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Mighty kai

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Everything posted by Mighty kai

  1. Oops i forgot to reply here with a thanks Its a bit late but thanks :)
  2. Thanks for sigining up quickly Vicky :) Proberly we dont need to much people in this rpg. :)
  3. [COLOR=Blue]Tyeam smiles and says to him "yeh im fine thanks for helping me there" Kepo smiled at Tyeam and nods. But he was thinking what kind of people would hurt little kids. He again spoke to her "Hey where did you get that from"? He said pointing to the madalian. Tyeam looks at the madalian and repliees "It belongs to my dad. He says it would protect me from evil. Thats why i gotta look after it". Kepo understood her and nodded then he said "Hey come with me"[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Red]This is similar to a rpg that i started that didnt get finished There is really big trouble that is going to happen. And its not gonna be pleasent. The half kai half demon bad guy Marashe wants to kill every single kai there is left. And his location is the kai world. The reason why Marashe hates the kais so much is that they saved the kai world before and rid his evil plans by taking over the universe. Not only that Marashe is looking for the kai world dragonballs for absolutly great power. Who can stop Marashe, his hench men and his evil plans? Why the kais ofcouse. And dont forget the Z fighters who volunteer to help. In this rpg we have to protect the kai world, fight the hench men and find all 7 kai world dragonballs before Marashe does. In this rpg you can either be a kai or a z fighter. A character from the series or a made up one. There is two different profiles. Heres the profile if you want to be a kai. Name: gender: description: guardian of personality: Small bio: weapon[if any] And to be a z fighter your pro should be like this Name: gender: race: Saiyan, namek etc description: personality: Small bio: Weapon[if any]: Here is mine Name:Shinrall gender:male description:spikey white hair like mohiquin,light purple skin. He wears green clothes, orange waist belt, red boots and a chest belt. guardian of:? personality:cheeky and can be sarcastic. But he does look out for his friends. Small bio:Shinrall is the son of a female kai by the name of Sulphy. He came to earth once to face an enemy. He started training at a young age. He trains with his mom, dad[eh em should i mention his name?]and Old kai. He was sent to Earth by the other kais to get some help. weapon [if any]:Sword[/COLOR] So guys come and join if you wish.
  5. [COLOR=Blue]Tyeam began her travels. Her adventure begins here. She travels trough a small town. She was interested in all the different shops and what they sold. But before she can begin look she relised she was hungry. "Whew now i can find a place for something to eat" Tyeam notices a resturant nearby and decides to go over to it. Then a man just got in her way. She decided to be polite to the man and spoke. "Eh please excuse me, i want to get passed". The man turned looked down at her and smiled. He also laughed and turned to his mates. "Hey look boys. Look at the cute young girl thats want to be passed" The others laughed and said "Yeah Max" Max turned towards Tyeam and smiled again. He noticed the goldern madalian and he suddenly grabbed hold of her. "Hey i bet that thing is worth loads. Give me it now". Tyeam shook her head and struggled to break free. She was now scared of the man. "No it belongs to my farther. Hey let me go. Someone help me"![/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Red]Ah yes anyone who is a fanatic of disney toons and movies is allowed to join this rpg. Cos in this rpg you can be any disney star your heart desires. And here is the plot to this rpg. It all begins down at the house of mouse. [its a little club where all the toon stars hang out.] Ahem anyway all the toons are waiting for the famous Mickey Mouse to appear but.... he dosnt. The toons get a little of tired waiting and started to speak."Where is Mickey"? shouted Hades as he was burning up. Aladdin was sitting on the table oppisite and anwsered. "He's ovoiusly not here. Thats a thing Minnie, Donald, Daisy and Goofy arnt here too". Most of the toons decided o go home. A few of the toons stayed behind and found a note telling them that their friends have been taking hostage by a dark shadowy creature called the Shadow capturer. Saying that it has taking the disney friends and has a hold of the souls of the characters. Another character spoke "We have to do something. We gotta go save them. Oh er i mean some of us have to go and save them". So thats what they do a group of toons come together to form a team to go and save Mickey and his chums. We go all the round locations of disney movies and ask questions to the whereabouts of Mickey and the gang. Ok people as i said you can be any disney toon and your pro should be like this. Name: Gender: Movie[you are from]: description: Special abilities[If u have any]: Weapon: personality: Reason to go on mission: Ok people heres mine Name:Panic Gender:male Movie[you are from]:Hercules description:[img]http://disney.new21.org/disney/classics/hercules/panic2.jpg[/img] Special abilities[If u have any]:Can shape shift Weapon:Staff personality:Er he Panics alot. But gonna do his best to help the toons.[/COLOR] Reason to go on mission:To get away from Hades' firery torture
  7. I love watching TT. So does my 2 younger bros. I try to guess who Slade could be hmmm.
  8. [COLOR=Blue]Ok time to type Name:Tyeam Age: 12 Gender:female Personality:Bubbly, trustworhty, shy[with older boys] and caring Appearance: Height 4ft 9, has short cut black hair. Wears her farther's madalian around her neck. Also wears baggy jeans, white, t shirt. Bio:All she loved to do is to be a aventurer and go on loads of different quests. But her over protected dad wouldnt allow it. She wears her farthers madalian because he says that it would protect her from evil and give her magical powers [yeah right! she thought]. [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue]Ok folks heres mine!!! 1. Osmosis Jones- I just thought this movie was really funny. And i thought the animated characters such as Thrax and Ozzy are so cute. 2.Brother Bear-For its cute, heartwarming and weepy story 3. The matrix- Yep me love the matrix too. I guess its because of all the action. :) :) [/COLOR]
  10. Eh why is not loading up properly in avatar settings? :confused: Well i guess i have to use a diferent one until this is fixed.
  11. Can someone please me a avatar of cold pill Drix from the movie Osmosis Jones please?
  12. Come on people admit it. Admit that some movies that you watched have made you weeped so much that you wished you had a box of tissues with you. Well the movies that really made me weep are 1:Ghost 2:The lion king 3:Brother Bear Thats it for me i think. The reason that i weeped when i was watching these movies is that they had really upsetting moments. Aww "weeps" Come on people dont be shy.
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Amkar started to run down the streets to catch up with Ryo. "Hey yo Ryo wait up" She yelled. Ryo turned to see Amkar catching up to her.Ryo smiled then she spoke. "Hi Amkar where did you disapperead off to earlier on?" Amkar smiled and pointed to a creature that was behind her. "Guess what i forgot all about him. So i had to do back. He wasnt too amused with me". Hawkmon sighed came to Amkar's side. He didnt look too amused. "Amkar how could you accutly forget about your digimon?" He asked. Amkar laughed and said to him "I'll tell you later. Anyway Ryo where are you off to"? Ryo smiled to Amkar and said "Me and Salamon are going to Lance's house. Do you and Hawkmon wanna come"? Amkar and Hawkmon agreed then they followed Ryo and Salamon down the street[/SIZE][/FONT][/B].[/COLOR]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Amkar was walking through the school playground where she noticed a few kids playing card battles. She was interested to watch the battles take place. But she knew she had to get back to class soon. A voice came from behind her. "Amkar where are you going now? Are you going to get yourswlf into serious trouble with school bullies? You know i really worry about you". Amkar turned to see a bird flying behind her. It looked really worried indeed. Amkar spoke to the creature. "Hawkmon what are you doing here? What if someone sees you? Anyway didnt i tell to wait at the acorn tree on the school field? Hawkmon spoke again to his human friend. "Amkar you are my tamer and best friend. I cant help worrying about you". Amkar smiled and cuddled the bird. And then she let him go. "Dont worry Hawkmon. I'll be fine, now go to wait for me at the tree and i'll see you after school. Hawkmon nodded, give his friend a hug and flew off. Amkar continued to walk on then she saw two of her friends Ryo and Lance. She smiled and called to them. "Ryo, Lance hi guys"[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [B][COLOR=Orange]Heres mine Name:Amkar Age: 13 Gender: Female Physical Description:Has short brown hair, green eyes and wears glasses. She also wears green t. shirt, blue jeans and a pink bandana. Bio:Amkar is the daughter of two digidestined. She loves digimon and loves to help out her parents at home. She didnt really have any friends. But the only friend she had was her digimon. When she met her digimon she began to go on adventures with him. Partner:Hawkmon Digivolving Stages:Aquilamon [/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][/COLOR][/B]
  16. Okie dokie here we g o Name: Sulphy Kai Age: unknown Appearance: Has light purple skin, long white hair and has blue eyes. She wears red clothes and a clue sash going across her chest. Bio: Sent to earth to warn the guys about a enemy called Majin papa buu. She has been travelling with Kabito Kai ever since her assistant went to protect his wife and family. Personality: Sweet and helpful WeaponsIf any) Kendo stick Is it ok Vicky?
  17. [QUOTE=Luminaire][color=crimson]I saw this movie. At least 4 times now. It's a good movie with some very funny and touching parts. I liked it very much. I saw it at my friends house after it first came out. It was a movie where I wouldn't mind watching it more than once. The storyline, both inside and outside, was good. Kinda reminded me of real life. ~Lumi ^_^[/color][/QUOTE] Yeah i enjoyed the stoyline. And i loved the characters . Hee hee brill
  18. Ok i'll just be a digimon for this. Name: Impmon Species:demon [i think] Level: Rookie Attacks: Dark inferno Digivolutions: Beelzemon [mega] Appearance:[URL=http://]http://www.thai.net/patamon_gc/impmon.jpg[/URL] Bio:Impmon is on a search for his partner Katie. She has gone missing and he is despretly trying to find her.
  19. Please can someone make me a banner? I would like a banner of Thrax. The villain from Osmosis Jones. Can you give my banner a firery backround? Also one of Thrax's quotes? This one is good. "Well lets just say if they give us a problem.... Fire! Thanks :babble:
  20. Can someone please make me a avatar of Orko. The cute little magician from He-man and the masters of the universe. You'll find good pics of him at google images Thanks
  21. Yollie was walking through the woods on her way to the nearest town to get some goods.She now been living on planet Earth for two years now. And she is a very good friend to the z fighters. When Yollie eventually got to the nearest town she went in to the local shop. The shop keeper smiled at her as she walked in the door. Shopkeeper: Ah Yollie,what can i do for you today little one? Yollie went to the counter and smiled at the keeper. Yollie: Just the usual Jack.4 hidu herbs. Jack nodded and put the herbs in Yollie's bag. Jack nodded and spoke again Jack: Making more potions? Yollie: Yeah im busy making an anti healing potion. Well see ya next time Jack. Yollie walked out of the shop and in to the town square. She was taking a sniff at her lovely smell. Then a unusal force struck her. She felt cold and shocked. She couldnt harldy move at all. Then suddenly something clicked in her mind. She reconised that force now. Yollie: Oh no, he's back and he's coming here!! Oh no i thought he was destroyed.I gotta go and tell someone. Yollie ran through the town as fast as she could making sure she wouldnt bump into someone. Then she started thinking about this person and she did bump into someone. BANG Yollie fell down with a thud. She dusted herself off and stood up. Yollie quickly apologised to the person. Yollie: So so sorry sir.. I didnt look where i was going. ?: Yollie? Is that you? Yollie was amazed how this person knew who she was. She looked up and she saw Gohan smiling at her.
  22. Hi vicky i'm here Name: Quinney Age:15 Gender: Female Race: Manga saiyan Abillites: Manga level 1 and 2 Signature Move: Fire beserk rage Other moves: Kamehameha Gadgets:Sword Description: Has long brown hair in pig tails with red ribbons. Wears green and yellows clothes and she has green eyes. Bio: Daughter of a female manga saiyan by the name of Mikka. Started to train at the age of the age of 4. Her race lives on a planet called Materia. But she has lived on earth all her life. She goes in search of a friend called Moon. Z Fighter:
  23. Gomamon calmed down and jumped back to the ground . "Thanks Maria i feel alot better". Maria smiled at her Digimon. then she spoke to him. "Gomamon, we gotta go to the digiital world. Theres a portal come on lets go". Gomamon looked at his tamer with a shock. "What? No way im letting you go there. Its too dangerous you'll get hurt. I....." Too late Maria ran through the portal and Gomamon sighed and ran after her. Then suddenly Gomamon and Marai found themselves on a beach in the digital world. Gomamon smiled. "I like this beach. It brings back good memories". Maria nodded then looked up at the sky. She had a shocked expression on her face. Because someone or something was flying towards the beach. It looked like a giant bird.
  24. Gomamon stood there looking at the other digimon. He wasnt moving at all. It seemed he was really nervous about something. Maria called to her Digimon. "Gomamon whats the matter? Gomamon?" Gomamon turned to his tamer with little tears in his eyes. Then he ran up to Maria and jumped into her arms. "Sorry i could'nt digivolve back there Maria. I was scared about something. I dont know what" Gomamon looked at his tamer with his shiney green eyes. Then he really started to cry. "Maria please don;t be mad. Please dont be mad. I couldnt help it" She smiled and cuddled him. "Dont worry Gomamon. I'll help you to digivolve."
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