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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Yes, but you still say that you can love a materail possesion. That is how slave owners saw it. LSaves where no more than possesoins in there eyes. Your idea of love is disfigured. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]Poor me, right? I never said that I thought love like this--I'm strictly coming from an all-aspect point of view. So, yeah, stay on the topic of [u]war[/u] and not [u]me[/u]. ;)[/b][/size]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]How can you love a souless entity? You'd have to be mentaly ill to do so. Would you marry a TV or sometihng? No. Meaning that you can't love owning something or doing soemthinhg. You cn enjoy it. Thats why alot of people say. "I lovethis cake!" or "I love running!" its not hat you truly love it, it means that you lenjoy it. Love is when you love a thing with a soul and its not something to be owned. You can't own love. I don't see your guys problem with Love and its affects. Its like you jsut want to deny it for no good reason. You may have had heart break, but that isn't a reason to hate love. It just gives you a reason to search ahrder for who you love. Its all worth it in the end. I agree full heartedly with Semjaza's opinion on the subject. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]Ok, where did you get that I hated love? I never said this. And I'm coming from a slave owners point of view. They loved having the slaves, therefor they wanted to keep them.[/b][/size]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Your speaking of material love, which isn't love at all, its just material lust. You can't love a TV, just liek you can't love owning a slave, so i rather you not use it as your discription of war's cause. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]Yes, you can love material things. So I'd rather I [i]did[/i] use it for war's cause.[/b][/size]
  4. [size=1][b]Semjaza- Greed is a love of something, right? In my eyes it is.[/b][/size]
  5. [size=1][b]Face it, everyone loves something. Love can cause people to do some weird and dangerous things, and there is no limit to it. War. Love. All is far in love and war, right? Then why does love always interfere and/or cause war? [u]Civil War[/u]: Southerners [i]loved[/i] having slaves, therefor they weren't willing to give it up. Northerners fought against them for their [i]love[/i] of freedom. Coincidence? And I'm sure there are alot of Mythological wars and Roman-Era wars that were caused by love. As of now, I'm looking into WWI and WWII. I'm pretty sure that Vietnam wasn't caused by love. (Don't even get me started on the U.S. side of it.) Anyways, do you believe this, or do you have anything to add? (feel free to add more wars and/or info to that of mine) EDIT: And take Shakespeare for example. He had to have inspiration for writing [i]Romeo and Juliet[/i], didn't he? Even though it wasn't really a war, Romeo's love for Juliet, and her love for him cause a gigantic feud.[/b][/size]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Braidless Baka [/i] [B][color=orangered]Hmm... this is [i]constructive[/i] critisism... but on your middle stanza, the lines are too long. They don't "flow" right... if I'm making any sense at all? And the other two have four lines, the middle one has only three. So, if I may take the liberty? [i]No ones suspects the butterfly, Like a midnight summer?s dream, Thinking she?s harmless as a glimmering moon beam, As through the warm summer sky she flies[/i] And that third line irks me a little too. It has too many beats in it... ~_~ I'm not trying to be harsh, but I'm assuming you want critisism? *cries* Don't kill me!! *hides* O_o;;[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]*kills you* Just joking. I was writing it during American History, so my mind wasn't really concentrating soley on the poem. I'll probably revise it soon enough.[/b][/size]
  7. [size=1][b]No one suspects the butterfly As she flutters her wings and flies right by No one suspects the butterfly And thinks any harm to neither you nor I No ones suspects the butterfly, like a midnight summer?s dream No one suspects the butterfly, thinking she?s harmless as a glimmering moon beam No one suspects the butterfly, as through the warm summer sky she flies No one suspects the butterfly, living day by day No one suspects the butterfly, but with their lives they shall pay And she lives her life without a sigh Because no one suspects the butterfly -- Tell me what you think, please.[/b][/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by moon-scar demon [/i] [B]Someone should go the school board and say something about it! [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]Already been done.[/b][/size]
  9. [size=1][b]Ever since the school shootings of Columbine, our school district has a "no backpack, no violence" rule. They think that condemning backpacks will stop the use of drugs and the carrying of weapons. While it might of stopped weapons being brought from school (not that there were any cases in our schools before Columbine), it really didn't stop violence. People can use their fists as well as a brass knuckle to kill someone. You can use a pencil to stab someone. While enforcing this, they switched their reason to "students who have to carry backpacks develop back problems". While that might be true, it is also true that students with no backpacks can develop back problems possibly more so. Before lunch, I have to carry my binder, four notebooks of paper and one book. After lunch, I have to carry my binder, [i]five[/i] notebooks of paper and [i]two[/i] books. Nonetheless, my school is three stories high. That means that I have to walk up and down three flights of stairs (literally) each day numerous times carrying my books. In order to do so, students have to hold their arms in an uncomfortable way to get from class to class with no problem. Here's my question: Do you think that the "no backpacks, no violence" rule is a good one? Do you think that students are better off with backpacks?[/b][/size]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]First off, I don't know how to "rite" anything to someone, or what "loive" is. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]I don't know what loive is either!!! Anyways, she's definately not your true love. You're only what, sixteen? There are way more fish in the sea. Move on and don't dwell on her, or it will effect your health.[/b][/size]
  11. [size=1][b]Here, [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29954][b]this[/b][/url] thread should help. Welcome to OB. ^_^[/b][/size]
  12. [size=1][b]Gryphons, Sphinxs and Sirens do it for me. They're seriously awesome. And don't get me talking about Greek/Roman Gods. I'd have you reading for a year. ^_~ Edit: Cerberus belongs to Hades, and was defeated by Hercules.[/b][/size]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kumori Urufu [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I agree... if you ever actually finish this one[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]I never said I wasn't working on my previous project, did I? Don't assume things, because you [should] know what assuming makes out of yourself. ;)[/b][/size]
  14. [size=1][b]Yeah, they're too big. The image quality is bad and so is the text. Keep practicing.[/b][/size]
  15. [size=1][b]I might as well give you all the information I have right now on this subject. I'll post all the information I will be using so that you and I can easliy access it at anytime. Hopefully this is allowed, and if it is not, please alert me at any time. [u]Storyline[/u]: This story takes place two years after the season, so each tamer, excluding Ai, Mako and Suzie, is fifteen. Ai and Mako are seven and Suzie is nine. In the beginning, Ryo is attacked while talking to Rika (who moved to the United States because of her mom's job) on the phone by a Black DigiGnome. Takato, Henry, Suzie, Kenta and Kazu recieved a call from Rika saying that something happened to Ryo. They rush over and are each ambushed by a Gazimon. Chased through and out of the house, each is saved by their Digimon, who are still in In-Training form. After everything is settled, everyone has their Digimon again and the group is together, the Digimon tell of how the Digital World has suddenly been terrorized by a gang of ten Digimon calling themselves the [u]Darkness Rebels[/u]. Somehow, these Digimon have obtained the power of Digivolution. Influencing villages of Digimon, they have gather tens of thousands of Digimon to join their rebellion on the Sovereigns and the Real World. One by one, Digimon are appearing without a Digital Cloud or any notice. [u]The Tamers and their Digimon[/u] Tamer: Takato Matsuki Age: 15 D-Power Color: Red Digimon: Guilmon Biomerge: Gallantmon?CrimsonGallantmon?MedievalGallantmon Tamer: Henry Lee Age: 15 D-Power Color: Green Digimon: Terriermon Biomerge: MegaGargomon?Fuujinimon Tamer: Rika Nonaka Age: 15 D-Power Color: Blue Digimon: Renamon Biomerge: Sakuyamon?Sakuyamon Priestess Mode Tamer: Ryo Akiyama Age: 15 D-Power Color: Royal Blue/Black (Target) Digimon: Monodramon Biomerge: Justimon Tamer: Kazu Shioda Age: 15 D-Power Color: Orange Digimon: Kokuwamon Biomerge: HiAndromon Tamer: Kenta Kitagowa Age: 15 D-Power Color: Dark Purple Digimon: Patamon Biomerge: MarineAngemon Tamer: Suzie Lee Age: 9 D-Power Color: Pink Digimon: Lopmon Biomerge: Kerpymon Tamer: Jeri Katou Age: 15 D-Power Color: Gold Digimon: Elecmon Biomerge: SaberLeomon Tamer: Ai & Mako Ushidu Age: Both-7 D-Power Color: Purple Digimon: Impmon Biomerge: Beelzemon (Mako)?Beelzemon Blast Mode (Ai) [u]New[/u] [kinda] [u]Recruitments[/u] Tamer: Alice McCoy Age: 15 D-Power Color: Black Digimon: Labramon Biomerge: Anubismon Tamer: Reid Arnold Age: 15 D-Power Color: Light Blue Digimon: Lucemon Biomerge: Dominimon Tamer: Kai Matsuki Age: 14 D-Power Color: Red (Target)/Orange Digimon: Candlemon Biomerge: Lampmon As some of you know, I planned on bringing the S2 characters in, but I have decided against it for now. [u]Darkness Rebels[/u] Salamon: Puppy Howling, Petit Punch, Sledge Crash. BlackGatomon: Lightning Paw, Lightning Kick, Cat?s Eye. LadyDevimon: Darkness Wave, Evil Wing. Lillithmon: Phantom Pain, Nazar Nail. Salamon: Puppy Howling, Petit Punch, Sledge Crash. Mikemon: Cat Claw, Meatball Punch. Persiamon: Vampire Dance, Helter Skelter. Kuzuhamon: Womb Mandala, Reverse Tengu?s Rice, Reverse Rica Cord. DemiDevimon: Demi Dart, Evil Whisper, Butt Smasher. Devimon: Touch of Evil, Evil Wing, Laser Wing, Dungeon Curse. SkullSatamon: Nail Bone, Skull Hammer. Deathmon: Eye Blow. Keramon: Network Flapping, Crazy Giggle. Duskmon: Deadly Gaze. Velgmon: Zone Deleter, Master of Darkness. Galfmon: Dead Scream, Black Requiem. Sharmamon: Sharma Hammer, Mad Twist, Dancing Bone. Bakemon: Dark Claw, Evil Charm, Ghost Chop. Pumpkinmon: Pumpkin Squash, Trick or Treat. Puppetmon: Puppet Pummel, Lie. BlackAgumon: Pepper Breath, Mechanical Bash, Mega Crusher. Deltamon: Triplex Forces, Serpent Bite. Kimeramon: Heat Viper, Poison Wing, Scissor Claw. Millenniumon: Dimension Destroyer, Ultimate Fusion, Time Unlimited. Witchmon: Poison Storm. Arukenimon: Spider Thread, Venom Mist, Acid Mist, Spirit Needle. Babamon: Empress Haze, Dark Broom. Goblimon: Goblin Strike, Fireball Goblin Strike, Goburi Bomb, Goburi Strike, Life Shield, Goburi Rush. Tuskmon: Horn Buster, Slamming Tusk, Bayonet Lancer. Mummymon: Snake Bandage, Long Machine Gun, Dark Fear. Murmuxmon: Gehenna Flame, Necro Interrogation. Gizamon: Spiral Saw, 4-leg Kick, Water Cure. Gesomon: Coral Crusher, Elastic Arms, Evil Punch, Knight?s Dome. MarineDevimon: Dark Deluge, Evil Wind, Darkness Water. Pukumon: Needle Squall, Globefish Poisoning. Mushroomon: Fungus Crusher, Laughing Smasher, Giggle Grenade, Mushroom Mash. Woodmon: Branch Bash, Twig Tap, Woody Smasher. Blossomon: Spiral Flower, Thorn Whips, Ninja Flower. Rosemon: Thorn Whip, Rose Spear. I'll probably add more New Recruitments and Darkness Rebels, so keep your eye out. Between now and then, tell me what you think. -Leh[/b][/size]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Katana [/i] [B]*grins* I love them! Did you make the avator in Paint Shop Pro? I recongnize the weaving thing. :D Their really cool! [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]Yes, I use Paintshop Pro 8. But I use Eyecandy, an awesome plugin, which makes a even more cool weave.[/b][/size]
  17. [size=1][b]Where the hell did you get that chrome is American? For one thing, Harley Davidson's are rated among the top motorcylce producers in the World. They might not be fast, but they are liked by millions of people.[/b][/size]
  18. [size=1][b]Well, for some reason, people like my current banner and avatar. *shrug* Ryan requested for me to do a banner for him along the theme of mine, so I did. Here's the avatar: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/avatar.php?userid=680&dateline=1062267983[/img] Here's the banner: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=475331[/img] Tell me what you think, señors and señoritas.[/b][/size]
  19. [size=1][b]Stitch* And yeah, I'd like to see the cousins they find, but otherwise, it looks bad. All Made-for-DVD movies are bad.[/b][/size]
  20. [size=1][b]Practice your editing, cropping, text and background, then you'll be set.[/b][/size]
  21. [size=1][b]Because most newbies are major spammers...and supposing they can read, they can catch up on subjects.[/b][/size]
  22. [size=1][b]It definately needs spell check and more detail. You have to get to the little things with detail. How the air felt, etc, etc. Leh[/b][/size]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hack Helba [/i] [B][color=darkred][size=1]Do they teach you it? or is it just the poster thing? I can see if there teaching you a bad thing, but having a picture somewhere shouldnt be a problem. Its all part of your religion really, I dont have one ha so It doesnt matter AT all to me... But for some people that feel very strong about religion than yeah it would bother you[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]I'm not Christian. It still shouldn't be there, they're influencing students.[/b][/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hack Helba [/i] [B][color=darkred][size=1]I cant belive you feel so strong about that... I dont care what happens to it.. Doesnt bother me, I dont care really.. about anything that goes on. And same goes for school Im cool with a thing of Jesus above the door or whatever its all a opinon really. Im just surprised at the people who think so negitive about it.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]Believing in Jesus is religion, therefore they are trying to tell us Chrisitianity is the right religion, and schools are not places to teach religion.[/b][/size]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] Christians are [i]required[/i] to preach the Good News to the nations. [/b][/quote] [size=1][b]Preaching should [i]stay[/i] in churches and shouldn't be sitting in the Court of Law.[/b][/size]
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