Mighty kai
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Everything posted by Mighty kai
Righteo i'll get the rp stated as soon as we get a few more people. I hope you guys are gonna enjoy this.
Not so far away where this was taking place a young girl named Markell was helping out her mom. And she hates it. But she loves to card battle. Markell: Ok mom i done the dishes can i go out now please? Mom: Ok sweetie you can go now. Where are you going? Markell: To the park to card battle Mom: [sigh] you and your card battles. Ok then be home by 8 o clock. Markell: ok mom see ya later Markell ran all the way to the park to find out no one was there. Markell scratched her head. Markell: Huh where is everyone? They always come here after school. Oh well i guess i just have to go back home. As turned round something caught her eye. It was Guilmon's hole. Markell: Huh why is this hole doing here? And she decided to go and get a better look...
heres Markell's partner Name: Gatomon Level: champion digivolutions: Salamon [rookie], Angewomon [ulitimate], Magadramon [mega] attacks: Lighting paw, lighting kick bio: Gatomon is a cute little kittie. With a ring on her tail.
Shade is right we do need 2 or 3 more bad guys. But we need more good guys too. 4 good guys at the moment. 3 of them are girls. Poor Xero will need another guys company. Well Halzeena will need all the help she can get.
Think about it the ginyu force vs. the para para brothers. Who will win? u decide.
Ok a few months ago the uk cartoon network channel showed a new show. And its called Mucha Lucha. For u guys that dont know its about a school of mexican masked wrestling. Ok it may sound a little bit weird. But hey i think its fun. The 3 main characters are called Rikochet, Buena girl and The flea. And er basicly they are trying to be the 3 best masked wrestlers in the whole of mexico. If u like to know more about it just ask me. The flea always has me in stitches. He is so funny. And er... the head misstress she is creepy. Time to Lucha!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Brill!!!! Ok so we've got saiyans at the moment. Thats cool. we could have other races in this rp too.
Can i join too? Name: Markell description:short blond hair, wears a blue tracksuit, has glasses. And she wears a black bandana. personality: She is really calm and helpful. And she loves digimon. She always wished she would have her very own digimon. u can choose a partner for her if u want.
Eek!! I noticed that while i was watching Dragonball GT. I've been calling her Bra ever since i knew about her. And i found out about her when i was watching the early Dragonball z episodes. Well im gonna still call her Bra. Im used to it.
OOh it looks like Drago and Reknew are'nt gonna get on very well. They both have one goal. To over through Yami Kami. Well i suppose they will work together. Let me give u some examples of what race your character can be. Saiyan Namek er... A kai who hasnt been captured? Hey even An Android Ok? Its all up to u guys.
There is something im not happy with. And that is i think the uk is never gonna get the Dragonball z movies. Waaaaaah! If this is true im really upset about it. Because im really interested of seeing these movies and im never gonna see them. I hope they do send over to the uk. Any i heard a rumor about there being a live action Dragonball z movie. Is this true?::bawl: :bawl:
Yeah!!!! thanks for signing up there guys. I still need a few more people now.
This is because i put my name in the thread name by mistake and i cant change it. Sorry about that. If u want to sign up u are welcome too. I hope u enjoy it.
Yep ofcause they do. Those guys are really brill.
Please go to the mighty mandy recruiment in the list to get the informartion and to sign up. Thank you.:)
I do not how to play. So im just collecting the cards.
yep its a good idea. What about those 3 bros who like dancing in DBGT?
yep i was a funny moment then. But Vegeta wasnt happy was he?
Ok like i promised u heres the profile of my character. good guy Name: Halzeena Age:18 Gender:female Race: saiyan Description:Short brown hair,tall, has blue eyes and she has a tail. History [bio]: She started training when she was 5. She dosent like selling planets to other races. She believes there should be peace. She is really senseible. But she becomes really serious when she has to protect her friends. Planet: Yuzi Weapon:sword if any one wants to be Yami Kami they are most welcomed too. Who ever wants to be Yami Kami they have to be really evil. And being really good as bad guys. [color=blue][size=1] Combined posts--Charles.[/color][/size]
The earth is quiet and deserted. And the reason is that all the earthlings have been enslaved by a evil god named Yami Kami. He has captured all the kais too. Uh oh. You would think the z fighters would stop him. Wrong!! All the z fighters are gone, dead. Ofcause there is one way and that is with the dragonballs. And you guys have to find them. But it wont be easy. Because their is no dragon radar. It would be great if we have a scientist in the good guys team. So you have to save the world, find the dragonballs, defeat Yami Kami and then wish the z fighters back. Leaders from different planets have sent their finest warriors [you guys] on this rescue mission.Yes u can have powers if you want. its not gonna be easy to defeat Yami Kami since he is a god. I need plenty of good guys and plenty of bad guys too. If want to sign up tell if you are a goodie or a baddie in your profile. I need a mix of goodies and baddies. If you become a baddie you'll be one of Yami Kami's henchmen. So if u want to sign up. Pleeeaase do. Here is what im want from you of your character. And the best thing is u can decide what your characters personality is like. Hey prehaps your character can be a buddy of one of the z fighters. So come on guys i need your help. And if you like to ask me any questions send me a pm. And send me a pm if u wish me to put u in my buddy list. Good guy/Bad guy Name: Age: Gender: race: [anything apart from earthling] description: bio [history] planet:
Yes i understand that part. But which type of fusion do you prefer? The earring fusion or the fusion danse. I prefer the fusion dance myself.
Ok we basiclly know about earring fusion. Once you fuse u will be stuck like that forever. Although Goku and Vegeta seperated once they were inside Majin Buu. Ha Supreme Kai was'nt happy when he found out about it. So if Goku and Vegeta seperated easily. Why cant poor Supreme kai seperate from Kibito? What do u guys think? Cos i think Supreme Kai looked better the way he was before [no offence]. Any way thats all i can say for now.
Ha The Ginyu force having their own show. That would be really cool. Since they are idiots with their poses i guess it would be a comedy show. What do you think?