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Everything posted by Patronus
[size=1][color=000066][b]Ok, ok, ok. Here we go. I'm currently going through the same thing. Ok, yes, Zach is bisexual. There. I said it. I have been for two years now. I haven't told anyone in RL, and don't plan to anyways for a while. Well, Gargoyle God, lying isn't an option. Just give it some time and when you know you need to, tell them. It's alot simpler that way. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]Right. Xbebop... what you said, right there... that had nothing to do with dayday's problem. It seems all you care about is yourself and you. This is dayday's thread, and this is dayday's problem. If you want to complain about bullies make another thread. Hello... Harry. I don't agree with your line of thinking. Vicky is absolutely right and you are ABSOLUTLEY WRONG. Two wrongs to not make a right they make more of a wrong. And you are a wrong. dayday please excuse these fools they care about nothing but themselves. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=000066][b]Who cares if you don't agree? Who says you are right and he is wrong? And stop, please, stop acting like you're superior to everyone else. I've held this back many times and I am not holding back any more. You annoy me. Greatly. Stop acting like god and start acting like a human being. [center]Anyways[/center] dayday, I've told you this before, and I'll say it again. Each of those boys, even if you don't care about it anymore, should have [i]something[/i] cut off and fed to themselves. This behavior is inexcusable. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]My plans are to go to either UCLA or NYU and study...well, study something. I really don't know what I want to study as of yet. Something in Cultural Beliefs, investigating, writing, teaching, or reporting will be nice. I'm leaving it to destiny to decide. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]You may or may not recognize that line. You may or may not know who the Zodiac is or was. But I am here to tell you. In December of 1968, David Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen pulled to the side of a gravel parking area along remote Lake Herman Road on the eastern outskirts of Vallejo, Calif. According to the police report, the victims were apparently approached while occupying Faraday's station wagon. Shots were fired into the vehicle in an apparent effort to force them out. Jensen exited the front passenger door first, followed by Faraday. Faraday was shot as he emerged from the car, Jensen was then shot as she fled on foot. It was the couple's first date and the crime shocked the community. The shooting could not be explained by Faraday's family. Jensen's family was equally dumbfounded. David Faraday, age 17, was shot once in the head at point-blank range and died within minutes. Betty Lou Jensen, age 16, was shot five times in the back and killed instantly. The weapon was a .22 caliber semi-automatic pistol. The ammunition was Winchester Western Super X copper-coated long rifle. There was no indication of robbery or sexual molestation. While there were no witnesses, just before local resident Stella Borges discovered the crime scene she passed a light-colored vehicle speeding the opposite direction on Lake Herman Road toward Vallejo. While Faraday and Jensen are traditionally considered definite Zodiac victims, there have been many other suspects in this case. In the early 1990s, former Vallejo Police Department detective John Lynch said the couple was killed because Faraday had learned of a major drug deal and had been talking openly about who was involved. Other sources have speculated that Zodiac wasn't responsible because no taunting letters or phone calls were received until months after the murders. However, when Zodiac finally took credit for this attack, he provided many details that were not known to the general public. Perhaps Zodiac's sense of fulfillment following the Faraday-Jensen murders was so strong that he didn't feel the need to immediately brag to the news media. More than 30 years later, local residents still haven't forgotten this crime. And the secluded area of the murders hasn't changed very much at all. [center]***[/center] On July Fourth, 1969, Darlene Ferrin and Mike Mageau were attacked at the parking lot of secluded Blue Rock Springs Park on the eastern outskirts of Vallejo, Calif. Darlene Ferrin, age 22, was shot five times. Mike Mageau, age 19, was shot four times. The weapon was a 9mm semi-automatic pistol. There was no indication of robbery or sexual molestation. There were no witnesses. [center]***[/center] There were many victims in this chilling case, or so the Zodiac says. Only seven are confirmed, but there are high chances that there are way more. The Zodiac was crazy. No doubt in that. He wrote dozens of letters as such: (note, these are not fakes. These are real letters from the Zodiac taken off of [url]www.zodiackiller.com[/url]) [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/zodiac1.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/zodiac2.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/zodiac3.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/zodiac4.bmp[/img] [center]***[/center] These are four of many letters. He taunts and rants and brags about what he has done. Along with some of these letters, he sent some ciphers, supposedly telling his identity. Today, they have been cracked, but everyone was fooled. He never told his identity. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/cipher1.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/cipher2.bmp[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/cipher3.bmp[/img] [center]***[/center] This guy was smart, I'll give him that. And I don't how he has managed to stay away from cops these years, maybe he is dead, maybe he isn't. But I wish I knew who he is. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Ok, here we go. A seperate thread so it won't be confusing. Please read and review. --- Chapter One- Depart Like a bat out of hell, the Devidramon flew across the sky holding a red orb in its claws. The beast flapped its large black wings, and with the speed of a bullet and the ferocity of a raptor, dodged numerous mountains and flew effortlessly through the trees. Coming upon a tall mountain with a dark cloud surrounding the top, the Devidramon flew up. Slowing down just enough to stop in front of big, black gates and it waited for them to open. With a ear piercing creak, the gates opened. Looking around before entering, the Devidramon slowly flew in. ?It?s about time you arrived,? growled a low, hoarse voice. From behind the thick fog, red eyes glared down at the small Devidramon. The being sat upon a throne of skulls and bones, and two lit torches sat towering behind him. ?Have sphere. Give reward.? said the Devidramon, laying the sphere at the monsters feet. ?Ah,? said the monster, ?your reward. Hm, what did I promise you?? ?Digivolution,? growled Devidramon. ?Ah, yes, I remember now,? the monster slyingly said. ?Well, I really don?t feel courteous...so, this is what I?ll do.? A red flame suddenly lit next to the monster. The Devidramons eyes grew large when he suddenly realized his fate. Growling, the champion level Digimon turned to escape. Before he could defy his destiny, the flame engulfed him. Painful growling could be heard, and the Devidramon turned into a white orb. The orb hovered for a moment, then faded. Brushing his hands together, the monster sighed. He picked the red orb up and brought it to his chest. It started to glow brightly and the monster absorbed it. ?That felt good,? he snickered, ?Witchmon!? A red light suddenly began to shine. From within, a womanly figure started to form. The light faded and the woman cackled. Sitting on a broom, red clothing covered this Digimon. A large, red hat sat on her greyed hair and covered most of her eyes. ?You bellowed?? she said in a witchy voice. ?The Digital Destined Six will be here soon,? replied the monster. ?What do you want me to do about it?? cackled Witchmon. ?I want you to take them out!? roared the monster. ?Ok, ok! I will do what you say. Let me get my helpers,? she said. With a eerie cackle, she left as once she came. *** ?Go! Go!? yelled the balding coach. A sandy brown haired teenager with brown eyes ran down the track, only feet ahead of the opposite runner. Sweat running down his face like a waterfall, he strained his body to win. The opposite runner caught up to him, and he looked over. Each had desire in their eyes, but one was greater. Stephen Canter jolted ahead of his opponent, his feet seemingly resisting gravity. Stephen passed by the finish line and skidded to a stop. The crowd cheered a bombarded the track. Stephen looked back and smirked at the opposite runner, who was being bawled out by his coach. Being hoisted up on his teammates shoulders, he rose his arms into the air. *** Stephen walked into his house, a large two-story white one. It was furnished with white carpeting and very, very expensive looking furniture. No one was home. It wasn?t like that was unusual. After his mother died, his father completely focused on work. Him and Stephen rarely ever talked or socialized. Walking up the curved stairs, he made his way to his room. Opening the wooden door, he walked in. The walls were grey and dim, and his curtains were white. With a red comforter, his bed lay below a rack of many trophies. Putting his red and black backpack onto the bed, he walked over to his computer. With a flat screen monitor, this had been his birthday present from his father. Moving his mouse, the computer came out of ?sleep?. Once running, he clicked on a big I that was a icon for his ISP. Inputting the name ?Score007", he typed his password and the connection began to connect. With a loud noise, then a buzzing, it finished and he was connected. ?Come on, I have to have some email,? he said to himself. Clicking on an envelope, his inbox opened and started to load. It finished, slowly, and he scanned the contents. ?Hmm...? he said to himself as he read the senders, ?kickykid01....starfox55...magicman.... No one important.? He scrolled down with his mouse and then made a puzzled look. ?DigitalMatrix,? he said as he clicked on the name. The email opened surprisingly fast, revealing nothing but green numbers on a black background. Stephen sighed, thinking it was a virus, and tried to move the mouse. It was stuck. ?Damn computer,? he said, smacking the monitor. He tried to lift the hand on the mouse off of it, but couldn?t. He looked down, and saw that the mouse had started to glow a bright blueish white. His eyes got huge as the light moved from the mouse to his hand, and started moving up his arm. He started to scream, but it was drowned out by the light that now covered his whole body. Suddenly, two rings with white and blue numbers started to move around the now orb captured Stephen. He was suddenly jerked back, and then disappeared. *** ?Yo! Anthony!? yelled Grant, running down the sidewalk. Blonde streaks went through his hair like thread in a quilt, and his blue eyes shimmered with the sunlight. Running up to Anthony Fowler, a dark haired and handsome teen, he stopped. ?Yo, Grant, sup?? he said, shaking Grants hand. ?We need to do our report, remember? We have to get to the library.? ?Oh, crap!? said Anthony, crossing his arms. ?Yeah, let?s get to it.? The two teens ran like messengers across town and to the public library. Suddenly stopping, they slowly entered and went to a computer. ?Let?s check out email before we start,? said Anthony. Clicking on an envelope, each were prompted to put in a username and password.. Grant typed in ?Hunter2007" and his password, and Anthony put ?Cyke? and his password. While waiting for their inbox?s to load, the boys started typing their reports. Each ignored their inbox?s completely and continued with their report. *** Alexa Davidson knocked on the white door of the one-story house. With a black t-shirt and tight pants, Alexa was the fashion model for many girls at school. All of the girls wanted her long, black hair, but couldn?t have it. She knocked again, and an Asian couple in their mid forties answered and smiled. ?Alexa, nice of you to come here on such short notice,? said the woman. ?It?s absolutely no problem, Mr. And Mrs. Mokima,? she said, smiling, and showing her pure white teeth. ?Well, come in, come in,? said Mr. Mokima, moving from the doorway to the foyer. Mrs. Mokima followed, and then Alexa entered after her. After a quick glance in the oval mirror that rested on the wall, she turned back to the married couple. ?We?ll be home around 11, and Jamie is to be in bed by nine,? said Mrs. Mokima. ?Is fourteen dollars an hour sound fair?? asked Mr. Mokima. ?Uh,? Alexa said hesitantly. She glanced at the clock, which read 5:13 pm, and looked at Mr. Mokima. ?That is very fair, Mr. Mokima. If it wasn?t for college coming up, I wouldn?t be able to accept it.? She said sweetly, smiling. The two adults laughed. ?Well, education is important nowadays,? said Mrs. Mokima, ?and we trust you greatly. Dinner is in the freezer, and there is money on the counter if you want any pizza or anything. Well, we better be off.? Mrs. Mokima went into the living room and kissed the ten-year-old James on the forehead and warned him to be good, then smiled at Alexa. ?Goodbye and have a good night,? Alexa said happily at the exiting parents. She shut the door and smiled at James. ?Is there a show you want to watch?? ?Yeah!? said Jamie, ?Power Rangers is on now. Can I watch it please?? ?Sure you can,? she said, switching the channel on the tv to the show, ?I?m going to go and check my email real quick. I?ll be right back, ok?? ?Ok,? said Jamie, already absorbed in the show. Alexa entered the office room, and went to the computer. Typing in ?Katana? as her username and typing her password, she logged in. She clicked on the email icon, and went into her inbox. ?Hm...DigitalMatrix?? she said, not knowing who it was. She clicked on the email and green numbers appeared. Then, Jamie came into the room and stood beside her. ?Alexa, I?m hungry. Can you fix me something?? he said in his low voice. ?J?J?Jamie, I can?t move my arm,? she said, apparently trying not to panic. Suddenly, a blue light covered her body and then Jamie?s. The light turned into an orb, and two strands of light circled them and they disappeared. *** ?Done,? said Anthony and Grant together. Each of them smiled, then looked at the computer screen. ?Oh yeah, our email,? said Anthony. Each opened their inbox?s and each had one email. The sender: DigitalMatrix. ?We both have one,? said Grant. A girl with sandy blond hair and brown eyes walked up behind them. ?Hey guys,? she said. ?Hey Sakura,? said Anthony, smiling. ?What?s up?? she asked. ?We..we both have this email from DigitalMatrix,? explained Grant. ?Uh...I got one too. I didn?t open it because I didn?t know who it was. Lemme get online and we?ll open it together.? she said. She logged on with the username ?Syaki? and went to her inbox. All three opened it at the same time, and all three saw green numbers. ?I...I can?t..move my arm,? said Anthony. The three looked at each other as they were being engulfed with a blue light. Suddenly, all three were in orbs and light strands were circling around them. All three disappeared in the same moment. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Gah, one thing I am trying to stay away from in my decisions is having powerful Digimon. Alot of writers make their stories awful by making a team with omnipowerful Digimon. Anyways, I'll think more about that later: right now, I have to start writing. I also forgot one more tamer. Tamer: Grant Wickline Username: Hunter Age: 17 Drive: ://w Digimon: Botamon-Koromon-NeoAgumon-NeoGreymon-NeoMetalGreymon-NeoWarGreymon -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Ok, voting off. Thanks Chou Long Kai. The top three as of now: Charles-11 Sara-6 Wrist Cutter-3 I will soon make a thread so we can vote on which three are funniest. If a mod doesn't care to close this, go ahead. -L/Z[/size][/color][/b]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Here I am...brain dead and stuck again. Right now, I'm not totally sure on these minions, so I'm not going to post anything but their names and levels :huh: Immediatly following, I will post the current members of the Digimon Rebels. [u]Witchmon[/u] Tortomon-Champion Allomon-Champion [u]Giromon and Gigadramon[/u] Tankmon-Champion Triceramon-Ultimate MarineDevimon-Ultimate [u]ChaosGallantmon[/u] Endigomon-Champion Mephismon-Ultimate NeoDevimon-Ultimate [u]Chaosdramon[/u] MetalMamemon-Ultimate WaruMonzaemon-Ultimate Mummymon-Ultimate [u]Gokumon[/u] Vademon-Ultimate Volcamon-Ultimate Jewelbeemon-Ultimate PileVolcamon-Mega Well, that's all for the minions..for now. Following are the rebels as I have now...I need five more. :drunk: Kotemon Bearmon Monmon Goblimon So...whatcha think? -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Here is my new one...I just reformated my desktop.. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]Child rape is even worse than regular rape. Which isn't very "regular" to start with.[/b][/quote] [size=1][color=000066][b]Actually, it does happen often...Alot, actually. Anyways, dayday, I'd kill thos bastards. But thats just me.. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Well, I'm gonna start writing when I have all the characters sorted out. I'm deciding if there should be a loner (like Impmon in s3) and/or a group of Rebel Digimon... Here are the villians. Some are the same as in the rpg...one actually, heh. All others are different. They're listed from 5-1, like, the first will be the last they meet. Gokumon (Reapermon) Level: Mega Attribute: Virus Type: Cyborg Levels: Centarumon-Assaultmon-Gokumon Bio/Persona: A ruthless and majorly evil Digimon. Many fear him, and are captured by him. He rules with an iron fist, and gets whatever he wants. Chaosdramon Level: Mega Attribute: Virus Type: Machine Levels: BlackGreymon-SkullGreymon-Chaosdramon Bio/Persona: A tough, rough Digimon. Second in command to Gokumon, this Digimon isn't afraid to show his true colors. ChaosGallantmon Level: Mega Attribute: Virus Type: Evil Warrior Levels: BlackGrowlmon-BlackWarGrowlmon-ChaosGallantmon Bio/Persona: A mean, cruel warrior. He became part of the team after he fought and killed his brother, Gallantmon, the protecter of the Digital World. He doesn't care who or what, he'll destory it if needed. Giromon and Gigadramon Levels: Ultimate/Ultimate Attribute: Vaccine/Virud Type: Machine/Android Levels: Drimogemon-Giromon-MetalEtemon FlareRizamon-Gigadramon-Machinedramon Bios/Personas: Giromon is a greedy and selfish Digimon that will do anything, as long as it's for him. Gigadramon is a cold hearted Digimon who will kill anything on order. This team is very dangerous. Witchmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Demon Man (er...woman) Levels: Witchmon-Arukenimon-Babamon Bio/Persona: This self loving Digimon will do anything to get something back; much like her colleague Giromon. Her wicked laugh and razor sharp claws will do anyone in. ---- Well, these are the main villians. I'll post the main minions after someone replies. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=00006][b]OOC: Sorry for the OOC post, but please, do not let your characters meet the ones from FFX-FFX-2 just yet. Everyone else needs to meet first. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=00006][b]*coughpinkcoughpinkcough* Heh, it's cool. Wish I could do that...I like the contrast of the [u]pink[/u] and green. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Welcome to the OB family! These next photos will show you the members in the OB house... (these are supposed to be badly drawn and funny) [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-7/286570/family.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-7/286570/james.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-7/286570/charles.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-7/286570/ginny.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-7/286570/tn.jpg[/img] More to come soon....cousins, aunts, uncles, and drunk stepfathers!! -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Well, I'm gonna write a fanfiction based on my rpg. Right now, I only have the characters, but I'll post the story later. Tell me what you think. Tamer: Stephen Canter Username: Score Age: 16 Drive: ://a Digimon: Dodomon-Dorimon-Dorumon-Dorugamon-Dorugoramon-Dorugremon Tamer: Sakura Megami Username: Sayaki Age: 15 Drive: ://e Digimon: SnowBotamon-Nyaromon-NeoSalamon-Mikemon-Persiamon-Kuhuzamon Tamer: Anthony Fowler Username: Cyke Age: 16 Drive: ://c Digimon: Ketomon-Hopmon-Monodramon-Strikedramon-Cyberdramon-Justimon Tamer: Alexa Davidson Username: Katana Age: 17 Drive: ://d Digimon: Punimon-LightTsunomon-Strabimon-Lobomon-Beowulfmon-MagnaGarurumon Tamer: James Mokima Username: Toru Age: 10 Drive: ://r Digimon: Punimon-Tsunomon-Neemon-Opposumon-Makuramon-Marsmon ---- Tell me whatcha think...please? -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]*faints* *dies* *dies again* I don't know what to say, heh. You know I always like to help...thankies so much! =^_^= -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]OOC: Sorry for not posting guys, I haven't felt well.:( --- IC: "She said nothing, really," Squall blushed. Walking up the staricase and into his quaters. Taking his shirt off, he layed down on the bed and went to sleep. *flash* "Rinoa!" yelled Squall, as he reached for the hanging girl. Rinoa hung on by a strap off the side of the moving Ballamb Garden. "Squall! HELP ME!" yelled the scared Rinoa. "ZELL! IRVINE! SELPHIE! GO GET QUISTIS! NOW!" yelled Squall. The four ran off to get Quistis. Squall looked at Rinoa and she looked back. Squall let a tear drip on Rinoa's face. Suddenly, Rinoa's eyes went blood red. She let go of the strap, and started to fall, laughing evilly. Squal screamed as loud as he could, then was plunged into a portal of darkness. --- OOC:Ok, start the switch over... -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Keishira pulled the male white elf up by his chin, to come level to her face. She leaned in to kiss him, but he pulled back. "Do you fear me?" she asked cruely. The elf nodded, and Keishira laid back. Spreading her legs lustfully, she smiled slyly. "Do what I said to do. Now." her harsh toned voice pierced the heart of the elf. The elf stood, then laid himself on top of Keishira... --- Keishira walked out of the tavern with a smile on her face, and a sword in her hand. She turned around as the White Elf came out, with a little smile on his face, but nothing more. "Come, my slave, we must continue." She turned back around, then started walking down the dirt road. The White Elf followed lazilly, and they made their way forward.[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]My take is that I am being thought of by someone, and all of you are just characters in his daydream. How do I know you're real? .. .... I don't. -L/Z[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Here is another banner...I hope it's good. Questions? Comments? -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Name: Keishira Hitori Species: Drow Age: 600 Rank: Assassin, Magic User Appearance: [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/Assasin1.jpg[/img] Weapon: Blood Stained Sword Bio: Very dark. She hates humans, and goes around with a White Male Fairy. Her intentions are bad, and she has a wicked temper. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Well, as you all know, I've been undergoing tests lately. I haven't gotten the results, but this is what has been happening: Two weeks ago, I went to get a catskan. It was simple, and I got to listen to music while in the big-round-thing. ^_^ Well...I'm worried. They haven't called, sent anything, nothing. I'm thinking something showed up and they're still making decisions.....:( Last sunday night was the night I stayed up. Actually, I stayed up from Noon to seven the next morning. Wanna know what? They only let me sleep for an hour. :flaming: And the woman was so snotty. I should of known. She was the aunt of someone I know. We asked "Well, what showed?". She was like, "Well, all I know how to do is tell if they're asleep, so, I can't tell you." I was pissed. One hour?!?! Gah...anyways, I'll let you guys know the results when we get them. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Well...my guess is either Microsoft or Sega, which were big while Nintendo was back then, I believe. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=000066][b]Here are the villians. The main three have two that go with them, and you have to play all three. Group 1: [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/PileVolcamon.jpg[/img] PileVolcamon (first main) Attacks: Volcanic Driver, Diamond Fists Level: Mega [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/Witchmon2.jpg[/img] Witchmon Attacks: Poison Storm Level: Champion [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/metarugureimon.jpg.jpg[/img] NeoMetalGreymon Attacks: Trident Arm Vesrion 9.9 Level: Ultimate Group 2: [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/Gokumon.jpg[/img] Gokumon (second main) Attacks: Skull Whirlwind, Serpent Flame Purgatory Level: Mega [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/Regulumon.jpg[/img] Regulumon Attacks: Regulu Cutter Level: Ultimate (Ah, I know he is a mega, but I wanted it changed) [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/NeoDevimon.jpg[/img] NeoDevimon Attacks: Stun Claw, Guilty Claw, Deep Sorrow Level: Ultimate Group 3: [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/HiAndromon.gif[/img] HiAndromon (third main) Attacks: Atomic Ray, Copy Paste Level: Mega [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/Callismon.jpg[/img] Callismon Attacks: Deep Forest, Rodeo Bullet Level: Ultimate [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/Galfmon2.jpg[/img] Galfmon Attacks: Dead Scream, Black Requiem Level: Mega --- Remember, you have to sign up the entire three that go with each main villian. -L/Z[/b][/color][/size]