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Everything posted by nichire
Hey! Thanx for the postive stuffs! Yah, i'm gonna add either a table or a something of tha nature soon. And to answer Kaola Su, i did draw it with my mouse in paint. I forget the name of the program i used for the smugging tho! Well i gotta finish this beast ty again ~nichi
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=3][FONT=times new roman] hey!:wigout: I haven't posted in here forever :but here's a pic. I'm not quite done yet. It seems to be missing something. I may put a bracelet on her left arm. Iano Well :drunk: here she is... Comments are very much liked! ~nichi [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=crimson]The first animes I ever watched were: Astro boy and Serendippiti the pink dinosaur I was addicted to them when i was little. I would get up every morning at 6 to watch astro boy, and then I'd watch my VHS of serindipitti... It was grand... After that, I started to watch Sameri Pizza cats on YTV religously. After that i forgot about anime for awhile until Sailor moon came to YTV... the obsession continued from there ~nichi [/COLOR] :devil:
Anime How do you feel about the Mainstreaming of Anime...
nichire replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Mainstreaming of anime is a bad bad thing in my view. It'll become a fad... and popular... *shudders* But it being proven worthy of time slots as iano... friends or seinfeild or anyother shows would be good. Then ppl would see that anime ian't all about children with big eyes trying to catch monsters. ~nichi -
General Are you male or female? female, but i act like a guy How long has your longest relationship lasted? counts up to today... ahhhh.. 1year 10 months, 13 days? What was the worst ending to a relationship you have been in? he stlked me for the rest of the night *_* What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate? my best friend what is your pet peve about the people you date? iano... i don't like when ppl think there all that, or ppl that are too self counseious or ppl that pick on ppl Have you ever used a pick up line? lol yea -if so, did it work? wasn't supossed to Have you ever had a pick up line used on you? lol -if so, did it work? hahaha nope Guys only NO!!!!!!! What do you think women want? to be loved baby! and to have someone stand by em when it gets tough In your opinion, what is the general behavior of women? some are crazy... alot are really... but are nice tho... very nice... Girls only What do men want? hummmmmm iano... some only want sex, some want love, some want a friend, tis all different In your opinon, what is the general behavior of women? look up!
i hate us leaders... i hate all leaders... cept jean!!! he's fu**in cool! and the only one of em that's makin anysense. Since when did the US get power to control other countrys????? NEVER!!!! THEY NEVER DID!!!!! But us pride has a lot of em thinking that they own the damned world!!!! If they want Iraq to disarm, us sould have to disarm their weapons too!1 all they're using em for is bulling around smaller countries! damn i hate ppl who think this war is the rite thing!!! I hate the us!! stupid stupid ppl!!!!!!! ~nichi
i really should start to use some puntuation... agreed But I really can't spell, and some spelling i just prefer it that way. The song is a bit of s&m tho isn't it?... but what's wrong with that! lol ~nichi
IMO Your friends should be your friends no matter what! and they should respect what your bounderies are. I have hung out with ppl doing drugs and drinking and having sex I have been to their parties, a lot actually and ya know if you start double thinking that maynot be the place you wanna be, than maybe it isn't rite for you I know some ppl think losing themsleves in that stuff, and i do mean losing themsleves because it causes perminate brain damage (brain cells do NOT reproduce!! so you end up with really big holes in your brain. i am not JOKING!) but if you know the consequences and you sure you're doing this to yourself for YOURSELF and not the lil chippy's that'll end up working at McDonalds tilll they're dead Go ahead but if you want to be yourself and stand up for your indivuality plz reconsider this this choice may be ending up as life or death ~nichi
hehehehe! wow! a positive response!!!! ok guys!!!! just for Gold_Angewomon and Rhys Mayiessen i will definatly finish the pro- and for my friend shannon, i WILL write the Rain part!!!! *is determined* ~nichi
more or less it's true, a lot is used in metaphor that only i understand... well kinda... this was written in dec so, my opinions have changed since then but who it was written about still means that much to me, even tho he will never know btw, i really like the poem! it would make for so good lyrics! *needs a band....and a bass...* Keep up the writing! ~nichi
I agree that it doesn't matter what your age is as long as you respect each other and care about eachother But I wouldn't want to date someone more or less than 3 years between my age... just for personal choice ~nichi
EPPPPP!!!!! It's people like you that make me want to stop drawing for ever!! --or find a way to steal all your talent.....I mean--*nervous laughter* It's very awesome!!!!! ~nichi
I think I'd save the baby... just cuz... it's so little and helpless... like a dog or something.... and I 'd pick yes to the gun!!! Some ppl might not like that i did that, but hey! A million dollars could do a lot of stuff... *thinks of all her dreams coming true* ~nichi
hummmmmm ideal person..... I'm not too picky with phs chara... not at all really But one thing about them... When I look at their eyes, I have to feel all my insides quake and all i'll want is too hold them I like all eyes in general, I think they're the best phs part of anyone. ahhhhhh for hair maybe? oh man... all the ppl i like have different hair....... I guess straight hair with out any of those damned styling products in it I don't care about anyother phs stuff... oh! except! I absolutly hate guys with facial hair!!!! (with the exception of one guy) I want someone that could make me laugh when I'm in the darkest of moods. Someone that'll make me feel cared about. Someone with some things in common with me. Someone that can laugh at themselves and isn't self-obsorbed. And I don't ever want to hear negitive comments about yourself!! I want someone that, whenever I see them my heart beats a little faster, and everything that ever matters to me wouldn't exsit, and it would be the to of us alone, living in that moment. well.... I guess that's a little much to ask from some one... but i've found that connection with 3 ppl... 1 is my boyfriend, one treats me like a little sister, and one treats me like i'm the only thing that matters to him in the world.... sighs..... I hate my love life ~nichi
epppppp! I absoulutly love cosplay! I remember when me and some freiends went out as the g-boys t'was grand and no one at our dance knew wtf we were on wellll... except for one guy... but he was drunk.... but if i had a con around here I'd be the first one there and I'd have several outfits to change in to that day ^___^ ~nichi
YES! I am bored and have nothing to do! mostly because i don't wanna fight Id in Xenogears... but------here's another song! This One's kinda more punk Casper We met in a ****** acting class I tired my best, you failed last year You wore black, liked death and everything that's good And you were the best acter there People told us to go out we'd laugh rightin their face Even though you're smart and hot and like everything i'm about It'd just be a waste Chorus you're too good, too smart, too perfect in everything you do I'm too in love, ****ing heart, to ever be with you And when you smile, it sends me to heaven and when you say my name, it makes me weak inside We haven't talked since the first semester of grade 10 and I wanted to stay by your side Your girlfriend stares daggers when she sees me One day I'll rip out her pretty blue eyes It's too bad she makes you so damn happy It's too bad I ****in wish she'd die Chorus You were my best friends and I'll alwaysthink of you You could always read my mind, so can you tell that she's not good enough for you? Chorus x 2 --------- and i still wanna kill that girl today... :devil: ~nichi out
This is a song I wrote around x-mas time for a boy who treats me like a little sister It's kinda death metel Pretty boy walks rite thu the naive girl that he once knew boy if you could only see all the **** you do to me she sees a smiles on his lips she traces it iwth her finger tips now she crys herself to sleep pray that boy her soul to keep hold me down and chain my arms bite my neck harder than before I'll protect you from harm slit my writs and shut the door I just wanna be alone with you Control me, beat me, mistreat me you own me for eternity I just wanna **** around with you our blood mixed together creating perfect cemistry now she sits there all alone and she wonders when you're coming home boy if you only knew all the **** she does for you hold me down and chain my arms bite my neck harder than before I'll protect you from harm slit my writs and shut the door I just wanna be alone with you Control me, beat me, mistreat me you own me for eternity I just wanna **** around with you our blood mixed together creating perfect cemistry CRY! she begins to weep... DIE! just make sure you cut me deep I just wanna be alone with you Control me, beat me, mistreat me you own me for eternity I just wanna **** around with you our blood mixed together creating perfect cemistry hold me down and chain my arms bite my neck harder than before I'll protect you from harm slit my writs and shut the door I just wanna be alone with you Control me, beat me, mistreat me you own me for eternity I just wanna **** around with you our blood mixed together creating perfect cemistry our blood mixed together creating perfect cemistry yes i know there's speeling mistakes....... ~nichi
I think your uses of pencil stoke is really interesting. I can see what you were going for. The hair and face outline kinda bug me, but only a bit You've got talent! Keep up the good work! ~nichi
this is the third time I tried posting this....... My original fic/manga/RPG...mebe one day It's kinda like Thousand Arms-ish... And it's still very rough commants, flames, anything? send it my way!!!!! ~nichi:devil:
uh----- in this situation, i'd answer daughter, and if the old man told me the wrong way to go, well, i might have died n-e wayz, so at least i might still have that chance to live...ne? *_* gods.... that must be horibilly wrong..... ~nichi
[SIZE=3][COLOR=crimson]The thing that makes me the most happy... it would deffenitly have to be my koi. I love him so much! On top of that he's my very best friend and mebe even my soul mate. Besides him, there's also my smelly cat. Also , animé. *_*;; I am very obsessed... ~nichi[/COLOR][/SIZE] :devil:
thanx for the replies guys! Rhys Mayiessen------Thanx for the constructive critisism!! It's appriciated!!!!! I know about that left eye... now that you mention it, it's bugging me to death....! I'll prolly fix it...mebe Yup, i drew this in paint and colored most of it in paint, i did the background and the highlights in her hair, and lil things, with Seris DrawPlus Drawing. She's not a goth... persey... but she's a very short-tempered self-proclaimed queen, that pretty much killed off her own familly. *_*;; i have some of the begining of Ceila Futeru typed up, if you want to know more. ~nichi
[SIZE=3]hey ppl[/SIZE] [COLOR=crimson]i'm new here and i'm posting this pic from my original manga "Ceila Futeru" this is the main chara, Spark[/COLOR] :flaming: [COLOR=crimson]She likes fire.[/COLOR] here ya go! Ja ne!!! ~nichi