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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. [size=1][color=000066][b]Heart murmurs are very, very rarely known to be serious...My cousin has had one her whole life. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=000066][b]Here is a new banner... [SIZE=4]STEWIE RULES[/SIZE] heh... -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=000066][b]This is going to be a short story coming from a little girls/womans point of view, so, yeah...Please read and review. --- I was always a shy girl. No matter who or what, I would have doubts about what to do. That was who I was at six years old, and probably still would be if it wasn't for Mr. Williams. It was a hot, sticky summer day in 1964 and I was being a kid. I was playing with my few friends in a small pool my parents had just bought the day before. I was so excited, and so were my friends, we practically lived in it for the rest of the summer. My mother was always the watchful one. Being in the decade of peace never fazed her. As we played outside, she would watch from the window of our suburban hourse, making sure we didn't get hurt or kidnapped. But one day, her happiness was shattered. A drunk, stumbling man ran into our yard. I was scared. Not only for myself, though, but for my friends. We all started to yell at the top of our lungs, buy mom never came. [i]The one time I need her, she isn't here[/i] I had probably thought, because my voice was being heard above all my friends. The screaming startled the drunk, and he jumped then turned toward us, shouting inaudible, and probably rude comments. I shouted even more when this happened, which, by surprise, alerted my mom who had accidently dozed off on the couch. I heard the back door swing open and my mom yelling. I was crying, but I didn't care. I turned around and saw my mother had grabbed my older brothers wooden baseball bat and she was ready to swing. The drunk looked at my mom and then turned and left, apparently being sober enough to know what was going to happen to him if he didn't. My mom rushed to our sides, hugging each and every one of us while weeping herself. I think she was more afraid then we were. "Come on girls," I remember her saying, "let's go have lunch." We went inside and had our daily lunch, most of us forgetting what had happened. My mother didn't forget, no, she never did. That night, after my friends had left, and my mom had put me in the living room to watch "I Love Lucy", when I heard shouting from the kitchen. My mom and dad were having a fight, which they almost [i]never[/i] did. I didn't know what it was about, but I had a feeling it was about the drunk man. The next week, after my father had begged my mom to take me to the town carnival, we went. I had so much fun that day, I can remember it like it was yesterday. Eating cotton candy, popcorn, pizza, whatever I wanted. I even won a three foot stuffed Panda. Though I was happy, and the drunk man was the farthest thing from my mind, I would occasionally catch my mom looking around mysteriously at people. When I would ask "What's wrong mommy?", she would simply reply "I just thought I saw your father or someone." She was lying, and I knew it, even if I [i]was[/i] six. We started to head to the sitting area when a group of high school boys accidently bumped into us, and I lost grip of my mother's hand. I immediatly got up and started looking for mom, but the crowed was already in front of me. I started yelling out, but it was no use. I dropped to the ground and started crying. I was scared. I was scared that the drunk man was coming to get me, which was what I had thought. Then, I heard a gentle man's voice. "What's wrong, my little daisy?" the soft voice asked. "I--I got lost from my mommy," I replied, grief stricken. The man, who was about five nine, and had a slight beard, bent down and helped me up. "It's ok, daisy," the man said, "I'll help you find your mommy." "My name is Melanie," I said, drying my tears. "You can call me Mr. Williams," he replied, smiling. We walked hand-in-hand around the park, and he took all my fear away, telling me about his life with his grandson and granddaughter. He even made jokes that I could understand, and I laughed. "Here," he said, stopping suddenly, "your mother is sure to find you here." I nodded slightly, noticing that it was the stand where I had won my Panda. "Take this, daisy," he said, taking something out of his pocket. He bent down and opened it, revealing a silver chain with a heart on it. "I want you to have this. It was my late mothers. It'll bring you luck." He smilied as I held it in my small hands. I put it around my neck, and he fastened it. "Remember Melanie, don't be afraid of people. They don't mean to hurt you if even if they do hurt you." I nodded again, smiling. "Melanie! Melanie!" I heard my mom shout. "Mommy! Mommy!" I yelled at the top of my voice. I then saw my mom push through the busy crowed, and then she reached me. She bent down, picked me up, and hugged me almost so I couldn't breath. "How'd you get here?" she asked softly. "Mr. Williams brought me here," I replied. My mom looked around to see no Mr. Williams, and nor did I see him. He simply vanished. The next morning, I was sitting at the table while my father read the newspaper. I suddenly saw a familiar face in one of the sections. "Mr. Williams! Mommy, Mr. Williams is in the paper!" I said, happy as can be. I was too young to read the heading: [b]Obituaries.[/b] My mom came over, grabbed the paper, and read the paragraph below his picture. She then said, shaking her head, "No, no, hunnie, this couldn't be Mr. Williams. This man was the bad man who tried to get you and your friends last week. He died the day after he tried to get you." It was true. Mr. Jerry Franklin Williams had died of alcahol poisoning on the day after he had tried to get me. Somehow, I knew in my heart that Mr. William's spirit had helped me, and he never intended to hurt me, even if it had seemed that way. To this day, I always look in the mirror and remember what he said to me. [i]"Remember Melanie, don't be afraid of people. They don't mean to hurt you if even if they do hurt you."[/i] --- -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=000066][b]I hope you all know bringing back a topic from four months ago is against the rules... >> -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=000066][b]Well, the only answer is that is that they are spirits, which are ghosts. Angels aren't real, well, they're not to me, since I am Wiccan... -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=000066][b]Yeah, I meant for it to be like that... Here is a new one... [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/newlogan.gif[/img] -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=000066][b]I really know nothing about this, and can't find anything on it, but I just recently used a character from it for an rpg. Here are the characters: [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/alen.bmp[/img] Alen [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/asa.bmp[/img] Asa [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/ashuros.bmp[/img] Ashuros [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/bant.bmp[/img] Bant [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/bisyura.bmp[/img] Bisyura [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/sean.bmp[/img] Burasu [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/corona.bmp[/img] Corona [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/eria.bmp[/img] Eria [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/erina.bmp[/img] Erina [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/fal.bmp[/img] Fal [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/feil.bmp[/img] Feil [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/fureisia.bmp[/img] Fureisia [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/gantu.bmp[/img] Gantu [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/haisar.bmp[/img] Haisar [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/nerufiresu.bmp[/img] Nerufiresu [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/purastar.bmp[/img] Purastar [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/rasinu.bmp[/img] Rasinu [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/ren.bmp[/img] Ren [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/rethisyeru.bmp[/img] Rethisyeru [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/sasya.bmp[/img] Sasya [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/solt.bmp[/img] Solt [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/sthin.bmp[/img] Sthin [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/thiria.bmp[/img] Thiria [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/varigures.bmp[/img] Varigures So, does anyone have any info on this anime and/or game? Please post if you do! -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=000066][b]Well, Logan is the real (well, not really. It's John I think...) of Wolverine from the X-men.. My real name is Zachary Tyler Wills, and all I know is what my first name means" "gift or promise of god". -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=000066][b]OOC: Here we go.. ---- [i]Sean William walked down the dirt road path. Around the road were willow trees, each branch draping like Demeter's hair upon her shoulder. The sun sparkled like a candle in a dark room, coming through the willow branches. On his back rested a scythe, sharp as a just-sharpened sword. The pole it rested upon was about the height of Sean himself, which was about six foot one. Too big to handle for some people. Not for him, though, for he had been training with it for some time now. You could say he knows how to handle it like Death. Death was something he knew all to well, nevertheless. His brother died defending Ramza, when Sean had been no older then three. It was a hard blow to him, yet he had survived. That was what Sean did. Survived. Even when his powers were binded, he survived. But he didn't want to think of those times. Blue hair draped in his face, as always, and was about shoulder length. Dressed in his dark blue battle atire, he looked like a general of an army. But Sean was not a general, for he had no dream of it. He was happy with what he was now, a Wizard for the Ramza Battalion. He had enrolled when he was twenty, and had been immediatly promoted from Mage to Wizard for his wisdom with spells. Spells, curses, charms---they were all childs play for him. Although many wizards could not handle the spells he did, he seemed uneffected by them.[/i] --- OOC: I hope this is ok...tell me if it isn't, ok? -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=000066][b]LOL Well, here are some new banners... [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/matrix.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/link.jpg[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/life.jpg[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/will.jpg[/img] -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=000066][b]*points to signature* That's all that needs to be said. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=000066][b]Zidargh, if this starts before Tuesday, I won't be able to post until after, because I have to print out and read Final Fantasy: Networks of Destiny to catch up. I hope that is ok. Name: Sean William Age: 24 Origin: The Mages Sanctum Alliance: Ramza Rank: Job Class: Wizard Weapon: Scythe Bio: As a child, Sean lived a life of struggle. His older brother, Maximus, had fouoght and died in the Lion War under Ramza. He was so grief stricken, the young boy had to have his powers stripped until teen years arrived. Living as a normal boy, Sean always felt something was missing. And indeed it was. Upon turning 13, Sean was granted his powers again. With extreme caution, his parents taught him spells and charms. Under Wizard Gustoff, he learned curses, which greatly displeased the village. Believing that Gustoff was planning to harm the Sanctum, the head Mage's binded Gustoff and evicted him out of the area. No one knows where he is now, but he has always been on Sean's mind. At age 20, Sean joined the Ramza Battalion. Believing his powers could be used to avenge Maximus's death, he swore to serve Ramza. To this day, he hasn't ventured back to the Sanctum. Appearance: (see attachment) -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TriGunMaSta68 [/i] [B]HAHAHHAHA DAMN DAT B FUNNY a** *******!!! man i thought keyblade was that other person not jean... damn, im confused. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=000066][b]What the heck are you talking about? And the cap button [i]does[/i] turn off, so, yeah. Anyways, maladjusted, as always, they are great. You should show the ones you drew for me. :) -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=000066][b]Oh goddess, I love this show. Especially Bender. He's just your ordinary drunk robot hooked on cigars. lol -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=000066][b]I know someone has another person who they love dearly--or looks up to. So, I wanna know who and why. I actually have three, so I'll post them here. My grandmother. I love her more then anything in the world. We've always been close---we were seperated for a few years because she moved to Indiana then to Louisianna(a long story). But she moved back a three or four years ago, and ever since, I have enjoyed most of my life. If she ever...left me, I would seriously have a breakdown. My sister, Desireè. We're brother and sister, so, yes, we've fought. But I've always looked up to her. She's popular, smart, and funny. She can do anything she wants---literally. Right now, she is in Florida. She's coming home next month and staying till November then moving to Massachusetts. I've missed her dearly, and always will. Ginnylyn. I know what you're thinking: "What a suck-up", but I am not. Ever since I was a newbie (gulp) and I saw how she drew and wrote, I was astounded. She's kept me hanging in there while my medical things have been happening and we recently got very close. I look to her as my sister and always will. Well, those are mine... -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=000066][b]It is time to vote for the top three contestents of the FSA! And they are: Charles ElCrazyWhiteBoy (12:35:51 AM): Hey there Tony. I'm kind of bored and I was just wondering if you're up for a chat. Semjaza Azazel signed off at 12:36:31 AM. ElCrazyWhiteBoy (12:36:40 AM): Well, I'll be damned. ElCrazyWhiteBoy (12:37:53 AM): Yo. Just the man I wanted to see! Desbreko145 signed off at 12:38:01 AM. ElCrazyWhiteBoy (12:38:08 AM): -_____- Lady Liger (12:38:35 AM): Hi there. ^^ ElCrazyWhiteBoy (12:38:53 AM): Well hello! I'll tell you, it's about time I come across a nice face. Everyone is acting so strangely tonight! Lady Liger signed off at 12:39:01 AM. ElCrazyWhiteBoy (12:39:10 AM): arrggh! :smashes things: BigBoobiesgirl (12:40:03 AM): Oh, I'm so hooooooooot! HornyGuy (12:40:09 AM): Shake it baby! ElCrazyWhiteBoy (12:40:10 AM): Hey there. I don't know you guys, but everyone seems to be avoiding me. Do you have any advice--or could you at least rub my nipple? BigBoobiesgirl has left the room HornyGuy has left the room. ElCrazyWhiteBoy (12:40:15 AM): Son of a *****! Sara R.E.S.C.U.E. Ridiculous Entry Standards Club of the Untrodden Enlightened Presidents: Sara; Solo Current Members: Lady Asphyxia Pending Members: None Available Rejected Members: Chris, Ravenstorture, Anakin Solo People who have respectfully rudely and abrasively declined to take part: Lady Mac If you wish to join, pm six other members asking them to pm me with a brief letter of recommendation regarding your alleged skills as a professional cosmonaut. If five or more do so, I will notify you. You must then send me three hundred dollars of monopoly money (small bills) and a picture of Rowlf the Muppet. If all these requirements are met satisfactorily, I will flip a coin. If it lands heads up, you win. [Five hundred dollars of monopoly money gets you three coin tosses; two out of three will get you in.] If only four people PM me satisfactorily, I will consult the other President or decide by myself. I may also PM you again, requesting more images of Muppets characters, and you may still make it in. However, if fewer than four people recommend you, you unfortunately do not qualify for this club at this point in time. Also, you may only request letters of recommendation from three members. Beats me how you're supposed to get five recommendations from three requests, but that's your problem, not mine. If any member you approach does not agree to PM me, tough cookies. Incidently, I reserve the right to remove any qualified person from my list, in case of banning, rudeness, hypocrisy, forged money, or the fact that I just don't like you. If you don't get in, you suck and everyone hates you. Also, you must have at least 1000 posts to join. Have fun! Much applause and confetti to Lady Asphy. wristcutter (has no siggy) --- And so, voters, I leave this to you! Polls are closed on August 10th at 4pm! -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=000066][b]Still can't figure it out. --;; Anyways, here is another banner featuring Oni. EDIT: Here is one I just made. Thought I should throw it in. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/believetosee.gif[/img] -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=000066][b]Chapter 3- Arrivals ?That was one heck of a fall,? said Stephen, standing up. He looked around as the others joined him, and saw he was somewhere he had never been before: the jungle. ?The jungle?!?!? yelled Alexa. ?How?d we get here, Alexa?? asked Jamie. ?Wait,? said a voice. It was the voice from before. ?You cannot use your real names here. You must use your username?s you chose before.? ?Well, I guess you guys call me Score now,? said Stephen, walking to a tree and looking up. ?I?m Cyke, then,? said Anthony, standing behind Grant. ?Call me Sayaki,? said Sakura happily. ?I?m Katana now,? said Alexa. ?Toru is my name,? said Jamie. ?I chose Hunter,? finished Grant. Each of them looked around curiously until Katana broke the silence with a sigh. ?What are these things again?? she asked frustratingly, pointing to the D-R. ?Mr. Mysterious called them Digital Readers,? replied Hunter solemnly, ?supposedly these and the cd?s have something important to us.? ?He said that we?d get our Digimon by pushing this button,? continued Sayaki, pointing to the play-like button. ?Well, what?re we waiting for? Let?s get this over with,? said Score. Before anyone could object, he pressed the play button. Through the small, clear window, he could see the small disc spinning. A light shined from the D-R and a tremendous force knocked Score to the ground. From the light, a figure started to form in front of him. He tried to squint to see what it was, but to no avail. The light started to disappear and the figure slowly came into sight. It was on two legs, with two short arms in front. It?s blue fur covered it?s entire body except for the tip of its tail, the tips of its arms and legs, its nose, and its chest, which were white. A red triangle glowed on its forehead. ?Hello,? it said, wagging its tail. ?Wha?what the heck is that?? yelled Katana. The creature turned its head to Katana. ?I?m a Digimon,? it said kindly. ?Di-Di-Digimon? No-no-no way!? said Sayaki, almost unable to hold in the excitement. The Digimon turned back to Score and smiled. ?Are you my tamer?? it asked. ?I-I-I guess,? said Score, getting up. He slowly walked to the creature. ?My name is Dorumon. Nice to meet you?um, who are you?? Dorumon said shyly. ?I?m Score. This is Hunter, Katana, Sayaki, Toru, and Cyke. We?re from the Real World,? replied Score. ?Are you tamers too?? asked Dorumon, turning to the others. ?I will be!? said Toru, pushing the button on his D-R. Katana opened her mouth to object, but was too late. A light, like Scores, emerged from the D-R. Toru stepped back as the creature emerged. The Digimon was about three feet tall, and was yellow all over. Its long ears stood up, and its red pants clung tightly to its legs. A white string was tied to keep the pants up, and the Digimon had a smile on it?s face. ?Ah,? he said, yawning. ?Are you my Digimon?? said Toru excitedly. ?I?m Neemon,? it replied. ?Are you my Digimon?? repeated Toru. ?I?m a Digimon. I don?t know if I am yours or not. But I could be! But I am Neemon anyways,? he said, running up to Toru. ?Oh god,? said Katana, smacking her forehead, ?first a fuzzy lizard, and now a riddler.? ?You are my Digimon!? said Toru, hugging Neemon. Neemon smiled and nodded. ?Yep, sure am!? he said. ?I?m going to have one too,? said Sayaki quietly. She pushed the button and her creature emerged. The creature was very, very small. Only about the size of a poodle, it had a huge golden collar around its neck. On the collar were strange markings that made no sense. It?s puppy-ish ears drooped down and its crystal blue eyes shimmered in the sunlight. ?What?s your name?? asked Sayaki sweetly. ?I?m NeoSalamon!? barked the cute Digimon. ?Nice to meet you, NeoSalamon. I am Sayaki. I?ll be your tamer,? replied Sayaki. ?Now who?? asked Score, patting Dorumon?s head. ?I?ll go,? said Cyke, stepping from the tree he was leaning on. He pushed the same button as the others, and the same response happened. After the light cleared, the creature presented itself. It was a dark purple color with gold in various places. Two reds stripes came from his shoulders onto his chest. It had two small wings attached to its arms. It?s claws were apparently razor sharp. ?Monodramon!? it shouted suddenly. This made Alexa and Sayaki jump. ?Whoa, boy, don?t need to shout,? said Cyke, ?I?m Cyke. I?m your tamer.? ?Ok!?shouted Monodramon, again causing Alexa and Sayaki to jump. Cyke chuckled and Monodramon and him sat down on the ground. ?I guess I?ll go,? said Hunter calmly. From behind Cyke, he pushed the button. The light pierced all of their eyes, and the creature started to form. The Digimon was a golden colored lizard with blue stripes in various places. It?s short tail wagged once and he turned around. Its claws were sharp, that was apparent. Its green eyes shimmered from the light. ?What?s your name?? asked Hunter. ?I?m NeoAgumon. It?s nice to see you,? said the Digimon. ?I?m Hunter, and nice to see you too,? replied Hunter. ?It?s your turn, Katana,? said Sayaki. ?Ok, ok,? Katana replied sarcastically. With a push of the button, the creature formed. The creature was about four feet tall and had blue fur. Black leather was strapped to it in various spots, and its brown eyes glimmered. It turned to Katana. ?I?m Strabimon. And you are?? ?I?m Katana, your tamer,? she replied. ?Ok, I?m fine with that,? Strabimon said. After the last arrival, everything was quiet. Too quiet. Suddenly, a roar was heard and a giant red beetle-like creature emerged from the trees. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=000066][b]Well, here is a new one. I was going to make the background with grids, but I cannot find out how. Well, please look and lecture! EDIT: Here is the avatar to go with it. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/oni.gif[/img] -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=000066][b]You definitely have some potential. Keep up the good work! -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=000066][b]Ah, it depends on what you mean. Many types of "supernatural" seeing people are grouped under the "psychic" type. Mediums, per se, are people who recieve information from the spiritual realm. I believe in them. There are many, many more (most of which I cannot think of because it is 12:30 am), and I mostly believe in all. I [i]am[/i] a Pagan, so it is natural to me. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=000066][b]Not that this is on topic or anything...I suggest the rules Hiei.... [OFFTOPIC]Not long at all[/OFFTOPIC] -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=000066][b]Chapter 2- Get Your Gear and Begin Stephen slowly opened his eyes. He had been....falling. Falling for what seemed like forever. He had been at his computer at home, reading an email from someone name DigitalMatrix when he was immobilized. Being captured by some kind of blueish orb, he was then plunged into darkness. Well, not total darkness. He had seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Mona Lisa, the Thinker, and various other famous art pieces or monuments. ?This is all a dream,? he said to himself as he got up. ?It isn?t a dream as far as we can tell,? said a girls voice. He turned around to see two boys and two girls about his age, and a smaller one who seemed about ten or eleven. The girl who had said that was about his height with sandy brown hair. Stephen looked around the room. Blue, see through screens were around everywhere. They looked like computer screens without the actual monitor or screens. ?Wh?where are we?? he asked, looking back at the group. ?No idea,? said the boy with short, dark hair. ?Well, who are all of you then?? asked Stephen, who was kind of frustrated. ?I?m Anthony Fowler, and I?m from Jackson,? said the boy who had spoke to him before, and then he sarcastically added, ?that?s in Ohio.? ?I?m Grant, man,? said the guy next to him. ?I?m Alexa and this is Jamie,? said the girl with black hair, who was with a small kid. ?And I am Sakura,? said the last girl. ?Who are you?? asked Alexa. ?I?m Stephen,? he replied. ?Welcome to the Digital World,? said a masculine voice. Stephen jumped and turned around to see nothing but the screens. ?Who?who said that?? asked Jamie. ?Names are not important right now,? the voice said again., ?but what is important is that you begin your journey.? ?Journey?? said Sakura, scratching her head. ?Wait, wait, wait,? said Alexa, ?I didn?t sign up for this.? ?None of you did,? said the voice, ?you don?t sign up for your destiny. Now, if each of you will kindly go to separate---? ?Destinies? What are you, some gypsy?? asked Anthony sarcastically, interrupting. ?Gypsy, I am not,? said the voice, ?now, if you will kindly---? ?Where are we anyways?? interrupted Alexa, keeping a hold of Jamie?s hand. ?You are in the Digital World, where else? The Digital World is where all data enters and exits. Your email goes through here, through the Digital Matrix, and to the recipient. That?s how it has been since the invention of the Internet, and that is how it will always be. Any other questions before we begin?? ?I have one,? said Grant quietly, ?what are we doing here?? ?You are here to save us from our dark destinies. There is a very evil Digimon---? ?Digimon?? Anthony interrupted once again. ?Yes, Digimon, or Digital Monsters. Beings that are made from complete data and who live in the Digital World. Each of you will be receiving a Digimon shortly. Now, on to getting you ready. Each of you go to a separate screen.? ?Here, Jamie, go to the one next to mine,? said Alexa, walking him over to one then going to a different one. Each were spread throughout the room. ?Now put your right hand on the screen,? said the voice. As each did, green lights began emerging from where their hands were. Each jumped at this, but remained there. Suddenly, each of their names appeared in white letters. Stephen Canter, Sakura Megami, Anthony Fowler, Alexa Davidson, James Mokima and Grant Wickline. ?Choose a username,? said the voice. On each screen, a keyboard appeared. One by one, each began to put in their selected names: Score, Sayaki, Cyke, Katana, Toru, and Hunter. ?Now what?? asked Sakura. ?Choose a drive from the following: A, C, D, E, W, and R.? the voice responded. Another keyboard showed up, but only with the six selections. Each chose the following (in the same order of names and username?s): ://A, ://E, ://C, ://D, ://R, and ://W. ?Okay, Mr. Mysterious, what now?? asked Alexa sarcastically. ?Ok, wait for a second,? the voice said. Suddenly, from the screens, a small, compact disc reader emerged. Each of the six kids caught them and looked at them. Each were silver plated and each had different markings on them. Stephen pushed the button that looked like this ^ and the top opened to show a disc reader like a cd player. The other buttons were a play button and a fast forward button, but the fast forward button wasn?t able to be pushed. ?What are these?? asked Jamie. ?Those are your Digital Readers. They are to run these.? the voice replied. Suddenly, each had a small disc in their hands. ?Run those through your DR?s and you will get your Digimon. Now, you shall begin.? Suddenly, the room began to glow. The kids started shouting as the floor below them started to disintegrate and they fell. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=000066][b]Giving inappropriate help won't help at all... heh, I'm done now. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=000066][b]I seriously doubt his parents are that stupid anyways. That is exactly what you're calling them, which is actually an insult. Lying is not the way to go. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
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