Mighty kai
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Everything posted by Mighty kai
Hey can i join? I loved playing Sonic the hedgehog games. doesnt matter if its too late Name: Swift Animal:Flying squirrel good/bad:good position: pilot and a really great computer whizz description:A orange/red colour. She wears a white scarf around her neck. specialities:Can fly air craft very well. And of couse she can fly her self.
Chris: Yeah i heard its a really cool place, the others have gone there too. Markell: Really? Could i come? Chris: Are you a digimon tamer? Markell: No, but i wish i was one though. And i havent seen real life digimon before. Looking at Patamon. Chris: Yeah you can come. You'll enjoy it. Patamon: Chris she is not a digimon tamer. She has'nt got a digimon to protect her if we run in to any danger. Chris: Dont worry Patamon, i'm sure she wont run in to any evil digimon...
ok then i'll be the blue mage Name: Keetar Age:13 mage: blue weapon: a mace armour: white robe with metal shoulder pads
Ok probley you guys know the Para Para brothers. We fisrt see them when they nick a dragonball from Goku, Trunks and Pan. I gotta say that i like them 3 idiots. I dont know why i just do. I guess its because they like to sing and dance. Oh gee if you dance with those guys you'll get really good exercise. I guess they werent really evil. They were just following their orders. Hey i want you guys to tell me what you think about them.
Ok then when did Android 17 come back? Cos the last time i saw him is when he was absorbed by Cell.
I think Babidi is a good wizard. With that magic of his, who would'nt think he is good? But i was kinda angry at him a few times though.
My post has been deleted accidently. Do you want me to sign up for this rp?
Ok then caffeinefreak5, Sakuramon you guys are in. Thanks for signing up so quickly. I still need more people. It would be great if someone singned up as one of the z warriors. Or even Supreme kai if you wish.;) ;)
Yay!!!!! my other rpg is going quite well. I thank everyone who has signed up on it. But i wanna start this new rpg, so you can join if you want. The Kai world is a beautiful place safe from harm, or is it? Oh no the Kai world is in danger!!!!!!!:eek: Some evil guy wants to blow it up. Who would do such a terrible thing? Anyway thats gonna happen if we dont do something. So guys can you help me safe the kai world from danger? Ok so ofcouse we need Kai characters in this rpg. You can make one up of you can be one from the series. Also you be a z warrior if you want. Heres what you put down in your profile if you gonna be a kai. Name: gender: Guardian of ...... Apperance: bio: personality: Weapon: [if you have one] Is that ok? This is what you put down if you gonna be a z warrior or made up one. Name: gender: Apperance: bio: personality: Reaon for volunteering to help the kais: Right then heres my characters profile. Name: Sulphy [Sulphia] Kai gender: female guardian of life Appearance: long white hair, light purple skin and blue eyes bio: Always does her duty and looking after her friends. She always enjoys their company. She is really close to Supreme kai oh er Kabito kai..... oh whatever you call him. They always look out for each other. Personality: Kind, senseitive and friendly Weapon: Kendu stick Right then i will like to here from you. see ya guys!! :) :)
In the place of the dead Halzeena was taking to see King Yama. She was was wondering why she was wanted. King Yama: Ah you must be Halzeena? Halzeena: Yes what can i do for you? King Yama: I have decided to let you have a second chance. Halzeena: What? why? King Yama: Well you were going to go on a rescue mission were you? Halzeena: Yeah but.... King Yama: No buts iam going to bring you back to life. He closed his eyes all of the sudden then he opened them again, he smiled. King yama: There all done, you are alive again Halzeena. Halzeena: er gee thanks. I gotta go now. King yama: Hold your hourses missy. Where do you think you are goin? Halzeena: Back to earth like you said. King Yama: Wait a minuite, someone wants to talk to you. The z warrior known as Goku came through a doorway with a really shiny halo over his head, he smiled. Goku: So you are Halzeena arent you? Halzeena: Yes... hey wait a minuite you are Goku. Goku: Indeed i am. I really glad to meet you. Me and the others are counting on you guys to save the earth and wish us back. Can you do it? Halzeena: I sure can try Goku. Goku: Thanks Halzeena. Goku smiled and he shook Halzeena's hand then he walked off. All the sudden a white light flashed at Halzeena's eyes. She felt so dizzy, she did not know what was happening. Then Halzeena found her self somewhere different. Halzeena: Hey im back at Yuzi. Gee what a mess those guys who ever they were destroyed everything. Hey that hospital is still standing, i'll go there. Halzeena walked in to the hospital. It is now a shelter for the survivors since their homes, friends and family were destroyed. Halzeena noticed Leader was standing next to a door in the corner. She ran up to him. Halzeena: Leader, Leader its me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leader: Halzeena is that really you? I thought you were killed. Halzeena: Its a long story. Hey who are you waiting for? Leader: I'am waiting for news about a girl called Amber. Halzeena: Amber? Is she gonna be ok? Voice: She'll be fine Halzeena and Leader turned to see a docter and he was smiling. And Amber was standing next to him full of health. Amber: Boy that feels a lot better thanks doc. Leader: Amber? When did you wake up? Amber: Oh ages ago and.... Halzeena? Halzeena: Hi Amber nice to meet you. Amber: Yeah its nice to meet you too. Have you came back to life or something? Halzeena: yep, Leader explain to me more about this mission. Leader explained in great detail what the mission is and what they have to do. He also explained to Halzeena about whats happened to Harsan. Halzeena: Poor Harsan, dont worry Leader we can bring him back. Leader: OK thanks, Do you have a ship to get down to earth Halzeena? Halzeena: yep i know where one is and no one else does. It was my farther's ship but i know how to pilot it. Amber: Hey Halzeena i want to ask you something. Halzeena: Sure Amber what? Amber: I want to come with you on this mission...
Well i think their appearance makes them villians. For example Frieza is a evil looking changling with a weird voice ok? whoo
Back at the palace Harsan went in a really big panic. He rused to see the leader. Harsan: Sire Drago has killed another female saiyan. And i think it was Halzeena. Oh no [tears in his eyes] poor Halzeena. Leader: No i wont believe it. Halzeena is not dead, she is not. Harsan go and seach for her now!!! Harsan: But sire it seems she got hit by a spirit bomb. No one cant survive an attack like that....
Halzeena was flying as fast as she could back to the town square. She could'nt find anyone. So she carried on. As she was walking around she noticed two dead bodies. The two saiyans that Reknew had killed. And to make things worse they are her parents. Halzeena just looked at them. She did'nt know what to do or say. Her mouth was dry, and she had a burning feeling inside her. She walked up to the two saiyans with tears in her eyes. Halzeena: Mom, dad i promise you that your deaths are'nt gonna be in vain. I swear i'm going to make this person pay who did this to you. Halzenna left her parents where they were and decided to carry on flying. While she was flying she sensed great power. Great power of a saiyan. Halzeena decided to be on guard just incase it was an enemy. The saiyan just apperaed behind her. She turned to see Drago there. With a really evil smile on his face...
Halzeena was wondering what Harsan was talking about. She turned to leader. Halzeena: Sire i don't understand, who is this Yami Kami any way? And what is he doing to all the people? Leader: Never mind that for now. Halzeena go out and check if they are still here. If you see them please report back here. And make sure you don't bump in to one of the hench men. They can be really dangerous. Halzeena: Ok sire i'll be back as soon as i can. Halzeena quickly ran out of the room hoping there wasn't too much damage in the city. The leader turned to Harsan. Leader: Harsan you go with Halzeena, make sure she dose'nt get in to any bother. Harsan: WHAT? Are you crazy? I'm not going out there with those evil dudes running around. Uh uh no way you can't make.... The leader looked down at Harsan really angryly, then his expresson changed. He sighed. Leader: Please Harsan go out there. I dont want her to get hurt. Harsan: So why won't you send a body guard for her then? A smile lit over the leaders face, it seems he had a idea. And started to rub his chin. Leader: A body guard eh? Hmmmm......
Sign Up Disneytoons Presents: Mickey's Missing!
Mighty kai replied to Heartless Me's topic in Theater
Hmm this looks good can i join? Name: Panic Movie:Hercules Appearence: er a green little imp personality: panics a lot but he still follows his orders.[Along with Pain.] abilities/powers: He can shape shift in to anyone/anything he likes. Volunteering: To get away from Hades' fire torture:toothy: -
Uh ok i think i've got it thanks!
Ok i know that we see Super 17 in Dragonball GT. And Artifical 17 becomes Super 17 in some way. The way i heard it is that he had to absorb Android 17 to get stronger. Am i right? Any way if i'am right how does artifical 17 absorb our 17? Does 17 get wished back by his sister or something? I already know that DR Gero and DR Myuu created artifical 17 in hell. Oh two bad guys working together? Now that is very bad.:confused:
Yep thats ok with me. Hey what would make him go to the good side any way? Is it because he likes them? And Damiem he looks sooooo cool!! Well done
Ok then back at the palace. As i was saying, the leader was busy disscussing the mission to Halzeena. Halzeena: So what you are saying is that you want me to to planet Earth and find these dragonballs right? Leader: Yep i'm sure you will be able to find them. Halzeena: Oh sure call for the saiyans to do the mission for you.. [sarcasticlly] Leader: This is not for me you good for nothing monkey. This for all of the people of the earth. And also the z fighters too. Halzeena: Don't insult me like that sire. I may be a monkey in a way. But you don't have to admit it. And by the way are'nt the z fighters are a group led by a saiyan known as Kakarot.. Or should i say Goku? Leader: Yes thats them. Harsan came in looking really nervous. Harsan: Sire Yami Kami and his henchmen are here on Yuzi. And they are captureing all the citazins. What shall we do?....
Gee the banner looks great! I bet any Zelda fan would really like that.
Your banner looks great with that back round. well thats what i think. Thanks Steiner.
Anime Man, since when was this announced!?!
Mighty kai replied to Jinzouningen17's topic in Otaku Central
Does any body know when Dragonball z legends is coming to the uk? I already have the other 2 on ps one. Is DBZ legends for the ps one? -
[COLOR= purple] Ok then you guys have been bugging me about the rp so folks here it is. If you still want to join just let me know. Ok then here we go. As you know there is loads of planets up in space that we don't know of. You never know there could be new races that humans have never seen before. The planet Yuzi is kinda small but a really great home to every one who lives there. A mix of races live on this planet. But i can't really tell you about them. Because i don't even know how many there is. The planet yuzi's home town is really close to a desert so you would need transport to get there. A 18 year old girl was walking around the town's market for a few supplys. She stopped at the fruit stall. The stall owner smiled. Owner: Hello Halzeena what would you like today? Halzeena: Hi Ali can i have 3 red kiwi fruit please? [Ali smiles]: My my you love this fruit don't ya? Halzeena: Yes it was really popular on my original home planet. Ali: What the planet Vegeta? Halzeena: Yep well see ya later Ali. Then she ran off. When Halzeena got to her home she found out her parents wernt in. "They have must of went out for dinner again" Halzeena thought. Halzeena was busy putting the shopping away when someone knocked at the door. Halzeena: Who is it? Voice: Its me Harsan please let me in. Halzeena: What Harsan? Ok wait there i'll let you in. Harsan is the planet leader's messanger. He is a bat eared fox. He stands at 3 ft and wears comfitable robes with a head dress. Halzeena: What is it Harsan is there something wrong? Harsan: The great leader wishes to see you. Halzeena: Ok i'll go over right away. Halzeena traveled with Harsan to go and see the great leader. She bowed down before him. Back at the market a little creature walks around making sure none of the locals were watching her. Back at the leaders palace the leader told Halzeena to rise and he smiled. Leader: Hello Halzeena i'm really glad to see you. Halzeena: hi sire what can i do for you? Leader: Well its like this.... I want you to go on a mission. Halzeena: What? Are you serious? I cant go on a mission. Leader: Why not? You are a saiyan You and your parents are the only saiyans on this planet. And also some others. Halzeena: Yeah i may be a saiyan, but i'm not wonder woman you know.... [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]
Woah woah woah hold your horses there i'll get it started. And Kouberei dont worry just keep your character profile as it is ok?
Gee it seems you guys want this rp to get started. Dont worry about it. Yami Kami needs one more hench man ok guys?