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Everything posted by DarkLordDragon

  1. [B][CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Immortal In Death[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]Nothingness, world of darkness, where am I... I turned around and thought this might be lie... Nobody can hear my shouts and screams... In this world I lost all of my hope and dreams... Serpants and dragons bite me day and night... Yet I survive and I know something is not right... I have no strength to move a finger anymore... I am supposed to be dead and no more... Tons of huge rocks being thrown on my head... I wish it's the end and I hope I am dead ... I can see angels and they are killing me again... I am dead, I die again and again yet alive I remain... I believed for immortality there will never be a portal... Surprisingly enough, in the end I've became immortal... I finally figured out where I am, 6 feet under the ground... Where only darkness and soldiers of god roam around... Yeah I died before and I am already dead, it's life after death... God made me a special immortal, the immortal in death...[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]DarkLordDragon[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
  2. [quote name='harajukugirl6']i have no problem with video games becoming animes especially dalkstalkers but then again im not sure maybe it we need some spice and everything will be alright. ( im MORRIGAN):animesmil :cool: ;) :animesmil[/quote] I hope the upcoming KOF Anime to be as great as Nightwarriors, the thing that was amazing in Nightwarriors, the characters used their special techniques in the anime as well and there were some nice fighting such as Demitri vs Pyron even though the result should be the opposite if they followed the game story-line yet I don't see any probelm :) right now I am reading Nightwarriors comic which is done by Udon, it's really great and similar to the anime story-line :)
  3. [quote]Queen Asuka: I'm a bit wary about the Darkstalkers anime because anime that is based on videogames sometimes leaves a lot to yearn for. Street Fighter is mainly what I have coming to mind, along with Tekken the movie (wasn't TOO terribly bad...) and the Fatal Fury series (again, not too bad, but not SUPER GREAT, either).[/quote] Well of course to everybody his own, but many people thinks that the anime which is based on video games sucks, well it's not true, I know most of them might sucks but not all of them, because I think Star Ocean EX is pretty good, Fatal Fury was fine... Nightwarriors is really amazing and there are many others... But if you ask me about Tekken, well the game might be the most popular 3D fighting game but to be honest and hope you don't get me wrong, but I really didn't like the anime, I hoped if it was better but oh well, very simple show... But being a Tekken's fan then just don't care about what I say n_n; [quote]Cyke: I was pleased with the DarkStalkers anime. Like Street Fighter, the story is just decent enough to connect the great fight scenes. I only had a problem with the ending, or is it? I own 2 DVDs of it, and the last episode shows Dimitri in a Castle while Pyron was starting to take over Earth. Is this correct? I'm not a big fan of the video games, despite my love for CAPCOM fighters.[/quote] I said before, the story is pretty good and somehow most of the characters were connected by Pyron, but sadly there was no scene that we see Demitri and Donovan together (Even if they were fighting each others) I always wished to see them fighting, though... As for the ending, well I think it's not really a big problem, as for the scene you mentioned, yup it's from the last episode of the anime... As some said you will like this anime if you didn't play the game, but as for me even if I played the game I really enjoyed watching this anime ;) [quote]Cyke: DarkLordDragon: Kickass Saga avatar from Hades[/quote] Thanks man, I am glad that there is someone besides me that know Saga from Saint Seiya Hades n_n Saga is my favorite anime character, maybe if you see him you would say he is just like everybody else, nothing special...etc But if someone knows the story of Saga from the first beginning to the end and knowing everything about him, I am sure he would say Saga is a damn amazing character, though... Anyway thanks Queen Asuka and Cyke for your comments, I do appreciate it... Hope to see you again guys...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I think describing Morrigan as a "beautiful young girl" is WAY off target. Morrigan is a sexy and sensual woman. And she's not human. ^_^ Just thought I would put that in. I haven't actually seen the anime, but I am a fan of the videogames. ^_^ Whoo Capcom![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah you bet :D I think your right, I already know she is not a human but you since I don't know how to write it the best charming way it's hard for me :laugh: well I don't know if your going to like this one or not, but if you haven't see it yet, then you must! esepcially you are a videogames fan ^^ best of luck and thanks for your comment... See you around!
  5. [color=blue]NIGHTWARRIORS: DARKSTALKER'S REVENGE[/color] ========================== INTRODUCTION: ========================== Hi there... How are you doing guys!!? Hope you are fine.... Well this time I've decided to write a simple review about a very good anime for me, it's about Nightwarriors: Darkstalker's Revenge... Well I guess many of you heard about the infamous 2D fighting game which is called (Darkstalkers or Vampire Savior or Vampire Hunter) well as you know this game and anime was created by the one of the most famous fighting game creations company, Capcom, the makers of the famous Street Fighter and Mega Man series... This anime was brought to us by Viz in 4 OVAs and each one of them is 40 minutes long, Viz also produced 6 comics for the NightWarriors... Well I don't know what to say but being a fan of fighting games since I was a little kid I have to say that I like both the games and the anime... It's really a very cool fighting game, as for the anime I really like it as one of my favorite fighting animes around, I know some of you might not like this but as for me it's one of the coolest animes... Well many people thinks the anime is not good because it's based on a fighting game and to them the anime which is based on games are not cool but of course I disagree, because I enjoyed watching the anime, not because I am a big fighting animes fan or maybe because I like Darkstalker's game but because it was real good with these characters and amazing insanely battles... Anyway before I begin, I would like to thanks alot of people, of course one of the first is the Darkstalkers Domian webmaster for some great and cool informations, pics, manga's covers...etc I also would like to thanks for the guys who submitted faqs for Game Faqs site, not to forget to thanks everybody who submitted informations about Nightwarriors all around the network, I really appreciate it... I also would like to give credits for the following guys: Katokiti, Raven Knight, Aki Mizusawai, Lord Jedah, Hell Storm, Dark Setsuna, Capcom, Euhang and everyone who made DarkStalkers sites on the net, I really thanks them and appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, because without them I couldn't create and write in this thread so they deserves a big thanks... Anyway, Let's get going... ====================== REVIEW: ====================== The story: 7/10 The characters: 9/10 The animations: 8/10 The musics: 8/10 Overall: 8/10 [color=blue]THE STORY:[/color] The story of the anime is very cool, I like it, it's pretty cool to see Pyron trying to rule the universe, one fighting himself and one fighting to be the Demons king, one for for the popularity, one to help a friend, one for all and all for one... The story of the anime is very nice and I am sure you will like it but you know something I like the game storyline better, the anime storyline all connected by Pyron, anyway it's pretty good story for a fighting game that's what I think, Donovan's story owns, since his blood cursed and they show how he suffer from that and what he will do to throw away the evils inside him, also as he always say, if one want to be strong he should be fighting himself, but sadly they missed Jedah in the anime, I really wished to see him in the anime and I can grantee he would a very damned and cool boss, since Pyron and Demitri did it already... One of the most things I like in the anime is the storyline, I know many of you when he watch the anime he will say the anime sucks or anything like this, but that's wrong, if you are a hardcore Darkstalker's fan and if you read the guide book I am sure the story will be one of the most intresting thing in this anime, because the story is very deep and big, but sadly the anime couldn't detail everything about their big story since many things are connected, just like the Demons World and UnderWorld just like Demitri, Morrigan...etc Well as for the anime story, it's that Demitri has revived once again to be the only ruler of the darkness and evils, he faces some new enemies who is standing in his way so he should prepare for one of his biggest battles, Donovan a dhampire, who hate himself for having a dark blood, found himself that he should protect a little girl named Anita because he felt that she and her have the same personality ad they share alot of things together, well Donovan wasn't very happy to see the little girl without smile and it was cause of Darkness which was created by the evils for their hungers of powers and to rule the universe, in the top of list there was Pyron, who wished to be the absolute ruler of the universe, and has threaten the mankind, so Donovan vowed himself, he will fight the evil and darkness untill the last second in his life... Of course the story is focused mainly on Donovan, Demitri, Morrigan and Pyron, as for the others, they are fighting for themselves, for their own reasons... Anyway all I have to say that the story is very cool and I think you will like it but as we all know everybody has his own opinion... [color=blue]THE CHARACTERS:[/color] All I can say about the characters is "AWESOME" they are absolutly originals, I really liked the characters designes and profiles, there are alot of great characters and of all sorts, Humans, Demons, Zombies, Were Wolf, Bat, Vampire and even a Supreme Being, I like alot of Darkstalkers such as Demitri, Pyron, Jedah...etc but sadly in the anime there are some missing characters such as Jedah (My favorite character of all time) also Lillith, Baby Bonnie Hood and Queen Bee... But that's not a big problem, as you all know it's pretty hard to make alot of character in only 4 episodes and especially if each one is just like a boss, so we have Demitri, Morrigan, Pyron, Jedah, also alot others so they can't connect all of them in one story... Also some of the characters in the anime are far better from what they were in the games, and especially Pyron, he really was very cool in the anime, he was too strong fighting all the Darkstalkers and beating the hell out of them... Also not to forget those flaming stuff around him, same goes for Demitri, he is very cool in the anime but yet he is also cool in the games, and to the top of the list come the Dark Warrior Donovan, I really liked this guy in the anime, he was a sad and lone fighter who just fights to live and to know more about his destiny, being half demon and half human gives him some great personality you know... But I guess they should make the appearance of the others characters more than once, I mean Lord Raptor should appears more than just one time, his music party was damn cool hehe, same goes for the great demon Bishamon and even some of the characters didn't appeared at all just like Rikku, Pharaoh...etc they only appeared against Pyron and were defeated badly by him without giving them the chance to show how good they are... Anyway about the characters style, well everyone has his own style, Donovan's style is the best, I like his style a cold fighter, with some evils inside him, showing mercy to needy ones and full of rage against the ones who bothers him, kinda remind me of D from (Vampire Hunter D series) also there alot more such as Demitri and Pyron and they all have their own style... Well anyway to everybody his own, though... [color=blue]THE ANIMATIONS:[/color] The art style of this anime really amazed me, it was fantastic and damn good, the animations were nicely done, for the years when this anime was first released I think it was hard to find good animations and art on that time but yet Nightwarriors proved to us that they can really be creative... Well being a fan of the series, I think the art in the anime was far better than the games, especially for Pyron, just look for Pyron in the games and see the difference in the anime, I really prefer the anime art to the games, both art style and good quality, it's not a surprise from a good working team like this... They really did some nice work and finally it resualted this very awesome animation, I really appreciate the team efforts... Nightwarriors animation is one of my favorite animation comparing to the other ones on it's time, true not as good as the Saint Seiya Hades or Full Metal Panic or any new animes outta there because Nightwarriors is an old anime compared to them but yet as I said before, for that time it is very good and I am sure some of you gonna like it... [color=blue]THE MUSICS:[/color] Well, as for the musics, of course they have alot of cool musics... Well I always liked the game musics but sadly the musics in the anime was different from the games, but of course I am not trying to say it sucks but it's very good too but I prefer the games's musics, though... Anyways. there are some great musics while the fighters fight, especially Pyron's fight against the Darkstalkers, also when Demitri and Morrigan fight... These musics really gived a good taste for the fighting scenes, which there are some of them... Sadly there is no much sad musics, as you all know I like sad musics, I am saying that I wished if there were some of the old style musics and symphony but that's not really a big deal, because most of the animes don't have the old style musics such as Saint Seiya or Grendizer...etc Generally, I think the musics were very good and many of my friends said exactly the same thing, so knowing that there are alot of people who thinks the music is good then it means it doesn't sucks or else they wouldn't like it, though.... [color=blue]OVERALL:[/color] Well Since you all know this, I am a very big fighting anime fan, so this is one of my favorite fighting animes of all time... Many people thinks that if a game turned to anime it will sucks well I really don't agree because this one is very good... The story is nice and cool in my opinion, true it's fighting but not like the other fighting animes who just fight for their amusement but this anime have a deeper story... The story is not only fighting but it's related to the entire universe along with vampires, demons, zombies and supreme beings... As for the characters, I really liked the characters, there were alot of them and I can name them: Donovan (The Main Character), Demitri, Pyron, Bishamon...etc Donovan's story was pretty deep and sad, hating himself because he have Demon's blood... True they couldn't give a chance for many characters because of the time, if they have more time I am sure they will put more stuffs for the characters... Man I like the fight scenes in this great anime, it was really amazing, especially Pyron's fight... I also like the fight of the Demitri with these robots along with the help of Morrigan... As for the animations, some maybe hate it for some reasons known to themselves, but as for me it's really very good, the backgrounds, the speed of the animating and the picture they all were nicely done, I am not saying because I like the anime but I am saying what I just saw... As for the musics, I like it really and many people agree with me I already met alot of people who just said that the musics are good it's true it's damn true, because I liked the musics it was nice indeed... Well everything about this anime is cool in my opinion, the story is intresting, the characters are awesome, the animation is amazing...etc Well if you are a fighting anime fan then you should check this out, it's very cool and I am sure you will like it, maybe not! Who knows! anything might happen... Comparing to other fighting animes or animes which were based on games such as Fatal Fury, Street Fighter, Samurai Showdown, Toshinden...etc I think this one is one of my favorites really, I maybe like it more than Fatal Fury and Street Fighter, well don't be mad but to everybody his own... I don't know what to say more but all I have to say give it a shot and maybe you are going to like it... Well that's what I have to say about this anime... ======================= THE STORY: ======================= [img]http://www.rightstuf.com/images/large_images/dvd-ds02.jpg[/img] In the time that peace was history, monsters from the demon world have appeared on the human beloved planet, the earth... They've killed the weak, nobody could live peacefully, death is for the weak, glory and rules for the evils, darkness rules everything, the rules is for the mighty... There were the warriors of the night, who fights for their own reasons, some fight to rule the world and darkness, some fight to be the most popular, some fight because his only amusement is fighting, some fight for his beloved earth, for the sake of the humans blood, they are called Darkstalkers, the Night Warriors... The supreme being Pyron, he wishes to be the absolute ruler of the universe, the ruler of every beings in the world, he caused alot of troubles, he caused alot of deaths, blocked alot Darkstalker's paths... Now one man should appear and change the world back to normal, one man who can fight the darkness untill the very end, he is none other than Donovan (A half human and half demon)... Can Donovan the one who have a darkness blood within himself defeat the darkness, bring the light and peace to earth once again!? =========================== THE CHARACTERS: =========================== [color=red]DONOVAN[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/donovan.gif[/img] [color=blue]STORY:[/color] He is the main character in this anime... Donovan is a dark warrior who hates himself so much because he have a darkness blood in himself, being a half human and half demon caused him alot of suffering... Even though he was one of the Dark Ones, he yet don't like to be evil, he have a pure mind that nobody can control him, he punish himself for being a dark one... One day he might with a little girl named Anita, Donovan found that this girl have the same eyes as him and knew she is lonely and never smile ever, so he vowed in the name of the human blood, that he will fight untill the end gonna seek the evils and defeat them sending them to the darkness for Eternity... He is now a dark hunter who will put an end to the darkness and will bring the peace once again... Donovan is very strong characters, he have alot of strong attacks and he use a big sword which helps him in the battles, even with the strongest enemies... Whenever Donovan appears, he does so with incredible force and violence. He is able to kill many people in just matter of seconds of course using his summoning powers and summon demons and supreme beings. Yet Donovan can never ever forgive himself for having a dark blood, this was his destiny... [color=red]DEMITRI[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/demitri.gif[/img] [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Demitri is one of the strongest lord of the demon world, his desire for powers and the rules caused him to appear on the earth, he was defeated by the king of Makai after a very strong battle and he was sent to the earth as a punishments... Now after centuries Demitri is revived and has come back to life to be once again the Lord Of Darkness and evil... Demitri is ruthless, unsensitive, and heartless fighter. For him, human life has no meaning, and will not doubt in killing any person, of any sex, and of any age... He is also very skillful at dispatching several people at once, he has a very strong attacks which makes alot of damages to the opponent... His desire is to rule his own domain then to rule the human world along with the demon world to be the absolute ruler of the universe... Demitri is a single, self-important person who cares of nobody but himself... He wishes to control the light and darkness so he will not have any weak point, that was his goal in living in his castle on the earth, so he can believe that he is the strongest and nobody else... [color=red]MORRIGAN[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/morrigan.gif[/img] [color=blue]STORY:[/color] A beautiful young girl... She is nick named as the "Queen of the night" she is the last member of her clan, she is strong and clever, she can use alot of attacks which can destroy many of the enemies in matter of seconds... Nobody knows her true intentions she herself don't know what she have to do, all she is wish is to fight strong opponents, hanging around the human world to challenge strong opponents, because being in the castle surronded by the servents made her bored, so she wishes to see the outer world, to meet some new faces, to enjoy her time... She is a mystery girl of a mystery clan feared by everyone in the Makai World (Demon World) she also has the same desire as Demitri, because she wishes to be the ruler of the darkness and to be the ruler of her own domain along with some other domains, that's why she and Demitri were rivals... Yet she doesn't hate the people around her, but only the one who stands in her way should vanish even whatever it costs... She don't care much about the others but only herself... [color=red]PYRON[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/pyron.gif[/img] [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Pyron is the supreme overlord of his world which is called (Hell Storm). Being a supreme he could easily gai control over planets, he absorb energies from the stars and planets, his powers have connections with the space and fire... Pyron have an incredible powers that nobody can stop him easily, nobody knows a limit to his powers so they think his powers is unlimited, because he can gain as much as he wishes from the stars... He came to earth to challenge the darkstalkers and to fight some strong opponents so he changed his form and decreased his powers because with his full powers the earth will be in absolute danger since he can destroy planets using his fingers just if the planets are some kind of games... He can destroy his enemies in a matter of seconds, he have some strong attacks which are based on giant fireballs, and good fighting skills along with a very high speed... Being totally unnatural creature, he feels that he should be the Lord of the Darkstalkers and the supreme lord of the universe... ================================ SCREEN SHOTS: ================================ [img]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/vh205s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/vh435s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/vh194s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/vh113s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/vh401s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/vh430s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/vh361s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/vh419s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/vh417s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.stuart.iit.edu/students/adamadr/images/darkstal/vh425s.jpg[/img] ========================== INFORMATIONS: ========================== English Name: Nightwarriors: Darkstalker's Revenge Japanese Name: Vampire Hunter Genre: Action, Horror, Martial Arts Category: OVA Episodes: 4 Runtime: 40 minutes Per Episode Available on: VHS, VCD and DVD [color=red]JAPANESE STAFF:[/color] Director: Masashi Ikeda, Satoshi Ikeda Screenplay: Satoshi Ikeda, Tatsuhiko Urahata Character Design: Shukou Murase Animation director: Hideki Takayama, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Takafumi Hoshikawa Director of Photography: Hitoshi Yamaguchi Animation producer: Masao Maruyama Continuity: Satoshi Ikeda, Sunao Katabuchi Editing: Harutoshi Ogata, Satoru Terauchi, Yukiko Itou Executive producer: Masayuki Miyashita Music Artist: KO Otani Music producer: Toshiaki Ohta Producer: Kenichiro Zaizen, Toshiki Oonishi Production Design: Hidetoshi Kaneko Production manager: Masahiro Otake Sound Design: Yota Tsuruoka Sound Effects: Shizuo Kurahashi Animation Production: Madhouse Studios Associate Animation Production: D.R. Movie, JCF Presented By: Amuse Video, Digital Media Lab [color=red]ENGLISH STAFF:[/color] Script: Toshifumi Yoshida, Trish Ledoux Translation: Toshifumi Yoshida, Trish Ledoux Assistant Engineer: Trevor Smith Dialogue Director: Karl Willems DVD Coordination: Hiroe Tsukamoto, William Flanagan Executive producer: Seiji Horibuchi Logo Animation: Allen Hastings Producer: Toshifumi Yoshida Production Coordination: Diana Gage Re-Recording Mixing: Jan Deny Recording engineer: Robert Crang Video Mastering: Pierre de la Roche Wordfit Editor: Eric LeBl Captions: Captions, Inc. DVD Authoring: Cinram/POP DVD Center DVD Producer: Pioneer Animation Licensed by: Viz Communications Recording Studio: The Ocean Group ======================= VOICE CAST: ======================= [color=red]JAPANESE CAST:[/color] Donovan: Unshou Ishizuka Anita: Akiko Yajima Demitri: Akio Ohtsuka Morrigan: Rei Sakuma Pyron: Shinji Ogawa Lord Raptor: Kouichi Yamadera Hannya: Masashi Ebara Mei-Ling: Maya Okamoto Bishamon: Shozo Iizuka Felicia: Yukana Yukana Hsien-Ko: Yuko Miyamura [color=red]ENGLISH CAST:[/color] Donovan: Ari Solomon Anita: Andrea Libman Demitri: Paul Dobson Morrigan: Kathleen Barr Pyron: David Kaye Bishamon: Don Brown Felicia: Janyse Jaud Hannya: Michael Dobson Hsien-Ko: Nicole Oliver Ling-Ling: Jane Perry Lord Raptor: Scott McNeil Mei-Ling: Jane Perry Priest: French Tickner ========================= LAST WORDS: ========================= Well so now I've come to the end... As always, please expect those grammer errors but you know I can't help it, I am trying my best and I already said this alot of times before so I think I don't need to repeat the same thing, again, again and again... Well I know this is not the best review I can come up with, but yet I am glad that I was able to complete my review on this great anime even though I could do better if I spare more time for it but I guess there is no need at alll.... Because I know this anime is kinda popular or let me say, many people around have heard about this anime or even the game, so they have idea about it even if it's a little so no need to go deeper and deeper... So feel free to post any comment about this anime or even about this thread... Well as you all know there are alot of people who knows more than me and have alot of good informations so feel free to correct me if there is anything wrong, or even post anything more you have related to Nightwarriors: Darkstalker's Revenge... If you have any questions about this anime feel free to ask and I would very glad to answer them... One thing more, that if somebody wanna use these informations or the review please don't forget to ask me first, you can send me a private message or by sending me an e-mail on this address: [email]dark_lord_dragon@hotmail.com[/email] even if you did without asking me, please don't forget to put my name and gives the credits to the people who worked for writing the review or for the informations or screen shots...etc so please don't forget this and I would appreciate it really... Hope this thread help anybody to know more about Nightwarriors: Darkstalker's Revenge, even if it's little and I really hope you enjoyed reading this even if it was a long boring review... Thanks for reading so far and to save some of your worthy time to read this thread, I really appreciate it... Hope to meet you once again guys, see ya around... [color=blue]DARK LORD DRAGON[/color]
  6. [quote]Queen Asuka: My younger sister has pretty much all three of the Fatal Fury movies, but the only one that I've sat down and watched is the Motion Picture. I didn't think it was half-bad, and I'm a big fan of Mai Shiranui. ^_^; Despite the over amount of cleavage and butt shots. Oh well.[/quote] Well the Motion picture was really very good and I like it alot, but as I know there are alot of people who likes the second OVA, so give it a try, who knows! maybe you will like it, and it's not too long... As for Mai, well sure thing she has alot of fans... Anyway thanks for your comment and hope to see you again... [quote]Azure Wolf: The artwork has the same properties that makes me hate Vamp. Hunter D's style, so I think of the FF animes as a deformation of awesome characters. I didn't like any of the FF animes except the second one. I think it was the final fight that bought me over. The first one was ok, but the love story really messed it up. The same goes with the movie, along with the overexaggeration of characters (and the fact that everyone seemed to lack bones). Each FF had some nice moment(s), though.[/quote] Well as for Kailu Lantis, I really don't know what to say but I like this guy's works, man he really did a very good job and I really appreciate his efforts... Well as if I am a good friend or not, well we talked alot of times and I asked alot of questions in some other forums but now I don't see him really and I don't know if you can say I am a good friend of him since I am not sure if he remembers me now because it's been years since I last talked to him... The artworks was really good I admit that because that's the truth ^^ hehe unlike you I really liked FF's animes but maybe not the first one because I don't remember it well but as for the second OVA and the Movie, I guess it was really good and I have to say I like them ^^ Well in the movie I didn't like the love story between Terry and Sulia well Terry is a lone wolf and being alone suites him better ^^ at least like D from Vampire Hunter D... Anyway thanks alot for your comment and hope to see you again... Sincerly, DLD
  7. [color=blue]FATAL FURY: THE NEW BATTLE[/color] =========================== INTRODUCTION: =========================== [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/ffintro5.jpg[/img] Hi there... How are you doing guys!!? Hope you are fine.... Fatal Fury!! I guess we already heard about this great animes alot of times, this anime is one of my favorite animes so I've decided to write a simple review about it... Along with getting some informations about it from different soruces to help the people to know more about this great anime... Well We all know that this is a fighting anime based on the popular 2D fighting game of SNK it's none other than Fatal Fury one of the legendary fighting games in the world... It's one of the most popular SNK's fighting games or I should to say one of the most popular fighting games in the entire world, well as I said before it's another fighting anime based on a fighting game, but it's not bad as Art Of Fighting or the others, the anime was very good and it has succeded unlike some other fighting animes based on games... I really liked the game from the first beginning to the very end, well it's not yet ended, though.... I saw the OVA along with the Movie I liked the second OVA and the movie the most... Before I start I really wish to thanks some people so here goes, first of all let me thanks my good friend Lantis Kailu for his gooddamn faq about Fatal Fury/King Of Fighters storyline faq and the characters informations, same thanks goes for the people who posted their faqs about FF's games and posted the character's profiles... Thanks refers to the webpages which hosted the screen shots of this anime... All I have to say is thank you everybody I really appreciate it... I know I have alot of problems in writing but I am trying my best and I really hope if this gives even a little informations or small idea about the anime, that's what I ask for... Anyway let's get going... ======================= REVIEW: ======================= The story: 7/10 The characters: 10/10 The animations: 9/10 The musics: 8/10 Overall: 8.5/10 [color=blue]THE STORY:[/color] The story of this anime is not bad and it's pretty good... I know that there are alot of people who thinks the story sucks, but to be honest I am not one of them and I think the story is pretty good, yeah maybe it's only that a new villain appears and challenges the legendary wolf but it's really better than this... Well the story is that after the defeat of the king of South Town Geese Howard by the hands of Terry Bogard, a new fighter appeared to prove that nobody is stronger than him and he is none other than Geese's Halfbrother, Wolfgang Krauser... Krauser wishes to face the legendary wolf who defeated his halfbrother Geese, and he is none other than Terry Bogard... Well that's the main idea but really it's not all the anime has more of it, I mean first Terry's defeat, I mean that Krauser was able to defeat Terry was pretty good idea, and the events of the anime is really nice, Terry has just lost his spirite after his defeat, now hanging around the bars without training or even thinking to challenge Krauser again he became a weak person, then he revived because of Tony the boy who followed Terry everywhere... But yet in my opinion they can make the story better than this, I mean they only put the light on Terry, Krauser and Tony... Krauser only fight with Terry and Joe one vs one I wished if it was the Fatal Fury team vs Krauser or some deeper story than this, but anyway it's accepted for a fighting anime just like this one so it's not bad... I am not sure if your going to like the story of this anime or not but let me say that the story is not everything and I know alot of people who likes the story especially SNK's fans and especially Fatal Fury's fans... [color=blue]THE CHARACTERS:[/color] The most thing I like in this anime are the cool characters, there are alot of them and I really like alot of them, don't know why!? Maybe because I am a very big fan of the Fatal Fury's games or maybe because I know them for more than 10 years from the games and lived alot of years with them so maybe that's why I like them... Well of course the hero of this anime is a popular dude and he is none other than the Legendary Lone Wolf, Terry Bogard... As you know I don't like the heroes much but Terry is really a cool guy, true he is not my favorite character in the anime but yet he is a damn good character and I like him more than many others from different animes... As for the main villain he is Krauser, one of my favorite characters in Fatal Fury's games from the beginning, but in the anime he looks far cooler than the games, he doesn't have the scar and the mustache... He is a damn cool character in the anime, proud as always and strong, I really prefer him to Geese Howard even though Geese Howard is my favorite character in Fatal Fury's games, but in the anime Krauser was better... There is also Andy Bogard, one of the coolest characters in this anime, well he is the bishounen of the anime... There is also Joe, Kim, Mai and Laurence Blood...etc so I am sure you will find someone your going to like, especially if you are a fan of FF's games... [color=blue]THE ANIMATIONS:[/color] As for the animations and the picture, I really think it's very good... I like the arts in this OVA and how not if it's one of the most popular artists was behind this great work, and he is none other than Masami Obari, one of my favorite Japanese's artists... As always Masami Obari never fail to amuse me with his goddamn artworks and in this anime he really did a very good job especially with Terry and Krauser with his armor... Well maybe some don't like the animations or maybe it doesn't have the same quality as the new animes but in my opinion I really think that it was very good and I like it more than some new animes, I am not saying that because I am a fan of Fatal Fury but because I just saw the difference between this work and some others, well maybe it's only me! who knows anything might happen!? The graphics were nicely done really, true it has less 3D effects and these new effects in the anime but yet I guess it's should be appreciated... I mean it's pretty old anime not that old but yet we can see that they did a pretty good job with this... [color=blue]THE MUSICS:[/color] As for the musics, well well well I guess Fatal Fury has alot of cool musics, I really like the musics alot and there are alot of them, especially Krauser's symphony and his background theme, it's really one of the best I've ever heard... A sad music and suites Krauser very well in the anime, we hear his music alot of times in the anime... Well this is not the only music I like but I also like Andy's background theme, sorry I really don't remember the name of the musics but I can say when it appears, when Andy fights against Laurence Blood and when Andy train with Terry Bogard, also some other scenes too, it's really a very good music and I hope if I can get it... There are also some other cool musics but sadly I don't know the name of these musics but I know the scene that have some great musics, Terry vs Krauser's fight, Axl Hawk vs Tony in the bar...etc Well I really wished if they used some of the games musics such as Madness Guiter/Geese's Theme and the others but oh well... I don't know if you have the same taste just like mine but for sure I know that there are some people who likes the musics... [color=blue]OVERALL:[/color] Being a very big fan of fighting animes and especially being one of the biggest Fatal Fury's fan what you think I am gonna say... Well of course it's one of my favorite animes even if it's a fighting anime based on games which many people don't give a damn about them... Well the anime was good almost at everything... The Story was pretty good, well yeah not the best and there are many animes that have better story than this one but yet I can say it's very good and acceptable for a fighting anime just like Fatal Fury... I think the story was pretty good and kinda simple but watching Terry lost all of his courage and powers because of the Dark Kaiser Krauser and then reviving...etc were damn good I think... As for the characters, well since I was a kid I always liked the Fatal Fury's characters from the old SNK's games and I think they are really very good... In this OVA my favorite character was none other than Wolfgang Krauser... There are alot and I mean ALOT of cool characters and I am sure many anime fans gonna like at least one characters and I guess he is none other than the Legendary Hungry Wolf Terry Bogard, well there are some others such as Andy, Joe, Geese, Kim...etc well enough about the characters... As for the Animations nobody can lie and say the animations and the graphics sucks! Because it's really very good, how not!! and the director of animations and art was none other then the great artist Masami Obari, many people I know said the same thing as I just said, the animations and the picture is one of the best... As for the musics well well I don't know what to say but sadly there are no musics from the games but yet there are some cool original musics such as Krauser's background theme, I really like it so much and especially because it's pretty sad ^^ well I also like Andy Bogard's theme, man it was very cool indeed, Krauser vs Terry's theme was damn good too, well there are alot of them and maybe if you watched or heard any of them you might find one you gonna like... Well what else, I just said it before the anime is very good and I like the story, the characters, the animation and the musics so of course now this is a suitable anime for me... Many people like it too, if you are a fighting anime fan you should never ever miss this one, and if you are a SNK's fan then you must see this because in my opinion this is the best anime they have created so far ;) to all anime fans around, this anime is very cool and you should at least give it a try even if you are not a fighting anime fan... Well I don't have anything more to say that's what I just wanted to say about this anime... ======================= THE STORY: ======================= [img]http://www.absoluteanime.com/fatal_fury/index-2.gif[/img] The story starts with a strong man named Wolfgang Krauser, who is hunger for battles and to face strong and worthy opponents! After the defeat of Geese Howard (The King Of South Town) Krauser decided to fight the man who defeated his half brother Geese Howard, then Geese's name the opponent and he is none other than the Legendary Lone Wolf, Terry Bogard.... Then Terry Bogard meets a kid named Tony who wishes to be a great fighter like Terry so the kid follow Terry to learn some skills and attacks... So now Krauser manages to find Terry's location now the first battle between the Dark Kaiser Wolfgang Krauser vs The Legendary Lone Wolf Terry Bogard... Who will be the winner!? Who is going to survive this new chain of fightings!? So on begins the story of this anime... ============================ THE CHARACTERS: ============================ [color=red]TERRY BOGARD[/color] [img]http://www.neo-geo.com/ubb/avatars/terryanime.gif[/img] Fighting style: Martial arts, taught to him by Jeff Bogard Birthdate: March 15, 1973 Birthplace: USA Blood type: O Height: 1.82 m Weight: 77 kg Hobbies: Video games Favorite food: Junk food Favorite sport: Basketball Most important: Gloves from Jeff Bogard Hates the most: Slugs Favorite music: Rock [color=red]ANDY BOGARD[/color] [img]http://www.neo-geo.com/ubb/avatars/Av_andy1a.gif[/img] Fighting style: Koppo-ken and Shiranui Ninjitsu Birthdate: August 16, 1974 Birthplace: USA Blood type: A Height: 1.71 m Weight: 69 kg Hobbies: Practicing martial arts Favorite food: Spaghetti ala Natto Favorite sport: Short track Most important: Picture of him and Hanzo Shiranui Hates the most: Dogs Favorite music: Quiet [color=red]JOE HIGASHI[/color] [img]http://www.neo-geo.com/ubb/avatars/Av_joe1c.gif[/img] Fighting style: Muay Thai Birthdate: March 29, 1974 Birthplace: Japan Blood type: AB Height: 1.80 m Weight: 72 kg Hobbies: Brawling Favorite food: Deep-fried alligator meat Favorite sport: All martial arts Most important: Hachimaki Hates the most: School Favorite music: Do Enka [color=red]MAI SHIRANUI[/color] [img]http://www.neo-geo.com/ubb/avatars/mai.gif[/img] Fighting style: Shiranui-style Ninjitsu Birthdate: January 1, 1976 Birthplace: Japan Blood type: B Height: 1.64 m Weight: 50 kg Hobbies: Making Osechi Favorite food: Ozouni Favorite sport: Hane-Tsuki Most important: Hairpin of dead grandmother Hates the most: Spiders Favorite music: Heavy metal [color=red]TONY[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/tony.gif[/img] Fighting style: Street Fight Birthdate: Unknown Birthplace: USA Blood type: Unknown Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Hobbies: Unknown Favorite food: Unknown Favorite sport: Unknown Most important: Unknown Hates the most: Unknown Favorite music: Unknown [color=red]WOLFGANG KRAUSER[/color] [img]http://www.neo-geo.com/ubb/avatars/Av_krasuer1b.gif[/img] Fighting style: Combination of several martial arts Birthdate: Unknown Birthplace: Germany Blood type: A Height: 2.00 m Weight: 145 kg Hobbies: Collecting antiques Favorite food: Anything Favorite sport: Has no interest, but can play anything Most important: Chivalry Hates the most: Vanity, falsehood Favorite music: Classical =========================== SCREEN SHOTS: =========================== [img]http://www.arquisoft.hpg.com.br/fatal-4.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.arquisoft.hpg.com.br/fatal-2.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.arquisoft.hpg.com.br/fatal-5.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.arquisoft.hpg.com.br/fatal-6.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.arquisoft.hpg.com.br/fatal-18.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.arquisoft.hpg.com.br/fatal-25.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.arquisoft.hpg.com.br/fatal-24.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.arquisoft.hpg.com.br/fatal-29.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.arquisoft.hpg.com.br/fatal-28.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.arquisoft.hpg.com.br/fatal-30.jpg[/img] ========================= INFORMATIONS: ========================= English Name: Fatal Fury 2 Japanese Name: Garou Densetsu 2 Genre: Shounen, Martial Arts Category: OVA Episodes: 1 Running Time: 45 minutes [color=red]JAPANESE STAFF[/color] Director: Kazuhiro Furuhashi Script: Takashi Yamada Character Design: Masami Obari Art director: Junichiro Nishikawa Animation director: Hirotoshi Takaya, Kazuto Nakazawa, Tatsuya Tomaru Director of Photography: Shigekazu Morishita Assistant Animation Director: Takashi Kobayashi Choreography: Kazuki Akane, Keitaro Motonaga Editing: Akihiro Kawasaki, Hajime Okayasu, Hideaki Murai, Kiyotaka Miyake, Toshihiko Kojima, Yumiko Nakaba Executive animation director: Masami Obari Executive producer: Kenji Shimizu (Fuji TV), Yoshiro Kataoka (NAS) Martial Arts Advisor: Osamu Kaneda Mixing: Fujio Yamada Music: Toshihiko Sahashi Producer: Hiromichi Mogaki (Comet), Tatsuji Yamazaki (NAS), Yoshihiro Suzuki (Fuji TV) Sound Effect Director: Masafumi Mima Sound Effect Producer: Yoji Kuroda Sound Effects: Yasafumi Yoda Special Effects: Etsuro Kihara, Makoto Nishiyama, Takashi Maekawa Special Thanks To: Takashi Nishiyama Animation: GAINAX Original Concept: SNK Production: Fuji TV, NAS Production Assistance: Studio Comet [color=red]ENGLISH STAFF[/color] Art director: Yoshiyuki Higuchi Additional Dialogue: Trish Ledoux Assistant director: Karl Willems Associate producer: Satoru Fujii Casting Director: Sarah-Anne Dafoe Dialogue Director: Sarah-Anne Dafoe Dialogue Editing: Jan Deny, Nick Stocker DVD Coordination: Hiroe Tsukamoto DVD Menu Design: Julia Jones English Lyrics: Trish Ledoux Executive producer: Seiji Horibuchi Executive Script Editor: Toshifumi Yoshida, Trish Ledoux Logo Animation: Will Culpepper II Packaging Design: Yoshiyuki Higuchi Producer: Toshifumi Yoshida Re-Recording Mixing: Jan Deny Recording Assistant: Karl Willems Video Post-Production: Pierre de la Roche Voice Recording Engineer: Don 'Oz' Janzen, Jason Fredrickson DVD Authoring: Pioneer Entertainment DVD Production: Cinram/POP DVD Center English Adaption: Studio Nemo Licensed by: Viz Communications Recording Studio: The Ocean Group ======================== VOICE CAST: ======================== [color=red]JAPANESE[/color] Terry Bogard: Kazukiyo NishiKiori Andy Bogard: Keiichi Namba Joe Higashi: Nobuyuki Hiyama Mai Shiranui: Kotono Mitsuishi Wolfgang Krauser: Hirotaka Suzuoki Geese Howard: Hidekatsu Shibata Kim Kaphwan: Daiki Nakamura Lawrence Blood: Kouji Totani Jubei Yamada: Jouji Yanami Axel Hawk: Hirohiko Kakegawa Elza: Kikuko Inoue Lily McGuire: Kikuko Inoue Tung Fu Rue: Kouji Yada [color=red]ENGLISH[/color] Terry Bogard: Mark Hildreth Andy Bogard: Peter Wilds Joe Higashi: Jason Gray-Stanford Mai Shiranui: Sarah Sawatsky Wolfgang Krauser: Paul Dobson Geese Howard: Ward Perry Kim Kaphwan: David Kaye Lawrence Blood: Ward Perry Jubei Yamada: French Tickner Axel Hawk: Michael Dobson Elza: Lynda Boyd Tung Fu Rue: Mina Mina Tony: Tony Sampson Lily McGuire: Willow Johnson ========================= LAST WORDS: ========================= Well so now I've come to the end... Well I know I have alot of mistakes with the grammer or the spelling of some words so please excuse me for this, I can't do better for now... Well I know this time the thread was pretty simple and I think my Saint Seiya and New Fist Of The North Star review is better than this one, but at least I tried and I've put alot of efforts on this one even if it's short, at least I am happy I posted something about the anime that I like... So feel free to post any comment about this anime or even about this subject... Well as you all know there are alot of people who knows more than me and have alot of good informations so feel free to correct me if there is anything wrong, or even post anything more related to Fatal Fury... If you have any questions about this anime feel free to ask and I would very glad to answer them... One thing more, that if somebody wanna use these informations or the review please don't forget to ask me first, you can send me a private message or by sending me an e-mail on this address: [email]dark_lord_dragon@hotmail.com[/email] even if you did without asking me, please don't forget to put my name and gives the credits to the people who worked for writing the review or for the informations or screen shots...etc so please don't forget this and I would appreciate it really... I already know this is nothing and maybe alot of people wont give a damn about it but all I have to say I wasted alot of time and efforts so please remember this... Hope this thread help anybody to know more about Fatal Fury: The New Battle, even if it's little and I really hope you enjoyed reading this... Thanks for reading so far and to save some of your worthy time to read this thread, I really appreciate it... Hope to meet you once again guys, see ya around... [color=blue]DARK LORD DRAGON[/color]
  8. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust... Hmmmm I know whatever I say there will be alot left to say... The anime is very nice and cool in everything, some may think I am just saying because I am an anime fan but even if you are not an anime fan I am sure there will be some who gonna enjoy this great work... As for the story, well the story is very deep and cool, not that deep as some of you think but it's amazing and intresting and I am sure many people likes this story... As for the characters I don't think we can see another main cool character like D in another anime, maybe there are some but D is one of my favorites, wait maybe he is my favorite main character! Also not to forget the villain Meier Link, he was a damn cool character, generally the characters are very good... As for the animations, we all heard alot about D's great animations, the animation team deserves the full credits I really appreciate their excellent work on the animations and the 3D... As for the musics well also same goes for the musics and sounds, it's pretty cool and accepted for a dar and vampire anime just like this one... Well I am sure everybody will like that anime, not only Vampire Hunter's fan, but also others gonna like it as well, everything is cool with that anime... If you are thinking what you should watch I suggest you to watch this anime, and you are not going to lose anything... But if you like the childlish's animes then you might not be intrested in this one... Well in my opinion this anime is really the best vampire anime I've ever seen in my life... Well maybe there are some people who don't like this anime so what I wrote is just a personal opinion about the great movie... Anyway that's what I wanted to say about the anime...
  9. Well I am one of the biggest SS's fan around ^^ Well I don't know if it's the english manga your talking about or a new one, well I've been reading the Hades Manga and damn it's very cool ;) Well to be honest I am a fan of Saint Seiya since I was a little kid, and still it's my favorite anime and The Hades Chapter is the best really, I really enjoyed so much watching the Hades's OVA, can't wait for the second part and the new movie ^^
  10. As for One Piece, what should I say!! Well it's one of the current favorite anime for me... I really enjoyed watching this great show, yeah it's very long but I don't think it's just like the DBZ, I mean you will almost gonna like every single episode of One Piece as I did, maybe few eps I didn't like but most of the eps were amazing, you must see this anime, it's really very amazing, there are alot of funny and cool characters... I liked Zoro, Sanji the most, even Luffy is a cool character I also liked Mihawk and even Shanks... There are just too many characters... Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Comedy, Sad Drama, musics, fights...etc you will find it here in this anime... well maybe that's only my simple opinion but I do for sure know that there are alot of people who agree with me
  11. =========================== SCREEN SHOTS: =========================== [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/2s1.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/2s2.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/2s3.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/2s4.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/2s5.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/2s6.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/2s7.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/2s8.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/2s9.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/2s10.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/3s1.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/3s2.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/3s3.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/3s4.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/3s5.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/3s6.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/3s7.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/3s8.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/3s9.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/3s10.jpg[/img] ======================== DVD COVERS: ======================== [img]http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_service/images/b_image/BCBA-1521.jpg[/img] [img]http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_service/images/b_image/BCBA-1522.jpg[/img] [img]http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_service/images/b_image/BCBA-1523.jpg[/img] [img]http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_service/images/b_image/BCBA-1524.jpg[/img] [img]http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_service/images/b_image/BCBA-1525.jpg[/img] [img]http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_service/images/b_image/BCBA-1526.jpg[/img] [img]http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_service/images/b_image/BCBA-1527.jpg[/img] ========================= INFORMATIONS: ========================= Japanese Name: Saint Seiya Meiou Hades Juuni Kyuu Hen English Name: Saint Seiya The Hades: Chapter Sanctuary Category: OVA Genre: Fantasy, Shounen Episodes: 13 Running Time: 25 minutes Director: Masami Kuramada Art Director: Shingo Araki & Michi Himeno Scenario: Michiko Yokote Realizer: Shigeyasu Yamauchi Assistant realizer: Shinji ATA Story-board: Shigeyasu Yamauchi Decorations: Studio MAO, Michiyo Matsuda, Miwa Yoshida, Mariko Tôyama, Haruna, Tsukagoshi Selection Of The Decorations: Hiroshi Takaku Choice Of The Colors: Kunio Tsujita Digital Photography: Fumio Hirokawa, Takayoshi Matsuhei, Hirosato Oonishi, Sanae Hanami Producer CG: Takeshi Himi Decorations And Effects CG: Hirohei Tanaka, Takuya Yamazaki, Takemizu Iwasaki, Nobukô Morita Musical Selection: Yasuno Satô Special Effects: Minobu Katsuoka Sound Effects: Yasuyuki Konno Sound Recording: Takahiro, Kawasaki Assistant Sound Recording: Chikako Abe Assembly: Shigeru Nishiyama Assembly ONLINE: TOVIC Recording: Mamiko Ogawa Advance Of The Production: Yoshihide Moriyama Year Published: 2002 Company: Toei Animation ======================== VOICE CAST: ======================== [color=red]JAPANESE[/color] Athena (Saori): Han Keiko Pegasus Seiya: Furuya Tohru Dragon Shiryu: Suzuoki Hirotaka Cygnus Hyoga: Hashimoto Kouichi Andromeda Shun: Horikawa Ryo Phoenix Ikki: Hori Hideyuki Aries Shion: Tobita Nobuo Aries Mu: Yamazaki Takumi Taurus Aldebaran: Genda Tessho Gemini Saga: Okiayu Ryoutarou Gemini Kanon: Okiayu Ryoutarou Cancer Death Mask: Tanaka Ryouichi Leo Aioria: Tanaka Hideyuki Virgo Shaka: Mitsuya Yuuji Libra Dohko: Yata Kohji Scorpion Milo: Ikeda Shuuichi Sagittarius Aioros: Yara Yuusaku Capricorn Shura: Kusao Takeshi Aquarius Camus: Canna Nobutoshi Pisces Aphrodite: Namba Keiichi Pandora: Sakamoto Maaya Wyvern Rhadamanthys: Koyasu Takehito Zeros: Bin Shimada Deep Niobe: Shingo Horii Ophiuchus Shaina: Koyama Mami Argol: Masaya Onosaka Capella: Katsuyuki Konishi Dante: Issei Kojima Jabu: Hiderô Ishikawa Sirius: Hiroyuki Takayama Algheti: Naoki Imamura Shun-Rei: Satou Eriko Tatsumi: Yukinori Hori ========================= LAST WORDS: ========================= Well so now I've come to the end... Well I know I have alot of mistakes with the grammer or the spelling of some words so please excuse me for this, I can't do better for now... I just come to the end of this review and the informations of the characters along with their storyline....etc Once again I wish to thanks some faqs of fighting games and Saint Seiya because I used some words from here and there, at least to do something better than what it was before... Maybe I wrote some wrong informations about the characters profiles or maybe someone knows alot more than me, so if anyone do then please I hope you post them here in this thread and I would very greatful... Also if you have any questions or anything you want to know about Saint Seiya Hades please don't wait just go and ask me, I would be very glad to answers them, it will be my pleasure really... We all know that there are alot of Saint Seiya's websites and I mean ALOT!! So maybe there are alot more informations I didn't wrote in this thread, so feel free to post them around here... As for the Screen Shots there are too much even if it's only 13 OVAs but I can't post them all here... Anyway all I just wanted to say that if anyone want to post anything else, anything related to Saint Seiya feel free to post them here, and even if this thread is not good or broke any rules feel free to close or remove it... One thing more, that if somebody wanna use these informations or the review please don't forget to ask me first, you can send me a private message or by sending me an e-mail on this address: [email]dark_lord_dragon@hotmail.com[/email] even if you did without asking me, please don't forget to put my name and gives the credits to the people who worked for writing the review or for the informations or screen shots...etc so please don't forget this and I would appreciate it really... I know this thread was too much, and the review was pretty big but please don't blame me, I enjoy writing these stuff and especially for the animes that I like, so you might laugh or say this guy is crazy but to me I am enjoying doing this... Hope this thread help anybody to know more about Saint Seiya Hades, even if it's little and I really hope you enjoyed reading this... Thanks for reading so far and to save some time to read this, I really appreciate it... Hope to meet you once again guys, see ya around... [color=blue]DARK LORD DRAGON[/color]
  12. [color=red]DOKHO[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/dokho.jpg[/img] Name: Dohko Constellation: Libra (The Scales) Age: 261 years old Height: 140 cm - 170 cm Birthdate/sign: October 20th - Libra Blood group: A Origin: China Training grounds: China - Rozan Fighting techniques: Rozan Hyaku Ryu Ha (Rozan 100 Dragons) Weapons: Spear (Supea) Triple Rod (Toripuru Roddo) Twin Rod (Tsuin Roddo) Tongfar (Tonfu-a) Sword (So-do) Shield (Shi-rudo) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Dokho is Dragon Shiryu's mentor as well as a Gold Saint. He is perhaps one of the strongest of the Gold Saints, although he strictly avoids the more showy displays of power some of the other Gold Saints seem to favor... A strong and spirited man, Dokho is not too serious yet not too silly. Acting like a kind master to his students, Dokho does not question the rights and wrongs of people, but instead allows themselves to find their own paths. Dokho's hidden strength can be manifested in quite an impressive way... Dokho was one of the 2 survivors of the last battle against Hades's and his specters, he survived this big war with his best friend Shion... Then Dokho was ordered by Athena to watchj over the tower were she sealed Hades and his specters soul, so years passed and Dokho became an old man... But thanks to the lords which gived him an incredible gift, it's to regain his young body whenever he wishes, that was Dokho's gift... Dokho is considered as the strongest gold saint along with Shion... He and Shion are the strongest Gold Saints, he loves alot about his friend and would gladly help him in his tasks because he trusts more and maybe more than anyone else... Dokho posses a very great powers and feared by most of the strongest enemies, most of the evils and good ones respects Dokho or maybe because they feared of Dokho's awesome powers, but yet Dokho still keeps his friendly heart, and his kind spirit... He is one of most loyal saint to Athena and will sucrifice himself for her, because he knows that Athena fights not for her own but for the love, for the hope, for the future for the people, so he fights along with her to achieve these great goals... [color=red]SHAKA[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/shaka.jpg[/img] Name: Shaka Constellation: Virgo (The Maiden) Age: 20 years old Height: 182 cm Weight: 68 kg Birthdate/sign: September 19th - Virgo Blood group: AB Origin: India Training grounds: India - Basin of the Ganges Fighting techniques: Ten Bu Hou Rin (trans: sky - dance (?) - treasure - circle) Riku Dou Rin Ne (trans: endless cycle of rebirth through the 6 worlds) Ten Ma Kou Huku (trans: Demon Capitulation) - O-mu Ka-n [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Shaka is one of the strongest gold saint... A very strong character that nobody knows the limit of his powers, always tends to raise his own skills and abilities above others... So that's why he was nick named as the closest man to a lord, that's because of his great powers, he can defeat a group of strong fighters in matter of seconds... Nobody can take him down easily even if it was the strongest gold saints and were fighting together just to defeat him... Shaka posses incredible powers, he is feared and respected by everyone around him... He is a very experinced gold saint and maybe the most... Not very moved to words or any kind of sentimental expression, Shaka is a dead serious man who resorts to cut the small talk and dedicate himself to the task at hand. His inhuman powers are so impressive it amazes even the most skeptical of people. Although he is a man of principles at heart, he will not admit or show it in public. Swayed to silence, Shaka will use his mystical magic in the name of good! He shows for the people around that he don't care about the good one nor the evil, all he wants to be with the winner's side... A silent man who does not care about anything that could happen in the outside world, all he shows that he care about his own powers and no one else, Shaka secludes himself in his own world of solitude and silence. But yet sometimes Shaka wishes to be around with his other Gold's friends and to fight as the real heroes for the sake of Athena also for the sake of the the earth he always loved... [color=red]MU[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/mu.jpg[/img] Name: Mu Constellation: Aries (The Ram) Age: 20 years old Height: 182 cm Weight: 75 kg Birthdate/sign: March 27th - Aries Blood group: A Origin: Tibet Training grounds: Jamir Fighting techniques: Crystal Wall (pron: Kurisutaru U-oru) Crystal Net (pron: Kurisutaru Netto) Starlight Extinction (pron: Sutaraito Ekusute-inkushon) Stardust Revolution (pron: Suta-dusto Reboryu-shon) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Mu is one of the gold saints... He is a very strong characters, he is a very cold man that doesn't talk much and prefers to keep quiet... He has alot of strong attacks that he can defeat a group of fighters in one attack... Mu doesn't like the fighting and he likes to avoid battles because he knows that there are many ways to solve a problem without fighting... A very gentle and kind hearted man who cares for the people around him... Mu is very polite, and always seems to talk with so much confidence in himself... Mu always seems to have a very serious expression, and grunts a lot. However, he has a very warm heart, as he always takes his time to coexist with nature and encounter himself there but yet he smile around and likes to be stuck with his friends... Mu is a very loyal character to Athena and he will do anything for her... Mu has some magical powers and can teleport, he is good at both attacking and defending himself from the attacks, maybe that what makes him one of the strongest Gold Saint of all time... Mu is quite a cool and calm man, and in fight, he moves like a bird and strings like a mosquito. He is also pretty calm in battle, and does not dispair under any circumstance. He respects all fighters who are very skillful, and also gets disappointed by those who do not show their true power... He is a very brave saint that even if he knows that he can't defeat the enemy he doesn't escape but fight till the very end, because he thinks nobody can destroy a will of a gold saint... [color=red]MILO[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/milo.jpg[/img] Name: Milo Constellation: Scorpio (The Scorpion) Age: 20 years old Height: 185 cm Weight: 84 kg Birthdate/sign: November 8th - Scorpio Blood group: B Origin: Greece Training grounds: Milo Island Fighting techniques: Restriction (pron: Risutorikushon) Scarlet Needle - Antares (pron: Sukaretto Nidoru - Antaresu) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Milo is also one of the Gold Saints... Milo is is actually quite honorable fighter... He likes to have a fair match. He will do anything for the cause of Athena, and will not hold back against anyone, even if it was someone too close to him... Milo is a proud, arrogant man, who thinks that his good looks rival his own skills. He also always seems to appear that after a fight, he is not tired... He also makes fun of the opponent's skills, and does not like to be accompanied by weaklings, all he desires to fight in a true battle... Some may say Milo is an evil and ruthless man, but this only happens in the battlefield, where Milo displays an incredible brutality... He is a very gentle at heart and a kind hearted man who likes to help his friends at any costs even if it costs him his life... He will do anything for the sake of the humanity and his beloved planet, the earth... Milo uses a strong attacks and mostly uses his fist in battles, he is very fast character compared to the others, even one of the fastest gold saints... Milo don't like to see people suffering and in pain, even if they were his opponents, but if they were evil he will not care for them not even if itwas his friends but yet he can't stop being sad in his heart... Milo is considered as one of the greatest Gold Saint of all time, a true warrior... [color=red]AIORIA[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/aioria.jpg[/img] Name: Aioria Constellation: Leo (The Lion) Age: 20 years old Height: 185 cm Weight: 85 kg Birthdate/sign: August 16th - Leo Blood group: O Origin: Greece Training grounds: Greece - Sanctuary Fighting techniques: Lightning Plasma (pron: Raitoningu Purasuma) Lightning Bolt (pron: Raitoningu Boruto) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Aioria is one of the gold saints too... Aioria is a short tempered and with angry impulses man... He is one of the greatest and strongest Gold Saint of all time... Aioria is Aioros's younger brother... He loves his brother so much and can never ever forget him even whatever happens... He is actually really kind, a very sensible guy, with a soft heart, and who loves his brother and friends very much. He is rowdy and very loud when it comes to fighting, his powers is incredible his incredible strength induces respect among many fighters... Filled with anger and a tenacious fury, the ferocious fighting style of Aioria knows no limits, and will not stop until he defeat his enemies... Aioria have some great attacks that nobody else, and he can defeat a group of opponents in matter of seconds and one strike from his "Lightning Plasma" Aioria is one of the most feared and respected saints around the world... Many believes that when Aioria starts attacking he can't stop or leave the match without beating the hell out of his opponent, just like the king of the beast... Having learned the true principles of honor and discipline from his elder brother Aioros he knows no fear... Aioria is a honorable fighter who battles with respect and admiration for the opponent... He is a very loyal saint to Athena, he will fight till the very end for her sake and for the sake for the future of the world, the future of the kids and for his beloved earth... [color=red]KANON[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/kanon.jpg[/img] Name: Kanon Constellation: Gemini (The Twins) Age: 28 years old Height: 188 cm Weight: 87 kg Birthdate/sign: May 30th - Gemini Blood group: AB Origin: Greece Ocean: North Atlantic Fighting techniques: Galaxian Explosion (pron: Gyarakushian Ekusupuojon) Another Dimension (pron: Anaza Deimenshon) Golden Triangle (pron: Goruden Toraianguru) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Kanon is Saga's twin brother... One of the strongest fighter, he have the same look as Saga, he uses strong attacks and most of Saga's attacks, he is a very danger fighter that everybody fears him, maybe even more than Saga himself... Kanon once worked for Poseidon, the lord of the seas... He was a bad guy and evil before, he was the evil deed for making Saga being controlled by Ares, for releasing Posiedon's soul again... But after he relased that the one who helped his life was none other than Athena, Kanon's life has changed... Soon Kanon's evil side has been removed from his heart... He has decided to fight for the mankind and humanity, fighting for Athena the one who helped Kanon's life, now he want to pay this back by fighting as one of the Saint by her side... Kanon is a proud arrogant man, who jokes against even the strongest enemies, he don't care about the number of the enemies nor even their powers, all he knows that he can't leave the battle without being the winner, a very determained fighter who will do anything to achieve whatever is hanging in his head... Kanon true indenity made him a Gemini Gold Saint, he became one of the Gold Saint, he will do anything to serve Athena even sacrificing his life for that... Kanon always hated his twin brother Saga, maybe because he was jelous of Saga's great achivements or maybe because he was a gold saint and the people around respected him so much, but Now Kanon's has changed, he loves and cares about his brother but it seems he don't like to show his feelings to Saga and the others around him, but all he knows that he will the one and only who can take Saga's place, he will do anything for himself, for the sake of his twin brother, for the beloved earth... Kanon possess a very amazing powers that most of the Gold Saints don't have it, maybe that's what make him one of the strongest gold saints and should never ever be understimated by anyone... [color=red]PANDORA[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/pandora.jpg[/img] Name: Pandora Constellation: None Age: 16 Height: 166 cm Weight: 52 kg Birthdate/sign: September 3rd - Virgo Blood group: A Origin: Germany Training grounds: Unknown Fighting techniques: None [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Pandora is one of Hades's Secretary, she is Hades's right hand woman... Nobody knows about Pandora's past, it seems she is covering her past for some unknown reasons, she is somehow related to Ikki and Shun... She works for Hades and she orders Hades's Specters for any actions, her order must be obeyed because she is the closest girl to Hades... She has some great magical powers which were given by King Hades to lead the specters and to protect herself from anyone around her... She always play on her harp closing her eyes and thinking of what's going on or maybe thinking about her past... Even if she is one of Hades's Secretary who carries out illegal orders by her superiors, Pandora is not cold-hearted or blood-thirsty as one might suppose by her status, she is a kind girl but maybe not showing that to not make Hades and his specters to notice that... Nobody knows what is Pandora's true goals, or what are here true ambitions... Her life, being controlled by Hades, was filled with lies and ambitions. The wreckless attitude and evil disposition were no more than harsh feelings inflicted in her by her superiors. Her only human trace lies within her love for Shun and Ikki, whom she presumes to be her brothers... Still Pandora don't Hesitates to follow her orders even if she has to do bad things, all she cares for now is to obey the orders and only this... [color=red]RHADAMANTHYS[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/rhadamanthys.jpg[/img] Name: Rhadamanthys Constellation: Wyvern Age: 23 Height: 189 cm Weight: 84 kg Birthdate/sign: October 30th - Scorpio Blood group: O Origin: England Training grounds: Unknown Fighting techniques: Greatest Caution (pron: Gureitesuto Koshon) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Rhadamanthys is one of Hades's specters... He is one of the three leaders (Judges) in the Hades's World... Rhadamanthys is ruthless, unsensitive, and heartless fighter. For him, human life has no meaning, and will not doubt in killing any person, of any sex, and of any age... His cold eyes, and his mortal silence truly makes him sinister at first sight... He is also very skillful at dispatching several people at once, he has a very strong attacks which makes thunders, wind and many other stuffs... He can take people to Hades's World and death world by his great amazing powers... Rhadamanthys is a single, self-important person who cares of nobody but himself... He considers other people to be no more than "bothers"... He is the most loyal specter to Hades, a very loyal character that will do anything just for his master's sake... He is very powerful and nobody can stand in his way and especially the mortals who shows some guts... His furious attacks in battle are to be feared indeed even by the strongest fighters he ever might, he is much stronger than normal Saints, he is a judge in Hell and became one of the leaders not for nothing but because he posses incredible powers... Rhadamanthys is a man whose destiny was that to be a ruthless power monger, he is a bitter man with little to say but a lot to kill... He doesn't have fears he is a very proud and arrogant man, a man who deserves to be one of Hades's Saints...
  13. [color=red]SHION[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/shion.jpg[/img] Name: Shion Constellation: Aries (The Ram) Age: Unknown Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Birthdate/sign: Unknown - Aries Blood group: Unknown Origin: Unknown Training grounds: Unknown Fighting techniques: Crystal Wall (pron: Kurisutaru U-oru) Crystal Net (pron: Kurisutaru Netto) Starlight Extinction (pron: Sutaraito Ekusute-inkushon) Stardust Revolution (pron: Suta-dusto Reboryu-shon) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Shion is the pope of the Sanctuary... He is the leader of the Gold Saints, and the strongest gold Saint of all time... He was killed by Saga in the pervious battles and Saga killed him because he was controled by the evil lord of war Ares... Shion was revived by Hades powers to kill Athena and brings her head to Hades, he was revived to lead the Dark Gold Saint team... He is the strongest Gold Saints of all time, he was Mu's teacher past years so he have the same attacks as Mu have such as "Stardust Revolution" or "Crystal Wall" and "Starlight Extinction" 200 years ago, there was a great battle between Hades and his specters against Athena and her saints... So Shion and Dokho were the only survivors of this battle... Shion and Dokho were best friends past years but now fighting for Hades seems to change something or maybe it make the friendship stronger! His heart might have loneliness and sadness storming it day and night, that's because he don't like to show his true reasons... Shion is a very kind man that will do anything to kill the evil, Shion is a very loyal saint to Athena and have a good experience so that's why he became the Pope of the Sanctuary... Nobody can stand in Shion's way due to his incredible powers, also all of the Gold Saints must obey him because he was the Pope before so they should respect his orders and obey his orders... Shino believes e believes that a Gold Saint must live and die for the sake of the future live, for the sake of Athena and for the sake of mankind... [color=red]SAGA[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/saga.jpg[/img] Name: Saga Constellation: Gemini (The Twins) Age: 28 years old Height: 188 cm Weight: 87 kg Birthdate/sign: May 30th - Gemini Blood group: AB Origin: Greece Training grounds: Greece - Sanctuary Fighting techniques: Galaxian Explosion (pron: gyarakushian ekusupurojon) Another Dimension (pron: Anaza De-imenshon) Gen Rou Ma Ou Ken (trans: Demon Emperor Fist) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Saga is also one of the Gold Saints... He is a very strong character that nobody can stand in his way or stand in his ambitions... A very gentle character, he is smart, powerful, fast, have alot of strong attacks which nobody else can handle them but him... He is considered as the strongest Gold Saint and that because he have features that nobody else have it... Rather elegant and with good manners, Saga doesn't seem to lose his temper so easily. He usually remains calm, cool, and precise, as his superior intelligence always analyzes the situation, and exploits it to his advantage. A conspirating and creative person... Sadly Saga's life turned to a living hell after the lord of war, Ares, has gained control over his body... Ares the lord of war used Saga's body to reborn once again and to gain control over the Sanctuary and had done alot of bad things even though Saga don't like to do these stuff but sadly he can't get back his body from the lord of war Ares... But yet Saga couldn't give it up so easily and fought his inner side to take his body back... Even though Saga kicked Ares's out of his body but yet there are many evils who are trying to host his body... Saga is a very kind hearted man and very pure, he don't like to kill people or do bad things but sadly the evils hunts him down yet he can never give up even if he lost the last bit of his energy... Saga is a nice man with his friends and is sometimes very cold with those he deems to be a bother. However, his friends know him to be a warm and caring man. He cares a lot for Athena after all he is one of her Saints, maybe Saga the most loyal saint to Athena, he will do anything and will sucrifice himself just for her sake, he is a man that knows no fear... Saga have alot of strong attacks, and he have incredible body because he can handle strong attacks, even after being beaten up or something like this he gets up again and fights as if nothing happened, he can sense anybody's power even if they are a far distence away... Saga is Kanon's twin brother and he loves him so much and cares about him but it seems he don't like to show him his true feelings and always hiding this for himself... Saga is someone who should never be Underestimated by anyone not even the lords... [color=red]CAMUS[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/camus.jpg[/img] Name: Camus Constellation: Aquarius (The Water Bearer) Age: 20 years old Height: 184 cm Weight: 76 kg Birthdate/sign: February 7th - Aquarius Blood group: A Origin: France Training grounds: Siberia Fighting techniques: Aurora Execution (pron: O-rora Ekusukyu-shon) Freezing Coffin (pron: Furizigu Kofu-in) Diamond Dust (pron: Daiyamondo Dasuto) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Camus is also one of the Gold Saints who were revived by Hades's powers to kill Athena and brings her head to Hades... He once were fighting only for Athena and fighting the evil but after his death in this chapter he was revived by Hades... Camus is a very cold character and rarely he lost his control and that what makes him a really very strong character... He have alot of great and strong attacks, his special attack is Diamond Dust and he use it alot of times while fighting against the opponent but yet it's not Camus's strongest attacks, he have some other attacks but the strongest attack is "Aurora Execution" he had trained alot of characters in this anime and the most important one of them all is none other than Cygnus Hyoga... Camus liked Hyoga so much and was teaching him almost everything and supporting him and always cares for him as if it's just like father & sun or maybe big brother and younger brother... Camus have a lightning speed and that's what makes him to move here and there very quickly... He is also very good at jumping... Good spirited, nice to other people, strong and brave against the forces of evil, a brilliant young man, and also a very respectful fighter by everybody around... He is also one of the strongest Gold Saints and every saint pays him a very big respect because Camus's deserve it fair and square... [color=red]SHURA[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/shura.jpg[/img] Name: Shura Constellation: Capricorn (The Sea Goat) Age: 23 years old Height: 186 cm Weight: 83 kg Birthdate/sign: January 12th - Capricorn Blood group: B Origin: Spain Training grounds: Spain - Pyrenees Fighting techniques: Excalibur (pron: Ekusukariba) Jumping Stone (pron: Janpingu Suto-n) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Shura is one of the gold saints... He was revived by Hades's great powers to kill in 12 hours and bring her head to Hades himself... Shura is one of the strongest Gold Saints and he is the one who caused Aioros's death, Shura isn't really an evil but the problem is that people drives him to the wrong way... Shura have a very amazing attack which is called "Excalibur" which can cut entire mountain to 2 halfs... Shura doesn't show too much emotion in his cold face... His melancolic eyes, hidden by some shades. Since he has known nothing more than fighting, it is hard for him to relate with others. He's also not good for sentimental words, but he is a very warm man in the inside... Shura is a very kind Gold Saint who cares for the others around him and his best friends are none other than Saga and Camus... Shura is respected by every gold saint and the other saints in the Sanctuary or out of the Sanctuary... Shura have a very great speed and few who can be as fast as him... Shura's weak point is that he fights and punch before even giving the chance to think, maybe that's his weak point or maybe being like this and fighting bravely till the very end without complaining is the main reason for his powers... Shura is the type of a fighter who likes to attack, attack and attack without giving his opponent a chance for breathing, he also gained the Gold Cloth even when he was still a kid and thats mean that Shura is something else, someone rare... [color=red]DEATH MASK[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/deathmask.jpg[/img] Name: Deathmask Constellation: Cancer (The Crab) Age: 23 years old Height: 184 cm Weight: 82 kg Birthdate/sign: June 24th - Cancer Blood group: A Origin: Italy Training grounds: Italy - Sicily Fighting techniques: Seki Shi Ki Mei Kai Ha (Dark World Waves) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Death Mask is also one of the Gold Saints who were revived by Hades's powers to kill Athena and brings her head to Hades... He is very evil and hardly to make a deal with him, he only knows the fight and death... He likes to kill people just for fun... He have alot of strong attacks which is very dangerous and his most popular attack is: "Sekishiki MeikaiHa" which takes the opponents to the Dead's World (Hades's World) Death Mask weak points is he can't control over his mind, and attacks without thinking and that what makes him to lose his battles... He is unlike the other brave Gold Saints, when he face the death it self he can't show his bravery but he just try to escape as a coward and that's why he doesn't deserve the name of Gold Saint... But yet he is someone that nobody should mess with... A very dangerous warrior and cause of the evil things he did so far he was nicknamed "Death Mask" but yet his real name is unknown yet... Death Mask is a man propense towards violence, and loves to kill his opponents with sadism. He even doesn't care if he takes a hit or two to make the opponent suffer! He loves to use dirty tricks along with using his Illusiuon attacks... Death Mask loves the smell of blood and the sound of broken bones... [color=red]APHRODITE[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/aphrodite.jpg[/img] Name: Aphrodite Constellation: Pisces (The Fish) Age: 22 years old Height: 183 cm Weight: 72 kg Birthdate/sign: March 10th - Pisces Blood group: O Origin: Sweden Training grounds: Greenland Fighting techniques: Bloody Rose (pron: Buraddei Rozu) Pirhana Rose (pron: Piranian Rozu) Royal Demon Rose (pron: Roiyaru Demon Rozu) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Aphrodite is one of the Gold Saint... He might be the weakest of the Gold Saint but yet that doesn't mean he is a weak fighter... Aphrodite is a strong fighter compared to the Bronze or Silver Saints... He looks so much like the girls but he is a guy... Aphrodite knows of no honorable feelings in his heart. He will resort to anything to win, and he will not stop at nothing to leave his opponent in a bloody mass of defeated flesh... He uses alot of tricks, and some poisened roses to kill his opponent, he uses roses as an attack... He is kinda evil just like his best friend Death Mask... Aphrodite enjoys playing around with those foolish enough to challenge him, using the great amount of power that he possesses... Yet he is a coward and don't deserve to be a gold saint, whenever he faces the death he can't be cool and lose his control and become a coward running away from death and strong opponents, but that's not all the time, whenever he sees there is a chance even if it's a small chance he fight till the very end, even if it costs him his life...
  14. ======================= CHARACTERS: ======================= [color=red]SAORI[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/athena.jpg[/img] Name: Saori Kido Function: Athena Age: 13 years old Height: 155 cm Weight: 44 kg Birthdate/sign: September 1st - Virgo Blood group: A Origin: Greece - Sanctuary [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Saori is Athena, the queen of Wisdom... Saori is The head of one of Asia's largest (and fictional) business consortiums, which is how she can afford that huge mansion, gardens, personal jet planes, and so on... She has the soul of Athena in her body and finally awakened as Athena... Saori is a very kind girl that loves everybody around her and don't like the fightings and the wars... She doesn't have much power as a normal human but since she is Athena she has incredible powers and always supports her saints in the battles against the evils... Athena is known to be a very sweet girl among her friends, and very polite too. She is never rude but maybe she is argument sometime because she lived as a rich girl and everything she desires she get it so maybe that may has some effects on her personality... She always helps her friends, and always takes her time to live her life as a normal girl even though she has a big duty and that's is fighting so hard for all mankind and to bring peace upon the world to make everybody happy, to make both sides happy, that's what she wishes for the most, maybe that what makes her really special and that's the true reasons why many people loves her not because she is Athena but because of her own kind personality... [color=red]SEIYA[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/seiya.jpg[/img] Name: Seiya Constellation: Pegasus Age: 13 years old Height: 165 cm Weight: 53 kg Hair colour: Brown Eye colour: Brown/Red-brown Birthdate/sign: December 1st - Sagittarius Blood group: B Origin: Japan Training grounds: Greece - Sanctuary Fighting techniques: Pegasasu Ryu Sei Ken (trans: Pegasus Shooting Star Fist) Pegasasu Sui Sei Ken (trans: Pegasus Comet Fist) Pegasus Rolling Crash (pron: Pegasasu Ro-ringu Kurashu) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] The main character in this anime, Seiya is considered as one of the Bronze Saints... Seiya is really a very rare character... Seiya is hot-blooded, and acts before having time to think, which usually results in him getting beaten to pulp... He has lots of dreams which he hopes to accomplish some day and one of his dreams is to find her sister and live happily with here once again... A very kind characters who likes to fight for the sake of this beautiful earth, for the sake of every human being and for all mankind... Seiya never really knows what the defeat is, he is the kind of character that doesn't know what is the defeat or don't like the word "Give Up" whatever happens, even if he is facing a true danger he can't forget his smile, this character is full of willing, even beaing beaten up he will keep getting up, even if each bone in him is broken until the very end... Seiya is a funny character who likes to joke around with his friends and likes to see the smile on everybody's faces... He has a very warm heart that he will sacrifice his life for the sake of friendship or for saving the people he loves... Seiya's ideals are noble at heart, and only desires to fight for justice and thwart evil. His rants normally end in violence... A joyful young man who has high spirits and filled with joy and friendship, Seiya is a pretty mature person for his age. Always filled with dreams, and a huge lover of the sky, Seiya has never let anything stand in the way of his goals. His strong will and determination has allowed him to soar over every hardship, and leads him further into the heavens... [color=red]SHIRYU[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/shiryu.jpg[/img] Name: Shiryu Constellation: Dragon Age: 14 years old Height: 172 cm Weight: 53 kg Hair colour: Black Eye colour: Grey-blue (manga: red-brown) Birthdate/sign: October 4th - Libra Blood group: A Origin: Japan Training grounds: China - Rozan Fighting techniques: Rozan Sho Ryu Ha (trans: Rozan Ascending Dragon) Rozan Kou Ryu Ha (trans: Rozan Highest Rising Dragon) Rozan Ryu Hi Sho (trans: Rozan Dragon Flight) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] He is one of the Bronze Saints... Shiryu is a very calm and reserved character. He thinks a lot before he speaks, but usually stays rather quiet... Shiryu respects everybody around him and likes to see them all happy just like everybody else of the Bronze Saints, He is also the most mature of the Bronze Boys. In battle, he is very different. He becomes fiery, proud and extremely courageous. Honour and duty are the most important things in his life. Shiryu tends to become suicidal during battles, he wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for his friends or duty. Perhaps Shiryu thinks too much before acting during battles, getting badly injured as he does so. In society, Shiryu is rather distant. He doesn't show his emotions, and rarely becomes angry. He keeps a respectful distance of the others... Shiryu fights for the mankind for himself for the one he loves and he would gladly give his life for them. Shiryu is a very kind man, mostly because he is so determined to impart justice, and his love for his friends. His opponents also consider him a very honorable fighter, and a very wise man too... He despises evil and will fight whomever fights for that cause. Shiryu trains very hard every day to show the world that he is one of the strongest fighters around the world, and to proves that he can be used in battles as a true warrior, as a true Saint... [color=red]HYOGA[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/hyoga.jpg[/img] Name: Hyoga Constellation: Swan (Cygnus) Age: 14 years old Height: 173 cm Weight: 60 kg Hair colour: Blond Eye colour: Pale blue Birthdate/sign: January 23rd - Aquarius Blood group: O Origin: Russia Training grounds: Oriental Siberia Fighting techniques: Aurora Execution (pron: O-rora Ekusukyu-shon) Kholodnyi Smerch (pron: Ho-rodoni Sumeruchi; trans: Freezing Tornado) Diamond Dust (pron: Daiamondo Dasuto) Kaisuto (trans: Circle) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Hyoga is also one of the Bronze Saints... Hyoga is a tragic character. He seems rather cold and distant, but he is certainly very much attached to parent figures, such as his mother and master. Hyoga is usually quite sociable, he likes taking part in activities with the other Bronze Boys and has an agreeable, mild personality. He can be very frank and direct at times, which sometimes hurts some of his friends, but he never intends to do so. Hyoga is always a cool and serene guy, a good natured fellow at heart. He also seems to be very serious in the fights and don't likes to joke around or maybe it's because of his sad past... Hyoga loved his mother so much sadly his mother has died in front of his eyes, years passed but yet Hyoga can never forget his mother... Hyoga is a character that doesn't like to be defeated and don't like the fighting unless if needed... He still doesn't have a main goal but for sure one of his goals is to see everybody is happy and to live happily with the people around him, Hyoga was trained by Camus and Crystal Saint, he have alot of great attacks such as "Diamond Dust" and "Aurora Execution" and he has learned these attacks from his master Camus the man who was just like his second father... Hyoga is a very cool character and respected by everybody around him and that's because of his personality... [color=red]SHUN[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/shun.jpg[/img] Name: Shun Constellation: Andromeda Age: 13 years old Height: 165 cm Weight: 51 kg Hair colour: Green (manga: dark blond to medium brown) Eye colour: Blue-Green (manga: light brown or blue) Birthdate/sign: September 9th - Virgo Blood group: A Origin: Japan Training grounds: Andromeda Island Fighting techniques: Nebula Chain (pron: Nebyura Chie-n) Nebular Storm (pron: Nebyura Suto-mu) Nebular Stream (pron: Nebyura Sutori-mu) Thunder Wave (pron: Sanda U-e-bu) Rolling Defense (pron: Ro-ringu de-ifu-ensu) Spider Net (pron: Supaida Netto) Casting Net (pron: Kyasute-ingu netto) Spiral Duct (pron: Supairaru Dakuto) Boomerang Shot (pron: Bu-meran Shotto) Whirled Trap (pron: Wairudo Torappu) Great Capture (pron: Gure-to Kyapuchua) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Shun is one of the Bronze Saints... Shun is Ikki's younger brother... He is brave and mature enough to go on ahead, Shun is a very gentle character, who is pacific and kind. He hates battles and has trouble to kill his enemy, as he considers this as sheer waste. He is very sensitive and quite shy when it comes to relationships with others. He gets on well with everyone since he is a kind hearted boy, though his brother is easier for him to handle when they are alone together. Being the youngest of the Bronze Saints Shun never ever liked the fightings, he hates blood or fighting or killing and can never think of killing someone... But yet that doesn't mean he can't fight or he is not strong, Shun is really a strong character that have a will of steel, Shun follows his Bronze friends in their fights, with the innocence and humor of a young man... Shun doesn't let the feeling of hatred and vengeance displayed in some battles get to his heart. Being an innocent young saint, he is reluctant to such emotions. Shun looks at life as a precious gift, and is thankful for everything he has, his elder brother Ikki, his friends and the people around him... [color=red]IKKI[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon2.jeeran.com/images/ikki.jpg[/img] Name: Ikki Constellation: Phoenix Age: 15 years old Height: 175 cm Weight: 62 kg Hair colour: Blue Eye colour: Blue Birthdate/sign: August 15th - Leo Blood group: AB Origin: Japan Training grounds: Death Queen Island Fighting techniques: Phoenix Houou Genma Ken (trans: Phoenix Illusion Demon Fist) Hou Yoku Ten Sho (trans: Flaming wings Takeoff) [color=blue]STORY:[/color] Ikki is one of the Bronze Saints, he is Shun's elder brother... Ikki is one of the strongest Bronze Saint of all time if not the strongest, he have the power of the legendary immortal bird Phoenix, whenever his opponent become stronger Ikki gets up with more powers, just like the Phoenix and so he was nick named: "The Immortal Saint"... Ikki was a very kind hearted man and loved everybody around him, he was a nice kid until one day he was sent to Death Queen Island for training and then there begins Ikki's crisis... He lost someone special to him, someone he consider a close friend, someone he loved from the bottom of his eyes... Being beaten up and the death of the one he loves Ikki's lost his temprature and killed his own master by his own hand... After that Ikki lost his faith in everbody and his life changed... Ikki hides himself in the shadows, rarely showing himself in public... However, whenever Ikki appears, he does so with incredible force and violence. He is able to kill many people in just matter of seconds. It almost seems natural to him... Showing that he doesn't care about the people around him, doesn't care about Athena or anyone else but his younger brother but that's not his true personality, Ikki is a very gentle at heart, he will do anything and might sacrifice his life to save them or to bring peace to the world once again... Ikki is a lone wolf, he prefers spending his time away from the others. Therefore he only appears in battles when one of his friends is in danger. His faith in Athena isn't as strong as his love for Shun but yet that doesn't mean he don't care for his duty, he cares alot about his duty and knows what he should do but he likes to act by his own, he hates to be ordered around... So now Ikki became the most feared warrior of the Bronze Saints...
  15. ===================== THE STORY: ===================== [img]http://www.gpss.hpg.ig.com.br/pos.jpg[/img] After the defeat of Posiedon's and his marines against Athena and her saint, The Lord Of Darkness and Underworld has finally revived after his defeat 200 years ago by the hand of Athena and her saints, he is none other than the darkness master Hades... Hades declares war on the whole mankind this time and had decided to take on Earth once again defeating his enemies and wishing to kill Athena along with her saints because Athena is the only person who is standing in Hades's way and his unlimited ambitions... He has revived some of the dead Gold Saints and told them that if they betray Athena and kill her he will give them an Eternal Life and if they failed they will die once again... So once again the life of Athena is in danger but this time it's surrounded by absolute darkness, will she gonna survive the attack of Hades and his 108 Specters!? Now Athena's saints can't leave her alone facing the death without doing anything, something should be done before the time is up... So now the war begin once again, this time Athena and her saints against the King of the UnderWorld Hades and his Specters... Who is going to survive this big war!
  16. [color=blue]SAINT SEIYA THE HADES: CHAPTER SANCTUARY[/color] ======================= INTRODUCTION: ======================= Hi there everybody, how are you doing!? hope you are fine... I've decided this time to post a thread about Saint Seiya, as we all know Saint Seiya is one of the most popular animes around the world... Saint Seiya The Hades saga is the best saga in entire Saint Seiya History, the OAV contains 13 episodes for Sancutry chapter then there will be more episodes for the Hades world (Underworld) chapter but yet nothing confirmed... Well I saw the 13 OVAs and what I can say... Well it's just the greatest OVA I've ever seen, I am not saying it because it's Saint Seiya but because it's really a very good show really... Saint Seiya started out in 1986 as a manga by Masami Kurumada and published in Shonen Jump, and have been reprinted in book form by Shonen as well. In October of 1986 Saint Seiya showed up on Japanese TV as an animated series produced by Toei Doga... Also Kuramada published the Saint Seiya Hades Manga as well but now after years of waiting and waiting, Now they finally animated this great manga and brought as the OVA Saint Seiya Hades: Chapter Sanctuary in 13 OVAs, that was really just like a dream to Saint Seiya's fans but luckily they animated the Hades Manga... well guys I wanna say that I took some informations from some French, Italian, English, Spanish's web sites related to Saint Seiya so thanks refers to them, also thanks refers to Silver Dragon for the characters story I learned their story and edited or took some words from here and there to collect the characters' story and proiles... You can find alot of informations about Saint Seiya in many Saint Seiya's sites but sadly most of the sites are not in english, mostly are French, anyway I would like to thanks them for their help because I knew more about Saint Seiya so thanks... So now let's get going... ===================== MY REVIEW: ===================== The story: 10/10 The characters: 10/10 The Animation: 10/10 The musics: 10/10 Voice Cast: 10/10 Overall: 10/10 [color=blue]THE STORY:[/color] Well some of you may don't like the story if they don't like the deep stories, I mean Saint Seiya have a really very big and deep story, the story based on Greeks legends and other mythologies along with other cool stuff, about temples, saints and their lords...etc I know this sometime might be boring but yet the story is very deep and very cool at the same time, if you watched Saint Seiya before you will notice the different between the Hades saga's story and the other sagas of Saint Seiya, since the story is about ressurection of Hades's and his specters, going to underworld facing monsters or group fighters, helping each others, betrayers...etc Fighting for future of the world as everybody thinks, but yet it's not only this, it's deeper than this, I can't say anything more since they didn't released the ova's but I have been reading the manga since years, and the manga story and the OVA are the same, and I guess it's the best... The story is about the ressurection of Hades the king of the underworld along with his armies, who want to kill the queen Athena to get rid of her and to become the only leader in the universe, so the warriors have to do something to help her and defend her even if it costs them their own lives so that's the beginning of the biggest story... Also reviving some of the of the dead saints like the Gold Saints, Saga, Camus, Shura and Shion along with the Silver Saints just like Misty, Argol...etc I guess the story is new since you really don't know who is the bad one and who is the good one if you don't know the old story it will be pretty hard to understand just like me when I first saw it... I mean sometimes you see the bad guys are killing and doing bad things then at the other hand you see them that they are sad for killing and for losing their old friends from the old saga...etc also the good ones are fighting the good ones just for unknown reasons just like helping, training them and things like this... I really have nothing else to say and I can't say anything more but as for me The Hades saga is the best saga and you have to watch this part of Saint Seiya because you will be amazed for sure, and the story is very cool and I like it more than anything else, there are fighters who fight for themselves, fighters who fights for justice some for evils and some for their friends, you will see different kind of fighters...etc I am sure many of you gonna like the story... [color=blue]THE CHARACTERS:[/color] As we all know Saint Seiya have alot of characters, more than 50 characters, and more than 15 main characters... There are alot of groups and each group have at least one or more cool fighter, Saint Seiya features all type of characters, the emotinal, the serious, the funny and even the bad ones as well... In respect to other animes but still I guess I can't find any anime that have cool characters like the characters in Saint Seiya's series... As for me I would like to give it a full rate for the characters since they have my favorite type of character of all time just like Saga, if you saw it from the beginning I am sure you will like this guy too, he is kinda a sad character and that's my type of character who is always cold, sad, strong and also sometimes you see him fighting for evils, sometimes for justice and sometimes for himself, there are many characters like Saga in the series, we also have Kanon, his twin brother, once were a servent of Posiedon and now a saint of Athena's saints and fights for the justice, he also have very great moves, and most of all the Hades Saga features and shows the great Wyvern Radamanthus, he is one of my favorite character too and I always wished to see him in an anime type while I was reading the manga because these are the ones who I always wished to see in the anime... There are many other cool characters such as Shaka, Milo, Shiryu, Ikki...etc I can't name all of them because there are too much and I like almost everyone of them, even the heroes are pretty cool unlike other animes, I admit I usually like the villains but in this great series I also like the heroes too, I can name some of them like the Dragon Shiryu or Pheonix Ikki along with the gold heroes just like Mu, Aioria, Milo...etc The best thing that Saint Seiya have groups, just like Golden Saint Group which have characters of themselves, Silver Saints, Bronze Saints, Steel Saints, Specters...etc you will also amaze after watching their great cloths, such an amazing designs on the characters, also don't forget that each character have his own speciality and have elements such as Wind element, Sun Element, Dark Element, Fire, water...etc Also the main villain have alot of great servents and he is a pretty cool villain, his name is Hades of course... Just see their stories and I am sure you are going to like these amazing characters... I know some of you might say if there are girls or not! Well they also have female fighters like Marin and Shina, also some villain females and Saori (Athena) is a female too, so both of girls and boys gonna like Saint Seiya's characters oh yeah not to forget that there is also old ones and kids just like Kiki, Master Dokho... You all find all type of characters that's why I like the series... I have nothing else to say but Saint Seiya features the best characters... [color=blue]THE ANIMATION:[/color] Saint Seiya The Hades chapter has the coolest animation I've ever seen in animes, I know there are other animes have cool animation just like Sprited Away, Blood The Last Vampire, X...etc but this one is the best in my opinion, they use alot of anime style 3D which give it the cool effects, also not to forget that the graphics looks soooooooooo cool, you just see the old ones and see the Hades OAV and you will notice the different between them, thanks to the OVA's group... Also the anime have alot of great backgrounds effects and there is no more same scene, they have used the computer stuff perfectly and I appreciate their efforts, just see when Milo fights against Kanon, man you will notice how the animation looks also don't forget to see the scene when Seiya transforms with his armors, man they used 3D on this and that's why it came out so good...The fighting scenes are pretty cool, it still has the old school feelings, but better effects had been implemented. I love the way how Seiya did his Pegasus Meteor Punch on Cancer Death Mask, it?s a must see! Not to mention about Shiryu doing his moves as well... And the best of all when Saga do his super attack "Glaxian Explosion" just see and for sure you will be speechless, Man I can't say anything more you just see and you will know what I mean... [color=blue]THE MUSICS:[/color] Well I don't know what to say about this but as we all know Yokoyama Seiji was behind this, this mean for sure Saint Seiya's musics will be very cool... I think that Saint Seiya have the saddest musics of all time in anime world, they have a very cool musics, the openning and the ending, also not to mention the sad musics when Aldebran die or when Milo attacks Kanon, when Shaka's fight against Saga and co, when and when... Man the music outta there was very sad and I like it sooooo much as you all know I like sad musics, to your knowledge Saint Seiya not only have sad musics but they have other cool musics just like Pegasus Fantasy, Harp's them...etc I really can't wait anymore for the Hades World Chapter... I am sure you are going to like Saint Seiya's musics especialy the ones in the Hades chapter, but yet I miss Abel's sad theme, not to mention when Orpheous plays his music, I can't imagine that... Saint Seiya series have alot of great musics done by great artists so you can accept anything from them... Oh you might be asking if they still have the old musics from the old series! Yeah they have it, you can hear the old musics in the new series and that's pretty cool, since they still use their old stuff ot run the anime, I am done here you just go and hear then tell me what you think ;) [color=blue]VOICE CAST:[/color] Saint Seiya's seiyuu and voice actors are the greatest ones and the most popular ones, the voices are very cool and suites the character and his style, I mean just hear Rhadamanthys's voice (Koyasu Takehito), man as you know Rhadamanthys is a pure evil and his voice is damn pure evil too :D not to mention that Pegasus Seiya is voiced by the same man who voiced Amuro, he also voiced Hiroshi for Jeeg, Kyosuke for Orange Road, and Tuxedo Mask for Sailor Moon. Dragon Shiryuu is also voiced by the man who voiced Bright Noah, Shingo from Goshogun and of course Haran Banjo. Andromeda Shun is also voiced by the same man who voiced Vegita from DBZ and also Kou Uraki and that dude who is trying to be like girls from Dancougar who loved Shapiro so much. And I like the most of all is Saga's voice actor, Okiayu Ryoutarou... There are many other great voice actors we've heard their voice at many other series, also Kanon's voice is very cool kinda remind me of the same actor of Raven from Virus Buster Serge... I don't think I can find a better voice actors and suites the character as well very easily, of course that's my opinion, everybody has his own opinion... But I am sure you will like these screams and shouting... Saint Seiya Hades's features the biggest names for the voice actors such as Koyasu Takehito, Okiayu Ryoutarou, Furuya Tohru, Suzuoki Hirotaka, Kusao Takeshi, Ikeda Shuuichi, Namba Keiichi, Tobita Nobuo ...etc All I have to say that they are the best... [color=blue]OVERALL:[/color] Well the new Saint Seiya Hades OVA is my favorite anime at the current time, so what can I say!? I can only give it the full rating and I guess it's really deserves the full credits, I know some of you might not like the new series that's maybe because he don't know the story and what happened before, but if you watch it chapter after chapter I am sure you will like it so much, as I said before Saint Seiya is perfect almost at everything, for the story, I don't think I can find a better story than Saint Seiya's great and big story or maybe it's only me... I also like stories which are originally legends & mythology... As for the characters, Saint Seiya features many cool characters, there are many of them just like Saga, Rhadamanthys, Ikki, Mu, Milo, Shakka, Camus, Shura...etc where can I find these great characters in other animes, I know that every anime have at least one cool characters but Saint Seiya have not only one or two or three, they have many of them and more than 20 cool characters of course it's a personal opinion so don't blame me for saying these words... As for the animation, I can't say anything but the animation and the graphics are very cool and well done especially when they show fighting scenes and fast movements scenes, as for the musics, we all know how it's great and there is no need to say anything more, if you like sad and old style musics then this will be your choice I guess... The anime also have a very cool style for their fighting scenes, characters...etc along with cool voice actors and most popular or biggest names in the anime world...etc what else should be said, I know whatever I saw or how much I will write there will ton of words that can be said about this great show... Even it's only 13 OVA but yet I prefer to series of 100 episodes or more, I am not just saying because a Saint Seiya fan but because it's really the greatest anime I've ever watched... I have nothing else to say but Guys you have to watch this great series and I am sure you will like and you wont lose anything by watching it...
  17. Well the saddest scenes are: SAINT SEIYA HADES: [spoiler]In episode 11 when Athena kills herself and Saga cries for her death... Also in the same episode when the Bronze Saints trying to stop Athena Exclamation...[/spoiler] [spoiler]In episode 12 when Shion tells the Bronze boys that they were not fighting for Hades but they were trying to hide their true indenity, it was very sad watching the Bronze's Saints crying to fight their brothers the Dark Gold Saints[/spoiler] [spoiler]In episode 13 When Mu, Milo and Aioria dies... In the same episode when Saga, Camus and Shura dies... And the last scene the farwell of the best friends, Dokho & Shino... It was really very sad I was kinda in tears :D [/spoiler] UFO ROBOT GRENDIZER: [spoiler]When Zoril's son dies just to help his father[/spoiler] ANGEL SANCTUARY: [spoiler]When Kira was trying to help his father... It was kinda sad...[/spoiler] ASHITA NO JOE: [spoiler]JOE YABUKI'S DEATH[/spoiler] Well that's for now...
  18. Well as the subject says, they finally confirmed that they will make a new film for Saint Seiya, and it's now the 5th movie of the Saint Seiya... I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw the news and I was gonna be dead after watching the two great artworks for the new movie ;) finally a new Movie for Saint Seiya... We need to celebrate guys ;) and here are the pics, hope you like it: [img]http://i.cyna.net/tenkai1.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.cyna.net/tenkai2.jpg[/img] As for the Story, well the story takes a place after the Hades's Chapter and the beginning of the Tenkai Hen Chapter (Zeus's Chapter) the villain is Artemis, there are some new characters... It's really good to see new characters but it's sad that the Gold Saints aren't there anymore, I hope to see them again by some way... Here are some informations I got about the film, thanks refers to the Saint Seiya's forums and Kyo-San, the name of the movie is still a rumor but I will write it though... Japanese Name: Saint Seiya Kamigami to No ketsubetsu English Name: The good-bye with the Lords Running Time: 60 to 90 minutes Director: Masami Kuramada Music: Seiji Yokoyama Art Director: Shingo Araki & Michi Himeno * The movie will this time last longer than the previous ones * The opponents of Athena and her Saints will this time be Artemis and Apollo * Seiya, due to his battle against Hades, will be in a chariot at the beginning of the movie, his cosmo depleted * the Bronze saints will be wearing their 3d-generation bronze cloths and not their God Cloths. I just can't express how happy am I for this new film... Now after the confirmation of this new film, I am hoping the confirmation of the Saint Seiya Hades: Chapter Underworld... That's what I hope for... That's what I have for now... See ya around guys...
  19. [quote]Vegeta Rocker: This looks pretty interesting. Might check it out. I gotta say though, the movie was totally a waste. I like the series though.[/quote] Well first of all to everybody his owns, true you might not like the Movie but as for me it was really a very cool Moive indeed even though it was pretty old ;) as for the series sadly I didn't see it yet... I don't know if you are going to like this one or not but give it a shot you might who knows...!? [quote]Craige: I've been a fan of fist of the north for a long time ^____^ my real question to you, is the remake worth picking up? I have the original allready.[/quote] Well I really don't know what ot tell you but you said it there, since you are a fan of Fist Of The North Star for a long time I guess you will like this one as well, because I am a very old fan of FOTNS so I liked this one too but that doesn't mean this new OVA is better than the old series or movie, to everybody his own... You know what, give it a try... [quote]Syk3: Well, I know one thing. You should deffinitly ask Adam for a position on theOtaku. We could deffinitly use someone like you this dedicated to reviews; this one here is very informative. ^_~ I have yet to see this new OVA, but my friend is most likely going to get it soon. He has the entire Fist of the North Star series, as well as the original movie, so he'll probably want this too. I liked the first movie a lot, as well as what I've seen from the series, and it will be awesome to view it in this newer animation with the general story line. Are you planning on doing a review on the New Fist of the North Star OVA 2?[/quote] Thanks alot my dear friend Syk of your words, I really appreciate it, I don't know if I am worthy enough or not but I am glad that at least one liked the review n_n; even though I have some problems with my grammers :D You should get this one, it's worthy really, well some of people might hate this one but as for me and as for thousands of people it was very good so maybe you are from this side or the other side, everything depends ;) well to be honest I might liked the original movie alot more since it was really cool featuring alot of amazing characters so maybe the people will like the old one but that doesn't mean this new OVA sucks!! As for your question, well as long as I see the second OVA then "YEAH" why not... I like to write these stuff even though people might not like long posts or maybe don't like my writing because I have problems with my grammers as I said before but at least I am enjoying doing this so I will... But don't know when I am going to get the second OVA, I am really waiting for the second OVA... Anyway thanks man for your comments and hope to see you again... Sincerly, DLD
  20. [color=blue]NEW FIST OF THE NORTH STAR OVA 1[/color] ======================== INTRODUCTION: ======================== Hi there guys! how are you doing!? hope you are doing fine... Well once again I am here to write alot of stuff about the great anime Fist Of The North Star, well kinda like a big review or something like that ehh call it whatever you wish... I guess we all heard about this name when we were kids, it's one of the old school animes and let me say the first anime I've ever seen... Well we know it's pretty old series and they also released a film in 80's but now in this thread... I am gonna talk about the new Fist Of The North Star OVA... Well maybe few of you heard about it, finally Toei decided or let me say the director to revive this anime once and for all... Luckily I get this new one and I saw it... It was kinda cool I like it or maybe because I missed the anime for years so the returns of the anime may revived some of my memories with the anime as well... So I am gonna talk in this thread about this new work of Fist Of The North Star, and I would like to remind the people that the anime is a fighting, violence, super powers anime and may contain some violent scenes... Also I wish to thanks the people who created alot of sites about the olf Fist Of The North Star sites but sadly there is no sites for the new one, though... Well blah blah blah I can't stop so let's get going guys... ==================== REVIEW: ==================== The story: 7/10 The characters: 7/10 The animation: 10/10 The musics: 9/10 Overall: 8/10 [color=blue]THE STORY:[/color] Same old same old... I really didn't liked the story so much, I mean we already saw the same story again, again, again and again... I mean the writer should think of something else, I know the story isn't bad either but at least we need some changes... Well as for me I can accept the story since I liked the old story and maybe some new people to Fist Of The North Star might like it if they don't have much informations about the first story... But let me just say the truth that the story is pretty simple... The story takes place after the events of the old series... In Japan, a very big explosion has Occurred due to the accident of some atomic bombs... Years after After the destruction of some cites or let may say Japan by the atomic bombs...etc It's been a living hell for the poor people same goes for the weak ones, no waters, no foods, many poors people suffered for water, many of them died to get the water... A new empire was created by a man called Sanga!! this man is evil he trys to make the people believe that he is the accepted Lord of the area or maybe the world... He was the cause of the water crisis! since he was taking all the water for himself and didn't gived a chance for the villages people to take some for free, so if anybody want a water he should work for Sanga and sadly the works are even harder than whatever one can imagine... Even if the villagers find a new source for water sadly Sanga sends his men to take the water and take the full control of the new source and if anybody tried to Rebellions against him sadly the death will be his fate.. Pain, Suffering and death! that's what the villagers learned from this hard life they are living in so it was just like a living hell... Now only one man! one legendary fighter arrived to see the disaster caused by Sanga and his men... This man was none other than the legendary master of the Hukoto Shinken martial art style, he is Kenshiro... Now Kenshiro has a task and it's to defeat Sanga and destroying his empire to bring the peace to the villagers once again! Can Sanga let someone like Kenshiro stands in his way or he is going to use even the last keys to be the new King Of The World... So The battle starts between the good and evil... Well that's the story genarally! nothing really much and it's pretty simple in my humble opinion... A new evil and the hero needs to rescue the villagers of the pain! that's all... Well maybe it's only the first OVA! who knows!!? maybe the second OVA's story might be far better, anything can happen with this anime, and maybe the story devolpes to the better... [color=blue]THE CHARACTERS:[/color] As for the characters, well I don't know what to say but the characters are not that good, well at least for myself!! I know I know that there are some cool designed characters I can't say no and hide the truth... Because I already liked Kenshiro's new costume and design same goes for the main villain Sanga, same goes for the girl Sara (well not that special but it's pretty good) Well the hero of the anime is damn cool and always amusing us... Kenshiro is really one of my favorite heroes of all time, a very cool character and strong as well, sadly the other characters are not there and I mean (Raoh, Shin, Rei, Souther...etc) the dead characters from the old series, it seems there is no chance to see them again in this new ova but at least there are some characters who are related somehow to the old characters and the top of all is none other than Raoh's son Ryu... As for the main villain Sanga, I really liked his design it was cool and he kinda remind me of Wolfgang Krauser from the popular game Fatal Fury/King Of Fighters and I guess some of you heard about them... The hair, the costume even the muscle... But the personality is damn different, this man, Sanga is a coward unlike Krauser the brave and noble fighter who onle likes to fight and living to face strong opponents not running away when facing strong opponents...etc so I didn't liked Sanga's personality let me just say he sucks compared to Krauser... As for the others well some goes some no! how! you can get it by yourself... As for Kenshiro nothing more to be said about him, but just let me say that his voice has changed and the new actor is none other than my favorite japanese actor (Koyasu Takehito) man Takehito's voice suites Kenshiro very well, yup I liekd Akira Kamiya's voice but after watching the big body of Kenshiro and years passed he became pretty old so I guess this new voice suites him very well... Well I guess for the first OVA there can't be more characters but there is a mystery character who appears at the ending of this ova and I guess his name is Seiji/Yuji don't know really but he looks pretty cool and kinda remind me of Rei from the old series... I just cant wait to see the second ova... [color=blue]THE ANIMATIONS:[/color] Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow & WOW!!! The animation really drove me crazy... I really liked the animation it's damn cool... Nobody can say no! if he says no then I guess he have something against the enemy... The animation and the art are very well done, it's really far better than the old series and movie! how not and it's one of 2003's production... I really liked the animation so much or let me say it's maybe the greatest animation I've ever seen... Yeah Yeah Yeah I know there are some other cool animated series such as Full Metal Panic, Saint Seiya Hades, GunGrave...etc but this is also one of them... I really liked how they mixed the 3D effects along with the 2D along with some CGs... I am sure that most of the gonna like the animations because it's really very nicely done, oh it's true it's DAMN TRUE! I've met many people who complained about the animation of the old series and how the art was bad and sucks...etc But now I don't think they can say the same for this new OVA there is no way really... Especailly the devolpments of the 3D along when their head explodes...etc I am sure you will like it... [color=blue]THE MUSICS:[/color] Ah Ah Standin In the Heart Of Madness! Whoa whoa there is a big sadness... Well sadly the old musics and songs of Kenshiro are not there in this new OVA! I really liked the old songs such as the openning "Yo Wa Shuck" it was very cool really! and I also liked the song "Heart of Madness" it was my favorite song in Fist Of The North Star anime... But wait there! don't think that there are no old musics or songs means the new songs and musics sucks!!!? Because the new opening of this OVA is really very cool and nice, I like it so much it's pretty cool many also agrees with me I already know it... Also the ending theme and song is damn good! how not and the singer is none other than the popular Japanese singer's Gackt!! this guy is really very popular he was the singer of Yasuharu Takanashi's amazing musics so the team really did a very good job for the music and singing... Also there are some cool musics in some scenes, for example the music when Kenshiro first appears, also the music when Kenshiro fight against Sanga... Also the music when Doha/Vista appears around the people to give them water, and many other scenes that have some great background musics... Well Maybe it's only me! maybe the people don't like it! it's all depends... [color=blue]OVERALL:[/color] Hmmmm what I can say now! I am really out of words maybe... Well I don't know but I have to say this... I liked this new OVA so much even of the same story or maybe a few cool characters but yet the anime is great... It's really has a great shot on every side... As for the story well it's not much different from the old one and maybe there are many other animes that have the same storyline but yet we can take it as nothing, I mean it's not really a big deal... As for the characters oh yeah No Raoh (My favorite Fist Of The North Star Character) no Rei no Souther no Shin no Shu...etc but yet that doesn't mean the characters generally sucks! at least our great champion is still there and I am referring to Kenshiro the last survivor! oh yeah I am one of the fans of this guy, though... As for the animation what I can say I just can give it the full ratings! because really the animation was something else, very nice animations that can't be found in other animes if they are new animes, well I am not saying that just because I like Kenshiro but because I am just saying the truth... As for the musics many will like it and maybe many will hate it, but I consider myself that I am one of the people who likes the musics, in my opinion I think the anime was nice and cool maybe you will like it too... So as you can see the anime have some great points and some weak points but the great points are covering the weak points, that's what I think about the anime... I don't know if your going to like it or no but as for myself, as being one of Fist Of The North Star's fan from the first beginning to the very end I guess I have no choice but to say: "THE NEW OVA ROCKS" well comparing to the old series and storyline, characters I have to say that I liked the old one much more, well maybe because the characters ... Well I also wish to remind you that I am only talking about the first episode of the new OVA! who knows maybe the second episode of the anime are far better than this one! One thing more, I just wrote these words depending on my own opinion, it's not the general opinion about the anime, as you know everybody has his own thoughts and opinion so thats my opinion... That's what I have to say about this anime... ==================== THE STORY: ==================== [img]http://www.discountanimedvd.com/dvd_images/5357.jpg[/img] In Japan, a very big explosion has Occurred due to the accident of some atomic bombs... Years after After the destruction of some cites or let may say Japan by the atomic bombs...etc It's been a living hell for the poor people same goes for the weak ones, no waters, no foods, many poors people suffered for water, many of them died to get the water... A new empire was created by a man called Sanga!! this man is evil he trys to make the people believe that he is the accepted Lord of the area or maybe the world... He was the cause of the water crisis! since he was taking all the water for himself and didn't gived a chance for the villages people to take some for free, so if anybody want a water he should work for Sanga and sadly the works are even harder than whatever one can imagine... Even if the villagers find a new source for water sadly Sanga sends his men to take the water and take the full control of the new source and if anybody tried to Rebellions against him sadly the death will be his fate.. Pain, Suffering and death! that's what the villagers learned from this hard life they are living in so it was just like a living hell... Now only one man! one legendary fighter arrived to see the disaster caused by Sanga and his men... This man was none other than the legendary master of the Hukoto Shinken martial art style, he is Kenshiro... Now Kenshiro has a task and it's to defeat Sanga and destroying his empire to bring the peace to the villagers once again! Can Sanga let someone like Kenshiro stands in his way or he is going to use even the last keys to be the new King Of The World... So The battle starts between the good and evil... =============================== THE CHARACTERS: =============================== [color=red]KENSHIRO[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/kenshiro.gif[/img] [color=red]STORY:[/color] The hero of this anime... Kenshiro is a big man who have some good muscles... A very strong character respected by many of the people around him due to the popularity of his legends and his great victories over his enemies... He have super powers or unnatural powers... He is the last fighter who masters the art of Hokuto Shinken (A chinese arts were learned for generations) Now Kenshiro wins the nick as the Fist Of The North Star and so he called: "Kenshiro The Last Survivor" and that means he is the only survivor who masters this great art... A character that doesn't know what fear is, a very brave fighter who fights for some reasons he believe that's it's good fighting for... A very kind heart character who likes to help the people and childs from suffering... He helped many people by defeating theri animes here and there and so his name has became bright as the shining north star... Kenshiro is a fast fighting and uses his fists n the battle, he rely most of his powers on his skills of Hokuto Shinken along with the power of hist fists... A very kind man that can never forget for who he is living and why he is continue living, Kenshiro is the most respected, feared, admired, loved, and hated fighter... Yet he has no fears he lives a normal life by travelling around the world to find something intrests him or maybe to help the one who is in need... he made for himself a legend that cannot be broken easily... [color=red]TOBI[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/tobi.gif[/img] [color=red]STORY:[/color] A very kind man who lives close to the "Freedom's Village" a guy who works as a researcher or something like that... People depends on him to find new sources for water and he couldn't make them down since he was always finding a source or another from time to time... Tobi is a gentle man who cares around the people around him, even though he doesn't posses strong and super powers because yet he is a normal human but yet that doesn't mean he is coward, he is kinda brave but that doesn't mean he will run toward his own death by his own hands... He lived a happy life with his brother Vista who was separated from him after the big explosion due to the atomic bombs... But yet he can never forget his younger brother the one he loved the most because he was the last one that related to Tobi's blood...Tobi is a funny guy who likes to jokes around and make everybody happy he is a smiles all the time even if he is facing the danger or close to face his death, yet he don't like to worry his friends around him... And maybe that's the reason why everybody likes him... [color=red]SARA[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/sara.gif[/img] [color=red]STORY:[/color] A very beautiful young girl who lives in the "Freedom's Village" Sara is a nice girl to everybody and she is the doctor of the village, well the only doctor there... She poses some great arts and skills to cure the diseases or scartchs or stuff like that... She has some supernatural powers related somehow to Hokuto Shinken arts, because her master was one of the few guys who masters alot of the Hokuto Shinken's secrets... Many people comes to see her for the cure of their disease and many of the people appreciate her efforts for saving their lives from time to time... She is a lovely girl that helps anybody around her... Being the healer and posing strong and unnatural powers many of the enemies trying to kidnap her for their own purpose that what takes her in a big problem... She hates all sort of the evil works from A to Z! yet she is not a crying baby that always cries if she is in danger but she tried to find a way or another to get rid of the danger, she is smart, beautiful...etc that's what was knwon about Sara... [color=red]VISTA[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/vista.gif[/img] [color=red]STORY:[/color] Tobi's younger brother... A very skillful kid that can hide or show stuffs just like a myestery games... Vista is a kind kid who loves his brother so much since his elder brother was just like his parents because Vista's parents died so nobody was there for him except for his elder brother who treated him very kindly... Sadly Vista's happiness has just stopped, after the big explosion he war separated from his elder brother and lived a hard life searching for water, food and the money too but the sadest thing was he lost his memory and lost everything related to him except he can play his tricks yet... One day he met with Sanga and his men, he just wanted the money...etc so he played some of his tricks so Sanga and his men liked the kid and took him along to their empire... Sanga were using Vista and have a deal with him, Sanga will give him the money and Vista will do his tricks for the people for Sanga's own purposes... Sanga changed his name to Lord Doha due to fact that Doha is the new lord of the world because he can drops water from his hand and the people thought it's just some kind of holy water or magic...etc but truly it was one of Doha's tricks... True he is working for Sanga but that doesn't mean he is a bad guy he is a kind kid but without memories... [color=red]SANGA[/color] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/sanga.gif[/img] [color=red]STORY:[/color] The main villain in this new OVA... Sanga is a very evil a character without heart, a big muscle guy who have some abilitys of super powers Kopeken martial art styles... Ambition for eternal power and to rule the world is what made Sanga choose the path of evil... Before he can aim for bigger dreams, Sanga first wants to insure his great power, by seeking out several ways to enhance his already incredible strength by using some tricks of his men or controlling thw water sources, or maybe controlling over the most important things in life... Sanga is relentless, and will not allow anyone to stand in his way. He seldom dispatches his enemies personally, allowing his underlings to do the dirty work, but when he does, everyone should fear his reaction! He is trying to be the next Lord of the world and that made alot of people likes him or maybe gained himself many enemies... He will do anything for the powers, killing the old, woman, kid just anyone who stands in his way or doesn't obey his orders which are as evil as his heart is... Yet being so strong he is not that brave but a coward that only fight the weaks so when he faces an invisible opponents he will run just like the rat that what makes him weak in personality... Sanga's ambitions knows no limit and maybe that's the main source of his powers or maybe his weak point... ========================= SCREEN SHOTS: ========================= [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/fotns1.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/fotns2.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/fotns3.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/fotns4.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/fotns5.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/fotns6.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/fotns7.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/fotns8.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/fotns9.jpg[/img] [img]http://darklorddragon.jeeran.com/images/fotns10.jpg[/img] ======================= INFORMATIONS: ======================= Japanese Name: Shin Hokuto No Ken English Name: New Fist Of The North Star Genre: Super Powers, Fighting, Shounen Number Of Episodes: 1 Running Time: 60 Minute Year: 2003 Director: Takashi Watanabe Character Designer: Haruo Sotozaki Musics: Yasuharu Takanashi Singer: Gackt Production Company: Toei Animation ======================== VOICE CAST: ======================== [color=red]JAPANESE[/color] Takehito Koyasu Akimitsu Takase Romi Pak Gackt Tomohisa Asou Hideyuki Tanaka Unsho Ishizuka ========================= LAST WORDS: ========================= Well so now I've come to the end... Well I know I have alot of mistakes with the grammer or maybe the story of the characters or anything related to this anime, so if there is anyone who knows more or have any corrections I hope he just posts and tell me what's wrong and I would be very happy for that... Also if you have any questions about this show don't wait just shoot your questions and I would be very glad to answer them and it will be me pleasure... Yeah as you know this new OVA is damn new and there are no sites related to this one, maybe few informations or few screen shots so if anyone found anything intresting I would be greatful if he could add the things he found in this thread... One thing more, I know it's stupid but if anybody wishes to use this for his own homepage or anything like this I hope and I wish he mail me before taking it without a request, and that's my mail address: [email]dark_lord_dragon@hotmail.com[/email] even if you did please give me the credits at least my name... Well I know nobody gonna like it but I really wished to write something about the anime I always loved... So I really hope if you enjoyed reading even if it's too much but what do you expect to someone who doesn't have anything to do! so thanks alot for reading this far and I really hope you enjoyed or learned a thing or two about Fist Of The North Star and hope to hear from you soon... See you later [color=blue]DARK LORD DRAGON[/color]
  21. Aha I got it now... Well Darkstalkers only have 4 episodes... That's all untill now but I really hope to see more stuff for Darkstalkers
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyke [/i] [B][font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]He's not talking about the horrible American cartoon, but about the 4-episode OAV series. I really liked it. It was very well drawn and animated, and the fight scenes were cool. Too bad it was so short, and the ending was not quite satisfying (Unless there are unreleased episodes in America.)[/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey thanks alot to clear this up... But may I ask something! Is there any American DS's series as they did for SF!? I really don't think so, though... Anyway as you just said the anime was veryl well drawn and animated, but the ending was pretty good but yet I would say it was short, there was no chance to show at least one fight for each one of them, not even Jedah, it would be really cool if Jedah showed up in the anime, well I know you are wondering who in the hell is Jedah, well just see the attached pic...
  23. Anybody else like this anime, It's one of my favorite animes around, I really liked it so much... Here I wrote what some stuff about what I think about the anime: The story: 9/10 The characters: 9/10 The animation: 9/10 The musics: 8/10 Overall: 8.9/10 [color=blue]THE STORY:[/color] The story of the anime is very cool, I like it, it's pretty cool to see Pyron trying to rule the universe and one fighting himself and one fighting to be the Demons king and one for for the popularity and one to help a friend and one for all and all for one... The story of the anime is very nice and I am sure you will like it but you know something I like the game storyline better, the anime storyline all connected by Pyron, anyway it's pretty good story for a fighting game that's what I think, Donovan's story owns, since his blood cursed and they show how he suffer and what he will do to throw away the evils inside him, also as he always say, if one want to be strong he should be fighting himself, but sadly they missed Jedah in the anime, I really wished to see him in the anime and I can grantee he would a very damned and cool boss, since Pyron and Demitri did it already... One of the most things I like in the anime is the storyline, I know many of you when he watch the anime he will say the anime sucks or anything like this, but that's wrong, if you are a hardcorse Darkstalker's fan and if you read the guide book I am sure the story will be one of the most intresting thing in this anime, but sadly the anime couldn't detail everything about their big story since many things are connected, just like the Demons World and Makai World just like Demitri, Morrigan...etc Anyway all I have to say that the story is very cool and I think you will like it but as we all know everybody has his own opinion... [color=blue]THE CHARACTERS:[/color] All I can say about the characters is "AWESOME" they are absolutly originals, I really liked the characters designes and profiles, there are alot of great characters and of all sorts, Humans, Demons, Zombies, Were Wolf, Bat, Vampire and even a Supreme Being, I like alot of Darkstalkers such as Demitri, Pyron, Jedah...etc but sadly in the anime there are some missing characters such as Jedah (My favorite character of all time) also Lillith, Baby Bonnie Hood and Queen Bee... But that's not a big problem, as you all know it's pretty hard to make alot of character in only 4 episodes and especially if each one is just like a boss, so we have Demitri, Morrigan, Pyron, Jedah, also alot others so they can't connect all of them... Also some of the characters in the anime are far better from what they were in the games, and especially Pyron, he really was very cool in the anime, he was too strong fighting all the Darkstalkers and beating the hell out of them... Also not to forget those flaming stuff around him, same goes for Demitri, he is very cool in the anime but yet he is also cool in the games, and to the top of the list come the Dark Warrior Donovan, I really liked this guy in the anime, he was a sad and lone fighter who just fights to live and to know more about his destiny, being half demon and half human gives him some great personality you know... [color=blue]THE ANIMATION:[/color] The animation is very cool and I like it, the best thing when the characters do their special attacks with adding some 3D stuff along with magical/Fantasy stuff which give it a cool affects, some of you might not like it because they might not like these stuff or maybe the like the bright colors, but no worries guys this series have this too, and that's very nice... I really appreciate the graphics and the animation team because they really did a hard job and finally it resualted a very awesome animation... Nightwarriors animation is one of my favorite animation comparing to the other ones, true not as good as the Saint Seiya Hades but yet very awesome and I am sure you will like it ;) [color=blue]THE MUSICS:[/color] Hehe of course they have cool musics since the game have alot of cool musics, there are some great musics while the fighters fight, especially Pyron's fight against the Darkstalkers, also when Demitri and Morrigan fight... The musics make the anime far better and give it a cool effects, but yet I admit I like the game's music much more than the anime musics but yet I accept it and it's far better then some others I know, but sadly there is no much sad musics, as you all know I like sad musics but Nightwarriors have less of them but yet have some scary and dark musics which will make you see the anime all without leaving a part, well that's my opinion about the musics maybe some of you say sucks but I said mine... [color=blue]OVERALL:[/color] Well everything about this anime is cool in my opinion, the story is intresting, the characters are awesome, the animation is amazing...etc Well if you are a fighting anime fan then you should check this out, it's very cool and I am sure you will like it, I by myself like it more than Street Fighter animes, much more fantasies more than other fighting animes... Anime fans will like it more than the games but the game's fans would be missing their beloved character, Jedah... And if you are confused on what to get, Darkstalkers or Street Fighter or Fatal Fury, I think Darkstalkers have the upper hand but if you are an SNK fan and a fan of their characters just like me, go for Fatal Fury! but yet I would say Nightwarriors is one of the greatest fighting animes around and I like it alot... Well it's up to you, I am not going to force you to get it :)
  24. Well we already know that this series is one of the most popular anime around the world, and it's also the most favorite anime for France's people, they like it as much as people like Dragon Ball Z, well the series is really very big and deserve the full credits, the series have made great success in everywhere, Japan, France, US...etc don't forget that the series have more than 100 episodes and it's still didn't ended, and now we are being gifted with Saint Seiya: The Hades chapter which is very new and very cool... As we all know the series was old but now it has a new anime, and as I heard from my friend this series was in the top ten animes in Japan and it was #2 so that's mean the series is really cool, I am talking about the new one... Also don't forget that the series is a fighting anime along with fantasy, adventure and I am really a very big fan of fighting animes, the series have some touching and sad scenes too... I just want to know if there is anyone around here watched the new OAV, I really hope to discuss with SS's fans around here, and I personally suggest you guys to see the Hades chapter because it's really very nice! and if you have questions I would be glad to answer... Sincerly, DLD
  25. Hello there, I am Dark Lord Dragon... I just wanted to say hi to everybody around here and I am glad to post in Adam Otaku's site forums, I reall liked the site so much and always wanted to register here but the registeration was closed, anyway finally I am here... One thing more, I hope if you guys gives me an idea about the rules so not to break the rules, and I hope I enjoy my stay with you guys and I know I will... Hope to see you around! Sincerly, DLD Edited: Ok I found the rules and I will post what I think about the rules or maybe some suggestions... But please give me some time to read it and then I would be glad to follow the rules...
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