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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. Ah yes, I used to be the chatroom mod/OP of it. So many memories.And so many permanent bans :D. I heard the chatroom was also gotten hacked by Goku2/Edwin. So there would be already no hope there. Chatrooms aren't a good idea at all. There is a possibility of having an AIM OB chatroom. But there's no OP/Mod powers to kick the annoying bastards out.
  2. Well, Sandland is replaced by Hikaru No Go. And Rurouni Kenshin is yet to be released on SJ. I'm very creapt out how Naruto ended in February issue. Naruto is mad beyond beliefs. Hikaru No Go is very enjoyable. Though, why did the title on the latest issue was called, "The Game of Life and Death". Though Hikaru never played a game. But he just advised a kid to movve 1 point up and a bunch of people b**ched about it. Anyways, I'm psyched about March's issue. Can't wait till Naruto gets in to action.
  3. [QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel] OB is lagging because of all the people who came on at once and have been loading things up for the first time. The place is noticably faster than earlier today.[/QUOTE] Ah, thanks. It's speeding up. I hope the mO/Otakuboards integration gets in tonight. I gotta update mine :P.
  4. Well, the squish forum is nothing to worry about. BUt I just have 1 tiny little problem. Where can you integrate your mO account to your OB account so that people can add me as their friends and other junk. In my opinion, v.6 was A LOT better, but the sidebar is very handy though ^_^. I wanna know one thing, is it just me, or Otakuboards is totally lagging. Usually it takes 7 seconds to load a page. Now it's like 1 full minute.
  5. Usually, the psot that got them banned is deleted. As I've been looking through posts (Zeh's, Taylor Hewitt ect.). And Chibichou, don't act like a mod. Report the post and leave it alone.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Host it on your isp's hosting and link to them using [img] and the post will take as many as it can; if you need to use more pictures than that you probably shouldn't as that limit would have been thought out. Remember that a lot of the browsers on this board only have 56k and opening a page like that would kill their connection for several minutes. Basically you'd be going over board. [/B][/QUOTE] How do you host it on your ISP hosting? Or how do you host it on AOL?
  7. Erm, not attachments. But picture links. Ilm probleby going to skip the RPG for a while until I can get to anywhere near the issue.
  8. I was about to post up an RPG sign up with LOTS of pictures (estimate to be 42). I was wondering if I could post them seperately, as each picture I send up is a URL linking to it's profile. Each picture post is 1 dynasty/forces, except ones that are small (member wise). Also, how much images can you fit in 1 post? Edit: What brought me to this question is that the forum said I had too much images in my post.
  9. I ahve an update on the hole, and it will officially NEVER RECOVER. So now I think it is a scar. Or something wrong. And ChibiHorsewoman, please when you remember the story about the scar on the butt, POST IMMEDIATLY!!!!
  10. American Idol is getting boring. And Alan (the guy who sang to Paula) should die or get the boot in a blaze of idiocy. Can't believe he got through. He's WAAAY too cocky. [QUOTE]The singer I really hated was that platinum-blonde-haired-girl who always said that she was the best singer and then she got cut and she started crying and insulting the other singers. I hope she never gets a record deal in her life.[/QUOTE] Yes, Kira is a b****. Lol, trailer trash singers. How sad. She's probably cursing still about her cut. For now I don't know who would win. As I don't know much of the names. *Still have the guy singing "She Bangs" very horribly in his head*
  11. It doesn't matter if someone eats dogs, as long you don't eat humans. I eat quails and it's no different from Dogs (though I never ate dogs before >_
  12. Lol, whats next? [spoiler]Somebody: IT'S AN ASIAN INVASION RUN!!!!!![/spoiler] :). You should introduce the hall of spammers for the next post :D. This is really funny. Keep it up DW!
  13. OOC: I'm guessing jro13 gave up on the rpg and also kitty. BUt I'm going to give them one more chance of both of them posting here. [SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue] Makiyu walked along on the streets with staring eyes on him. He would be staring too if someone had a sleeping moogle on his head. It was a while until Slitzkin woke up. Makiyu lost balance when the moogle woke up as it was tilting to the left side of his head and he was gripping on Makiyu's hair. Makiyu almost felt like his roots were being pulled right off the scalp. THen he fell down but the moogle landed on his feet. Some kids including young girls giggled. Makiyu received a huge headache but then suddenly he had a cold chill on his spine. And someone was behind him. Breathing down his neck. Makiyu saw everything stop moving, even time. Makiyu was glued to the ground and every limb of his body was frozen. THe only thing that was moving was his eyeballs. He looked at the moogle beside him, he was frozen stiff, with a surprise expression on his face. Makiyu breathed heavily when the figure behind him said, "We have a score to settle Makiyu." Makiyu felt everything in his body getting warm. THen he relized he can move again. He looked behind him and saw Razaiki. He was face to face with his enemy. But his enemy looked different. He had an extremely pale skin and his skin seem to contour every bone in his head. Makiyu was shocked about his change and slowly backed away. Until he bumped into an invisible wall behind him. Razaiki grinned and then a swirl of dark fumes surrounded his hand and it formed a sword of a black color. Razaiki gripped the handle and relaxed his arms. "Makiyu, remember at elementary school? You and your pests humiliated me in front of the whole town?" said Razaiki in a high tone. Makiyu remembered that moment for the rest of his life. Etched in his brain for eternity. As it is one of his most treasured moments. "Well, you sent me to trauma school and it wasn't pleasant. And I was insane for 10 years. And when I recovered, I was determined to kill you. BUt the duel I challenged you in wasn't enough. Not enough blood to spill. NOw I can fullfill my wish, becuase I signed the contract with the dark lord." explained Razaiki in a cold tone. "What? WHat do you mean signed the contract with the dark lord?" asked Makiyu. "It's simple. I sold my soul to the lord and he offered his services to me. Anything I want, he gives." explained Razaiki. "You're still insane today Razaiki." said Makiyu. "Am I?" said Razaiki. " Well, insane or not, I'm going to kill you right here, and it will be a cruel and slow one." Makiyu was again frozen and he can only watch as Razaiki lifts the dark sword and slashed Makiyu. But then suddenly a green glow surrounded Makiyu and the blow was blacked by it. Razaiki back away and yelled in pain, dropping the sword. Makiyu can move once again and he walked towards Razaiki, only to stop when a puddle of black substance appeared and a hand was raised. It grabbed Razaiki by the waist and pulled it down into the substance. THen he saw time wasn't stopped anymore but before he knew it, he was kneeling on the ground in pain and was knocked out. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  14. Err, when I was 4 years old, I got in a fight with a girl and she clawed my ribs. Sure, no harm. But that rib stopped growing until 3 monthes later. So yeah, that rib is smaller and flatter then my other one. ANd also a scar on it for some reason O.O I recently got this nice little hole in the middle of my right hand from a 0.5 lead pencil, my friend bumped a meowth pencil top to the top of my pencil, and the tip of the pencil where the lead was dispenced hit the middle of my hand and it hurt like hell. Blood was escaping through the hole. 1 guy was laughing because it was jsut a small holeand I was teary eyed. BUt I showed him, now he has a nice red tint in the cheek with outlines what looks like fingers (damn straight, and you know what I did to him :D). I wonder if that hole is going to recover, you can still see the lead in the hole. But it is closing up. Slowly.
  15. Lol, there was graphics battle back then like Semjaza said when Vegetto was around. THough the images were, pretty plain. Polls and reasoning why you chose it were basically in the topic. I also thought that there was a deadline and on that deadline, somebody would check and post the results on the topic declaring the winner. It could just fit in with the art forum. But if it's expansive enough, a forum devoted to it will be made probleby :D.
  16. lol Guado sucks. The kilika beast own everyone in the end, becuase they would have mad players. I have.... Tidus- Left fielder- automaticly Brother-MIddle Fielder (best)- on the ship Wakka- Right fielder- get him on the airship Nimrook- Goallie(best)- he's at home I think Defenders- Kulukan(get her at Kilika Island) and ???? (I'm spacing out, can't remember) Ronsos are the worst players ever. Sure, high endurance and great shots, but they are REALLY slow, as in sluggish slow and your opponents will beat the ronso down with various tackles. Get Nimrook as soon as possible (when you get the airship or at home of course). His blocking abilities aren't anything to joke about. Sometimes he blocks my Jecht Shot 2s when I was against him >_
  17. Nice Charles. But you have WAY too much time ^_^. And a sick mind to come with it XD. Finding Nemo is a classic. My voicebox must have been damaged from laughing too much >_
  18. OOC: Hmm, I wonder if people got Xra's messege about the feathers :shifty:. Moogles do talk. Just add Kupo at the beggining or end of a sentence It's still the Moogle Festival. So next day will be fayth searching :D. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]"I should hang out with Gerret more. He just gets shadier and shadier."[/i] thought Makiyu. "I'm going to get some fresh air Kari," said Makiyu. "Do you want to come outside with me?" "No thanks, I'll stay here with the others." replied Kari. "But do search for those summoners." "Ok," said Makiyu as he stood up and took his sword from the desk. As Makiyu stepped out of the inn, he stretched and rubbed his eyes. Then a moogle flew out of nowhere and landed on the ground near his foot. He was at least as tall as the height of his knees. "You have have mail Kupo!" said the moogle as his red pom-pom bobbing on his head. THe moogle gave him a letter, but it felt unusually warm. Makiyu opened the letters and said, Dear, Makiyu I heard you became a Guardian of a great summoner! Congrats. BUt Maiken was unfortunately destroyed by these freaks. Razaiki acted strange during that time though. I sent this moogle with a parcel. It'll prove very valuable. I don't know where you are, but this moogle that I sent knows for some reason. Anyways, good luck, and don't let that lucky summoner die! Your Friend, Komiko. Makiyu smiled. He never got a word from his friends for a while ever since that duel with his rival. Makiyu didn't understand it. Razaiki was hung at the time the 3 dark fayths attacked. And how did this moogle know his location? Makiyu asked for the parcel and he received a broken piece of a jewel. It was very radiant to light since it was glowing at the sun and it was emerald green. Makiyu scratched his head and wondered [i]"How is this valuable? This is meaningless."[/i] "Komiko asked me to journey with you kupo!" said the Moogle excitedely. "My name is Slitzkin!" "Makiyu," he replied as the moogle floated and landed on Makiyu's head. Slitzkin felt comfortable on his hair and fell asleep immediatly.
  19. Makiyu was wristling by the tavern door when suddenly Gerret exploded out of the door and ran past him so fast a gust of wind blews in his direction. Then a bunch of men with red pom-poms on top of their heads busted out of the tavern door and ran after Gerret. Makiyu specifically heard one of them yelled, "KILL THE TONBERRY BOY!!!" He wiped the dust that was blown on his face when the mob rushed through and ran after the mob, unsheathing his sword...... "Gawd, this is terribly Moogle corrupted," moaned Rhox [i]"At least it doesn't get any worse then this," said Kilgorin.[/i] Suddenly Gerret had ran out of nowhere and bumped into Ace. Gerret fell but Ace didn't even budge. "Watch where you're going kid." said Ace. Gerret stood up slowly, but the mob caught up and running towars his direction. However Ace summoned his fayth and it appeared out of the skies. It landed hard but it shook the whole town. Makiyu caught up with the mob and past through it only to see the monstrosity. "Don't take a step closer infidels." threatened Ace. "Why not?" yelled Makiyu. "Because, i'll turn this Moogle town into a ghost town." said Ace. Makiyu's mind flinched by that idea. [i]" He couldn't do that. That kid doesn't have the guts."[/i] "Take me to the fayth, and this town will live another day." said Ace forcefully. "You can't!" yelled Akira walking to the town square. "Heh heh heh, well then, good bye to this town. DESTROY IT!" yelled Ace. The dragon flew up to the air and charged up a dark energy. But suddenly Gerret summoned his fayth. It broke through the ground and made an earthquake with every movement it tried to get through it's hole. Gerret managed to summon his fayth, and it is a giant tonberry. It finall got out of the hole and slashed with it's knife into the air to make an energy wave that blew the dragon fayth away, it made a scab through it's chest and the dragon fayth stopped his attack.....
  20. First of all, if you're going to defeat BFA the most demeaning way possible, get Yojimbo, use him a lot, get a lot of gil, then Zamato them away XD. Real Stratagy: Well, you have to train your characters a lot. Be sure Yuna has her ultimate weapon, Nirvana. Make Yuna and Lulu learn Ultima and doublecast. For ultima, Kimahri or Lulu can learn it through the sphere grid and Yuna can learn it by using Black Magic Sphere. And doublecast the same thing except for Yuna, she uses Friend sphere. Tidus must know Curaga and Hastaga. Party Set-up: Auron, Yuna, ????(Can be anyone. Most suggested is either Tidus or Lulu) First, get auron to use either Mental Break/Armor Break or if he's in overdrive, Banishing Blade. Then Yuna to doublecast Ultima forever or use the Magus sister/Bahamut to wipe out BFA. Be sure their in overdrive So that they can inflict major damage to him. Do not use TIdus's talk ability. 2nd form: Get Tidus out. Do not switch Auron or Yuna. Auron again use Armor/Mental break. Tidus is the healer. Tidus should first cast Hastaga, then heal everyone that was damaged from the second form. Yuna can do the same thing. But when BFA's overdrive bar gets full, IMMEDIATLY USE TIDUS'S TALK ABILITY!!!As it will lower his bar and save your skin. After the battle, you will be invincible for the rest of the game.
  21. Kari and Co. followed the yellow sand road. Makiyu's mind was still twisted in his hometown's destruction. After 5 hours of seem like endless hours, a guy in a moogle constume jumped out of no where and yelled, "Hello, welcome to Guardania! Where we host the 20th Moogle festival!" Everyone leaped up in the sky but landed safely. "Sorry, I'm just so excited about tommorrow." said the moogle man. "Thats ok," said Kari. "Do you know where the temple for Guardania is?" "Um, it's closed for preparations for the festival. You could stay here for the night and wait for the temple to open." "Do you know where an inn here?" asked Duke. "The moogle inn is at the middle of the town, with a huge moogle statue around. You can't miss it. Just go straight." said the man. "C'mon gang," yelled Makiyu cheefully. "Last one to the inn is a rotten chocobo egg!" Makiyu rushed into the town. Then everyone else ran after Makiyu. Makiyu, in every direction, he see is a moogle poster or decoration. [i]"Yeesh this town is sure dedicated moogles."[/i] Makiyu stopped when he saw a huge moogle with a soldier in statue form. Kari and Co. caught up with him and they huffed and puffed. "Next time.... don't...leave....us...behind...like....that..." said Gerret slowly. "Sorry, but this town is so...so... how do you say it.... EXCITING!" yelled Makiyu. "Hahaha, you caught "moogle fever" " said a woman. "Huh?" asked Makiyu. "Never mind that. My name is Akira." said the woman. Everyone greeted her. They talked and they all checked in the Moogle inn. "Well, since we have today as a weekend. Lets split up and find some fun here." said Kari. "Good idea." said Makiyu. Every splitted up to every corriders of Guardania. Makiyu stopped by the movie theatres. He continued walking since the theatres only had moogle movies. He then stopped by a pub and leaned back in the door.
  22. OOC: If anyone is reading this, I will not PM people about te destination. Everyone should read this post. Our next fayth is in Guardania " Ugh, poor Razaiki. Those 3 creatures, their powers were unimaginable." whispered Makiyu. He reached for his forehead and wiped his blood off it and gone to sleep..... "Hey, wake up sleepyhead," said a voice. "Ugh, I don't wanna go to school mama," whined Makiyu "I'm not your mama," said Garret. Makiyu opened his eyes and punched Garret in the stomach. Makiyu felt so embarassed. He grabbed his sheath, attached it to his belt, grabbed his coat, and ran out the door. Makiyu ran down the hall when suddenly he bumped into Kari. She fell down and Makiyu was swumg backwards. He finally got his balance and reached out for Kari's hand. "Oh sorry." apoligized Makiyu as he pulled Kari up "Thats ok," said Kari. "Why are you running," Makiyu was stuck. He didn't know what to say. THen Garret's voice said "Hey Makiyu, where are you?"
  23. Spam would be created. Not only that but a bunch of referral links to many games (Outwar, Kings Of chaos, AnnihilationX, Dark-Gate, Samurai War and Rpg) will be splattered all over it. Very annoying. Put your links in your sig. It's right below your post and above another post -_-. OB mostly about discussing something. An AD forum does not promote a convosation.
  24. Newbies and JM should be able to adopt. If not, chosen Newbies and Jms will be able to adopt. Plus all this wouldn't be needed if they truely read through the rules. If their parents aren't active and the newb is, then they'll be a problem.
  25. OOC: Heh, I will be PMing everyone about where to go. For now Kari and Co. is doing fillers (or extra things) for the night. Jro13 and Co, I dunno where you're heading. Do some fillers. and jro13, please understand the post first before posting. [i] "Darkness of Zanmato. Darkness of Anima. And Darkness of Gilathorn," roared a bone chilling voice. "Wake up and seize this land for evil'![/i] Makiyu stood up and saw he was in his hometown at night. THe same man that took Razaiki was up on a tower. He seemed to be summoning 3 creatures. Razaiki however was hanged by his neck to the side of the tower. Makiyu stared at Razaiki's corpse with stone cold fear. Makiyu couldn't move at all. Suddenly 3 figures apppeared. One that resembled a dog with sharp teeths, one resembled a deformed mutant with manacles on his wrists and ankles, and one resemble a Dragon with various markings on him. All 3 was drawing black energy from Razaiki. Makiyu however was still frozen with fear but his emotions soon stirred with confusion. [i]"Now my creatures, destroy this pathetic town and make a home for the underworld." howled the man on the tower. [/i] "This is the end." said a boy nearby Makiyu "Wha?" said Makiyu. "What do you mean?" "Your hometown, Maiken, will be demolished." "We have to stop them then!" "THere's no stopping the 3 great creatures of the devil," "Why not?" "Look." Makiyu faced towards the 3 monsters again and relized they were spitting out some sort of energy that destroying his hometown. "Makiyu, this is for the good." said the child. "Huh?!?!?!" "How is destroying a city for the good?" questioned Makiyu "You'll find out soon enough. For now, we will meet again." ssaid the child and he walked away. "Wait!!!! When will we meet?" yelled Makiyu. "Don't frieght. Just beleive." said the child and he disappeared.... THe 3 creatures finished destroying the city piece by piece. Makiyu looked around him and saw dead people everywhere. Then the 3 figures charged up their attacks and did the final blow, taking everything away. Even Makiyu.... Makiyu woke up on the bed. He found himself yelling and brawling on the the matress. He stopped and stood up. He walked towards the window and right in front of him he saw a a beam of red light that turneds into a great explosion. Makiyu flinched and widen his eyes. He couldn't beleive it. It actually happened. Makiyu denied it and watched the explosion. A shockwave appeared and it blew Makiyu away but he slammed to the wooden door. He stood right back up slowly and thought about the explosion.
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