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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. I guess since I'm back, I'll publish the fanfic I'm writing. It's about Adam, the green ranger. (MMPR-MMPRT) -- [center][img]http://bluepsychoranger.250free.com/adam.png[/img][/center] -Chapter 1 Adam Park walked down the street, carrying a CD player in his hands and earphones on his head. His hair was short, black and spiked, and he wore a white shirt underneath a blue sweatshirt and khaki pants. Lyrics blasted through his head, making it move to the beat, almost simultaneously. [center][i]The mountain is high, the valley is low And you?re confused on which way to go So I?ve come here to give you a hand And lead you to the Promised Land Come on and take a free ride Come on and get by my side Come on and take a free ride[/i][/center] He stopped as he saw an elderly woman being mugged by a black-masked man. He threw the CD player and headphones down and ran towards them. The mugger saw him coming, but didn?t panic. Instead, he grabbed the woman?s purse, took out a knife, and threw at Adam. Adam saw the knife and jumped into the air backwards, far enough that the knife went below him and into a tree. Landing on the ground, he took a fighting stance, pulling his right arm back and his left hand in front of him. The mugger chuckled, as if mocking him. His size was big and bulky, bigger than Adam, but he could use that against him. ?C?mon shrimp,? the mugger said, ?let?s see what ya got.? Nodding as if in agreement, Adam ran towards the thug. He drew an arm back, and then lunged forward, but Adam pressed off the ground, and went above him. In the air, Adam kicked the thug in the back of the head with enough force to send him face first into a pile of dirt. Adam landed on the ground, bent down and got the purse, as he still had his back turned him. Turning his head slightly so that he could see the thug from the corner of his eye, he said, in a sarcastic manner, ?Ask and you shall receive.? He then walked to the old woman, who was in astonishment, and handed her the purse, smiling and bowing. He stepped over him, who was knocked out on the ground still, picked up his CD player and headphones, put them in his pocket, and continued walking. *** [i]My, my, my,[/i] the ghostly silhouette thought to himself, observing the situation between Adam and the thug. He turned around, and started walking into an invisible portal in which he disappeared. *** Adam climbed into the black Navigator that was parked along side the curb of the street. He entered the key into the ignition. Turning it, the engine started and he drove off. A black, ghost-like silhouette appeared in the passenger seat beside Adam. He didn?t notice, however, because he was concentrating on the rode. The silhouette?s eyes glowed a purplish color, and he watched as Adam went to turn to volume up on the radio. Seeing this, the silhouette grabbed Adam?s arm. Adam looked over, his eyes wide, and screamed. Surges of purple lightning went through Adam?s body as the being laughed. Adam struggled to get free as the SUV swerved on the rode. It was no use, though, and the car crashed into a tree. *** [i]?Adam, Adam! Wake up!?[/i] a nice, familiar voice rang through Adam?s scattered mind. His eyes slowly blinked open as he saw a blonde standing over him. She smiled, and he was astounded. ?Kat? Kat!? he said, surprised. He sat up and looked around. They were in the Power Chamber, the old base of the rangers when they had their Zeo and Turbo powers. ?Hello, Adam. You had quite a ride,? said a voice from behind. He looked back, and to his surprise, it was Zordon. ?Z-Zordon, how? I mean, weren?t you destroyed?? Adam asked. ?That?s besides the point, dear Adam. We?re not here to discuss my business. We?re here to discuss yours.? Zordon replied. Tommy, Kat, Rocky, and Tanya all came to stand beside him, glaring at him in an unusual fashion. ?My business? What do you mean?? Adam asked. He was confused. Confused about how the Power Chamber was, how Zordon was, and why the heck he was even here. ?Don?t play stupid with us,? said Tommy, strictly. ?We know your little secret.? ?Secret? What sec--? ?You know what you did,? interrupted Rocky. Adam turned to Zordon, as if he would help. ?Adam, we?ve been informed by a dear friend that you have committed a treacherous act of treason against the Power Rangers and I. You?ve been telling Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd our actions and whereabouts while we?ve been fighting Divatox.? Zordon said, in a strict but kind manner. From the shadows, Carlos emerged, the teenager who became the Green Turbo Ranger after Adam. ?No! It isn?t true! I--I--? Adam started, but was utterly confused. Zordon hadn?t even been around that long when they battled Divatox, and Rocky hurt his back. This didn?t make sense. Why were they accusing him of treason? ?Give it up, Park,? said Carlos, smirking, ?you?re going to be punished for your actions.? Adam began to walk backwards, afraid of what was going to happen. The five rangers started walking towards him, each morphing into their Turbo suits. ?C?mon guys, you know it isn?t true. We defeated Divatox, Rita, and Lord Zedd! Don?t you remember? And Zordon--Zordon was killed by Andros, the Red Astro Ranger!? Adam pleaded. The rangers didn?t listen. Adam closed his eyes, hoping to wake up in his car. But it didn?t happen. Something, though, did happen. He felt power surging through his body and he held his arms out in front of him. ?Heaven Illusion Lion Ranger Power!? he yelled. Green lightning bolts flew down his arms, and then back up them and to his head and then down his legs. Suddenly, he was covered in a green and gold suit. A white vest with gold trim lined his chest and shoulders, and his helmet had a gold design on it. ?What is this evil?? yelled Tommy. Adam looked down on himself, admiring the suit. Where had it come from? ?This isn?t the evil,? said Adam, motioning to his suit, ?but you are!? Adam threw up his hands and the five imposter rangers went flying into the air and into the computer panels. Zordon was affected by this, for the computers maintained his Time Warp. ?But Adam, ugh, don?t, ugh, do, th--? Zordon managed to say before his Time Warp was totally destroyed. ?Now, to find out what the hell is going on here,? said Adam, turning around and starting to walk away. Something caught his eye, though, and he turned back around. The body of the knocked out Carlos was standing, and morphing grossly. It wasn?t natural. Purple slime morphed around the figure as it became clear. Ivan Ooze. ?Ivan Ooze!? yelled Adam. ?Thank you for that marvelous introduction,? Ivan said, quoting himself. ?What are you doing here? What have you done to me?!? Adam demanded. ?I have done nothing except bring you here,? Ivan replied, showing his rotting teeth. ?Then what is this power? This suit?? ?I expected you?d find it. When Dulcea gave you your Ninjetti Power, she was wrong in one thing: your animal spirit. This is the power of your true animal spirit, the lion.? ?For some reason, I don?t believe you. What is this place?? ?As I?m sure you?ll recognize the title, this is my Nightmare.? Adam remembered Ivan saying ?Welcome to my nightmare!? when they had first met. It still didn?t make sense. ?What are you talking about?? ?When I said that when I conjured my Ooze Beings, I had actually put a spell you rangers.? ?What kind of spell?? ?It was simple. The strongest ranger would come to my Nightmare to be ultimately be destroyed, so that I could use your power to kill the other rangers. My plan was delayed, though, because of you?re luck of defeating me. But now, now I have you here! And I will have my power now!? Ivan lunged into the air, transforming into a being similar to his Ooze Beings, but with wings and sharp claws. Adam fell to the floor, put his feet to Ivan?s stomach, and sent him flying into a Power Tube that held Kimberly?s old suit and weapons. Adam got back on his feet. ?C?mon, Ivan. We?ve beat you before, and I can do it again,? Adam said sarcastically. Ivan let out a screech as he ran towards Adam, claws drawn back. He lunged out, but disappeared in a purple cloud of dust before he got to him. Adam released his tension and de-morphed, and then started looking around. ?But how?? he asked himself, still confused about the whole situation. He wasn?t even going to try explaining his morph, it would be useless. He looked back at the four bodies of the imposters, but they had disappeared. He walked to the computer control panel and rested his hands on it, leaning forward. -Chapter 2 Suddenly, the Power Chamber around him began to fade into darkness. He pushed off the control panel, stumbling backwards. The world around him melted into a dim light, then in a rush of air, morphed into another. Adam was surprised by the speed of the change, and he fell backwards. When he regained his stance, he looked around him. He was in an apartment of sorts, which was lavished in nice furniture and futuristic art. The walls were a blank white, and the only colors in the whole apartment were black and red. ?Where?am I?? he asked himself, walking to the window. He pulled back the black curtains and saw something unfamiliar. A huge city with sky-tearing skyscrapers, large business buildings and dark alleys unfolded in front of him. It wasn?t New York, or anywhere that looked vaguely familiar. Everything was dirty, rotten, and wrecked. Homeless people walked the streets, lights flickered in buildings, and the sky was an eerie purple. He stepped backwards and noticed his clothes were changed. Instead of his sweat-jacket and white t-shirt, he had a dark green tight-fitting shirt that showed his six-pack abs, covered with a black leather jacket. His pants were now dark and had fade spots on them, with a chain going from his front left pocket to his back left pocket. ?What the hell?? he said, the action being overwhelming. He hurriedly ran to his door, opened it and walked out into the hall. It was very much nicer than the city outside, and it was actually clean. There were not homeless people, and the walls were a pure white. The doors, with black numbers, were numbered odd on one side, and even on the other. He turned to see his own, and it was labeled ?3?. He saw a black-door elevator and decided it?d be best to scout out the city. He walked to it and pressed the ?down? button, assuming there had to be a lobby. As the doors opened, he walked in. A normal, but classy looking man was in there too, and smiled at him. ?Um, sir,? Adam said hesitantly. ?Yes?? the man answered. ?Um, where are we? Sorry, a little off today,? Adam replied, scratching the back of his head. ?We all have days like that,? the man chuckled, ?we?re in Dark City, also known as Hell Valley.? ?Okay, thanks,? Adam said slowly, almost wishing he hadn?t even asked. The elevator stopped, and the doors opened. He was about to step out when he heard a man scream. ?Alright! We have you surrounded! Put your hands behind your head and step forward!? he yelled. In the lobby, several men and women were standing, apparently waiting for him. They were dressed in weird attire, wearing total black and nothing else. Even their hair was black, and their eyes appeared to be black. ?What?s going on?? Adam said, being pushed by the man on the elevator into the lobby. ?You know what you?ve done, murderer,? the man said, pushing him onto the ground. ?Ivan wants you to be captured and executed. It?s time for your spree to end.? [i]?Ivan??[/i] Adam thought to himself. Knowing that there was no reasoning with the ?cops?, he had to resort to morphing. Somehow knowing how to morph now, he twisted his left wrist and in a green light, a gold morpher with a green crystal resting in the center, surrounded by weird designs appeared. ?Heaven Illusion Lion Ranger Power!? he yelled, morphing into his suit. The policemen and women tensed, and he was still on his back. He rose his left leg quickly, hitting the man who stood over him in the genitals, and then he flipped to his feet. ?Don?t move or we?ll shoot!? another man yelled, apparently being the captain. ?For some reason, I don?t care,? said Adam harshly, on impulse. He jumped into the air, dodging multiple gun shots. He landed next to the exit, and held his hands out, resulting in half the task force being thrown into the wall next to the elevator. Only about eleven still stood. ?No need to harm us, Adam, we don?t mean you any harm. Now, just..? one of the remaining men said. ?You lie!? Adam yelled, running towards the man. A long saber appeared in his hands with a gold handle, and he slashed the man in the chest, then turned around and slashed another in the abdomen. He was being plain brute. ?This..power,? he said, realizing what he had done. He looked at the two dead bodies surrounded, then ran for the door. He ran out onto the street, which was crawling with dirty looking people. He ran across the street, which seemed to have no cars along it, and into an alley. He demorphed and looked at himself. ?I have to learn to limit myself. This power is overwhelming,? he said to himself. He looked up at the sky, it was still glowing an eerie purple. [i]Ivan must be running this ?Dark City?. Somehow, he?s got me in his fantasy, and I?m the enemy. I have to find a way out of this place---or at least somewhere where it?s safe.?[/i] he thought to himself. He ran down the alley, trying to figure out where to go. *** Ivan Ooze sat down on his throne, which was in a huge, gray stone castled in the middle of the Dark City. He held a golden saucer filled with some kind of liquid. Beside him, two men in pure black stood, staring directly ahead. Another man dressed in black came in. ?Sir Ivan, we have recently spotted Adam,? he said. ?Ah, good work, human. Tell me, did you destroy him?? Ivan asked, smiling, showing his rotten teeth. ?No, sir. He morphed and was too powerful. We lost two warriors in the battle,? the man said. ?So he?s becoming more ruthless, is he? A cold blooded killer never stops,? Ivan said, lying through the rotten teeth. He was putting on a show. ?What do you want us to do, sir? Do you want me to alert one of the members of the Ranger Strike Force?? ?Yes, get Thomas. He will take care of him,? Ivan said with a smirk. *** Adam walked down the street of Dark City, looking over his shoulder every five minutes as to make sure that Ivan?s goons weren?t following him. He stepped over garbage, boxes, and even a homeless man that was asleep. [i]?This is Ivan?s fantasy? All people in distress? I knew that guy was sick, but this is too far.?[/i] he thought to himself. He could barely stand the mess. [i]Why was my apartment so clean?and that apartment building. This whole thing is screwed up.?[/i] As he walked past a building with boarded up windows, he felt small pebbles hitting his head. He stopped and looked back, seeing a group of children throwing them at him. ?Murderer!? yelled one little boy. ?Bastard!? yelled a girl. Adam stumbled backwards, shielding himself from the rocks. All of a sudden, he heard a woman?s voice. ?Stop it children, stop it!? she said. It was a very familiar voice, and when he opened his eyes, it was the Guardian of Phaedos: Dulcea. ?D-Dulcea?? Adam said, astounded. She looked back at him with a glare, almost killing him with her eyes. ?Children, leave this man alone. We?ve all made mistakes,? she said, ignoring Adam. The children grumbled at Dulcea, and then left. Dulcea started to walk away, and Adam followed. ?Dulcea! Dulcea!? he said. ?What is it, Adam?? she said, stopping and turning to him. ?Y-You know me?? Adam said, almost surprised. ?There?s almost not a soul on this earth that doesn?t know you,? she said. ?Well, what are you doing on earth?? ?When Ivan Ooze returned, he grounded me on this planet, away from Phaedos.? ?But--I mean, we destroyed him. Nothing makes sense. I was in Angel Grove and then--? ?Angel Grove, Adam? Are you mistaken?? ?No, Dulcea, I am not mistaken. I was [i]in[/i] Angel Grove.? ?That?s impossible. [i]This[/i] is Angel Grove.? ?But--Dark City is Angel Grove?? ?Yes, Adam. I fear we have a lot to talk about. We must not do it here, though. Follow me.? Dulcea led him to a run down apartment, a few blocks from where his had been. She worked in the kitchen as if she had been doing it all her life, while he sat on the couch. ?So, what is going on here? Why is everyone calling me a murderer? I haven?t done anything wrong?before today.? he asked. ?Are you serious? You?ve killed sixty people in the last two years. You?ve been way to swift for the Dark Squadron, and you?ve overpowered them several times before with your morphing abilities.? ?Sixty people? I never killed anyone, except those two goons who shot at me today!? ?Adam, it is hard to tell truth from lies nowadays. But I am not going to turn you in, for I feel you have a story to tell. And for another, I don?t like Ivan.? Dulcea came to stand by the couch. ?Dulcea, can you tell me what?s going on?? ?Alright. Six years ago, Zordon found out that you had committed treason against the Rangers. With the hatred of the rangers for you, Ivan was able to return from the demon spirit world. When he returned, the Turbo Rangers tried to defeat him, but without you, they were unsuccessful. Ivan captured them, and put a spell on the world to make them think that he was right, and good was evil. So, in a year, the entire earth looked like what it does now. A few years after that, you returned with new powers and went on a killing spree.? Adam sat there in shock, and Dulcea knew that he was. She knew something wasn?t right. ?But--this isn?t true! None of it!? ?Adam, tell me what is your story?? ?Well, I was walking in the park and I helped a woman from a mugger. I got in my car, and started driving. Suddenly, Ivan?s ghost appeared in my passenger seat. He caused me to wreck..and then I was in the Power Chamber. Zordon, Kat, Tommy, Tanya, Rocky, and Carlos accused me of treason. They were about to attack me when I morphed with this new power. I seemingly killed them, and Carlos came to be Ivan. He told me that when he had said ?Welcome to my Nightmare!? when we first fought him, he had actually put a spell on us. A spell that would send the most powerful ranger to his Nightmare so he could destroy him or her. I was that ranger.? ?So, you don?t remember any of the killings?? ?No, none. This is supposedly Ivan?s fantasy-land.? Dulcea got up and walked back to the kitchen. ?So, me, everyone here, is a character of Ivan?s fantasy?? ?I think it?s more than a fantasy. Somehow, Ivan has been able to make it a reality.? ?So, what about the real world? Do you think it has been effected or not?? ?I?m not totally sure. I have to ask you something. What..what is this power?? ?It?s called the Ninjetti Light Power. Only those of pure mind and body can posses it.? ?Is that why you don?t turn me in?? ?Yes, Adam.? ?Ivan said that you were wrong about my true animal spirit. He said it was of the lion.? ?Ivan is a liar as he is evil; the lion is merely your guardian, a spirit that only protects you and nothing else. Your animal spirit, the frog, empowered you and strengthened you.? ?But why couldn?t I use it before?? ?Because--? Before Dulcea could go any further, the door burst open. From outside, the Green Power Ranger walked in. It was Tommy. ?Tommy!? yelled Adam. ?Do not call me by my name, traitor. It?s Dragon Ranger to you, and remember it,? he said, pointing his Dragon Dagger at the two. ?Thomas, stop and think. Ivan Ooze has you under a spell.? Dulcea said. ?I am under no spell. I am here to destroy the evil that has plagued this earth for far too long,? Tommy said, sternly. ?Adam, watch out!? yelled Dulcea as Tommy shot two green lasers at Adam. Adam dodged them, flew through the window, and landed on the street. ?Fine, Tommy, is this is the way, let?s do it,? Adam said, summoning his morpher. ?Heaven Illusion Lion Ranger Power!? Tommy jumped down from the window and charged towards Adam. In turn, Adam flipped up, over him and landed behind him. He summoned his saber and charged at Tommy, who still had his back turned. Tommy turned around and blocked with his Dragon Dagger, and then pushed Adam away. ?Give up now and I will let you live,? he said. ?I shouldn?t have to die anyways. If you give me time to expla--? Adam started, but he had to duck because of green lasers from Tommy?s dagger. Adam lifted his hand up to Tommy, sending him back into a dumpster. Tommy emerged with trash covering him, and snarled. ?This time, you?re lucky. You?ll be sorry you ever betrayed us,? Tommy said as he disappeared in a green light. Adam demorphed and looked up at Dulcea, who was watching from the window. -Chapter 3 Adam and Dulcea stood in the hallway of her run-down apartment building. She was leading locking her door and they were about to head out onto the streets, a risky thing to do for anyone. ?Dulcea, why was my apartment building so?nice?? Adam asked. ?It?s called a Holographic Building Unit, or HBU for short. The Dark Squadron use them to lure highly dangerous criminals such as yourself and then they ambush them,? Dulcea answered. ?Why would they do that?? ?Ivan says that criminals are always attracted to nice things,? she replied, as they both got onto the elevator. Adam looked down and rubbed his brow with his hand. This was way too much. ?Adam, it will be alright. I will help you get back to your place in the universe,? she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. He was hurt. He never asked for this. They stepped off the elevator when in was on the last floor and they left the building. Dulcea led him to a café and they sat down. Dulcea seemed.. merely a human, left over from what she had been when they got their Ninjetti Powers. ?Seems like you?re used to earth,? Adam said. ?After three years of being grounded here, I have no choice. Phaedos was at risk of being destroyed, so I had to come here. I don?t know what condition Phaedos is in right now, but I fear it isn?t good.? ?Dulcea, what has happened to Zordon? Surely he couldn?t be under Ivan?s spell.? ?Zordon was destroyed - by Ivan. There were no rangers to help him, so he withered away in his Power Chamber.? ?Then what are we supposed to do? I can?t take Ivan on myself.? ?Adam, you and you alone are the most powerful ranger that the world has ever known. You surpass that of Ivan?s powers, and you can defeat him. Let your animal spirit and your animal guardian be your guides.? Adam looked down, fiddling with his thumbs. His battle with Tommy had left him shaken; he had never fought someone so close before. It wasn?t right. He couldn?t stand it. Tommy wasn?t the enemy; Adam was. Dulcea noticed that he was thinking, and she put her hand on his back once more. ?Adam Park, you are to come with us,? said a man. He was dressed in a red shirt that fit his muscular body and black pants. He held a small, white gun and pointed it at Adam. Behind him stood two women, one with black hair and one with blonde, and two other men, both with black hair. Adam stood up and said, ?I?m not going anywhere.? ?Then we?ll have to take you by force,? said the blonde haired girl. As the man got ready to shoot, Dulcea got up and kicked it out of his hand. ?Adam, run, now!? she yelled. Adam was hesitant at first, but then was confident that Dulcea could handle her own. He ran out of the café and down the street, summoning his morphers. ?Heaven Illusion Lion Ranger Power!? he yelled, morphing into his suit. He jumped into the air and landed on the top of a building, then started jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Suddenly, a streak of red and green light smacked into Adam, knocking him off the building and onto the ground. As he slowly stood up, he saw the two lights form into bodies on the ground in front of him. It was Tommy and Rocky, unmorphed. ?A little too quick for you, eh traitor?? said Rocky. ?I?m not a traitor!? yelled Adam. ?You?re also a liar,? Tommy said, readying his morpher with Rocky. ?Dragonzord!? ?Tyrannosaurus!? Adam guarded a hit from Rocky, then rolled onto his back and kicked him in the stomach. He flipped back to his feet and summoned his Leo Saber, and blocked a strike from Tommy?s dagger. ?Lion?s Roar!? yelled Adam, crossing his arms, then extending them to emit a green wave of energy. The blast hit Rocky and Tommy, throwing them into a wall. They got up slowly, and came at him with the Power Sword and Dragon Dagger. Adam blocked Rocky with his saber, but was hit in the stomach by Tommy and sent into a wall. ?Your time is over!? yelled Rocky. Adam closed his eyes and prepared for the worst. He searched his mind for how to possibly win, but his mind was scattered. Rocky rose his Power Sword as he stood in front of Adam, ready to give the final blow. ?Rocky? no,? Adam whispered. Suddenly, Adam?s hands began to glow with a green light. He felt the warmth and power of the lion surge through his body,. He looked down and saw his hands, and so did Rocky. Rocky knew this wasn?t good, and began to back up slowly. Adam looked at Rocky, then placed his hands on his chest, sending green bolts of energy throughout his body. ?Rocky!? yelled Tommy. He started to run towards the duo, but Adam looked at him with green glowing eyes, stopping him with fear. Rocky struggled to get free and finally, by kicking Adam in the stomach, and falling to the ground himself. Adam watched as Tommy and Rocky teleported away in their respectful colors. He sat on the ground, leaning against the wall. He demorphed and looked at his hands, which returned to normal. *** Tommy, Rocky, Aisha, Kimberly, and Billy stood in front of Ivan Ooze?s throne, their hands behind their backs. Rocky was a little dazed, but had been checked out by a magician who had said he?d be alright. ?Well, Adam is far too powerful for any of you to take on alone,? said Ivan. ?If only you?d let us use the zords--? started Tommy, but was cut off by Ivan. ?I said no. The zords are not powerful enough.? ?But they?re more powerful than us,? said Kimberly right after Ivan had finished. He glared at her with purple eyes. Utterly angry, he started to walk towards her. She morphed in a pink light and held her Blade Blaster to his forehead and he stopped. ?You wouldn?t dare,? he said. ?Just try me ooze man,? she said. Tommy approached the both of them, pulling Kimberly?s weapon down while pushing Ivan away. ?We?ll hold Adam off for as long as we can, but I?m afraid that might not be long enough. Let?s go,? he said. The rangers, followed by a menacing Kimberly, teleported out. Ivan walked back to his throne. *** Adam and Dulcea sat back in her apartment, on the couch. Adam had dozed off, his head resting on his hand. Dulcea was there and she had her eyes closed, but wasn?t asleep. She was meditating. Suddenly, her eyes bolted open and she stood up, shaking the couch enough to wake Adam up. ?Dulcea? What is it?? he asked, rubbing his eyes. ?I fear the worst is coming. I sense five beings of power heading this way,? she replied, walking to the window. ?Is it Tommy and the others?? ?It might be. I?d prepare for the worst.? Adam nodded, and stood up. He summoned his morpher, putting his right hand on his upper left arm. ?Heaven Illusion Star Ranger Power!? he yelled, and he morphed into his suit. He teleported in a green light onto the building?s roof, out looking the night sky. ?Alright Adam, this is your last chance. You either surrender, or we take you out,? said Tommy, having teleported behind him. Beside him stood a morphed Billy, Kimberly, Rocky and Aisha, and he was morphed himself. ?I told you I?m not letting you take me. You?re under a spell--? he was interrupted by yellow blasts from Aisha?s Blade Blaster. ?Then you?re coming the hard way,? she said. The other rangers started shooting at him with their Blasters, and Tommy with his dagger. Adam back flipped twice, then did a long distance-jump from the building to the next. He summoned his Leo Saber, and got ready to defend himself. Aisha and Kimberly were the first to follow, then Tommy and Billy, and then Rocky who was a bit hesitant. ?I don?t want to do this, but I can?t let them take me,? he thought to himself. ?Lion?s War!? Adam yelled, crossing his arms. He extended them and then a green pulse-wave went towards the Rangers. All five jumped over the attack, and readied their weapons. ?Rocky, you go in at him,? said Tommy, ?you?re sword skills will keep him busy while we attack from the side.? There wasn?t a reply from Rocky, not even a movement. He just stood there, looking at the ground. ?Rocky! Did you not hear Tommy? Attack!? yelled Billy. Rocky didn?t do anything yet again and then Tommy rose his Dragon Dagger to his throat. ?Rocky, do it now!? he yelled. Being afraid of the blade, he ran towards Adam with his sword drawn back in his right hand. Adam drew his sword up to defend, but instead of being struck, Rocky had stopped and was standing beside him, his back turned to Tommy and the others. ?Power down,? he said, as his suit disappeared. His morpher was in his hand, along with the power coin, and he threw it at Tommy?s feet. ?What are you doing? Fool!? yelled Tommy. ?I?m doing something I should?ve done a long time ago,? Rocky said. He turned around to face them, extended his left arm and mounted his right hand on his left bicep. In a red light, a morpher similar to Adam?s, only with a red crystal, appeared on his wrist. ?Heaven Illusion Dragon Ranger Power!? he yelled. In a burst of flames, he was in a suit similar to Adam?s, but it was red and had a different helmet design. ?What are you doing?? yelled Kimberly. ?Adam?s power released me from Ivan?s spell,? Rocky said, ?and ours combined can bring you back.? ?Alright!? yelled Adam, giving Rocky a high-five. ?Then we?ll just have to take you both out,? said Billy. Kimberly jumped into the air and launched a side-kick at Adam, putting all the force in her body into it. Adam, though, jumped out of the way a performed a roundhouse kick, which resulted in her stumbling backwards. Billy grabbed Adam?s arm and began to twist it, but Adam turned around, bent down on his knee, and elbowed him in the stomach. He grabbed his saber (..which he had dropped on the ground) and ran at Billy, but he blocked it with his lance and pushed him away. Rocky did a back flip and landed on the street below, and Tommy and Aisha followed. They stood, looking at him through their visors and started walking towards him slowly. ?C?mon Rocky, you don?t want to do this,? said Tommy. ?No? Watch me!? Rocky crossed his arms, rose them into the air, and then extended them. ?Dragon?s Flame!? A wide-spread flame hit both Tommy and Aisha, sending them into a wall. Upon regaining her stance, Aisha shot at Rocky with he Blaster. He did two summersaults, trying to evade the hits. ?Moving targets are my specialty,? Aisha mocked. Suddenly, three blasts hit Rocky?s chest and sent him into a pile of boxes. Kimberly and Billy flipped down to land behind Tommy and Aisha, and started walked towards Rocky. Adam flipped down in front of them. ?Let?s do it,? he said. Both of them rose their sabers into the air, and both started to glow in their respective colors. ?Star Illusion!? they yelled in unison. A bright light from the tip of each saber and entered the heavens above. The purple clouds began to split as a green and red orb came down and landed in front of the two rangers. ?Lion Illusion!? yelled Adam, as his orb began to form into an armored-lion. It?s paws were all covered in a green and black armor, and its tail was fully covered in black armor. Shoulder-mounted blades extended in front of its head. Its eyes were glowing a greenish color, and it was still transparent. ?Dragon Illusion!? yelled Rocky. His orb began to form into a large, scaly dragon with red and black armor on it?s four claws (hands and feet). A large, black breast plate covered its chest and went behind its shoulders and came together over its back. ?Oh god,? said Tommy. ?Dragon/Lion - fire!? yelled Rocky and Adam. On command, the transparent beings fired lasers from their eyes, mouths, and various other places on their armor. Tommy and the others scrambled to avoid the blasts, but they were unsuccessful in many tries. ?Dragon/Lion - dismiss!? Rocky and Adam yelled in unison once more. The beings reverted back into orbs and ascended into the skies above. Tommy, Aisha, Kimberly and Billy lay on the ground, various places on their suits torn and burnt. Tommy?s helmet had been blasted off, and laid across the ground from him. Adam and Rocky stood, looking at them, trying not to cry. ?I can?t take this,? whispered Adam to Rocky. ?You?ll - you'll be sorry,? said Tommy, as the injured rangers teleported away. Adam and Rocky demorphed, and slowly walked down the street. Picture of S-Force Rangers: [url]http://www.supersentai.com/database/maskman/index.html[/url] -Episode 4 Dulcea stood at her door, leaning on the wall beside it. Rocky and Adam were inside, discussing what had been going on, and what Adam had did to release the spell. [i]?I don?t know how much stress there can possibly be,?[/i] thought Dulcea, [i]?but I bet Adam feels like he has all of it.?[/i] ?So.. this new power is my Ninjetti Guardian?? Rocky asked, standing at the window with his arms crossed. He had been given a new wardrobe by Dulcea - she had managed to buy some from the nicest store they could of found. He didn?t want to ask how she got the money, because he felt like he didn?t want to know. He was now dressed in a burgundy colored shirt with gray trim along the bottom of the sleeves and the neck. Large, gray letters (AFSC) and smaller gray words (1972, Gilgo Beach Classic) decorated the front. His pants were long and baggy with brown-colored fading on them. ?Yes, that is what Dulcea says,? replied Adam. ?Well,? Rocky said, coming to sit beside Adam, ?what are we supposed to do?? ?I guess we?ll have to get close enough to the rest of the group so that we can do what I did to you,? Adam said. *** ?Damn it!? yelled Ivan, pounding his fists on the marble stands that stood beside his throne. The four rangers stood in front of him, their hearts pounding, their adrenaline rushing. ?We?re sorry,? said Aisha, ?but now that Rocky is with him, we can?t beat them.? ?Then you?ll need some help,? Ivan said. On cue, the five people who had approached Adam in the café walked in. They turned and stood in front of Ivan?s throne, looking at the other four rangers. ?Who are you?? snapped Kimberly. ?I?m Xander. These are Kane, Tej, Aura and Suki. We?re here to succeed where you have failed,? said the guy in the middle, wearing red. ?And this is a promise - the two you are seeking will be no more,? said Tej, wearing black. ?Alright, S-Force Rangers! GO!? yelled Ivan. The five rangers crossed their hands in an X formation, then extended them. ?S- Force One, Red!? yelled Xander. ?S-Force Two, Blue!? yelled Kane. ?S-Force Three, Black!? yelled Tej. ?S-Force Four, Yellow!? yelled Aura. ?S-Force Five, Pink!? yelled Suki. The new rangers were in white-and-colored suits, and each had a gold plated ?S? on their chest. A holster on their belts held the white guns from before, and their helmets were each designed differently. ?Goodbye,? said Xander, as they disappeared in a blur of their respective colors. *** Adam, Rocky and Dulcea stood in an alley; they had decided that anywhere other than her apartment is safe. For now. Adam and Rocky were leaning on the brick walls on eight side of the slender alley. Both were tired and aching from their last battle. It was night now, or so said Dulcea and Rocky. Adam didn?t really know - all he could tell was that the sky was slightly darker. ?So, what are we going to do exactly?? asked Adam. ?Are we going to go attack Ivan - or wait for them to come to us.? ?Either way,? began Dulcea, ?it is very dangerous.? ?No wonder,? said Rocky, ?only God knows what Ivan can do.? *** Xander, Kane, Tej, Aura and Suki stood on the building that made up one side of the alley that Adam and company were taking up. It wasn?t long before they attacked, but because they were doing this suddenly, the attack would be unorganized and messy. ?We need some type of plan,? said Aura. ?Do you have something in mind?? said Tej, in a ?well-if-it?s-that-important-then-do-it-yourself? tone of voice. ?Not at the moment, Tej,? Aura snapped. ?That?s enough,? commanded Xander, ?what we don?t need is a civil war. But getting down to business - we can?t approach either of them. You saw what happened to Rocky. If we let either one of them touch us, particularly Adam, we will be under their spell. That means a long range attack - and if we do it from all sides, they won?t know how to defend themselves.? ?Right,? the rangers said. They all jumped separate ways to other buildings. *** Adam was thinking. A lot. How was he going to get back to the right universe, let alone to Ivan. The rangers he once knew were way too powerful. Abnormally powerful. They had been able to call their Ninjetti Guardians, but that was only once. Could they do it again if necessary? Could they defend themselves if they ever called the zords? Did they have zords? All of this was rushing through his head, at an amazing rate - almost too fast for Adam to react. But his thoughts were scattered when a red laser shot down in front of them group, causing all three to scramble for protection. He looked up a building; there, he saw a person dressed in a red ranger suit he had never seen. It was red, of course, with white trimming the top of the boots, with a stripe to the toe. White also came down on the chest in a V, and covered most of the arms and some of the gloves, which held a small, white gun. The helmet was entirely red, except for white lines defining it and a black visor below a black, up-side down triangle. ?Who the hell was that?? yelled Rocky, ducking behind a box of crates. ?I don?t know,? replied Dulcea, ?but I don?t think he?s here to help.? As on cue, two more laser shots, one blue and one pink, fired towards the group. After that, two more, one black and one yellow. Four other rangers - with the same suit as the red, only with different colors and shapes on their helmets, stood on the buildings surrounding them. ?Who are you?? yelled Adam. ?That?s for us to know,? said the red one, and then he stopped like he was thinking. ?Oh, wait, you?ll never find out! We?ll kill you before you ever will.? With that, the five strangers laughed. ?Whatever,? said Rocky, standing up with Adam. ?You won?t be happy with your decision.? The duo walked to the middle of the alley and extended their left arms. They each twisted their wrists, and their morphers were summoned. ?Heaven Illusion Lion/Dragon Ranger Power!? they yelled in unison, morphing into their suits. The summoned their sabers and prepared for battle. ?Come and get us,? said Rocky, motioning to the red ranger. Adam nudged him in the stomach. ?Remember, bro, they have us surrounded. We will have to watch each other?s back. And remember, these aren?t Tommy and the other?s: we might have an advantage.? he whispered. Rocky nodded, and turned around, his back touching Adam?s. ?Well, what are you waiting for?? asked Rocky. *** Xander chuckled inside of his helmet.[i] What were they waiting for? Ha! Like we didn?t know what they could do if they could touch us.[/i] Xander watched as his teammates looked towards him, as in doubt if his plan would work. ?Don?t worry,? he whispered into his communicator, which was planted into the mouthpiece of the helmet. ?This will work.? ?If you?re so strong,? yelled Kane, ?then why don?t you attack from where you are?? ?You heard them, bro,? said Rocky. Both rangers nodded, then dismissed their swords. They each brought their hands together, and orbs of their respective colors began to form. ?Now!? yelled Xander. On cue, the five S-Force Rangers launched a mirage of lasers on the Green and Red Rangers, who had to cancel their attacks, and run out of the alley, along with Dulcea. ?Alright, guys, this is where it gets tricky,? said Xander as they made their way to the street. ?We can?t let them touch us.? *** Adam and Rocky guarded themselves with their sabers as the new ranger team circled them on the street. Back to back, they were ready to fight any time. ?Let?s go,? yelled Adam, as they separated and jumped into the air. They extended their sabers and prepared to either be thrown over a shoulder or defended against, but instead, they watched as the rangers flipped backwards, as if avoiding them. ?What the?? asked Rocky, looking back at Adam and seeing they did the same thing. ?What is your problem?? yelled Adam, frustrated. They wouldn?t tell them who they were, and now they wouldn?t fight. ?Nothing,? said the red ranger. All five stranger-rangers drew their lasers once more and began to fire, making Adam and Rocky retreat into another alley. Episode Five Adam and Rocky literally ran for their lives; these S-Force Rangers were stronger than anything the two had seen before. Something was strange, though. Although they were powerful with their weapons, Adam and Rocky had no clue about their fighting. Rocky flipped over some crates, then they both ran into the streets. The blasts had stopped, but the footsteps continued. Adam and Rocky stopped and tried to catch their breath while watching the tops of the buildings. ?Hey Rocky,? whispered Adam, ?don?t you think it?s kind of weird that they won?t physically attack us? I mean, their weapons are really powerful - but what about their fighting skills?? ?I don?t know, bro, but this isn?t good. If Ivan has them on his team, we might as well lay down and die.? ?Don?t talk like that. We know it isn?t Tommy and the others, so there might be some hope.? ?Exactly. There [i]might[/i] be.? *** Xander walked slowly down the alley that the two rogue rangers had just exited. He held a saber in one hand, and a blaster in the other. They were winning - finally - they had figured out how to do it. Where the veterans had failed, the rookies had succeeded. ?Move in guys, we?ve got them surrounded,? he said into his communicator. The other rangers had separated to different points around the street, making it almost impossible for the duo to escape alive. The S-Force Rangers all walked out of their respective alleys, which made Adam and Rocky get in a defensive position with their sabers. ?Give it up you two. You?re not going anywhere.? said Kane. Rocky and Adam said nothing, but shifted their positions and fired multiple shots from their sabers. Each S-Force Ranger dodged the blasts efficiently, and kept their distance. ?C?mon, get us!? yelled Rocky, teasing the group. Xander and the rangers didn?t advance or retreat. ?What is your problem?? yelled Adam, pissed off at their behavior. They still wouldn?t approach them. *** Tommy, Billy, Aisha and Kimberly walked down the dirty street after being thrown out of Ivan?s Headquarters. Each of them were pissed off in their own respect. Ivan had abandoned them for rookie rangers after they had worked so hard to keep Adam from killing. ?It wasn?t right,? said Aisha, breaking the silence. ?Well duh,? snapped Kim, ?throwing us out would never be right. We?ve worked harder than any of those rookies would ever.? ?There?s nothing we can do,? said Aisha, her head down. ?The only way to get back to Ivan is to make the S-Force Rangers fail on their first mission,? said Billy. ?I think I know when to strike.? *** Adam jumped through the air and over the Red S-Force Ranger?s head, sending two green laser blasts from his hands. The Red Ranger dodged the attack, rolling on the ground and regaining his stance. Adam summoned his saber and charged, only to see the ranger disappear in a red blur. Then, two lasers - one red and one black struck Adam in the back, sending him flying into a pile of boxes. He turned around, but found that it hurt terribly. He couldn?t defend himself if the rangers decided to attack him if he was down. He readied his saber. If they would attack, he could possibly spin around quick enough to block them, even though it?d hurt. Could he pull it off? He looked out of the corner of his visor, making sure he had enough time to position himself. The rangers had disappeared as far he could tell, or they could be possibly trying to trick him. He looked out the other corner of his visor, and not to his surprise, the black and red rangers were advancing. *** Suki, Aura, and Kane fired multiple shots from their blasters, making sure to limit where the Red Spirit Ranger could move. It was working, actually, quite well and he had a hard time trying to avoid the blasts. Finally, one of Suki?s shots hit him, and sent him into a brick wall. The Pink, Yellow, and Blue S-Force Rangers advanced - Kane leading. They were going to be successful, they could see it. Each held their blasters in front of them, each fully glowing. The blasters then converted into sabers. They could finally attack close range - the ranger was apparently paralyzed. *** Rocky struggled to get up, but his muscles were weak - immobilizing him. His saber was in his grasp, but it was useless. Now, when they actually were close, he couldn?t do a thing. Couldn?t summon his guardian, couldn?t make an attack. What a way to go down. *** ?This better work. If it doesn?t, we?re all toast,? said Kimberly. ?Don?t worry - our power matches theirs. The worst thing that will happen is a draw,? replied Billy. The four twenty-something warriors stood on a rooftop looking over the battle. The S-Force Rangers had the upper hand - if they let them attack one more time, they would succeed where they themselves had failed. ?Let?s do it!? yelled Tommy. ?Dragonzord!? ?Pterodactyl!? ?Saber-Toothed Tiger!? ?Triceratops!? The rangers, now morphed, readied their Blade Blasters. They held them in their right hands, their left hands resting on their biceps. ?Alright, rangers,? said Tommy, ?let?s take back the place that?s rightfully ours.? The rangers let loose, and in a daze of lasers, blasted the five S-Force Rangers. More than once did a blast hit a ranger, but not Adam or Rocky. *** Adam, who had slowly and painfully switch position to his back, was watching as a hail storm of lasers blasted each S-Force Ranger down, making them hurl into the air, crashing into walls and crates. Even after the hits that sent them flying, they were bombarded with more strikes. Suddenly, they stopped, possibly after seeing the S-Force Rangers demorphed. Adam recognized their faces - the people who approached him at the café! His attention drifted from the suit-less rangers to the suited rangers on the building from where the attack came: Tommy, Kimberly, Aisha, and Billy stood their, Blade Blasters erected. Rocky also saw Tommy and the others and smiled in his helmet. He knew they?d pull through, as he did, but he was surprised that they didn?t have to release the spell that was on them. But his friends didn?t shout any words of kindness, or encouragement - they did exactly the opposite. ?Don?t think we?re on your side!? yelled Kimberly. ?We?re only taking our places back!? ?Listen to her,? shouted Billy, ?you?ll get yours!? Rocky?s smile turned to a frown. It wasn?t his friends. It wasn?t them. It wasn?t fair. None of this was! They had to come back to him! He felt the power of the Dragon churn inside him like a swirl of energy. He watched as flames spiraled over his body, engulfing each limb. ?Dragon Flare Bomb!? he yelled. He rose into the air and quickly moved across the building tops, then struck each ranger across the chest multiple times. All four rangers fell to the ground, hurt, but not severely. Rocky stopped beside the group, close to Kimberly. ?This time,? he said, ?I?m bringing back my friends.? As Adam?s did, his hand glowed with a red light. He bent down over Kimberly?s unconscious body. When his hand came in contact with her head, she began to glow in a pink color. Her suit flashed a couple times and disappeared. She blinked her eyes open. ?R-Rocky?? she asked in her sweet voice. She was confused, and slowly sat up, resting on her left arm. She rubbed the side of her face with her free hand. She then looked over, noticing the hurt - but alive bodies of the S-Force Rangers, and then the struggling bodies of her teammates - including Adam. ?Oh my.? She said, gasping. Chapter 6, part one Adam, Rocky, Dulcea, and Kimberly sat in the café in which the now S-Force Rangers had approached them before. They had explained everything to Kimberly - the Nightmare, the Ninjetti Guardians, the spell on her and the others, and Ivan. She was astounded - she had been through bad things before, but nothing like this. ?So - we?re all a dream? I mean, I feel everything alright, but you?re telling me I?m a dream?? ?I - We don?t know, Kim,? said Adam. ?It?s too real to really be a dream. Think of it as an alternate dimension.? ?We don?t know when or how,? continued Rocky, ?but this place has got to go.? Kimberly nodded in agreement, her hazel eyes moving to Dulcea, ?So, the Thunderzords - they were empowered by our Ninjetti Guardians?? ?That is correct, dear Kimberly,? said Dulcea softly, ?although Zordon created them, the power behind them was your Guardian. They were destroyed, but the power remained untapped - until now. For some reason, Adam was able to access it in this world. I?m not so sure if it?ll work in the correct reality.? *** Hanging their heads, Xander, Tej, Kane, Aura and Suki stood before Ivan Ooze. He was mildly pissed, but wasn?t going to punish them. No, that?s just what Tommy wanted him to do. [i]Stupid child.[/i] ?Don?t worry my warriors. Your failure was not your fault, and so I shall not punish you.? Ivan relieved the burden on each of their shoulders. ?Thank you, Lord Ivan.? said Xander peacefully. ?But I must warn you - Adam and Rocky now have Kimberly on their side. It probably won?t be long before Tommy, Billy, and Aisha are conned into taking their side, bestowing the new powers.? ?Those three oppose no threat to us on either side. Did you see how you hurt the Green and Red Spirit Rangers? Just because they grow in number doesn?t give them the upper hand. Remember, I gave you your powers. I made them all-powerful, and that they are.? Xander nodded, ?Yes, my Lord. I am sorry to bother you.? ?It?s quite alright, dear boy. You are dismissed.? The five rangers walked out of the room, leaving Ivan to his own mind. Adam was gradually winning - or at least evening the fight. The boy was surprising Ivan. He knew that he was the most powerful ranger, but this was just astounding. His spirit was full, and his eyes never lost hope. Could Ivan succeed? *** Tommy, Aisha and Billy stood on the tall hill that overlooked Dark City. Its purple horizon was never changing, and the dirt was evident from even that peak. They had failed once more, and even lost another teammate in the process. This time, they knew Ivan didn?t care about them - but they had to get back at him one way or another. They had worked hard for him, so he?s going to work hard for them. ?Any ideas?? asked Aisha. ?Not a one,? replied Tommy, sighing. He ran his hand through his long hair. ?If only we had the zords,? Billy said. ?But we don?t,? inquired Tommy. He leaned back on a steel bar. ?There [i]has[/i] to be something.? spoke Aisha. Billy had been watching the horizon for the past thirty seconds, his brain doing the miraculous thinking that it always had - and in time, he spoke his idea. ?Remember the twin machines Ivan used against us when he was evil?? *** Xander was watching smoke rise from the Eastern Sector of Dark City. Another fire. Third time this week. He sighed, hoping no one was hurting in that place. Was this really paradise? He slightly jumped as he felt two muscular arms moved around his waist. It was Kane, the love of his life. Xander?s emotionless face turned into a smile as Kane?s head rested on his shoulder. Kane was tanned beautifully, as always. His eyes were deep, slightly Japanese accented, but not much. His lips were soft, and always felt good. ?Heya babe,? Kane whispered into Xander?s ear. ?Hello,? Xander whispered back, smiling. He put his hands on the back of Kane?s, which rested on his abdominal. ?What?s up?? ?Just wanted to say how much I loved you,? Kane replied, ?and how good you looked out there.? ?I love you too, babe. And thanks - I don?t know how I ever got to deserve such a sweet man.? Xander turned around and faced Kane. Kane?s hands were now rest on his lower back, and Xander?s were around Kane?s neck. ?You were born deserving,? cooed Kane. The two slowly embraced in a kiss. *** ?So, now what?? asked Kimberly, the group now heading down Jackson Avenue, a densely populated street. Children screamed and ran as they saw Adam, and he hung his head. ?We wait,? Adam said quietly. Rocky looked at him, almost surprised. ?You mean - we wait for Ivan to attack again?? Adam nodded. ?What?s that gonna do, huh? Get us hurt again? If we attack head -? Adam interrupted. ?If we attack head-on, Ivan?s sure to have a trap in his palace. There?s no doubt about it. And it?s obvious those S-Force Rangers are quartered there, so that?s a dead end.? ?Right,? Rocky said, hanging his head. ?This is a one-sided fight, isn?t it?? said Kimberly. She had her doubts - about everything. Their powers, Ivan, Tommy, everything. Nothing was without flaw in her eyes, not ever herself. ?A one-sided fight is only made that way by the failing side,? said Dulcea. ?You might not be succeeding as you wish right now, but in the end, you?ll be heroes.? ?If only Zordon was here - he?d know what to do,? said Rocky. ?You?re great and all, Dulcea, but Zordon was like our father.? ?No need to have guilt,? replied Dulcea. *** Tommy, Aisha and Billy, now morphed, rode across the streets of Dark City on their Shark Cycles - which hadn?t really come in handy until now. The homeless people scattered towards the sidewalks, making sure not to get in the way of the green, yellow and blue Shark Cycles. ?I remember Ivan saying something about past machines lying in his basement. I thought he was talking about equipment, but I now know they are.? said Aisha. ?Alright, the basement is where we go.? said Tommy. ?But we have to be careful. He probably has his Oozlings all over the place.? ?Right,? said Aisha and Billy in unison. *** Xander and Kane were now holding hands while drinking coffee. They had made love just an hour before, which showed their deep love for each other. Xander couldn?t stop smiling and Kane always had his sly look on his face no matter what. ?I love you,? cooed Kane. Xander smiled. He didn?t have to reply. Kane knew it already. Tej and Aura rushed in, but weren?t out of breath. ?Ivan wants us to pursue the three,? said Aura. Xander and Kane nodded, and joined them. *** Adam, Rocky, Kimberly, and Dulcea, who had now exited the busy street, watched as the S-Force Rangers , morphed, once again appeared in front of them. All four of them took defensive stances, but Adam motioned for Dulcea to get out of the line of fire. ?Alright guys,? said Adam, summoning his morpher with the others. ?Heaven Illusion Lion Ranger Power!? ?Heaven Illusion Dragon Ranger Power!? ?Heaven Illusion Phoenix Ranger Power!? *** Watching the three rangers morph made Xander quiver. Sure, they had taken them down when they were only two in number, but they could possibly pull off an attack like the last time together. Three?s better than two. ?Alright, we?re ready for you!? yelled the Pink Spirit Ranger. ?Then come and get it,? said Aura. The rangers were no longer afraid of close-up combat. It wasn?t them they wanted; it was Tommy and the others. *** Kimberly summoned her saber and charged at the Yellow and Pink S-Force Rangers. They both flipped out of the way before she could strike, but she sent two crescent shaped lasers at both of them and struck successfully. They fell two the ground but quickly regained their stances and summoned their own sabers. Kimberly flipped backwards, disregarding the rangers? close bodies, and kicking them in the chests. They both let out a gasp for air and stumbled backwards. Rocky slashed multiple times at the Black S-Force Ranger?s chest, making him wobble backwards, uncertain of his balance. Finally, the black ranger jumped overhead, but before he could land, Rocky caught his ankle. He jumped into the air, rose the black ranger over his head with the power of the dragon, and slammed him into the ground below. Booyah. Adam guarded against the blow of two sabers from the Red and Blue S-Force Rangers and somersaulted between them. He punched the blue ranger in the gut, then roundhouse kicked the red in the chest, sending both into the ground. The red ranger then tried to trip him, but Adam flipped overhead, landed behind the now standing red ranger, and stuck him with a close ranger ?Lion?s War?, sending him flying into the blue ranger. *** Tommy and the others braced themselves against the stone wall, making sure not to make a sound. They each held Blade Blasters and their respective weapons. The crept into Ivan? Palace, entering an empty corridor. ?We should only have to travel a few hundred feet to reach the containment space,? whispered Billy. Tommy nodded and motioned for them to move forward after checking the no one was coming. They passed several empty, dark, and dirty rooms - not even wanting to know what lied inside. Suddenly, all three were blown back by purple lasers. They looked up to see three Oozlings at the end of the corridor they had just entered, preparing to attack again. Before they could, Tommy destroyed them with blasts from his Dragon Dagger and Blade Blaster. They brushed themselves off and moved down the long corridor.
  2. My sister had loads of Barbies. I usually didn't play with them, only with other toys just to have a "dansel in distress".
  3. [spoiler][size=1][color=4057b7][b]Bweh. This movie is boring and bland to me. Although my sister loves it, I hate it with a passion.[/b][/color][/size][/spoiler]
  4. [spoiler][size=1][color=4057b7][b]Episode One- "Back to Good" Part One Jason and Kimberly walked down the street, Kayla holding books in her hands. Suddenly, a team of puddies appeared and started moving around insanely. ?Oh great,? said Kimberly, dropping her books and assuming a fighting position. Zach did so also. Charging into the group of puddies, Jason did a front flip and then a jump-kick to throw down three puddies at once. He back-fisted another, and then tripped another. Kimberly flipped over a group of puddies, She them punched one across the face and then another in the stomach. She then flip-kicked one in the head. After they were all defeated, they all disappeared in white lightning. ?Rita and Zedd are up to something,? Jason said, looking around. They both went behind a tree and teleported to the Command Center. ?Rangers, aye yi yi yi yi yi!? said Alpha, their robot companion. ?What is it, Alpha?? Kimberly said, walking over to him. ?Rangers,? said Zordon, ?Rita and Zedd have sent down Scorpina, Goldar and King Sphinx to destroy Angel Grove. Like you, the other Rangers have run into the puddies, but were also ambushed by Grant and Tommy.? ?Oh no!? Zach said, running to the viewing globe. In it, he saw the blue, yellow and black rangers fighting the corrupted green and white ranger, and also a group of puddies. ?We have to help them!? said Kimberly. ?No, Rangers. You must defeat Goldar and the others, they are the biggest threat right now,? said Zordon. Jason and Kimberly nodded, then extended their morphers in front of them. ?Pterodactyl!? Kimberly yelled, becoming the pink ranger. ?Tyrannosaurus!? yelled Jason, become the red ranger. They raced into Angel Grove, where the three monsters were destroying cars and buildings. ?Goldar!? yelled Jason, pointing his Power Sword at him. ?Time for you to leave!? ?Ahahaha,? Goldar laughed along with Scorpina and King Sphinx, ?where are your power geek friends?? ?Shut up!? yelled Jason once more. ?Hyah!? yelled Scorpina, charging at Kimberly. Kimberly got out her Power Bow and shot energized bows at her feet, making her flip into the air. Scorpina then shot purple lasers from her sword, slamming Kimberly into a tree. ?Kim!? yelled Jason. He leaped into the air, ready to strike Scorpina with his sword when he was hit with lasers from Goldar and Sphinx. ?Suya!? yelled Grant, the corrupted white ranger as he slashed and Trini and Zack with his dark sword. Trini did a back flip and landed on a cliff, then jumped off and kicked Grant back. Zack then got out his Power Axe and fought axe-to-sword with him. ?Could use a little help here,? yelled Billy, dodging another Dragon Blast from Tommy. Trini flipped over behind Tommy and tripped him, enraging him. ?I say it?s time for the zords,? Tommy said to Grant when he got up. Grant nodded, and they both flipped a distance from the rangers. Tommy got out his Dragon Dagger and played into it, summoning the Dragon Zord. Grant stabbed his sword into the ground, making an earthquake and summoning the White Tiger Zord. ?Let?s do it, guys,? said Zack, ?Mastodon!? ?Saber-toothed Tiger!? yelled Trini. ?Triceratops!? yelled Billy. Then, all five of the rangers jumped into the cockpits of their zords. Jason and Kimberly dodged more attacks from the evil trio, but then saw the five zords arise and go into battle. ?Looks like they need some help!? yelled Jason. ?Tyrannosaurus!? ?Pterodactyl!? Both rangers jumped into their cockpits, and weren?t long followed by the rapidly growing Goldar and King Sphinx. Scorpina had retreated back to Zedd and Rita. The Saber-toothed Tiger and Triceratops zords shot respective colors from their eyes, hitting Goldar but doing no damage. The Dragon Zord hit the Tyrannosaurus with his drill tail, sending it down. ?White Tiger, megazord form!? yelled Grant. The White Tiger morphed. ?Dinozords, combine!? yelled the rangers in unison. The zords came together to form the Dino Megazord. ?Attack!? yelled Goldar. The four beings ran towards the megazord, ready to attack. The White Tigerzord struck the Mastodon Shield, but re-struck the waist of it. Then, the Dragon Zord and Goldar struck it with a double punch, knocking it to the ground. ?Aye yi yi yi yi yi,? said Alpha, watching from the viewing globe. ?What are we going to do?? ?Alpha, the only way the rangers will win is if we get Grant and Tommy back from evil,? Zordon said. ?How are we to do that, Zordon?? ?We?ll have to send a ranger to the cockpit of each zord.? Episode One- "Back to Good", part two. ?What?!? yelled Zack, in the command center. The five rangers had been teleported and de-morphed back to the Command Center and their zords back into hiding. ?You must get into the cockpit of the White Tiger Zord and the Dragon Zord,? said Alpha. ?What do we do then? I doubt they?ll be willing to cooperate,? said Jason. ?Their Power Coins were corrupted by Rita and Zedd,? said Zordon, ?so you must get their Power Coins and bring them back here. Then, Alpha and I will be able to drive the evil out of them.? ?In turn, Grant and Tommy will no longer be evil,? added Alpha. ?Right,? said Kimberly, ?but who?s going to go?? The center was silent for a moment, but then Jason said, ?I?ll go into Tommy?s and then Grant?s. You guys will have to distract them while I get their coins.? ?Right,? the other four rangers said in unison. They morphed and teleported into Angel Grove, where Goldar and King Sphinx had left, and Grant and Tommy were destroying buildings. Calling forth their zords, the rangers jumped into their cockpits, excluding Jason. ?Rangers!? yelled Trini. ?Form the Dinosaur Megazord!? The five zords combined together. Jason stood on top of the building, watching the Dinosaur Megazord form. He watched as the Megazord took a group of hits and then fought back with the Power Sword. ?C?mon Jason,? he thought to himself, ?you can do this. Tommy and Grant would want you to.? He nodded to himself, and then in a red light, teleported inside the White Tiger?s cockpit. ?Hey!? yelled Grant. Jason reached down on Grant?s belt buckle and removed his power coin, de-morphing him before he could react. ?What am I doing here? Jason?? Grant said, dazed and confused. ?Alright, Zordon,? Jason said into his communicator. A white light surrounded Grant as he was teleported to the Command Center. After Grant was gone, Jason teleported again, but this time into the Dragon Zord?s cockpit. ?Red Ranger!? Tommy said, in his evil voice. Jason reached down to get his power coin, but Tommy caught his arm and squeezed it tightly. ?T-Tommy, this is for your own good,? Jason struggled to get out. He rose his free hand and karate-chopped Tommy in the back of the neck, knocking him out. Jason then reached down, got his Power Coin, and sent him to Zordon. ?Morphanomenal!? Billy said over the communicator. ?Alright guys,? said Jason, still in the Dragon Zord, ?back to the Command Center.? ?Curse those Power Rangers! Curse them, curse them!? yelled Lord Zedd, from his palace on the moon. ?Zordon will surely block my power from controlling them!? screeched Rita. ?Shall I make a monster to distract them, my Empress?? asked the feeble Finster. ?No! Goldar will go, and will not fail me, or the actions after shall be dire,? Rita cackled. ?Do you want me to take Scorpina or Sphinx?? asked Goldar. ?NO! NOW GO AND DON?T FAIL ME!? yelled Rita, making everyone jumped, even Zedd. Before the rangers could teleport out, the enlarged, winged Goldar appeared. He growled and did and few slashed in the air with his sword. ?Come get me, rangers!? he yelled, taunting them. ?Let?s give him what he wants!? yelled Zack. Jason then teleported back into the Megazord. ?Zordon, we are truly sorry for what we have done. Over the last months, we have been the most vile people,? said Grant, thinking unworthy of himself. ?It is neither your nor Tommy?s fault for what happened,? Zordon replied, ?you were under a very powerful spell.? ?Don?t feel bad, rangers,? said Alpha. ?Rangers?? said Tommy. ?We?re not rangers anymore. If we use the Power Coins again, won?t we be under the spell again?? ?That is where you are correct,? said Zordon, ?but we have something that can block Rita?s power.? Goldar flew back as the Megazord back-punched him a dozen times, then kicked him away. He got up and charged at them with his sword. ?Power Sword, now!? yelled the rangers in unison. The sword arrived out of the sky and into their hand. They blocked the attack, then forced him backwards with brute strength. They drew back the sword to deliver the final strike, but Goldar disappeared before they could. They then teleported back to the Command Center, in lights of their respective colors. ?So, these shields will protect Grant and Tommy from Rita?s powers?? asked Kimberly, de-morphed with the rest of the rangers. ?That is correct,? replied Alpha. ?So what are we waiting for? Let?s do it!? said Zack. Zordon nodded. He closed his eyes, concentrating. White lightning struck Tommy and Grant. They both were morphed now, and Tommy had a gold shield on his shoulders and Grant had a black-and-gold shield. ?Cool!? yelled Zack. They all celebrated, going to Ernie?s. ?You failed me!? yelled Rita, smacking Goldar over the head with her staff. ?Sorry, my Empress,? Goldar said. ?I said there would be consequences,? she replied. She rose her staff, and in a red light, removed his wings. Scorpina and King Sphinx both chuckled.[/b][/color][/size][/spoiler]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Magdalena [/i] [B] [u]Cellphones[/u] - Never ever use them while I am scanning or bagging your order. I find that rude that you would rather be jabbering about who you partied with on the weekend instead of paying attention to your groceries. Your lack of care means fun times for me. You may find many of your items mangled, broken, or slightly damaged. Learn some manners, stupid *****. Don't use your goddamn cellphone.[/B][/QUOTE] [spoiler][size=1][color=4057b7][b]Doesn't sound like you have manners, either. Breaking something just because someone in their life is more important than you? My advice is get your head out of your arse and deal with it. Not everyone should have to watch their groceries because of people like [i]you[/i].[/b][/color][/size][/spoiler]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] ^_^ Well than, I thouroughly apologize for it, Livingsoul. The lastest picture is great as well, even though the head is bothering me a bit. I can't really see any flaws, except that the hair looks a little different from the regular ole' Spike. Very nice job.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [spoiler][size=1][color=4057b7][b]No need to apologize for me, I did nothing wrong. It was simply an opinion of mine.[/b][/color][/size][/spoiler]
  7. [spoiler][size=1][color=4057b7][b]Of course, there are people who will judge you when you're older if you play with toys or like shows like Pokèmon (I do that when I see a 35 year old liking Digimon). But all you need to say is: "I like this, and it isn't hurting you. I don't need to to tell me what is right or wrong for my age, I'll find out for myself." If that doesn't help, jack their jaw.[/b][/color][/size][/spoiler]
  8. [spoiler][size=1][color=4057b7][b]Looks like it was traced to me. Even if it wasn't, it's not my kind of art. 6/1o[/b][/color][/size][/spoiler]
  9. [size=1][b]These kinds of threads are not allowed anymore. Anyways, welcome back.[/b][/size]
  10. [size=1][b]Dominic, or Dom hurried down to the zoo. Kam had told him to wait there, for some reason, and he took this as a chance to get a morph. He walked past some cages, but didn't really see anything he liked until he came up to t he wolf cage. Dom: [i]This should be nice..[/i] The wolf slowly came to the bars of the cage, with a little of his encouragement of course. He put his hand on the wolf's head and began to concentrate. The wolf's eyes went blank as Dom extracted the DNA, and then backed away.[/b][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=blue][b]I know alot of you hate them, but please, no bashing. I'm trying to make a serious thread here. [u]Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers[/u]- [i]Dino, Thunder and Ninja[/i]- The very first season, and by far, one of the best. Of course, if I watch now, some of the acting is corny, but it was really good overall. Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd were two of the best villians [i]ever[/i]. I mean, Rita's cackle and Zedd's idiotic but evil plans...they were great. Baboo, Squatt, Goldar, Scorpina, King Sphinx and Master Vile definately added to it, too. [u]Rangers[/u]: Original Red: Jason Scott [Tyrannosaurus, Dragon] Original Black: Zack Taylor [Mastadon, Lion] Original Yellow: Trini Kwan [Sabertoothed Tiger, Griffith] Original Pink: Kimberly Hart [Pterodactyl, Firebird, Crane, White Shogun Zord] Original Blue: Billy ? [Triceratops, Unicorn, Wolf, Blue Shogun Zord] Original Green, White: Tommy Oliver [Dragonzord, White Tiger, Falcon, White Shogun Zord] Red- Rocky DeSantos [Dragon, Ape, Red Shogun Zord] Black- Adam Park [Lion, Frog. Black Shogun Zord] Yellow- Aisha Campbell [Griffith, Bear, Yellow Shogun Zord] Pink- Katherine Hillard [Crane, White Shogun Zord] [u]Power Rangers Zeo[/u]- [i]Zeo[/i]- A really good storyline in itself. Had very good plots and storylines, and interesting zords. One of the toughest moments in PR History: Kimberly dumping Tommy. I literally was upset about this. The villians were kind of boring, but hey, what can you do? [u]Rangers[/u]: Red V: Tommy Oliver [Phoenix. Red Battlezord, Super Zeo Zord V] Green IV: Adam Park [Taurus, Super Zeo Zord IV] Blue III: Rocky DeSantos [Sphinx, Super Zeo Zord III] Yellow II: Tanya Sloan [Battle Tank II, Super Zeo Zord II] Pink I: Katherine Hillard [Battle Tank I, Super Zeo Zord I] Gold: Jason Scott [Pyramidas] [u]Power Rangers Turbo[/u]- [i]Turbo[/i]- This is when the acting started getting bad, but it was good overall. The zords were great and the battles were sometimes. [u]Rangers[/u]: Red: Tommy Oliver [Red Lightning] Blue: Justin Stewart [Mountain Blaster, Siren Blaster] Green: Adam Park [Desert Thunder] Yellow: Tanya Sloan [Dune Star] Pink: Katherine Hillard [Wind Chaser] Red 2: T.J. Johnson [Red Lightning, Lightning Fire Tamer] Green 2: Carlos ? [Desert Thunder, Thunder Loader] Yellow 2: Ashley Hammond [Dune Star, Star Racer] Pink 2: Cassie Chan [Wind Chaser, Wind Rescue] I don't feel like doing the rest right now, but I might do them later. So, what are your thoughts? I think it's kind of sad when I think of where they are now and that I really don't see them anymore.[/b][/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=blue][b]Do not post in this RPG unless you are one of the following: Me/Dominic Kaiser JJ Riddler/Jay Kinder Blanko/Sam Smith SailorStar/Catt Marcus Sheikahmon/Diana Vebda KnightofTheRose/Jonas Artribidad Raiha/Graie Vaikai [u]Rules[/u]: Posts shall not be shorter than two paragraphs. [u]A bunch of dialogue of multiple characters will not count as a paragragh.[/u] Example: "blah blah blah blah blah" "blah blah yidde yiddde yidde" "loo loo loo kiki" Please don't introduce anyone else's character. Sure, I will have them appear a the end of my post, but don't give them dialogue. On to the game.... [center][u]Animorphs: Face to Face[/u][/center] Leaping into the air, Jake, Cassie, Rachel, Marco, and Ax made their way through the construction site as dogs. Tobias flew gracefully overhead. {Are you sure you know this guy, Ax?} said Jake, in though-speak. {Yes, Prince Jake. He is a fellow..what would you call it, Animorph?} Ax replied. {And his name is?} Marco added. {Dirandon Helios Kamarta} Ax replied. They made their way to the site where they first recieved their morphing powers. There, standing in the midst, was a being similar to what Ax looked like but with a silver breastplate and cuffs around his wrists. {Helios!} shouted Ax. {Ah...what have they dubbed you? Ax, is it?} the being said. {Yes, it is Ax. Now, to get to why you wanted us here.} {Hello, fellow Animorphs. As you know, the Yeerks are almost succeeding in their plan. Although you handle this very well, I believe it is time for you to graduate from your powers.} {What?!} screamed an outraged Marco. {We can't! We have to defeat Visser III!} yelled Cassie. {Calm down, calm down. There is another thing you need to know. Visser III and the Yeerks are about to be evicted by newer, more powerful enemies called the Dieros. Along with them, their leader, Visser VI will be here.} {Oh no,} Ax said quietly. {Then you'll need us to defend the people!} shouted Rachel. {No, no. You deserve a normal life. I've already alerted a team of seven teenagers for you to pass on your powers to. And Ax, you will be going home. You, too, deserve a normal life.} Behind them, seven people stood in the shadows. OOC: Use brackets {} for thought-speak. Begin next scene after they already have their powers, the next day.[/b][/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=blue][b]Ok, sign-ups are closed. I'll start this tomorrow after school.[/b][/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=blue][b]All you actually did is add text. You didn't even add a boarder. And the image is of bad quality, also. Do something more than just adding text next time. ;)[/b][/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=blue][b]Okay, we only need one more player, but we don't need to wait. Does anyone mind if I start this tomorrow?[/b][/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=blue][b]All it really needs is better text, boarder and better image quality. Keep it up. :)[/b][/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=blue][b]I've decided to do some Zeo banners. Zeo is one of my favorite seasons of Power Rangers (including Mighty Morhpin [excluding Thunder Zords] and up to Turbo). I decided to use the Red Battlezord, Pyramidas and the Super Zeo zords because I really couldn't find any good pictures of the Zeo Zords. (Phoenix, Taurus, Sphinx and the two Cannon things). Anyways, here they are. Nothing big or spectacular. [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/zeorangeri.png[/img] [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/zeorangerii.png[/img] [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/zeorangeriii.png[/img] [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/zeorangeriv.png[/img] [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/zeorangerv.png[/img] [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/zeorangerv2.png[/img] [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/goldzeoranger.png[/img] Note: On the Pyramidas banner, he has the Red Battlezord docked on him from behind. That's where the red cannons come from. Note: This is a thread discussing my banners, not the show. ;)[/b][/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=red][b]This belongs in the Anime Forum, I think. Anyways, is it Sailor Saturn?[/b][/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=red][b]Two more to go, then we'll start.[/b][/color][/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Heres a bit of a naughty one. Unfortunatley, the young man was kicked out of Boy Scouts for eating Brownies. Oh, and the last jokes are pretty funny. :D [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=red][b]Your joke wasn't funny. At all.[/b][/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=red][b]Terrosaur swirled around in his chair to the control panel in front of him. "Lasers, fire!" he screeched, pushing two red buttons. Multiple laser cannons shot, each glowing red. Only two hit the Maximal ship, though, but hit the wing. Down, down, down went the Maximal ship, toward a planet. But before it was out of sight, the Maximals shot two missiles back at the Predacons, making them follow the Maximals in a downspiral.[/b][/color][/size]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Braidless Baka [/i] [B][b][size=1][color=orangered]Heh, I never thought of that pairing before. ;) I'm liking how you keep it oh-so-subtle, just a word or two tossed in. Maybe in the next part (*hopes there's gonna be one*) you should have Marco reflect on the "capture" of the girls, or have Marco and Jake discuss it, because it seems kinda... just blah, if you like. Captured - show up again, y'know? Maybe if the reader was given a way to see what went on it would sit better. And where's Tobias?! *laughs* Nice one though Leh! ^_^[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=red][b]I did think about writing about the incident, but I didn't really want to go into [i]why[/i] Tobias was captured and such just yet. Not really the main focus of the story. I probably will write a prelude.[/b][/color][/size]
  23. Patronus


    [size=1][color=red][b]I haven't watched Trigun yet, but I want to see it. An interesting fact is the Johnny Bosch (Green, Black Ranger [Morphin-Zeo-Turbo]) does Vash's voice.[/b][/color][/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]And besides the fact its supposed to be a joke I mean look closely it may spell out the word but then it goes to say Super Heros In Training. Jeez take a chill pill, its not like he's showing a picture of a penis or anything jeez.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=red][b]My point [u]exactly[/u].[/b][/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=red][b]Hilary Duff is 16 or 17, not 14. She's cute, but otherwise, bleh.[/b][/color][/size]
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