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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. [size=1][color=000066][b]Um, no double posting...please... Anyways, I think this could be an attempt to get attention, or just so you can get some pity. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=000066][b]I have a dog named Jack. He's part poodle, part cocker spaniel, and part beagle. He's a smart dog...sometimes. Sometimes I wonder what goes through that head of his. o_O -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=000066][b]I posted this because I thought [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] was down...ok, Azure, I'll check it out. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=000066][b]Chapter 4: Journey to Digital City Looking back at the creature, Toru yelled out. Neemon, who was running right along beside him, started yelling too, and then Sayaki started after them. The red beetle started roaring louder, the screams apparently hurting its ears. ?What the hell is that thing?? yelled Katana. ?It?s name is NeoKuwagamon,? replied Strabimon, ?and it isn?t too happy.? Strabimon slid to a stop, and so did Dorumon, NeoSalamon, NeoAgumon, and Monodramon. Neemon kept running along with the group of humans, with his arms in the air. ?It?s time for pest control,? said NeoSalamon, ?Puppy Boomer!? Opening her small mouth and closing her big eyes, purple sonic waves emitted from her mouth. The waves, which made a large gap in the ground as they moved, shot at NeoKuwagamon. Not hesitating, the bug Digimon kept moving, and went straight through the attack without any recognition of it. ?Whoa,? said NeoSalamon. Strabimon flipped into the air, did a flip and landed in front of the approaching Digimon. ?Light Punch!? he yelled, pulling a glowing fist back, ready to punch. As the NeoKuwagamon approached, Strabimon started running at it. ?Strabimon!? yelled NeoAgumon, worried that Strabimon would get killed. Strabimon didn?t listen, and NeoKuwagamon was a few inches away when he did a twist flip, landing on the back of the giant bug. With both fists glowing, he started jabbing the back of its head. ?Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,? yelled the bug, very irritated by the punching. ?Attack, now!? yelled Strabimon, still punching. The four Digimon nodded, and Neemon ran up beside them. ?Beat Knuckle!? yelled Monodramon. He rose his left fist into the air, as it started to glow read. Rising into the air, he rushed forward at the insect, and hit it in the head, making it moan loudly. ?Baby Burner!? yelled NeoAgumon. Opening his mouth, which contained sharp teeth, a flame formed. Allowing it to grow larger then his head, NeoAgumon jumped up and released it. NeoKuwagamon looked straight at the massive fire ball, but couldn?t move in time. It slammed into its chest, which made it stumble. Strabimon flipped off its back, and behind the group of Digimon. ?Puppy Boomer!? yelled NeoSalamon, once again. With a loud cry, the attack hit NeoKuwagamon straight in the head. ?Silly Pummel!? shouted Neemon. Standing still, and absolutely doing nothing, a twister started to form around him. Without a motion, it was sent at NeoKuwagamon. The attack hit it straight on, but did nothing. Neemon?s eyes got wide, and he started to run around in circles, scared.. ?Time to finish this!? yelled Dorumon, ?Metal Cannon!? Dorumon made fists, trying to concentrate. Suddenly, three iron balls emerged from his mouth and slashed through the air. NeoKuwagamon wasn?t paying attention for he was still stunned by NeoSalamon??s attack. With a large grumble, the three balls went straight through the huge insectoid Digimon. It growled a truly painful growl, and began to turn into a red orb. As it finished it?s transformation, it hovered, then disappeared. Strabimon put bent down, putting his hands on his knees. With a large sigh, the other Digimon were very tired. From behind a large log, the sic humans watched with amazement and fear. Nothing ever compared to this, nothing. How could this small creatures destroy such a giant Digimon? ?Are?are you ok, NeoSalamon?? asked Sayaki, coming out from behind the log. She bent down to pat the puppy Digimon?s small head. ?Yeah, I?m fine,? she replied softly, ?first-time battle, ya know?? Sayaki smiled, realizing this creatures weren?t here to hurt them, they were here to protect them. Well, at least most were. Sayaki looked over, watching as each ?tamer? tended to their own Digimon. Toru was trying to calm the panicking Neemon down. ?Neemon, Neemon!? he yelled, ?It?s over. He?s dead.? Nevertheless, Neemon kept running in circles. ?Guys,? said Sayaki, standing up, ?we are who that thing said we were. We are supposed to protect this...Digital World.? Even looked at their Digimon, then to Sayaki and nodded. These were indeed the Digital Destined Six, the six humans to rid this world of evil. ?Where are we supposed to go?? asked Score, looking at Dorumon. ?Er, I dunno Score,? said Dorumon doubtfully. ?Digital City would be the most likely place,? said Strabimon. ?You have all the answers, don?t you?? said Score sarcastically. ?More then you, at least,? replying with the same tone as Score. Score huffed, then turned around. ?To Digital City it is!? he said, pointing in the direction he was standing. ?Score, that way,? said Dorumon. Score turned around to find the rest of the group, led by Strabimon, walking the very opposite way he had pointed. His eyes got wide, then he started running to catch up with them, followed closely by Dorumon. *** Three small figures stood on the hill overlooking the jungle. One had a hat on, one had a sword, and one had a boomerang. ?So it is true,? said the sword wielder, ?the Digital Destined are here.? ?It seems to be,? said the one with a hat. ?Monmon think humans be of use. Monmon think Kotemon, Bearmon, and Monmon should talk to humans,? said the boomerang holder. ?We might just do that,? replied Kotemon.[/b][/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=000066][b]You have to write a short story about anything, then the judges and I will decide upon it. Don't start trying to join until all the judges have. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B]Umm im not really interested in the judging thing....but i just wanted to know exactly what week this will start. Im kinda gettin a digital camera soon so im just curious what week this contest is going to be going on. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=000066][b]There is no possible way of telling...it will run until it is finished... Perfect Cell>> We have talked, and sorry, no, you can't be. :confused: -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=000066][b]*lights shine on Ryan and Daisuke* Leh: Do they have what it takes? I'll have to ask my co-host! *runs off to speak with Hyper*[/b][/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=000066][b]Welcome, to the first annual Mr. and Mrs. Otaku Universe Pageant! I am your host, Leh Logan! And this is my lovely cohost, Hyper! *Hyper comes out in a silver sparkling tuxedo* Hyper: Thank you, Leh. Leh: Thank you, Hyper. We're here tonight to annouce the judges and contestants of the 20003 Mr. and Mrs. Otaku Universe Pageant. Hyper: Yes, that's right folks. We will be selecting four judges, each to our own decision. Then, we'll allow contestants to enter a short story, and the judges and us will decide who will be entered. There are ten spots for the girls, and ten for the men. Leh: After we have chosen our contestants, we will go onto different levels of competition, such as: Swimsuit Contest, Talent Contest, Humor Contest, and Gaming Contest. There will be ten levels each, and after each level, the members of OtakuBoards will vote who to boot! Hyper: Yes, and after we're all done, there will be only two contestants eligable! Mr. and Mrs. Universe will be revealed! Leh: That's right, Hyper. Now, onto the decisions. [center]***[/center] We need four judges who will be decided by Hyper and I. Then, use and the judges will decide on the ten men and women to compete for the crowns! Hyper: Thank you all, and good night! -L/Z EDIT: To clear confusion, we'll be having writing levels, joke levels, swimsuit (where contestants submit a picture of them, or an anime character with a colored-on swimsuit), and such.[/b][/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=000066][b]Ok, I really wanna get into .hack, but I never seem to be able to watch it, or get to know what it is about. So, if someone doesn't mind, could you give me the main line of it, and what is going on? I'd greatly appreciate it. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=000066][b]If I'm not mistaken, this is spam...joining just to find someone? ..... -L/Z *clicks to report*[/b][/color][/size]
  11. [center][size=1][color=000066][b][u]Status of Players[/u][/center] Member: sweetreyes Status: [/color][color=green]Accepted[/color][color=000066]-recieved sample Player Name: Yuriko Matsura Player Rank: 3 Team: Sigma Fi Omega Member: doukeshi03 Status:[/color] [color=green]Accepted[/color][color=000066]-recieved sample Player Name: Marcus Belial Player Rank: 3 Team: Alpha Delta Beta Member: Braidless Baka Status:[/color] [color=green]Accepted[/color][color=000066]-recieved sample Player Name: Kieran Vashti Player Rank: 2 Team: Alpha Delta Beta Member: Taki Ebina* Status: [/color][color=green]Accepted[/color][color=000066]-recieved sample Player Name: Elec Ryu Player Rank: 3 Team: Sigma Fi Omega Member: Geist Status: [/color][color=green]Accepted[/color][color=000066][-recieved sample Player Name: Lalo Grey Player Rank: 2 Team: Alpha Delta Beta Member: erinzyger Status: [/color][color=green]Accepted[/color][color=000066]-recieved sample Player Name: Aymelek Nitika Player Rank: 2 Team: Sigma Fi Omega Member: terra Status: [/color][color=green]Accepted[/color][color=000066]-recieved sample Player Name: Star Mariotta Player Rank: 3 Team: Gemini Member: Orien_Xel Status: [/color][color=orange]Pending[/color][color=000066]-did not recieve sample Member: Mina** Status: [/color][color=green]Accepted[/color][color=000066]-recieved sample Player Name: Silth Player Rank: 3 Team: Alpha Delta Beta Member: oekakiotaku Status: [/color][color=red]Rejected[/color][color=000066]-recieved sample Member: Wondershot*** Status: [/color][color=green]Accepted[/color][color=000066]-recieved story sample Player name: Zohan Kiyute Player Rank: 2 Team: Sigma Fi Omega *I forgot to send you your rank in pm, so here it is. :tastey: **Please bring the Delta age down on her ***Please, also bring the Delta Age down on him. We only need seven more players, so get on the ball. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=000066][b]Is it August tenth yet? I don't believe it is... -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=000066][b]*jumps around with Raiha* I knew that too! I had saw her in a (bad) coloring book my cousin had, then researched her, and found this: (thanks to [url]www.marveldirectory.com[/url]) In a not-too-distant possible future, Peter Parker retired his Spider-Man career to live a normal life with his wife and daughter. His daughter, May grows up to become a very athletic and agile varsity basketball player. While watching young May during a game, Peter and Mary Jane noticed that their daughter exhibits what they considered to be superhuman agility and skill. Dismissing the whole things as a fluke, Peter and Mary Jane decided to keep the whole situation under wraps - until - the mysterious Green Goblin seemingly returned from the grave and cornered May. Terrified, May went home and told her parents of the incident. Vowing to meet the Green Goblin at the Brooklyn Bridge at midnight - Peter took off for a final showdown with the Green Goblin. Scared for her husband's life, Mary Jane revealed to May that her father was Spider-Man ... and that she too inherited some of his abilities. Donning a spare Spider-Man costume, May entered the fracas as Spider-Girl ... saving her father's life ... and thus began the costumed career of the stunning Spider-Girl. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]I wouldn't know - I don't have any. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=000066][b]I wonder why that isn't a surprise to me...:huh: Anyways, I think it'd be sucky...although, T_N has a point. Maybe people [i]could[/i] spell simple words. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=000066][b]I have quite a few things, but these are some I really wanna do: Author a book, Professor, and Journalist. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=000066][b]For one thing, you have to use a picture [i]I[/i] provided, that's why they're there. And for another, your link doesn't work. ;) -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=000066][b]sweetreyes: Accepted doukeshi03: Accepted Baka: Accepted Taki: Accepted Geist: Accepted Shippo: Rejected Ok, people, keep joining! -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=000066][b]Squall ran through a line of fiends, slicing each one and almost over killing them. He turned around, held out the gunblade, and fired. The bullet went between Auron and Sephiroth, and into the fiends head they were fighting. "Thundara!" he head Lulu yelled. The monster in front of her wilted and died. He looked behind him and watched as Yuffie, Yuna, and Rikku fought three monsters. [I]Just like before...[/i] "Squall!" yelled Auron, running and slashing a fiend who was about to attack him. "You need to pay more attention." Squall nodded, then ran off into the main section of the stadium. In the very middle, and about fifty feet up, a woman with white hair and black clothing was floating. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/Assasin1.jpg[/img] "Who are you?!" yelled Squall. "The name is Dymecia," she replied, "and I'm here to destroy you." With a snap of her figure, hundreds of fiends surrounded the group who had caught up with Squall -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=000066][b]Here are some brand new ones.. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/yourefinished.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/cherish.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/beoandstrabi.jpg[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/gatomon.jpg[/img] -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jubei Yagyou [/i] [B]I dont get that, It's against nature to be gay. It cant be in someone's genes to be gay, they have to choose. You dont see animals that are gay, because they dont really have a thought of their own. Its nature to have children, being gay goes against nature. Im not being homoist or whatever its just common sense [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=000066][b]Here we go... Being homosexual is neither a choice nor a controllable thing. People are born with it. From the time they are alive, they are gay. Why is it against nature to be gay? Just because "God" says it is? Well, look at it without God. You have nothing, do you? Being gay is nothing less then being born with freckles. It's something you are, and it's something that will always be with you. And don't you [i]dare[/i] say it is common sense, for that is the most homophobic thing you could. :mad: Get it? Got it? Good. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  21. [center][size=1][color=000066][b][i]Welcome to...[/i] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/deltarebellion.jpg[/img] [i]Welcome to the world of Delta, a simulated world that was once a online computer game. In it's many and far vicinities, teams and loners go on quests, but some literally live in Delta. It's been governed by Callipso, a wealthy and powerful creator of the world. Callipso, along with three other experts, created this game in 2204. It was a record hit when it hit stores, and thousands of people were logging in and going on different types of journeys. Callipso himself was rumored to have a character of his own, but no one has ever seen him. If they have, they never knew. Many want to meet the master, but no one has, not yet...[/i] [u]The Problem[/u][/center] A giant message screen appears in the sky of the world Delta. All players are alerted to pay attention, for this was a [i]very[/i] important message. [i]Master Callipso has disappeared. We presume he was kidnapped, and is still in the World Delta. We have no clue where he is, or who took him. Be on alert, Delta players. No one is permitted to log out until Callipso is found. If you see or hear anything suspicious, go to the Message Boards Secter and report it immediatly. Thank you.[/i] The message screen disappeared and the players across the data face were stunned. Each player was suspicious of every other player, and feelings were tense. Now, a year later, the kidnappers of Callipso are still out there, and the players are still in the Delta. Suspicians have arisen around the team Sigma Fi Omega, but they have not been captured. Now, we begin.... [center]***[/center] [center][u]Teams[/u][/center] [center][b][u]Alpha Delta Beta[/u][/b][/center] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/alen.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/bant.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/burasu.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/corona.bmp[/img] [center][img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/solt.bmp[/img][/center] [center][u]Sigma Fi Omega[/u][/center] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/ashuros.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/bisyura.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/eria.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/feil.bmp[/img] [center][img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/fureisia.bmp[/img][/center] [center][u]Gemini[/u][/center] [center][img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/asa.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/purastar.bmp[/img][/center] [center][u]Giga Omega Ki[/u][/center] [center][img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/varigures.bmp[/img] This is Callipso, his character[/center] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/sthin.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/rethisyeru.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/gantu.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/haisar.bmp[/img] [center][u]Sign-Ups[/u][/center] Real Name: Age: (no younger then 17, no older then 45) Delta Name: (make it original, or one you don't use often) Delta Age: (no younger then 15, no older then 500) Team Name: (your team) Class: (can be White or Black Mage, White or Black Knight, Wizard, Warrior, or Ninja. Make sure you choose wisely...) Player Rank: (1 to 4, 1 being novice, 4 being expert. I will decide what rank, so leave blank)) Weapon: (name one appropriate to the player) Personality: (optional. What is your character like?) Picture: (use the picture I provided) [u]My sign-up:[/u] Real Name: Allen Wires Real Age: 25 Delta Name: Joshua Wires Delta Age: 28 Team name: Alpha Delta Beta Class: Warrior, knows some black magic Player Rank: 3 Weapon: Scythe Personality: Quiet, doesn't speak much, only to his friends. Picture: [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/alen.bmp[/img] [center][u]The Catches[/u][/center] 1. You must submit a post from another RPG to me by PM, and it must not be shorter then three posts. 2. When you submit your character and sample, I will respond with my decision, and if you're in, a player rank. 3. When everyone has signed up, I will determine the team leaders. [center]Let it Begin[/center][/b][/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=000066][b]"Thank you," Squall said weakly. Cura can heal wounds, but not tiredness. He looked at Sepiroth and then to Auron, and back at Lulu. "I'm sorry for getting you into all this Lulu," he said softly, surprised he could remember her name which was mentioned shortly. "and you too, Rikku and Yuffie. I--I got seperated when we went through the warp hole. And--and I was--" "No need to explain," said Auron, putting his hand on his shoulder. [i]This kid is the exact opposite of Tidus..yet, I like him.[/i], he thought. "It's quite alright," Sephiroth said, "atleast you didn't get anyone killed." Squall glared at Sephiroth. Somehow, he knew this guy was feared. Just like Edea and Seifer were. It's all the same.. "Squall! Squall!" he heard Rikku cheer. "Uh, uh, yeah?" said Squall, coming out of his daydream. "Are you able to fight off some other fiends? They're probably not as bad as that one we fought, but we might be able to use a GF or two.." replied Yuffie. "Yeah, sure, I'm fine," lied Squall. He waited for everyone else to run off to start limpingly run...(is limpingly a word? oO)[/b][/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=000066][b]Squall ran as fast as he could down the cement hall. Sweat rolling down his face, the Ahriman chased him. He thought he had been sent to a different dimension when he was seperated in the warp hole, and was no use fighting this monster he had never seen before. "Someone has to be around here," he said to himself. The gunblade in his hand was sharp, but couldn't hit this aerial opponent. "What are you going to name your baby?" he heard a girl say. It was that Yuffie girl! "Yuffie!" he yelled, seeing she was with Rikku and some othe woman. Yuffie immediatly alerted, and ran to him. "Squall, Squall! We thought you were with the others!" she yelled, holding his shoulders. "No, no, I was sent to some forest. That's not the problem right now, [i]that[/i] is," he said, pointing at the Ahriman. "Rikku," said Lulu, looking at her. "I know, Lulu," said Rikku. She started digging in her pockets, then brought two items out. Her hand up in the air, she smashed them together to form a new item. "Stand back you guys!" she yelled. She bit the top of the item off and threw it at the monster, resulting in an explosion. The monster dropped to the ground, but started to get up nonetheless. "It isn't enough!" yelled Yuffie, running behind the two women with Squall. "Thundara!" yelled Lulu, her voice bellowing. She rose her hand in the air, then brought it down, resulting in a thunderbold striking the monster. The monster shrugged it off, and flew into the air once more. "Materia Sense!" they heard Yuffie yell. A see-through screen appeared in front of them saying: Aerial and hard to hit. It has high magic defense and no elemental weaknesses. Its Gaze may cause confusion. It also has Ultrasonics, which strikes all characters. "Magic won't hurt it!" yelled Squall. "Rikku, have any more items?" asked Lulu "No, I don't," pouted Rikku. "What're we going to do?" asked Yuffie. "It isn't too big," said Squall, "so there is only one thing to do." Squall stepped in front of the monster and spread his arms to his sides. A black tunnel-like entrance faded in front of him. The tunnel suddenly boomed with a noise, and then a bright light appeared within. Train tracks emerged as quickly as the Gaurdian Force, Doomtrain, boomed out of the tunnel. Tracks appear directly under the monster as the GF steadily gains speed. As it gets closer, the monster panics, but cannot move. Doomtrain suddenly hits it, overkilling it, and disappearing. Squall put his arms down and fell to the ground, exhausted. --- OOC: Mucha Gracias to Ginny for helping me catch up!.[/b][/color][/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by darkside [/i] [B]angels are angels ghosts are ghosts its that simple people! [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=000066][b]Wait, wait, wait. You think it's [i]that[/i] simple? You must be simple. :laugh: It's called religion. Learn one. Then we'll see how simple it is. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=000066][b]Well, the Otaku Chat has been taken over by some guy named Goku2, and well, he's taking it [i]all[/i] downhill. He allows profanity, and, it even says ******* in the intro message. I don't know if there is anything you can do, but I'd thought I'd let you know. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
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