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Dan Rugh

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Everything posted by Dan Rugh

  1. I haven't been on this site in AGES... but I got an automated email saying that someone posted in this thread that I made in September of 2003. Wow! That was a long time ago.... Anyway... I don't really listen to Saosin anymore since Anthony left back in the beginning of 2004. I was excited about Cove being the new singer when I heard "Bury Your Head" which is an excellent song, but I downloaded the newer EP with him singing a while ago and I was [I]more[/I] than disappointed. They're just not the same anymore... All the old stuff with Anthony, even the B-Sides, were amazing. With Cove, Saosin has really lost its spark. Oh well, I can still listen to Circa Survive for my Anthony fix. *winks at signed Circa poster*
  2. I've been keeping up with FMA on Adult Swim since I never watched it when it was being aired in Japan. From all the hype it had been getting, I figured it was really really good. So far, I haven't really seen anything that's wowed me and convinced me that this anime was a must-watch. It's kinda boring and all those colonels and whatever are boring characters, also. Will it get better than this?
  3. I got around to seeing the English dub of PMK when I was home for Thanksgiving break. They had episodes 3 and 4 On Demand. I have to say that the dubbing is awful, in my opinion. None of the voices fit the characters. --Tetsu doesn't have the umph that he had in the Japanese track. --Okita Souji... ugh... it sounds so unnatural. --Shinpachi had a very annoying voice... sounded like someone I've heard before, but I don't remember. --Don't get me started on Susumu. He was my favorite character of the series and they flat-out ruined him. ADV needs to realize that southern accents DO NOT work. Well at least I can always listen to it in Japanese.
  4. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39612[/url] Ask there. ;)
  5. We're not allowed to talk about that on this site.
  6. Yeah... I bet all that just came off the top of your head.... Why didn't you just copy and paste the Anime News Network voice actor list? Anyway, the topic of this thread is best/worst dubs, not your favorite voice actors.
  7. I just watched episodes 14 and 15 in succession and was pleasantly surprised. The new opening theme got me thinking that there would be no real story to this [spoiler]modern[/spoiler] arc, but once I saw the [spoiler]piece of the hi no magatama on Hikaru's necklace, I knew that it would be more than just "Hikaru and Co.'s Wacky Tokyo Adventures."[/spoiler] Haha. It's good to see that Raikou is [spoiler]"alive" in the future. I'm very curious as to what happened to him.[/spoiler] Mansairaku is very [spoiler]creepy[/spoiler], as you said, and once again I'm confused as to what he is actually doing. He said to Hikaru something to the effect of[spoiler] "the end is near" and it seems like he tried to drown her. O_o I don't see any kind of loving relationship between the two happening this time around.[/spoiler] [B]EPISODE 17 IS OUT, DAGGER![/B]
  8. I watched Bleach 7 a second time today because I couldn't really remember what happened enough to post. Kon is hilarious. I was cracking up everytime they showed him. His voice is perfect too... Kubo Taito is doing an excellent job. Naisu Anguru! I'm wondering what's going on in that flashback when Ichigo was laying in bed. Don't actually answer the following questions, Quincy. =P [spoiler]Who was that girl? Why was Ichigo's mom lying face down (presumably dead) all of a sudden?[/spoiler] Hmmmmmm.... And what's up with the [spoiler]Shinigami in Soul Society acting like they are bad guys?[/spoiler] Episode 8 should be quite exciting. Too bad I won't be around a computer until Sunday, though, since I'm going home for Thanksgiving. REAL FOOD! :love:
  9. So I just watched the last two episodes of the Heian arc and all I can say is wow.... [spoiler]As they were running towards the Rashoumon, I was thinking, "Hey, we haven't seen Mansairaku in quite a while... I wonder why he isn't helping them." I was hoping that we'd get to see Seimei's face when Hikaru finally got to him, but I NEVER would've thought that he was Mansairaku the whole time. As soon as her arrow hit his mask and broke in two, I was like "Oh my god, it's gotta be him!!!" Then thy showed Hikaru's face and I was dumbfounded. This might be one of the greatest twists that I've been able to witness before it got spoiled for me. Otogizoushi has become one of my favorite anime after seeing episodes 12 and 13. So as the the magatama were whatever-ing, they showed the animals that they each represented. I got the Byakko, Suzaku, Genbu, and Sieryuu, but what was that last one? It was some kind of yellow animal... it looked like a bull to me. Was Mansairaku actually doing this for good? I'm still a little confused with what Hikaru had to do with all of this. Is what she did what he wanted to happen all along? Well anyway, it's safe to say that they died together... naked.... It was surprising to see that Kintarou and Sadamitsu had survived everything since I figured everyone was gonna die. The modern arc looks interesting, but I'm really hoping it has a good story. From what I saw in the preview, Tsuna looked pretty cool and Hikaru was looking better with her hair shorter. The short bangs were a bit jarring when she had her hair down before.[/spoiler] I have episode 14 already so I think I'll get 15 and 16 tonight after Bleach 7 is done and possibly watch them tomorrow. :)
  10. [size=1]Wow I'm surprised you were able to create a semi-intelligent thread. *applauds*[/size] I really cannot stand the Fushigi Yuugi English dubbing. I bought the box set of it about a year ago and watched the Japanese version with sub-titles, all the while not realizing how bad the dub was. So one day I switched it over in the middle of an episode and was horrified with some of the voices. Miaka's is incredibly annoying.... I used to be obsessed with InuYasha when it first started airing in the US about 2 years ago. At that time I believed that the dubbing was pretty good.... Then when I bought the first volume on DVD, I noticed how much better the Japanese voice actors were. Kagome's English actor is very fake and unbelievable in her acting. InuYasha's voice is also pretty annoying with the way they make him talk in slang sometimes. Yamaguchi Kappei does a VERY good representation of a half human, half dog demon whereas Richard Cox just sucks at it. I have since gotten over InuYasha because I've realized how repetetive and mediocre it is. Furi Kuri has an excellent English dub. Many reviews I have read on it say that it's dub is better than the original Japanese track. I don't know if I agree with this, but I think I prefer the Japanese track for this as well. I do really like Naota's English voice actor since I don't believe I've heard him in any other series before unlike many of the recycled VAs we know of today. Haruko's voice was also done very well because she sounds damn close to the seiyuu who voiced her originally. That was a good move. I know that everyone's gonna say this because it's probably the most popular anime among Americans (who aren't 8), but Cowboy Bebop was done well also. I've never actually heard the original Japanese track for Cowboy Bebop so I can't truly gauge how good it is, but it sounds good enough for me. Evagelion wasn't that great. All of the voice actors sounded like they had never had any kind of training in that line of work. They were very fake sounding, especially Shinji, Asuka, and Kensuke. Yeah. I'll post more if I think of any others/feel like it.
  11. I've read about this [spoiler]modern[/spoiler] arc by accident on another forum and I'm a little puzzled about it. I've watched episodes 1-10 so far and I hear this arc starts with 14 right? You say you may enjoy it more than the first 13 episodes? I hope I'll be able to get as accustomed to it as you have. Now I haven't read anymore than the first few sentences of your post... so I'll comment on what I [I]have[/I] seen. So far, the story has been great. I was a bit disappointed that [spoiler]the real Raikou died before Hikaru could get back to see him. The poem he wrote for her with the hidden message about Abe no Seimei was very clever, though. I'm still not quite sure what Seimei's intentions are since he has been so mysterious. I'm also not quite sure what's up with Urabe lately, either.[/spoiler] For the other characters... [spoiler]I don't see the purpose of Kintarou in the story. He just randomly appeared with Sadamitsu and now is a permanent part of the group. O_o Sadamitsu is still extremely cool. I love his fighting style with the two swords that he holds backwards... reminds me of Legolas for some reason.... Anyway, I'm not sure if I really like Tsuna all that much. He seems like a very flat character who only cares about protecting Hikaru. Tsuna definitely needs something else to do for a bit... like... the dishes or vacuuming. As for Hikaru, I admire her bravery, but she's just not strong enough. Her approaching Shutendouji alone was pretty stupid, in my opinion, because that guy was a beast haha. Lastly, I really like Mansairaku in all of his girliness. I find it funny that he appears out of nowhere when he hears Hikaru playing the flute. It could make for a hilarious fan-comic.[/spoiler] Something I noticed when I first watched episode 7 was that "Mansairaku" is written in 3 kanji which can translate to "ten-thousand year-old music." I like that. :)
  12. I couldn't wait any longer on ANBU/AKeep for episode 6 so I got Lunar for now. I was very happy to see more characters introduced. The two kids, Jinta and Ururu look like they could be at the center of a lot of mischief going on in future episodes. We also got to see Urahara, [spoiler]the shop owner. Exactly what kind of shop is that anyway if they have Shinigami stuff for sale? I guess Urahara, Tessai, Jinta and Ururu have spiritual powers also. The soul candy that Rukia bought there was hilarious, but too bad she couldn't get the kind with the bunny head on top. T_T I thought the whole ordeal with the Mod-Soul Ichigo was very amusing. Is that supposed to be the little bear guy, Kon?[/spoiler]
  13. I just finished reading the manga up to where the story is in the anime. I was surprised that they changed the part about [spoiler]Karin getting sick. Did she actually have diarrhea or was something else happening and I'm just dumb? On the other hand, the change that was made when Oushima the bully came to pick on Ichigo at school[/spoiler] worked out better, in my opinion. It made the scene mean more to me. I think Kubotite is making these changes himself because I don't see any reason that the animators would feel it needed to be changed. I can't believe that they have already used up 12 chapters of the manga for only 5 episodes. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Added spoiler tags. These are pretty minor, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious, ne? ~Dagger~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39355[/url] Read that thread to learn more about it.
  15. I watched episode 5 yesterday morning and I was very pleased. That little bird is so cute when he talks, especially when he calls Chad "Oji-chan." The plot that unfolded in this episode was very interesting: [spoiler]the hollow was actually a serial killer that killed Yuuichi's mother and now haunts her son after death. It was sad that Yuuichi died even though he never actually "died."[/spoiler] So... now that the kid has been [spoiler]sent to Soul Society, what's gonna happen to the bird? Does Chad keep him for the rest of the series?[/spoiler]
  16. Rurouni Kenshin and the Samurai X OVAS are licensed and it is very illegal to download episodes of them... but it is also against the rules to talk about this at OB. You'll have to ask somewhere else. How about the site that you got the torrents from originally? They probably have a forum for these kinds of problems.
  17. Lunar-Anime released episode 2 today and I watched it about a half-hour ago. It wasn't as good as episode 1, but I still enjoyed it. A new character, Amagumo, was introduced. He's like Sunabouzu but tall, wears all black, is more serious, and is a lot less perverted. Naturally, Amagumo and Sunabouzu instantly clash which eventually has them compete in a (silly) duel. I think they'll become friends for some reason...
  18. [ANBU/A-Keep] Bleach 04 was released not too long ago. It's a very good episode that's mostly about Chad and [spoiler]him acquiring a new pet parakeet (I think it's supposed to be a cockatoo, though). Chad finds out that the bird carries a curse with it, but he keeps it anyway. Soon after, he finds himself in several accidents, including a car accident that brings him to the Kurosaki Clinic. There, Ichigo and Rukia notice a large wound on Chad's back that appears to be a hand print from a hollow. It turns out that there is a soul entrapped in the parakeet that constantly attracts a certain hollow that enjoys eating Shinigami. Oh yeah... the bird can talk. lol[/spoiler] I really like Chad as a character. He's a giant with a kind heart.
  19. I don't know if real ninja ran like this, but it seems to be the norm for anime. You have to admit that it looks cooler, though. I'm guessing that it keeps them more aerodynamic for faster running speed. Also, with your arms behind you, it'll be easier to start an attack than if you're pumping them.
  20. I forgot to post about Bleach 3. :eek: It was a good wrap up to episode 2 with how [spoiler]Orihime's brother came to his senses for a bit and killed himself so Ichigo didn't have to do it.[/spoiler] I don't know why, but the thing with Orihime's hairpin almost [spoiler]had me in tears lol.[/spoiler] They played some really cool music that I don't think we've heard yet in the 2 previous episodes. Good stuff. It looks like we get to see more of Chad in episode 4. I can't believe that he is only 15. He should definitely play basketball. haha
  21. It's been almost 4 months since Otogizoushi started and I've finally gotten around to watching the first episode. I loved it! The art is so amazing... it's like nothing I've ever watched before. I was pleasantly surprised to how cool the music was, too. This is a must watch. *gets the rest*
  22. [quote name='Kitaro']Hmmmm........Haven't heard of that show.....Do you know what channel it is on?[/quote] No, because I don't live in Japan. haha! This show isn't licensed in America. :) EDIT: It's on CBC in Japan if that's truly what you were asking. :D [center]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[/center] From your description, Dagger, I didn't think I'd like Sunabouzu, but I kinda enjoyed it. Sunabouzu himself is a cool little guy, I must say. His combat tactics are pretty neat with the balloons, gases, and such. I reallly liked his voice actor, too; he might be what makes Sunabouzu so likeable since he has no real facial expressions. The gas masks might bug me a little if I never get to see anyone's face, though. The music, however wasn't my style and I was unimpressed by the live-action opening sequence. It just seemed like an old corny Power Rangers-type show. The ending sequence, though, was very cool with them showing you a rudimentary way to draw Sunabouzu. Another thing that kinda turned me off was the "pudding" thing. I would classify that as flan, though, since it had the jellow consistency and the caramel top. That stuff just makes me wanna puke from looking at it and the way the Kawazu no Oyabun ate it really turned my stomach. lol Let me warn you that the taste is just as bad. Although I'm not a big fan of fan-service, it didn't bug me all that much because of Sunabouzu's reactions toward it. He really made it more-lighthearted from the way he outright called Asagiri Junko "Boin-chan." He's a cute little perv. haha Final Words: I'll definitely check out the next episode.
  23. I've been hearing about Sunabouzu and thought it might be an interesting anime. [URL=http://home.nc.rr.com/momotato/]Momotato Daioh[/URL] (
  24. [quote name='QuincyArcher']bleach has been around since 2001, didnt samurai champloo just begin airing earlier this year? wouldnt that make Jin an Ishida look-alike?[/quote] LOL I guess you're right, but since I just started getting into Bleach, it seems the other way around for me. =P [quote]I'm forgetting her "original" name[/quote] Her full name is Kuchiki Rukia. The only reason they're all calling her "Kuchiki-san" is because she [spoiler]now goes to their school and everyone is supposed to address everyone else by their last names.[/spoiler] So no change there. Anyway, I love Rukia because she's always so serious but she still can come off as hilarious when the time is right. It's great how [spoiler]fake she is when she's in school or around a classmate. When they saw Orihime on the street, Rukia at first said something like "Who the hell are you" and then when Ichigo told her who it was, her voice got real high and happy. The part when she was in Ichigo's closet with his sister's pajamas on was great, too.[/spoiler]
  25. [quote name='QuincyArcher']in regards to favorite characters, i would have to say Tatsuki is one of my favorites even though she never plays a huge role in the series. I also really like Ishida (hence my screen name "QuicnyArcher"), who will probably be popping up in the anime within the next few episodes. his character really reminds me of the guy from Orphen, (his name escapes me right now) kinda the reluctant anti-hero type i guess.[/quote] "the guy from Orphen..." would that be Orphen? lol I don't really know anyone else from that show except the blonde kid who's name, I think, is Magus. Oh well. The thing about Ishida Uryuu is that whole Jin look-a-like, Sasuke sound-a-like issue. He looks like a pretty cool character I must admit, though. I love Sasuke's seiyuu, Sugiyama Noriaki anyway, so why am I complaining. haha I was looking at pictures of characters who will be appearing later on in the show the other day. Abara Renji, Hitsugaya Toushirou, and Ichimaru Gin all look like really cool Shinigami that I can't wait to see in the future. Paku Romi, the voice of Temari in Naruto, will be playing Toushirou... she's does a lot of male voices ex. Ed in Full Metal Alchemist and Katsushirou in Samurai 7. Renji will be played by Yusa Kouji who does the voice of Akimichi Chouji in Naruto. It'll be weird to hear that voice out of anyone besides Chouji. lol
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