used to. For regular manga readers, the negative things are that we would have the tendacies to read the other way. *goes off locking his SJs in the basement*
  22. [i] In a land where man fought eachother and tyranny was everywhere. The seal of the Gold Dragon was safe. The seal contains a hidden magical powers that allowed the person that could break into it's "shell" to have abilities unlike no other. The story engraved in it is that "the one who truely has the most power can unleash the Gold Dragon's full potential". The seal was protected by the 8 great guardians. Each had their own magical and physical property. Until one day, a group called the Vendetta Council took the spirit within the seal and killing the guardians. The action has disrupted the balance of nature. Earthquakes of high ratio, violent volcanoes, and major tsunamis was the effects of the spirit taken. It was the group of people called the Kaishos that was formed to take the spirit back from the Vendetta Council. But, there was another after effect of the stolen spirit. It allowed some special people to turn into monsters of their choosings. It could be animals, a powered up forms of themselves, or creatures that could be only told from fairy tales. The beast could be controled, but for some people, the beast would be too powerful to handle and the beast itself could control the user, turning beast to human whenever the beast want. Both VC and Kaishos had these powers. But 1 force will prevail, and a special person will unlock the secrets of the gold dragon. [/i] Sign up Name: Age: Side: (Vendetta or Kaisho) Rank of your side: (Leader*, Right hand man, Supreme General, Officer, others**) Weapon of Chioce: Description: Bio: Beast Name: Beast Description: Beast Signature Attack: (and it's description) *=PM me for this job. Because I'm not allowing just ANYONE. I'm only giving this out to a person that can post very frequently. Once you accepted the requirements. You must be active in the RPG. If not, you will probleby be ranked down. **= PM me for any other job ya want that you didn't see. And I'll judge if that is acceptable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Makiyu Anarta Age: 26 Side: Kaisho Rank of your side: Leader Weapon of Choice: Silver Katana Description: 6'4, emerald green eyes, brown spikey hair, white blouse like shirt, black cape, black pants, belt that is attached to his sheath which hold his katana, and brown boots. Bio: Makiyu had a "good" childhood. His father was extremely rich and he controled the most powerful army the world had ever seen. Makiyu spent most of his time studying and praticing on his weapons. On his spare time he would research on many great stratagists or talk to his limited friends. WHen he was 16, the Vendetta council was form and it diminished 3/4 of his father's army in 4 years. Soon when he was 24, his father was dead by the Vendetta Council in a great battle. 3 days later, he formed a rebellion called the Kaisho in honor of his father. He vowed to take down the Vendetta council and take the spirit back or die trying. Beast Name: Serenade Beast Description: Makiyu integrates with his warrior spirit to successfully go into his beast form. His light clothes turns into black armor that covers his whole body exept his head and it reaches all the way till it meets the top of it's ankle, with some yellow swirls on his shoulder area. He wears boots to match his armor and, his eyes turns bloody red with black slits. He has a tail that his a VERY sharp sword edge at the end of it. He now inherits a "third" eye on his forehead. Allowing him to track down his opponent in darkness or anything when he's in a blind state. He has other uses for the thrid eye though..... Beast Signature Attack: Eternal Pain- His third eye is shown very brightly along with his katana. The katana is surrounded by an incantation. THen Seranade reads the kanjis from his katana and his tail lunges at his opponent's chest and entering it until it's centimeters from his heart. THe tail pulled him/her towards him. Then Seranade slashes the opppoent like a madman spewing out enough blood to kill you or knock you out for a LONG time. Then he swings his tail around trying to get the opponent off his tail. BUt it actually spills more blood instead.
  23. This is going to just be full of flame from Catholics or confused people. But it's a bliss of joy for anti-christ :devil:. It is not beautiful. I see hatred towards all that loves this dude called "Jesus". XD [quote name='Transtic Nerve']Do you think this is art, regardless if it's beautiful or not and regardless what you know about the piece. [/quote] I don't think this is art. Its like hatred. [quote name='Transtic Nerve'] Would you consider this art? Is it worth being in a museum?[/quote] Not in a snowball's chance in hell. Not art, and if it goes to the museum. They'll be chaos in the museum that rivals the action during the Iraq raid O.O [quote name='Transtic Nerve'] And should art take into the consideration of ethics? Or does it reach beyond ethics and morals? Taking what is unethical to many and making it into beauty.[/quote] ......................Huh? It's not immoral. People can do whatever they want to Jesus. He can't do anything to us. But we can't do anything to him :p. TN, what is your purpouse of this thread, and art has no boundaries. And this piece of "art" proves it.
  24. Sometimes, this happens. It's very rare and this is the 2nd time this happened to me every since last month. Whenever I go somewhere else then otakuboards, either the window I'm surfing in or a new window that pops up redirects me to my VERY VERY old RPG recuitment thread from OB. Can you explain anything from this? THis also happens on OB too since v.7 came up.
  25. [QUOTE=Chichiri's Girl] [font=Book Antiqua][color=#4b0082] I'm pretty mad at Marrisa for basically all the stuff Queen[color=indigo]Asuka said. Can't say I care much for her after the whole Oliver thing...I mean even Luke could see he was trying to frame Ryan! Luke! You just gotta love how the first person she called was Ryan...just came crawlin' back to him...I think he should just forget about her and move on. It doesn't matter who really. Just move on. All he did to try and warn her and she just ignored him...[/color][/color][/font][/QUOTE] Lol, Marissa's character is a hipocrite. The producers are just pushing her character farther into no where but hatred. They totally went off the original plot of the O.C. If you still remember the 1st ever comercial, you'll know what I mean. Lucas and Julie wasn't meant to be together. It's so.... gross. And the difference in age stands out. Its like I wanna die right there in the scene where they [spoiler] kissed in her daughter's bedroom[/spoiler]. So yes, it is too disgusting to think about it >_
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