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Mighty kai

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Everything posted by Mighty kai

  1. Occ. Ok i'll be the demon of the group his name is Lushie.
  2. Batmon ran over to help his new friends. Batmon: Batmon digivolved to..... FangBatmon. FangBatmon: Woah i did it. I digivolved. Now to help Lupismon. FangBatmon flew up to the air and spreaded his great wings. FangBatmon: Bat tornado!!!!!!
  3. Mighty kai

    Xmen evo

    I think x men evol is more easier to follow.
  4. He only goes in to his grown up self when he goes to Super saiyan 4 ok? And he needs his tail to do that.
  5. Mighty kai


    I've only seen a pic of him. He's look great to me.
  6. Mighty kai

    Xmen evo

    X men evol is good in my opinion. That is when i first saw and heard about Nightcrawler.
  7. Occ. Thats ok lets just continue the rpg and fun ok?
  8. Sulphy Kai nodded at her friends and she smiled. Sulphy: So guys whats happening? Chance: Old Kai sys there is a new evil coming Sulphy: New evil? Sakura: Yeah his name is Marashe. Sulphy had a shocked expression on her face. Sulphy: What is he doing back? Chance: Whats the matter Sulphy. Do you know this guy?
  9. Mighty kai

    Xmen evo

    Yeah it is now shown on cnx with other anime shows.
  10. Tsunomon is the intraining of Gabumon.
  11. Mighty kai


    Thats a good looking playstation banner there.
  12. Hey i looks ok to me. Hey i like it Kojin keep up on the good work.
  13. X 2 should be appropeite for a 13 yr old. Although X 2 is supposed to be more violent for X 1.
  14. Mighty kai


    I have never seen him before. But something tells me hes great.
  15. Damien was very angry about this, he snarled at them then he flew off. Damien: I warn you, all of you, you are gonna pay!!!!!! Sakura and Chance looked at each other as they decided to go and find the other kais. Sakura: So how are we gonna find the others? Chance: We just have to bump in to them. A unexpected voice came from behind them. Voice: Hi guys how are ya? Sakura and Chance turned to looked at the person who spoke to them. Then Sakura and Chance smiled. It was a friend of theirs. Sakura: Sulphy Kai its really great to see ya again...
  16. Is it ok that i can join? Name: Pan Appearance: Pan has black hair, she wears a red top, jeans and a orange bandana. I don't really need to explain. She's on my banner. Attacks: Eagle attack, kamehameha, side atomic blitz side: good [what you expect. She is Goku's grandaughter]
  17. Chance did'nt know if he should attack Damien or just retreit. He just missed Damien's deadly blow. Chance: So you said that your name is Damien. Who exactly are you? Damien give a evil laugh and smiled at Chance. Damien: I'm a member of a group of 7 strong warriors. And we always want to serve our master. Chance: master? Damien: Yes his name is Marashe... OCC. Go to recruiment to read the profile of Marashe.
  18. Old kai: Yes Danger you idiot!!!!!!!!!! Where are all the others? Chance: I dont know Old Kai: what do you mean you dont know? Chance: Dont worry i'll go and find them. So after that Chance decided to go and find his friends, The other kais. As chance was flying he could sense a power of a kai near by. He was wondering who it was.
  19. Ok guys lets get this rpg started and have fun!!!!!! If you gotta post something just go to the recruiment. And you wanna join just send me a pm ok? Ok lets go!!!!!!!! The Kai world, a really beautiful place where there is never no sunrise or sun set. As light shines on this world 24 hrs a day. Ah the kai world so beautiful so wonderful so..... Oh sorry about that i was in a daydream. Lets continue shall we? As i was saying The kai world is indeed a wonderful home to the kais. A group of people who are willing to do their job. Well not when they are on vacation ofcouse. Ha don't ask me how many kais there are i'm not so sure myself. Well Old Kai is sitting on a hilltop reading his comic books again!!! While drinking his coffee yuck!!!! Old Kai: Ooh super hero dude you go and rescue the girl go go go. Look super hero dude watch out!!! That guy has got a knife. Ohh i cant watch. Old Kai closed his eyes for a second then he continued to read. Old Kai: yeah he did it. He has rescued the girl hes my hero!!! Then Old Kai sensed something, something really bad. He started to run around in a panic, Old Kai: Oh dear oh my danger is coming danger is coming. What to do? what to do? Old kai sat back down and folded his arms. Old Kai: I've gotta find the others at once...
  20. Oh ok then i'll start the rpg ASAP. Just post up a profile if you need to.
  21. Aww they look sooo cute. Its nice and colourful. i give you 10/10 Heres an idea for you. Why not do Majin buu in all of his forms? Its up to you
  22. Can i join please? Name: Stitch Appearance: a small blue alien. But he is posing as a dog. He has big black eyes and he has 4 arms. But sometimes he hides two. Weapon: ray gun Special Attack: Can u help me think of a attack?
  23. Heres Batmon's levels Rookie: Batmon champion: FangBatmon ultimate:Winddramon mega: MetalBatdramon I hope the names are ok
  24. In a near by forest Batmon was lying under a big huge tree. Thinking of what to do next. Batmon: Hmm what to do, what to do, what to do? Batmon sighed then he stood up. Batmon: Oh i'm board i wanna have friends to be with. Then Batmon's ears picked up something. Then twitched as Batmon tried to work out what he has found. Batmon: Oooh sounds like more digimon. Probly they'll be my firends. I'll go and find them. So Batmon dicided to set off and find the other digimon.
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