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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. last summer i worked as a dancer/performer at kings island, which is the largest amusement park in the midwest located in cincinnati, ohio. it was fun - but a lot of hard work. they offered me another position this summer, but i turned it down - i chose to continue to be a server even though dancing was a lot more money.
  2. I'm going to be a father... Sort of. Recently, my boyfriend donated his sperm to a lesbian couple who are friends of ours. We've tried it two times before, but as I'm sure the majority of you know, pregnancies (especially with circumstances such as these) aren't a perfect science. This time, however, we have high hopes -- Brittany has been noticing varying changes in her body and hasn't had a period this month. Here's hoping. The most exciting thing -- to me, anyways -- is that Brittany and Ashley want us to play an active part in the baby's life. We'll undoubtedly be the "uncles," which isn't as prolific as a parental role, but it's just going to be nice to see how he/she grows up. It's also amazing to me that in such a conservative area of the nation (northern West Virginia), two homosexual couples come together to form a family.
  3. While I don't really hate the taste of alcohol, it's become custom within my group of friends to mix vodka with things such as lemonade and Kool-Aid, and add sugar... Depending on if you're a good mixer or not, the alcohol can be minimally tasted.
  4. Well... It's been a while since I've been here. So I guess it could be appropriate for me to post a current picture of myself while I'm visiting... As if anyone here remembers me. =] The first and third pictures are pre-piercing, just so you know. [IMG]http://a220.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/79/l_a68de69201af3dbe7d840b8082968653.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://profile.ak.facebook.com/v226/1944/79/n642497285_170.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v283/52/7/642497285/n642497285_683012_3622.jpg[/IMG]
  5. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black][SIZE=2]I developed an affection for Greek mythology early in my middle school years. Since then, it has fluctuated, but I will always find that culture's myths- and the universal themes in them- highly interesting. I also find it interesting the fact that when you look at it, most, if not all, cultures have religions that teach these univeral themes through stories. Urban legends are always fun to read, as more of them than you would believe stem from a real occurence. It's fun to look them up and research their origins. The following is one of my favorite Greek myths. It tells the story of Io, a beautiful young girl who declines Zeus' advances, and how, through Hera's jealousy, she is punished. What is your favorite myth, folklore, or urban legend? And why?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [quote] [B]The Heifer-Maiden[/B] The story of Io is one of the most touching dramas in Greek Mythology. This story goes back to the early days on Mount Olympos (Olympus). Zeus was new to the throne of eternity and his treatment of Io was nothing less than pernicious. [B]Daughter of Inakhus[/B] Io was the beautiful daughter of Inakhus (Inachus) of Argos. She began having strange dreams with voices and visions telling her to leave her bed and go into a field where Zeus could ‘see’ her. She told her father of the dreams and he sought advice of the oracles at Pytho and Dodona but they could offer no help. Finally, he sent an embassy to Loxias. For the oracles of Loxias, the meaning was crystal clear. They advised Inakhus to disown his daughter, cast her into the streets and drive her from his country. If this was not done, the oracles warned, Zeus would eradicate Inakhus and his people without mercy. With heavy heart, Inakhus obeyed the oracles and forced his young daughter, Io, from his house. [B]Hera[/B] Hera had not missed the drama unfolding in Argos. She was angered by Zeus’ (attempted) infidelity so she punished Zeus by punishing Io. As Io fled in tears from her father’s house, she began to change. Horns popped out on her head and, as she ran, she completely transformed into a black and white heifer. A gadfly began to sting and pester her, forcing her to run farther and farther from her home and happiness. Hera wanted to be sure that her husband, Zeus, could not be alone with his new infatuation so she set the herdsman, Argos, to follow the heifer-girl. Argos was called Argos Panoptes, meaning ‘all seeing’ because he had one hundred eyes placed all over his body. Io was terrified of Argos and she fled from him as much as she did from the sting of the ever present gadfly. [B]The Herdsman, Argos[/B] Zeus was inflamed. With Argos on guard he couldn’t secretly meet with the lovely Io. He instructed his son, Hermes, to kill Argos. To this day, Hermes is often called Argeiphontes, ‘the slayer of Argos’. He lulled the herdsman to sleep with sweet music and then beheaded the sleeping watchman before he could defend himself. Io was now free of the all seeing Argos. [B]Prometheus[/B] The punishment was not over yet. The gadfly was still goading the heifer-girl to the ends of the earth. As Io fled through the Caucasus mountains she saw Prometheus bound to the stony crag. Prometheus was a Titan who had angered Zeus with his reckless affection for the lowly mortals who populated the earth below Mount Olympos. Prometheus was chained, spread-eagle, to the pitiless rockface by the plan of Zeus and by the hand of Hephaistos (Hephaestus). Prometheus had been left to suffer in solitude and misery until Zeus’ fury subsided. Io’s conversation with Prometheus (in Prometheus Bound, by Aeskhylus) is quite moving. She told him of her sorrowful past, how she can never sleep in the same place two nights in succession because of the insistent gadfly. She begged the Titan for his prediction of her future. The name ‘Prometheus’ means ‘forethought’. She simply wanted to know when her suffering would end? Even in his tortured condition, Prometheus tried to spare her feelings. She asked why he would not be forthright. He replied that he was afraid that if he told her the depth and duration of her suffering, the knowledge might break her spirit. She wanted to hear it all, no matter how dismal her future may be, she wanted to hear it all. Prometheus told her of her long, lonely road. He advised her on which way to travel and where she might find help along the way. He told her to be strong because she would eventually be freed from the curse of Hera. Her journey would end in Egypt. He told her that she would be restored to her original beauty and have a glorious son named Epaphos. Prometheus also foresaw the ironic fact that one of her descendants would, after thirteen generations, come back to that lonely mountain and cut the bonds that made him famous. The predictions of Prometheus came true. Io’s flight took her East towards Asia, South to the land of the Amazons and, after years of tortuous wandering, she came to Egypt. When the hand of Zeus reached out and touched Io, Hera’s curse was lifted. Io was restored to her youthful beauty and was allowed to live out her mortal life in peace. [/quote]
  6. in my opinion, cheating is any action that is made based on lust or actual emotion while in a relationship (whether emotional or actual) with another person. i am currently in a relationship where i have pledged to be monogamous to my partner. we have not set it "officially," not because we don't want to, but because of certain circumstances (which i will not go into at this time). but if i were to ever kiss another man, or have sex with another man, i would consider it cheating.
  7. i'm eighteen years old and homo, so i'm probably at the height of social experiences in my life. however, i am not the typical kind of homo. i'm more straight-acting than a lot of others, and i do not partake in the "normal" lifestyle of many. the gay community is well-known for being promiscuous and flamboyant, but i am neither; i'm athletic and and outdoorsy kind of guy. which leads to trouble. because i am neither flamboyant or "proud" (not to say i don't like being gay), girls tend to flock to me and i have the awkward job of telling them that i am indeed homo. looking like an athlete and acting "straight" obviously confuses them, and on several occassions, i have caused a lot of "drama" because of this fact.
  8. i believe that it depends on the level of your maturity. i lost my virginity at the age of fifteen, and while i was no where near mature enough at that age to go through what i did, i didn't have sex again until i felt that i could handle the emotional as well as the physical aspects of it. sex should be a matter of choice, not something that is regulated by guidelines of faith. humans and dolphins are the only two animals on the planet to engage in sex for recreation... and we don't see them worrying it about it, do we?
  9. The picture of Yoruichi is very good. Her eyes are incredibly piercing; a feat, I must say, when drawing in black-and-white. Most artists forget that sketches, too, can contain emotion. The image of Naruto is okay; his head looks disproportional to the rest of his body, or something. Something about it is just weird. Maybe it's the way his left eye is squinted or the height of his face. Overall, you did a good job. 8.9/10
  10. Well, this summer, my sister is taking me to Disney World for my graduation present. I'm the only member of the family who's never been, so it's pretty exciting. I've always felt somewhat alienated because of that fact; they all went there before I was born, and then once I came along, it was like BAM!, we're not going anymore.
  11. I agree with Charles. With drug-addiction cases this bad, you can't rely on the addicted to get themselves help. It won't happen. Why? Because the person's too heavily reliant on the drug(s) to see that they need help. An intervention might work, only if the parents/participants are prepared to have your friend put in rehab no matter what happens.
  12. [color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Tahoma]Zale watched Sakura's Digimon briefly before surveying his opponents. Sakura had destroyed one already, and the otherrs were up to something; they kept huddling together, as if there was safety in numbers. Zale let his hand fall idly to his side and pressed the button on his belt that controlled music; a song began to fill the area. [/font][/size][/color] [center][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Tahoma][b]crowded streets are cleared away, one by one. hallow heroes separate, as they come. you're so cold, keep your hand in mine. wise men wonder while strong men die. [/b][/font][/size][/color] [left][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Tahoma]"Black Realm!" Dobermon lept forward, opening his jaws so that a stream of black energy blasted into three of the Ponchomon. They weren't destroyed, but they were badly hurt. [/font][/size][/color] [center][color=DarkSlateBlue][b][size=1][font=Tahoma]show me how it ends, it's alright show me how defenseless you really are. [/font][/size][/b][/color] [left][size=1][color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Tahoma]Dobermon charged the three fallen Ponchomon and Leomon drew his sword. "Cactus Bat!" The Ponchomon facing Leomon stopped suddenly, the black orbs on their hats beginning to glow. Leomon gazed at them for what seemed to be a long amount of time when they launched forward, taking the form of two bats. "Leomon!" Zale yelled. [/font][/color][/size] [center][color=DarkSlateBlue][b][size=1][font=Tahoma]satisfied and empty inside that's alright, let's give this another try. [/font][/size][/b][/color] [left][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Tahoma]Leomon unsheathed his sword and cut across the colony of bats; he pulled his fist back and it began to glow. "Fist of the Beast King!" The attack took three Ponchomon out. Leomon, Dobermon, and Sakura's Digimon faced the remaining three together. [/font][/size][/color] [center][color=DarkSlateBlue][b][size=1][font=Verdana]if you find your family, don't you cry in this land of make believe, dead and dry. [/font][/size][/b][/color][/center] [/left] [/center] [/left] [/center] [/left] [/center]
  13. [quote name='Takuya']No, that's not how it will work. One partner Digimon, and up to two befriended Digimon. That's it. And that was already stated. Please read everything I've already posted before asking questions.[/quote] I had, thank you, but I thought you could change it. I didn't word it right, that's all.
  14. I have a question. Are we allowed two or three actual partner Digimon, with Digivolution lines and all? It would be nice if we could, even if you only allow two.
  15. [color=DarkSlateBlue]Zale half-smiled at the girl and hoped to God that she hadn't seen the small gesture. She was pretty, he thought; dressed in all black with black hair. If he didn't know any better, he might have thought she was his long lost sister. "Yeah, I've heard of you." He stretched his hand out and she accepted it kindly. "You're more than welcome to travel with Labramon, Leomon, and I." Sakura smiled at him. "Good," she replied. "I've kind of been looking for someone to become friends with as well." Labramon looked up at the bipedal Renamon; though a Rookie like himself, she was much taller than he, and he felt a trace of intimidation. But he shrugged it off and was glad to have new friends. "These are my friends: my partner Renamon, and my friends Seraphimon and Piddomon." Renamon smiled at them, or gave a gesture that Zale assumed was a smile. The Angelic Digimon just merely nodded in a silent recognition. Before Zale or Sakura could say anything else, a moderately strong twister began to twist around them. Leomon and Labramon, on instinct, surrounded their partner; Renamon, Seraphimon, and Piddomon did the same for Sakura. The twister subsided into a green-and-orange blur, which turned into a group of seven Ponchomon. Zale pressed a button on his belt and his Digivice materialized in his fist. "Labramon digivolve to... Dobermon!" "Leomon, Dobermon, get ready," Zale said quietly. He looked over at Sakura, who had her own Digivice in her hand. --------- [color=Black]OOC: Sakura, your post was fine. Just remember: Zale isn't exactly cold, he's just shy. [/color][/color]
  16. [color=Navy][size=1][font=Tahoma]The rain had stopped several minutes ago, but heavy drops of water were falling from the leaves of the high trees. Zale, Labramon, and Leomon stood at the edge of the jungle, the outskirts of which being rolling hills of green grass. The gray sky had broken up so that slits of golden sunshine, though artificial, shined through. "It is beautiful, is it not?" Leomon asked; not really expecting an answer, but asking nonetheless. "Beautiful as it may be," Zale said, half turning away from the borderline. "It is nothing but fake." Zale, his last words spoken with more harm than originally meant, walked into the jungle. Labramon followed him, backed by Leomon. "What's wrong, Zale?" Labramon asked wearily; he knew his partner sometimes had a temper, but he meddled anyways. "I don't know," Zale said, continuing his pace but allowing his friends to catch up. "I've been part of this 'game' for years now, and I haven't made one [i]human [/i]friend." Labramon heard Zale sigh quietly to himself, then his partner said, "But it doesn't matter. How about we look for another mission? It's been a while." "Sure," Labramon replied; he went with his partner's feelings, no matter how much he knew Zale was hurting. [size=2]OOC: Hey, if anyone wants to become friends with Zale, now's the time to do it.[/size] [/font][/size][/color]
  17. [font=Tahoma][size=1]A sudden symphony of electronic beeps and an injection into his arm. He closed his eyes and breathed. [/size][/font][font=Tahoma][size=1][color=Red]Three. Two. One. [color=DarkSlateBlue]Eyes still closed, he felt his senses return to him; rain was falling in heavy drops. He opened his eyes slowly and remembered the setting he was in before he had logged-out the last time: a jungle, thick with vegetation and even thicker with other players and their Digimon. Zale had tried to stear clear of them for a while, but now, he felt the need to challenge. A tugging at the sleeve of his black sweater made him look down. Labramon, a Rookie-level Digimon smiled up at him. Zale returned the gesture with a small smile of his own, and squeezed the Digivice held within his left hand. With his right hand, he tapped a place on his belt and instantly, music began to fill his ears. [/color][/color][/size][/font] [center][font=Tahoma][b][size=1][color=DarkSlateBlue]they fall in line, one at a time. ready to play, i can't see them anyway. [/color][/size][/b][/font] [left][font=Tahoma][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1]Though the music was loud, he could hear his surroundings quite well, which included Labramon telling him that his counterpart, Leomon, was off checking into some reports of mysterious Digimon. A shriek of laughter made Zale and Labramon turn around. [/size][/color][/font] [center][b][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Tahoma]no time to lose, we've got to move. steady your hand, we've got to move again. [/font][/size][/color][/b] [left][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Tahoma]A Witchmon and her partner stood at the base of a large tree; both of their garments were soaking wet. The girl, with black hair and blue eyes, smiled at Zale; he just nodded to her. Witchmon mounted her broom and flew towards Labramon. Labramon, expecting the sudden attack from a familiar foe, flipped into the air while twisting mid-air to face Witchmon as he landed. [/font][/size][/color] [center][b][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Tahoma]fire your guns, it's time to run. blow me away. [/font][/size][/color][/b] [left][color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Tahoma][size=1]Zale held out his Digivice. A spiral of data, numbers meaning nothing the human eye, surrounded Bearmon and began to glow. When they disappeared, Dobermon had taken the Rookie-level's place. Dobermon snarled. Zale watched the girl's smile turn into a solemn frown. [/size][/font][/color] [center][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Tahoma][b]i will stay unless i may. after the fall, we'll shake it off. blow me away. [/b][/font][/size][/color] [left][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Tahoma]Dobermon opened his jaws and a stream of black energy launched itself at Witchmon; the witch dodged it, but the dog followed her and struck her in the back. She fell to the ground. Witchmon's partner yelled at her Digimon to get up, and the Digimon obeyed. Lowering herself to the ground, Witchmon took her broom and raised it, ready to attack; but Dobermon was quicker and launched his second attack, which blasted into the Champion's chest and sent her flying into a tree, where she reverted into Salamon. [/font][/size][/color] [center][b][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1][font=Tahoma]only the strongest will survive. lead me to heaven when we die. i have a shadow on the wall. i'll be the one to save us all. [/font][/size][/color][/b] [left] OOC: I know there's no dialogue; I did that for an effect I thought would be more... movie-like. I dunno. It was an idea of mine. [/left] [/center] [/left] [/center] [/left] [/center] [/left] [/center] [font=Tahoma][color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1] [/size][/color][/font][/left] [/center]
  18. [size=1]Name: Zachary Matthews. Age: 19. (started at 16, with permission) Gender: Male. Username: Zale. Appearance: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24698&stc=1[/img] Digimon: Labramon. Digivolutions: Labramon, Rookie Attribute: Vaccine Type: Animal Attack: Retrieving, Cure Liquor Dobermon, Champion Attribute: Vaccine Type: Animal Attack: Black Realm, Spike Tornado Cerberumon, Ultimate Attribute: Vaccine Type: Demon Beast Attack: Emerald Blaze, Mad Dog Fire, Portals of Darkness, Inferno Gate Anubismon, Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: God Man Attack: Amemit, Pyramid Power Befriended Digimon: Leomon. [/size]
  19. I saw that another member had posted their poetry book, and, upon just recently completing my first poetry book, I decided that I might just post mine. So enjoy, and leave contructive cricticism. [I][SIZE=5] [FONT=Times New Roman]Conversations at 3 a.m. [/FONT][/SIZE][/I] [SIZE=1]1. Paper Without Lines. The Cheshire moon smiled down at me, and I tried to decide what I was longing to be. But I found the answer to be too many words, and I decided that I couldn't decide. Like a paper without lines, the possibilities are endless, and no one's counting. I saw my reflection in the window, and drenched in rain, I looked better than ever. I grinned to myself as I stared in that window, and then I laughed at the thought of you. The thought of hopeless, restless, scared, pointless, selfish little you. Oh, I laughed. I turned away and in that moment of endless laughter, I saw myself in another window. The window was untouched by rain and it showed the true me. The cruel me. I cried then, not because of my cruelty. But because I knew it was over. And I know everything comes to an end, but that doesn?t make it any easier. It doesn?t feel like it?s over, because I refuse to see the signs. And I?ll continue refusing. This life isn?t over, so I?ve just begun. I?ve just begun to fight for you and me. The days slip away, the minutes pass me by, and I continue to see my reflection. And if all we are is dust in the wind, then this is the way it?s got to end. Cut the wrists and watch them bleed. This is what you mean to me. 2. I [insert verb here]. Stand. I stand when they tell me to sit. I breath when they tell me to hold my breath. I love when I can't find anyone to love. And I live when I can't find a reason to. I take chances when there's no hope. I smile just to make you happy. But sometimes- I can't stand. I can't breath. I can't love. And when I feel like dying- I take the chance to smile when I see you. 3. Contradiction. I brought the knife- If you brought the heartbreak. I want to contradict life- Walk when no one approves. I took a breath when they told me to be quiet- And suddenly, I wasn't good enough. I can't live in a world where- To live isn't good enough. I can't love a person- Who says they'd rather die- Than love me. Maybe this is an illusion- Because we are all illusions- Everybody lies about themselves. Can I lie and make it better? Give myself a new life- One without lies? 4. If I Had a Heart. Did I see it in the eyes that stared back at me from the mirror? Or did I have some fucked up version of life that lived inside my head? A bright day was never promised to the boy who cried a lot- Only rainy days and warm nights that seemed to take forever. I saw the face inside the mirror that seemed to tell a story- And I cried because I didn't know why I was afraid. And because I cried, I became weak, and to be weak is to be worthless. In the hypocritical eyes that tell hypocritical lies. I thought that I was something because I told myself I was. And when you tell yourself something, you believe the lie. When I cut my wrists, I didn't know that I would die, but I hoped that I would. I attempted to rip my heart out- you can see the scratches on my chest. And I decided that I didn't need to see something that didn't exist- Because when you see something, it becomes real, and if I had a heart- I would feel. 5. Not Myself. I can't see who I am anymore- The light's too bright from behind brown eyes. I think I've lied to myself- Attempted to believe I was someone else. Someone with love, a dream, a purpose- But none of that will happen now. A desert of want- Then a waterfall of regret- That's all my life is now. What I want and what I need- They're two different things. I need to breath, I need to live. But I want to hurt. I want to die. See myself in a mirror on the wall- Cry because I don't recognize myself. 6. Stereotypical. I have an appointment tomorrow, And if I go, will it be any better? The words I say make it all too clear- Is this reality- or something like it? When I said I loved you- They looked at me with demeaning eyes. Like they have any right to judge- With their hypocritical lies. Bring me life on a silver platter- And I still wouldn't be content. In the end, it's always right- But the end isn't here yet. Step outside yourself- And into me. I'm sick of fitting in- Maybe I'll go crazy- So that they'll feel sorry for me. 7. Sex, Lies & Heartbreak. Why is it so easy for me to hate? The words slither from your mouth- Oh, how they pierce my perfect death. Dying isn't that bad- I've died everyday that you loved me. Hurry up, slit my wrists- I'm not good enough. Try to be someone you're not- And you'll want to die too. Sex, lies, and heartbreak- The perfect mixture for a eulogy. Grab my wrist, hold it tight- Tear me away from myself. Make me love you- Make me scream. Make me beg for mercy- Even though I don't want it. 8. Comedy In Death. I cut my wrists tonight Oh, how it freed me so. Saw my eyes in the crimson liquid, And I laughed at my foolish plight. I held your hand within my mind, Told you I loved you before I knew. The tears you cried can be redeemed With the blood from my heart. Twisted and confused, I kept laughing. They said I was crazy, but I knew better. Crazy is a word to describe the living. I haven?t lived since I met you, Though I lied and said I did. Oh, how funny it is to think, You?re the one who died alone. 9. Worth. Just so you know, I?m not falling in love. I?m just falling deeper into something I never knew. And when you say you mean it, you don?t really mean it. Because if you meant it, there wouldn?t be any pain. And without pain, where is the worth? It makes it so much better in the end. And if this is giving up, then I?m giving up. Because I won?t fight with you, just to lose the love. The love that I was prepared to die for. 10. My Eulogy. Bring me to a place where I can breath Where I can see without envy. I?m wrapped in a blanket of self pity Though I know I?m not alone. An illusion is what you called us And an illusion is what I am Until you come to me and speak so softly The words that make me love you. Take me somewhere we can be alone, Somewhere so unfamiliar to me That I forget my fear of seeing your face. Words spilled from your mouth Like blood from a wound and I Ended up in your arms once more. 11. Addicted to Heartbreak. Last night I cried. It had been a long time. I cried for myself, I cried for you, I cried for my broken heart, Shattered and ignored by you. Maybe I broke down. You tell me, Maybe I can tape it back together. But there?s a piece that?s missing. You have it. I doubt you?ll give it back. You?re always like that, Always taking, never giving. Believing you can change yourself, But never trying. I messed up, I?ll admit that. But who?s to say it was that bad? Maybe you amplified it with your all-consuming heart. I knew it was going to be like this. I just knew it. But I took a chance. That?s what life?s about. When you reached your hand out to me, I didn?t think it?d be that bad. And look at me now. Lying on the floor, Covered in broken down love. Fuck this, I?m out of here. But I can?t move. Frozen by the fear That came from an illusion, An illusion of you and me. I?ll knock on your door And treat you like my savior. I?ll beg you for more. I know it?s bad, but I need it. I?m addicted to the heartbreak. 12. Untitled. If I cried, Would you be there? Would you slap my hand away From yours, yours that is a sin. I tasted the hate from your lips, As you chewed my heart and made it pretty. I was foolish, I know? Doused by the illusion of a dream. But an illusion is what I live for You are what I live for. Lived, I?m sorry. Better that I move on, forget yesterday. Forget tomorrow. Fade away today. 13. Prism of Days. This is the day that everything runs the red light, ?skids to a stop, and then asks questions. Put your heart in front of you and ?ask for directions. Tomorrow, we?ll stop and look back, ?but won?t pray for changes. You might find that you?re broken, ?shattered like the boy you are. Pick yourself up and tell me ?do you love me? 14. Razor. I look at the stranger in the mirror. I ask him how his day was. He doesn?t answer, but he cries, and his tears tell a story. They tell a story about love and love lost. They tell me he?s had enough. I?ll be the razor cutting at your wrist when you feel you can?t feel. What?s the point of leaving when you can?t find your way? The streetlights stay on for the ones who are alone. So walk away, little boy. Let your tears dry and wake up to a new day. So mess your hair and brush your teeth. Stuff your hands in your pockets and be on your way. Break another heart, just another day. 15. Romeo Pulled the Trigger. This is how the story ends; you and me and a bottle of wine. Pop the cap and pull the trigger. Thread your fingers between mine and we'll fall together. We'll drink to the death of our love. Leave your lips imprinted on your glass and it will be memorabilia for our future. 16. Burn. I crash and I burn, and I find that I?m still thinking of you. The scars on my wrists keep the score. How many times have I died tonight? The rain falls on my shoulders as I stand on the corner. The streetlight flickers to death. These are the feelings I?ve always had, and they?re starting to burn. You stand in the doorway and you look at me with pity in your eyes. I wish you were beside me, threading your fingers through mine. I write your name and then I draw a line through it. My eraser has worn. I love you, but I can?t find the words to say as you turn your back. 17. Losing. I?ve cried so many times because I can?t feel you there. I?d tell you how I feel, but I?m so afraid of drowning. I see the glory in your eyes and I can?t take that away. You deserve something better, something else I cannot give. A story is spoken, and a love is lost. But I cannot speak for both parts. 18. Save Him. Save him, please. He doesn?t know where he?s from. He doesn?t have anyone to go home to. Save him from himself, please. Because I don?t know how. I sat by his side. But his hands in his lap, They were so cold. He looked at me and shivered. Save him, please. I don?t know what to say. His lips, they look lonely. I touched his hands. And I shivered. Can?t you help him? 19. A Ten Story Drop. The city streets are empty and I?m standing at the edge of a ten story meltdown. If I let myself fall, then I?ll be giving into the love that never existed. Was it your hands that grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from my fate? I?d like to think so. I felt your warmth against my body, and suddenly, my world didn?t seem so important. I painted you so many different colors, but underneath it all, you were what I wanted. 20. In the Darkness, My Faith. I can see you?re not really seeing me. There?s that feeling that there?s nothing there. I cut my wrists and let it flow. There was nothing better to do that night. Is there something I?m missing here? In this darkness, I found my faith. And in this darkness, I lost you. 21. Maze. I stood in the doorway of a place that leads no where. I thought I had come the right way, but I look back and I know I took a wrong turn. It was the way you said my name, it was the way you giggled when I tried to be romantic. I stuff my hands in my pockets and look down at my feet. I don?t know where to go from here. The way you offer, it looks so tempting, but I fell for that the last time. The way you?re turning away from, it?s without you. I?m so lost, can someone find me? This will be my last wish before I plunge into your depths. 22. Your Yesterday. I lost my place. I can?t find it again. I crossed the line just to get to you. You held my hand, I held my tongue. Why do I run to you? You were my everything, And I was your yesterday. It looks like we?re going down together. Make the decision before I make the cut. I?m scratching the surface of your face, Looking for the answers I seek. Nothing lies inside. I?m walking to my demise. 23. Scars. It wasn?t supposed to happen like this. It wasn?t supposed to end like this. Do you see the scars on my wrists? Damnit, they?re for you. They?re because of you. You don?t see what goes on when you leave me. But even if you did, would you care? No, I don?t think you would. Again last night, I had that strange dream. The one where you actually cared. And these scars were keeping the score. 24. Goodbye. Goodbye. I think it's time to go. It's time to show the world that I give up. I've packed my luggage and said my prayers. I'll miss some of you. I'll write letters, or try to. I'm not sure if I can from where I'm going. I'm stepping off the porch, I'm not going to look back. As I walk, I see the porch light go off, and I fade into the shadows. Goodbye. 25. Nothing Without You. The streetlights have gone out and I?m ready to go, So take my hand and deliver the final blow. I can?t do this anymore and I don?t have the strength. Without anything to lose, what is there to take? I?ve cried so many nights and I?ve cut so many times. But does that mean anything? Will you hear my rhymes? This boy is gone forever and he?s nothing to you. Without a meaning in life, there?s nothing left to do.[/SIZE]
  20. I have a very bad temper, though I never take my frustrations out on people- well, I do, but not physically. I usually end up throwing something when I'm mad, or taking it out on myself in some way. Especially last school year, I'd come home angry, and launch my books into my bedroom wall. There are many dents because of that.
  21. [QUOTE=Charon]I kicked a butterfly. I had no idea what got into me. I mean, there were these two butterflies slowly hovering around me (I guess they were mating) and I just had the erge to swat it. I couldn't reach it with my hand, so I used my foot. I mean, I kicked a fricken butterfly! What did it ever do to me? I am full of guilt about it. A butterfly, of all things...[/QUOTE] Wow, you are one mean mofo. Seriously. I envy you.
  22. I didn't realize you could mispell so many words, either. Labels are going to exist whether you want them to or not. Saying that you're unique- that you're not like everyone else- that you don't want to be judged- isn't that labeling yourself? It is, but in more words. And usually, you can't put a label on yourself. So when you say you're a punk, we know what you really are. Poser.
  23. [QUOTE=Rasetsutaisho]the fact is most of the ppl in this world are lame.. in one way or another... we all do things that tottaly annoy other ppl... for some its sexuality... for others its the way they drive... the point here isnt how ppl dont need to be gay... its that not enough ppl give concideration to how their actions directly effect the lives of other ppl... thats the basics of karma... its more than just some magical force... its a system of cause and effect... i didnt actualy bother to read much of the posts here... but i think i gathered enought to know that two kids were hanged for being homosexual? am i right... we'll the only thing i can think of right now is tactics... kinda like ninjas... you dont need to be obvious about everything you do... and if you're aware enough about your suroundings then you can use it like a tool... its not always wise to bust out and be like "BAM! IM GAY WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT!!?!?!" thats how you get hanged when you're in a place that doesnt accept the way you choose to be... but if yer tactical about it you can be secretive and live...[/QUOTE] That's not what happened... I would say it'd be good to read the actual article.
  24. [quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']Very well written, but I can't help feeling that there must be more to this character than what we're being shown here. I mean, is this character just committing suicide because he isn't getting love from this man? Surely there's more to it than that. Or maybe he isn't getting love at all and desperately wants it?[/font][/quote] There is more to him then I have written. I believe in order to truly captivate readers, you have to have a certain aspect of mystery. Because- no matter who you are- you get intrigued by things you don't know. And then, because you're so pulled into the mystery, you read on and pay attention. Handy little thing, ain't it? Oh, and the boy's name is Tyler. That's all the more you're going to know about him. lol.
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