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Mighty kai

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Everything posted by Mighty kai

  1. Ok guys a few more people will do good. I was thinking of dna digivolution. So tell me who you want to dna digivolve with. Tell me if you wanna play two digimon ok?
  2. Salkala looked around then she looked at the others. She did'nt know what was going on. Then she looked at her rod then walked over to SaKura. Salkala: Sis i want to stay around you ok? Anyway what should i do with this? She asked Sakura as she held up her rod. Sakura could'nt help but smile at her sister. OCC. sorry its a short post
  3. This is going to be my first digimon rpg, so it might not go very well. But this is the story line. A group of digimon live in the digital world who really partners despredly. So they decide to try and go to the real world to find their partners. But what they don't know is that evil digimon has followed them to the real world and they are going to cause havoc. So we play as digimon, and we got to find the partners and the real world from the evil digimon. Can you guys do it? You can be a digimon either from season 1, 2 or 3 ok? Heres what you gotta put down to sign up. We dont need discriptions since we know what a digimon may look like. But if you want to put a discription down you can do. Name: LeveL: Digivolutions: Attacks: Personality: Heres mine. Name: Gomamon LeveL: Rookie Digivolutions: Ikkakumon [champion], Zudomon [ultimate], Marine angemon [mega] Attacks: Marching fishes, stratch attack, big wave attack Personality: Gomamon can be a big joker. But he becomes really seroius when he's got to look out for his friends. Ok digifans come and join if you wish.
  4. Ok lets start this rpg. If you still want to join, pm me to let me know ok. Its summer and the students of Xavier's school of the gifted are on their summer vacation. They have just left high school and they are happy about it. They already planned what they were going to do during their summer vacation. Their ideas were going down to the beach, go on a camping, slummber parties you know just all that kind of stuff. The x men were all heading back towards the x mansion now. Some of them got a lift back and some of them walked back. Vanishing aka: Alex sighed as she walked out of the school gates. Most of the x men would go home and spend their time with the parents during summer vacation. But Vanishing, she would have to stay at the mansion. Because her parents would'nt like her to go and visit. As Vanishing started to walk back home she spotted Logan. She decided not to talk to him then she started walking. Vanishing: It looks like Logan has had a hard time today. He must be in a bad mood over something. As Vanishing continued to walk something appeared quickly. It gave out a very loud "BOO". Vanishing squeled with fright, then she fell over her bag. The attacker started to laugh and appeared over Vanishing. Vanishing looked up at the attacker, and noticed it was Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler helped Vanishing up. Nightcrawler: Sorry Vanishing, I did'nt mean to scare you. Vanishing smiled at him. How could she ever be mad at him.
  5. Hey there buddy can i join? Name: Salkala Age: 13 Sex: Female Description: Kinda small with short black hair,glasses, blue eyes and she wears a grey jogging suit . Bio: Salkala is Sakura's younger sister [is that ok?] She has always stays by Sakura's side. Sometimes she feels she is not that great. But she does try her best to help the others. She volunteered to come on the journey with Sakura. Weapon: spear Magic: Nature Burning Stone: love
  6. The others were with Old Kai now, they all sat in a circle. Old kai: Ok people listen up. This is a very serious situation. And i think.... Old kai stopped and had a good look at the group. Then he strached his head. Old Kai: Where is Xaphania? Chance: She said she is coming later sir. Old Kai: Ok then we has to discuss what to do about this new evil. Does any of you know what or who this new evil is? Chance: Yes his name is Marashe sir. Old kai: Marashe? hmmmm well er what is he? Sakura: I don't know what he is. But he looks like a kai with a tail. Sulphy: I know Marashe sir. Everyone turned to look at Sulphy. With shocked exoressions on their faces. Old kai: Please tell us everything you know about him Sulphy. Sulphy nodded then she started explain to them. Sulphy: Marashe comes from a planet known as Delhellor. And the people who live there are not so friendly. They are known as the kaihellars. Sukura: Kaihellars? Is Marashe one? Sulphy: Yes, he is believed to be their ruler. And he is one tough warrior. Old kai looked at Sulphy really closley. Old kai: What do you mean by that missie? Sulphy: I have faced him before. To tell you the truth i was one of his strongest minions. All: WHAT? Sulphy: But i totally quit of being his minion when i found out he was hurting innocent people. I used most of my strengh to bring everyone that Marashe destroyed back to life. After that i faced him in a fight, i gave him a huge scar across his face. Marashe yelled out in pain, then he looked at me very angrlly then he flew of. Everyone listened in on the rest of Sulphy's story. Then Sakura asked Sulphy a question. Sakura: So why do you think he wants now? Sulphy: I'm thinking he wants revenge. And i think i know what he wants to do. Kabito kai: What does he want to do? Sulphy: He wants to destroy the kai world. All: NO!!! Sakura: What are we going to do? Voice: I have a suggesstion. All of them turned to see where the voice was coming from. It came from a huge orange creature with big wings, short spikey white hair and Green eyes. Most of them jumped back in fright but sulphy just smiled. Sulphy: Raver, its good to see you again old friend.
  7. Hey can i join? Character: Tails Reason for choosing character: I loved playing as Tails on the sonic games when i was younger. And i think he's a cute little fox awwww. Knowlage of this character:I don't know much but... here it goes. Tails has been a pal and travelling compian for Sonic since Sonic 2. He uses his two tails to fly.
  8. Mighty kai


    hey i love redwall i'm signing up Name: Dashella Blossomer Species: Hare Gender:female Bio:Dashella is a traveller who has travelled all other the world. She decided to stop and stay and Redwall for a while. She is also on a little mission of her own, she wont explian the mission to any of the others. Description:Brown fur, with a red tunic and a green cloak. She paper and quill with her. She loves to sketch things.
  9. Yeah guys be two characters you want. One of your own. Ok heres the list of the X men you can be. Wolverine= K.K.C. Storm= oekakiotaku Nightcrawler= Braidless Baka Rouge Cyclops Iceman= Geist Jubilee The Beast Gambit And if you wanna be a baddie Magneto Mystique Quicksilver Avalanche The blob Scarlet witch [Ask if you don't know her]
  10. ok guysfew of the original X men in this i think. Then i'll shall start it if you want.
  11. -Ok what would you call Freiza's sister? - Fridge
  12. Ok then u guys are in. Thanks for signing up so quickly.
  13. Robin hood:men in tights was a really funny film by Mel brooks.
  14. What its a bad movie? I don't believe it. Jackie chan movies are usally great.
  15. Hi guys!! I have decide to start to make a x men rpg. Heres the storyline. Something has terribly bad has happened to Professor Xavier. What if something bad has really happened to him. Oh gee so that means the x men have to find him and save man kind from evil. Ok heres what ya do to sign up. You can be your own mutant or you can be one of the others. So come along mutants. Name: gender: good/bad: Mutant name [ofcouse] appearance: mutant power: bio: personality: Ok heres my sign up. Name: Alex Handila gender: Female good Mutant name : Vanishing appearance:Stands around about 5 ft 6, dark short hair and has green eyes. mutant power: Teleportation bio: Alex was cruelly kicked out by her parents when they found out she was a mutant. She had to let a room until she found a home of her own. Few of the other x men found her and explained to her there is many more like her and someone might be able to help. So she agreed to go with them. She tries to use her mutant powers, but she can't use them very well. Its nice of Nightcrawler to help her out. personality:Kind, understanding,senseitive. But she can be a little cheeky sometimes. But she is friends with the others. So guys come and sign up if you wish ok?
  16. awww thats a cute winnie the pooh banner.
  17. Pan called to Goku. Pan: Granpa can i come? Goku shook his head at her. Goku: Sorry Pan, it may be to dangerous this time. Pan: Oh please!!!!!!!!!! I have faced bad guys before.
  18. Xaphania flew as fast as she could to try and to find the others. As she was flying she looked back to see if anyone was following her. Then suddenly she spotted someone sitting on the ground. She decided to go down. It was Sulphy. Xaphania: Sulphy there you are. Sulphy: Oh hi Xaphania how are ya? Xaphania: Fine, i'm just fine. Hey Sulphy do know about this evil? Sulphy nodded Sulphy: Yes but i'll explian when we get to the others. Xaphania nodded with agreement. Then she and Sulphy set off to find the others. Chance, Kabito kai and Sakura were still flying. Then Chance stopped and turned. Sakura: Whats wrong Chance? Chance: "smiles" Its Xaphania and Sulphy. Sakura: Yeah we can go and see Old Kai. Then Sakura noticed that Kabito Kai was blushing at something Sakura: Whats the matter. Are you blushing cos i said Sulphy's name.
  19. Mighty kai


    About the pic of Brolli. I seen a pic of him in green hair when he is fighting Goku i think.
  20. Markell smiled at Gatomon. Markell: Gatomon you were great. Gatomon: Yeah thanks Markell you really helped me out. Rika: Right guys should we continue then? Renamon: Lets Then the gang continued their journey again..
  21. Ok here's my villian. He's not a big villian but hey. Name: Cell jr Description: Ok he looks like Cell but he is small and blue. Ok thtas enough description. Attacks: Kamehameha, solar flare, disdructo disk and beam cannon. Side: Evil [Just like his daddy.]
  22. Chance looked around and he stopped the others. Chance: Hey guys wait a minuite. Where did Sulphy go? Sakura: She was with us before. Gee this is not like her to wander off. Xaphania: Why has she gone? Old Kai would want to see her too. Chance: Probably she is with Old Kai. come on. Kabito kai: Hopefully she is there. If she is'nt we won't have a clue where she will be.
  23. Hey K K C is right. That pic is good.
  24. Ha i have never seen it. It sounds really cool to me.
  25. Name: Lushie Age:? gender:male race:demon description: Large and bulky, has long hair and he has horns bio: Nothing is really known about him. powers:?
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