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Everything posted by AmongtheHidden

  1. Hey thats kewl dude...I like I like..You do any other arts?
  2. Thats Kewl...I like it, Got any more?
  3. I've watched the one where they save Goten, Trunks, Gohan and Piccolo from the inside of Buu and then Buu starts to turn into Kid Buu and then that was it.
  4. I Slept walked once when I had a broken foot!!!! It wasn't pretty somehow I was wlaking on my crutch's and i hit my friend with my crutch then I fell over. lolz
  5. Im a newbie...Whohooo!!! lolz...Im from RPGCHAT and have like almost 2000 posts there. So what do we do here? I kno this is the wrong place to put it (Yeah I missspell stuff cuz I use the abbv. form)
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