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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. [size=1][color=red][b]It only says ****, like, once. It's not really a big problem.[/b][/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=red][b]This is an Animorphs fanfic, and, in that respect, I changed something. Marcus and Jake have a "thing". If you don't like that, too bad, and don't be rude about it. I felt my heart race as I flew through the air with the grace of a crane and with the body of the crane. Black tipped wings flapped at their fullest and my long legs were bent underneath me. {Jake} I telepathically said. {What do you want, Marco?} he replied, from below. I looked down to see him charging in his gorilla form, his large fists pounding the ground. {Do you think we should pick up new forms before we go and try to get Cassie and Rachel back?} I replied. Cassie and Rachel, had, when we were ambushing the Yeerks, been captured. We had only done this so we could get Tobias back, but lost Cassie and Rachel in the process. We can only hope they?re still alive. {I don?t really know,} he replied, {but if we do, they?ll have to either be small and stealth or big and powerful.} {No doubt}, I said, {maybe a cougar morph will be cool. Or a black widow spider.} {Marco, be realistic. I don?t think the zoo, or even Cassie has a black widow spider.} {Oh man, that sucks. I guess the cougars are in, right?} {Looks like it.} We continued on to the zoo, where we would hopefully gain the DNA of two cougars. Before we could enter the zoo without attention, we would have to revert back to our human bodies. We entered an alley where I had stored our clothes the day before. I landed beside Jake and we both started to morph. My bones grew, my feathers melted into hair. My legs became long and slender, as my arms did so from wings. My beak reverted into a mouth as the last of the transformation took place. I looked up as Jake was also finished. We were both in our boxers, which was the most comfortable morphing suit we knew of. Jake looked at me, and I blushed. His blue eyes reflecting the slight sunlight coming through the cloudy sky. He was beautiful. We both got dressed. I was in a dark red t-shirt and dark, faded jeans. Jake was in a light blue t-shirt that really matched his eyes. His pants were light and baggy. ?Let?s go,? he said. We made our way into the zoo and past the reptiles, birds, and primates. We stopped in front of the feline part of the zoo, where the cougars were sure to be at. ?I?ll take that one,? I said, pointing to a cougar who was lying on a branch of a low tree. ?That one is mine,? Jake answered, pointing to one closest to the fence. We hurriedly made our way over the fence and into the yard. Each cougar in the cage looked at us from behind dark green or brown eyes. Slowly, I made my way to the cougar I had chose to be mine. It started to make a low growl, but I kept my ground. I reached out to touch it, but it snarled at me and I jerked back. ?Just do it carefully,? I heard Jake say. His voice was very reassuring. As Jake said, I carefully and slowly touched the cougar?s stomach. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. My mind switched to the mind of the cougar?s, and then switched back to my own. I looked back at Jake. He had, too, acquired the DNA. We nodded at each other and climbed the fence, exiting the zoo. We both morphed into red tailed hawks that we had acquired a week ago. We flew over trees and houses until we saw something incredible and terrific at the same time. Cassie and Rachel were walking down the street! With our clothes in our talons, we landed behind a tree, de-morphed, and walked up to the girls. ?Cassie!? yelled Jake, smiling his oh-so-sexy smile. ?Yo, Rachel!? I said, also smiling, I didn?t know if it was because of Jake or because the girls were back. ?Hey guys,? said Rachel. The Xena Warrior Princess was different, in some way, some how. ?How?d you escape?? Jake asked. ?We morphed into ants and snuck out. It wasn?t easy,? replied Cassie. Their eyes were empty. They were missing something, and I suddenly knew what it was. They were Controllers. ?Jake,? I said, nudging him on the shoulder, ?come here.? I walked off to the side, far enough so that the girls couldn?t hear me. ?Marco, what is it?? whispered Jake. ?The girls--they got them. The girls are Controllers.? I saw the hurt in his eyes. After his parents, his brother and now the girls, who wouldn?t be hurt. I tried my best to look sympathetic without letting the girls find anything out. We turned back to the girls, then looked at my watch. ?Uh, we need to go. We?re going to go check out the mall to see if we can find any new Controllers. The more we know about, the better.? said Jake, and as always, he sounded so calm and collected. ?We?ll go with you,? said Rachel. She, or rather, it knew how to disguise well. ?No, this is a two man job, you know, we can?t have girls raining on our checkout time,? I said, cracking a joke like always. It was a lie, of course, but anything is better than staying with these Controllers. Especially if it was with Jake. We turned and left the street, leaving the two beings standing there. [/b][/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][b][color=red][i]After a long war, the Animorphs have won and defeated the Yeerks. But with no evil, new evil shall arrive... New beings call Dieros (deer-ee-ahs) arrive on the planet, taking the society of people one by one. Like the Yeerks, the Dieros take control of beings' minds. But unlike the Yeerks, they turn into transdeminsional beings and enter the host's body like a ghost. Feeling that the former Animorphs need to live their lives, the newly arrived alien Dirandon Helios Kamarta (Kam, for short) decides that it is time for them to pass their powers on to new recruits. Along with five new recruits, two others will be given new powers.[/i] [u]Sign-ups[/u]: [u]Name[/u]: (first and last) [u]Age[/u]: (between 13 and 17) [u]Human Appearance[/u]: (picture or description) [u]Main Transformation[/u]: (picture) [u]My sign-up[/u]: [u]Name[/u]: Dominic Kaiser [u]Age[/u]: 15 [u]Human Appearance[/u]: [img]http://www.ecrush.com/espin/pics/411/3365411-cGpiu6duqPfIjC2h.jpg[/img] [u]Main Transformation[/u]: [url]http://pantransit.reptiles.org/images/1996-07-28/wolf-snowy.jpg[/url] [u]Stuff[/u]: 1. I have the right to evict [u]anyone[/u]. 2. Someone can play Kam, but it isn't mandatory.[/b][/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=red][b]This has been done before. Anyways, here's mine: Ginny- she's a great listener, speaker, and overall person. I wouldn't be where I was today if she wasn't here by my side. Shaun- an awesome person as well, we have different views, but we're destined to stay friends. wristcutter and Harry- both of your witty comments and blunt suggestions have made me laugh [i]alot[/i]. Charles- you're hilarious and nice, which is what I like. Even if you're a little freaky with the cats, you'll always be my friend. There's more, but why list them all? They know who they are.[/b][/color][/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Wow Zach, I must say that is pretty good. I actually read the whole thing. The kind of sentences you use, for example: It's that time again, is very catchy and nice. I see a lot of journalists use that, and all of them have suceeded in all of their work. Great job Zach! I would love to see more. Also I hope you get the position to be school newspaper journalist, best of luck to you! - ?³?æ?È?ç [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]Thank you, Spikey. Comments like yours make me feel good.[/b][/size]
  6. [size=1][b][u]Name[/u]: Terrorsaur [u]Allegiance[/u]: Predacons [u]Function[/u]: Aerial Assault [u]Alternate Form[/u]: Pterodactyl [u]Armament[/u]: Energy Rifle, Shoulder Cannons [u]Biography[/u]: Megatron has failed too many times in the eyes of Terrorsaur and he's just the Predacon to draw the line! He's no strategist no matter what he tells himself. Terrorsaur is, however, direct. When he gets an idea into his head, he goes for it. Despite a couple successful coups of Megatron's throne, Terrorsaur finds leadership requires more than he's capable of and resigns himself to the battlefield. In the heat of battle Terrorsaur undergoes a remarkable change. No longer the loudmouthed Predacon, he becomes reserved up to the point of scoring a hit. Then he's instantly back to his old, loudmouthed self, congratulating his fine marksmanship.[/b][/size] Edit: [img]http://www.transfandom.com/sos/bw/media/images/profiles/s1/terrasaur.gif[/img]
  7. [size=1][b]I'm auditioning for school journalist, and this is my paper. I really want in, so please rate it. The Apple Festival #3 It?s that time of year again, and everyone knows what that means; fun and happiness at the Jackson County Apple Festival. Rides, parades, games and more lie within the gates of this festival, awaiting for families to come and experience the fun they have to offer. From the past to the present, the Apple Festival is a way of life for the residents of Jackson County. The tradition of the Festival began in the spring of 1937, when a group of members from the Jackson Chamber of Commerce had the idea to develop an annual event that would have meaning to citizens living in and around Jackson, Ohio. At that point in time, there were more than 40 farmers from Jackson producing apples all over the country. This group also felt that something should be brought to Jackson in order to bring both small town and big town people together. Bearing this in mind, the Apple Festival, which was hoped to advertise all the industries, especially apples, was created. It also gave former residents a reason to come back and visit with friends and family. The first festival brought great challenges. On the second day, a tremendous storm blew the roofs off of many booths. Yet, to the surprise of many who ran the booths, the crowds still came with interest. Although it was an interest to the people of Jackson, the first festival was also a financial disaster. Ten of the initial promoters signed a note at the bank so all the debts they accumulated as a result of the Festival would be paid. However, these men were not discouraged and began to plan a bigger, better festival for the next year. In time, the note was paid off and all succeeding festivals have paid their own way. With the tradition of the Apple Festival comes the election of the Apple Festival Queen and Court. Courtney Wills has been elected as the Queen this year, and Sarah Beth Roseberry and Leah Evans her court. Past queens have included Erica Jo Alcantara (2002), Jenny Bragg (2001), and Kristi Sturgill (2000). As with Apple Queen, comes the choosing of the Grand Marshall. Each year, a new one is chosen and this year, Ms. Alice Smith, the owner of The Fashion on Main Street, and former Spanish teacher at Jackson High School has been chosen. Parades, rides, games and entertainment are all waiting for the residents of Jackson to arrive. With the catchy theme of "Apples and Me Under the Sea", we all hope that this year's Festival will be as successful as years before. [/b][/size] Edit: Thank you BabyGirl, for the help. I edited and replaced.
  8. [size=1][b]They're all kind of boring..and bland. Each is missing something.[/b][/size]
  9. [size=1][b]I said to exclude the pictures.[/b][/size]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MaxSonic [/i] [B]I'll join. I used ot love Power Rangers. Name: Grant Wickline Color: Green Power: Earthquakes Weapon: Dagger Human Appearance: short, sandy blond hair, hazel eyes, tall. Zord: Dragon Zord [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b] I'm going to say one thing, one time: If you do not maintain a good post quality, you're out.[/b][/size]
  11. [size=1][b][i]The Power Rangers have not been needed for five years, but now, now the Psycho Rangers have found a way to make morphers containing their armor. With the morphers found, seven new rangers shall be chosen to fight the new Psycho Rangers. Will they be able to do it?[/i] [u]New Rangers[/u]: They will be using old costumes and zords, but will each be given a specific power. [u]Name[/u]: Zachary Wills {Me} [u]Power[/u]: Telekinesis [u]Color[/u]: Red [u]Weapon[/u]: Sword [u]Human Appearance[/u]: tall, brown hair (short), brown eyes. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/redranger.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/ape.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Lance Baldridge {Domon} [u]Color[/u]: Blue [u]Power[/u]: Ice [u]Weapon[/u]: Lance [u]Human Appearence[/u]: tall, short black hair, blue eyes. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/blueranger.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/wolf.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Colin Wayland {Lrb} [u]Color[/u]: Black [u]Power[/u]: Teleportation [u]Weapon[/u]: Axe/Cannon [u]Human Appearance[/u]: medium height, short brown hair, hazel eyes. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/blackpowerranger.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/frog.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Elizabeth Legg {Rei} [u]Color[/u]: Yellow [u]Power[/u]: Flight [u]Weapon[/u]: Daggers [u]Human Apperance[/u]: long blonde hair, blue eyes, medium height. [u]Human Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/yellowranger.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/bear.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Kayla Webb [u]Color[/u]: Pink [u]Power[/u]: Phasing [u]Weapon[/u]: Bow and Arrows [u]Human Appearance[/u]: shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, medium height. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/pinkranger.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/crane.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Grant Wickline {MaxSonic} [u]Color[/u]: Green [u]Power[/u]: Earthquakes [u]Weapon[/u]: Dagger [u]Human Appearance[/u]: short, sandy blond hair, hazel eyes, tall. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/greenranger.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/dragon.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Anthony Fowler {Ohkami} [u]Color[/u]: White [u]Power[/u]: Super Strength [u]Weapon[/u]: Saba [u]Human Appearance[/u]: short, brown hair, blue eyes, tall. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/whiteranger.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/falcon.jpg[/img] [u]Psycho Rangers[/u]: [u]Name[/u]: John Leonard {Taki Ebina} [u]Color[/u]: Psycho Red [u]Weapon[u]: Chaos Sword [u]Human Appearance[/u]: Short black hair, brown eyes, tall. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/psychored.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/redrag2.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Grant Arthur [u]Color[/u]: Psycho Blue [u]Weapon[/u]: Chaos Lance [u]Human Appearance[/u]: short brown hair, green eyes, medium height. [u]Ranger Appearence[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/psychoblue.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/unicorn.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Matthew Johnson [u]Color[/u]: Psycho Black [u]Weapon[/u]: Chaos Axe [u]Human Appearace[/u]: short brown hair, hazel eyes, short. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/psychoblack.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/lion.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Ashly Spriggs [u]Color[/u]: Psycho Yellow [u]Weapon[/u]: Chaos Daggers [u]Human Appearance[/u]: long, sandy brown hair, green eyes, tall. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/psychoyellow.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/griffin.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Alana {All-ah-nah} Miller [u]Color[/u]: Psycho Pink [u]Weapon[/u]: Chaos Bow and Arrows [u]Human Appearance[/u]: sandy brown hair, green eyes, short. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/psychopink.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/firebird.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]- Dillon Cryder [u]Color[/u]: Psycho Silver [u]Weapon[/u]: Evil Saba [u]Human Appearance[/u]: short brown hair, green eyes, tall. [u]Ranger Appearance[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/psychosilver.jpg[/img] [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/tiger2.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Robbie Marhoover [u]Color[/u]: Psycho Green [u]Weapon[/u]: Chaos Dagger [u]Human Appearance[/u]: short brown hair, greens eyes, tall. [u]Ranger Apperance[/u]: Green armored Psycho Ranger. [u]Zord[/u]: [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/tor2.jpg[/img] [u]Sign-up[/u]: Post the profile I provided, excluding the pictures. Just tell the name of the zord. If you don't know it, PM me and I'll tell you.[/b][/size]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I love Buffy. Especially the episodes where she was in love with Angel. I'm such a sucker for romance... Your banner is pretty. (Both of them). I like the one posted in here the best. I like stuff like that...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]Yeah, you could really tell Angel was in love with her. I mean, his eyes just told you so.. Anyways, if ya'll are wondering, you can rate my banner in my signature too if you'd like.[/b][/size]
  13. [size=1][b]New banner from me, whoo! Nothing big or spectacular, but it's something. [img]http://lehjackson27.250free.com/in_the_arms.png[/img] *If you want to use this banner, PM me and I'll think about it. ;) Redacte: Please rate.[/b][/size]
  14. Patronus

    50 vs. Shady

    [size=1][b]I prefer 50 Cent over Emenim, because 50 is actually black...Emenim just wishes he was. [strongly hates Emenim][/b][/size]
  15. Patronus

    Johnny Cash

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ayokano [/i] [B]Because they have their own point of view:p [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]No duh, that's why I said I understood why they do.[/b][/size]
  16. Patronus

    Johnny Cash

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]I heard about this earlier today along with the death of tat one guy from [i]Three's Company[/i] or whatever show he was on. People kept saying that this other guy's death was more tragic than Johnny Cash, but I would not believe them. Sure the other guy was younger, but I doubt he had anywhere near the credibility that Johnny Cash had.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]John Ritter was just as great as Cash was, or even more so in my opinion. He was the nicest man alive. I wasn't, or will never be a fan of Johnny Cash, but I understand why people mourn for him.[/b][/size]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]Whoa. It's obvious that your teacher better watch out. His/her job could be in jepordy with this vast knowledge you've already accumulated. I'm not any better, though. I took multiple Spanish classes and I could never speak it well. I've also taken German and French. For some reason, I could never develop an interest in them. If I had to guess, I would say it's because the class sizes were too large and the courses were more of a large game than intellectually stimulating. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]I know alot of Spanish, and that's not all I know. :cross: [/b][/size]
  18. [size=1][b]Has anyone heard this song from City of Angels? It's an awesome song. My sister sang it for a concert at the school, and I doubt there was a person in the room that didn't have watery eyes..she sang it so beautifully. I have a hard time [u]not[/u] getting emotional when I hear it. So, what do you think?[/b][/size]
  19. [size=1][b]I'm studying Spanish right now, and I'm falling in love with it. [color=blue]Como estas?[/color][/b][/size]
  20. [size=1][b]Green Lantern's and Goku's powers aren't really supernatural. Anyways, my Wiccan "element" is water, which is represented by the west and the astrological sign Pices. Associated with intuition, emotions, the inner self, flowing movement, the power to dare and cleanse all things; sympathy and love; reflection; currents and tides of life; the dolphin, the swan and the crab; dreams and dreamtime. Powers (or spells): love, purification, friendship, marriage, happiness, fertility, healing, pleasure, intuition and psychic abilities. So, yeah, these are my most powerful powers (spells)[/b][/size]
  21. [size=1][b]It's not really graphical, and isn't really all that outstanding. Good text, though.[/b][/size]
  22. [size=1][b]If the image wasn't stretched or resized badly, it'd be a perfect banner.[/b][/size]
  23. [size=1][b]Ok, so you're willing to change the story? That means you're a lier.[/b][/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Wait, you call him a wimp for taunting you with a slap and then you say "i'm calling the police." Sounds like he was the winner here. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]I agree. You can't really say he's a wimp if you're the one who called the police.[/b][/size]
  25. [size=1][b]Well, the symbols are very nice. It looks like some sort of ancient scroll. EDIT: 800 posts. Whoo.[/b][/size]
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