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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. [size=1]Yeah, I wanted it like that. He is supposed to be "residing" in Nintendo Land, where ever that may be. -Logan[/size]
  2. [font=times][size=1]I just took two images, made them black and white and erased their background. On Mario, I took a background and erased everything except his head and made it transparent. -L/Z[/size][/font]
  3. [size=1]Then why do I see three or four members with 2+ images in their signatures, Kitty? -L/Z[/size]
  4. [size=1]Well, I was inspired by Shaun to do this real life/virtul picture. I'm new at this, so don't be so cruel! ~_^ Anyways, tell me what ya think. -L/Z[/size]
  5. [size=1]The ball rolled to Zach?s feet. He stood there in his red and white soccer uniform watching Tabitha drive off. Half smiling, he chuckled and bent down to get the ball. From behind, a teammate came up, kicked the ball out of his hands and ran off with it. ?Hey!? yelled Zach, running after him. Zach caught up to him and... (The Next Day) ?Number 23, Zach Wills comes up behind number 3 of the opposite team!? said the announcer over the intercom. The booming voice caused the crowd to cheer louder, and Zach?s adrenaline to rise higher then regular. ?Zach passes the opposite player. What is he doing?? the man boomed. Zach went in front of the player, turned around, and stopped. The player panicked and tripped, releasing the ball out of his grip. Zach took the ball and proceeded to run the opposite way. He made his way through the opposite team, who were wearing black and grey, and got in front of the goal. ?Here I go..? he thought to himself. He looked at the goalie; the goalie looked at him. The crowd cheered, the announcer spoke. Zach kicked the ball. The goalie jumped in front of it, and was....thrown through the goal net, and into the ground. Zach suddenly fell to the ground and started rocking back and forth. The crowd was silent and the announcer speechless. Zach fell to the ground, unconscious. -L/Z[/size]
  6. [size=1]I think that the only having one banner/pictue in your signature should be reinforced. It isn't fair that nothing is said to these members when it should be. That's just my take on it, though. :cross: -L/Z[/size]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MaxSonic [/i] [B]The problems with PM's is unless the person uses the pop-up option (which most don't), the person dose'nt immediantly read it. You colud have a "pager", and send a pop-up message to them that would activate either immediantly or the moment they log on. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Some members, which includes myself, just decide [b]not[/b] to pm back. Usually, they really have nothing to say. I really disagree with this idea. Pop-up boxes can get annoying if you're in a hurry. Wel, that's just my take on it. :cross: -L/Z[/size]
  8. [size=1]And let us all remember there is nothing graphical about it except text. =L/Z[/size]
  9. [size=1]Well, seeming it isn't that funny at all, or that there is no graphical changes, I'd give it a .1/10. -L/Z[/size]
  10. [size=1]I think I'd change myself. Completely. I really don't like who I am. -L/Z[/size]
  11. [size=1]Tabitha Smith pulled her sunglasses down over her green eyes. The purple lenses cast dim purple light in her pupils. The blonde was about to burn rubber and she grinned at the thought of scaring the young students of the Xavier Institute. ?Go time,? she said, clutching the stick shift. She put her boot covered foot on the brake and shifted into drive. Suddenly, a familiar voice popped into her mind. [i]?Remember Tabitha, you want to be treated like an adult, then act like one.?[/i] This was the voice of Jean Grey, a professor of the Institute. Tabitha looked down into her lap and sighed, then slowly, carefully pulled out of the driveway of the mansion. Pulling to a stop at an intersection, she pulled her sunglasses halfway down. Looking over from behind the green eyes, she spotted a team of soccer players. One, in particular, with sandy brown hair, caught her eye. ?Whoa baby,? she chuckled to herself. Then putting her two index fingers in her mouth, she blew a whistle. The players stopped, then looked at her. She winked at the attractive one and drove off. --- Please read and review. I will post more later. -L/Z[/size]
  12. [size=1]This [i]could[/i] be a good story, if you'd use better description. I know it is hard to do so, but you need to try. Instead of the following: He summoned the Blue Eyes White Dragon. (3000/2500). You'd write this: The card came alive with a great light. From the depths of the imagination, the omnious Blue Eyes White Dragon was summoned. With a an attack of 3000 and a defense of 2500, it prepared to battle. I hope this helps you. I've been wanting a good Yu-Gi-Oh fic for a while. ~_^ -L/Z[/size]
  13. [size=1]This, actually, is a very good idea. I really like the floppy disc idea. I, myself, have fallen from the "Digimon Cloud", and don't purge myself into it very much anymore. But this, this would get me interested. I hope you have very good writing skills, so I trust you. ^_^ -L/Z[/size]
  14. [size=1]Has anyone read this book? I really doubt many people have. It's not all that popular. I really do not know how to sum this book up, as it has many loopholes and such. But here is the summary from the back: [i]Score is a street punk orphan. Renald is a girl warrior. Pixel lives in virtual reality. They have nothing in common-----except fate. Score, Renald, and Pixel are being drawn into the core of the Diadem. They are kidnapped from their worlds and plunged into the unknown. Magic and mystery surround them. Riddles and clues lie in their path. The chosen Three have entered the next dimension. Now they must fight to survive.[/i] This book is very interesting. Each three are from different times. Score, the present. Renald, the past. Pixel, the future. And each have their own powers----I can only think of one right now. Score can change anything he wants to anything else he wants. When he was on the streets, right before he was caught, he was changing $1 to $100. [spoiler]At the end, the magician Aranak, one who is supposed to "help" them is their enemy.[/spoiler] -L/Z[/size]
  15. [size=1]Mine is much much more worse then a weird feeling. I get sick. Bad. I'll be sitting there, then see something familiar, even though it isn't later, and my stomach will go beserk. It scares me. -L/Z[/size]
  16. [size=1]"Chibiness" Heh, that or "Girl Power" -L/Z[/size]
  17. [size=1]Not allowing gay marriages is restricting freedom and committing racism/prejudism. It's just another form of government stupidity. -L/Z[/size]
  18. [size=1]Here are all the dress spheres and their abilities: [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/berserker.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Fight- Ability to fight Beserk- Cause Beserk on self. Hard Punch- Damages 1/2 of Enemy's HP. Plunge- Greatly damages one enemy. Negate- Removes Protect, Reflect and Shell while damaging enemy. Knock Out- Kills enemy. Scare- Lower Evade and Hit of enemy while damaging them. Coerce- Cast Slow on enemy while damaging it. Bit by Bit- Damages enemy and causes Poison. Fasten- Damages enemy depending on HP. Guts- Increases MAX HP by a factor of two. Changeproof- Immune to "want to change" status. Counter- Counterattack physical damage. Magic Counter- Counterattack magical damage. Avoid Counter- Evade and counterattack physical damage Auto Regen- Casts Regen on self automatically. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/blackmage.jpg[/img] Fire- Small fire attack. Blizzard- Small ice attack. Thunder- Small thunder attack. Water- Small water attack. Fira- Medium fire attack. Blizzara- Medium ice attack. Thundara- Medium thunder attack. Watera- Medium water attack. Firaga- Powerful fire attack. Blizzaga- Powerful ice attack. Thundaga- Powerful thunder attack. Waterga- Powerful water attack. Focus- Magic of self increases. MP Absorb- Absorbs enemy's MP. Black Magic LV.2- Black Magic preparation time decreased by 30%. Black Magic LV.3- Black Magic preparataion time decreased by 50%. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/darkgunner.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Fight- Ability to fight Magic Bullets- Use Magic Bullets (Learn abilities) Fathom- View statistic of enemy. Helm Splitter- Helm-type enemies suffer quadruple damage. Anit-air Bullett- Air-type enemies suffer quadruple damage. Wolf Hunter- Wolf-type enemies suffer quadruple damage. Anti-Pudding- Pudding-type enemies suffer quadruple damage. Anti-Elemental Bullet- Elemental-type enemies suffer quadruple damage. Lizard Killer- Lizard-type enemies suffer quadruple damage. Drake Killer- Drake-type enemies suffer quadruple damage. Dissembler Bullet- Machina-type enemies suffer quadruple damage. Robot Exterminator- Robot-type enemies suffer quadruple damage. Demon Seal Bullet- Demon-type enemies suffer quadruple damage. Exterminator Bullet Lv.2- Exterminator Bullet preparation time reduced 40%. Fathom Lv 2- Enemy models can be rotated. Fathom Lv 3- Fathom can be used again party members. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/darkknight.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Fight- Ability to fight Darkness- Sacrifices self to damage enemies. Drain- Drain enemy's HP. Gravity- Damages enemey by 1/4 of their HP. Confuse- Confuse enemy. Break- Petrifies enemy. Bio- Deals poison damage. Death Sentence- Dooms enemy. Death- Kills enemy. Chances to fail are present. Dark Sky- Deals damage to all enemies Fellow Traveler- Kills enemy and removes self from battle. Poisonproof- Immune to poison Stoneproof- Immune to petrification. Confuseproof- Immune to confuse. Curseproof- Immune to Curse. Deathproof- Immune to sudden death. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/floraful.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Fight-Ability to fight. Scan-Reveals enemy's statistics. Heat Dance-Multiple fire attacks. Ice Dance-Multiple ice attacks. Elec Dance-Multiple thunder attacks. Aqua Dance-Multiple water attacks. Barrier-Nulls Magic Damage. Shield-Nulls Physical Damage. Flare Dance-Multiple non-elemental attacks. Chaotic Dance-Multiple attacks on enemies. All Raise-Raises all party members Ribbon-Immune to Status Effects. HPX2-Double Max HP HPX3-Triple Max HP Break HP Limit-HP can exceed 9999. Break Damage Limit-Damage can exceed 9999 [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/gambler.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Fight-Ability to fight. Bribe-Bribes enemy to leave. Two Dice-Attack with 2 dice. Four Dice-Attack with 4 dice. Attack Slot-Random physical attack. Magic Slot-Random magical attack. Item Slot-Random item attack. Random Slot-Causes random effects. Luck-Raises luck. Sharing-Raises all party member's luck. Charm-Cast Confuse on all enemies. Always Critical-All attacks are critical. Exp x2-Gain twice the experience. SOS MP consumption 0-MP remains idle when HP is low. Gil x2-Gain twice the gil. Item x2-Gain twice the items. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/gunner.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Fight- Ability to fight Quick Trigger- Press R1 to fire a shot Power Shot- Damage to one enemy Hard Shot- Ignores defense while damaging one enemy. Quarter Shot- Damages enemy by 1/4 of their AP. Level Shot- Damages enemy based on own level. Burst Shot- Deals critical damage to one enemy Multi Shot- Damages all enemies. Multi Burst- Deals critical damage to all enemies. Darkproof- Immune to Darkness Sleepproof- Immune to sleep [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/itemshooter.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Fight- Ability to fight Mix Bullet- Can mix two or more objects for special effects. Potion- Use potion without using from stock. Hi Potion- Use Hi Potion without using from stock. Mega Potion- Use Hi Potion without using from stock. X Potion- Use X-Potion without using form stock. Remedy- Use Remedy without using from stock. PUrifying Medicine- Use Purifying Medicine without using form stock. Phoenix Down- Use Phoenix Down without using form stock. Mega Phoenix Down- Use Mega Phoenix Down without using form stock. Ether- Use Ether without using form stock. Elixer- Use Elixer without using form stock. Item Lv. 2- Preparation time decreaed by 80% Medicine Knowledge- Cure items effects are doubled. 6-Elements Knowledge- Elemental items effects are doubled. Non-Elemental Knowledge- Non-elemental items effects are doubled. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/machinemuzzle.jpg[/img] No abilities provided. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/mascot.jpg[/img] YUNA's ABILITIES: Fight-Ability to fight. Mog Charge-Heals a party member. Mog Cure-Heals HP/Status Ailements of party member. Mog Regen-Casts Haste and Regen on party member. Mog Wall-Casts Shell and Protect on party member. Mog Araise-Raises party member..cures all HP/MP. Mog Curaja-Heals all party members and status ailments. Mog Regenja-Cast Haste and Regen on all party. Moc Wallja-Casts Shell and Protect on all party. Mog Ariseja-Raises all party and cures all HP/MP. Mog Beam-Damages enemy. Ribbon-Immune to status effects. Autos Shell-Automatically cast Shell. Auto Protect-Automatically cast Protect. Kenwaza-Use any sword technique learned. Youjutsu-Use any magic technique learned.(Dark) RIKKU'S ABILITIES: Fight-Ability to fight. Cait Fire-Causes fire dmg and may cause Poison/Petrify. Cait Thunder-Causes thunder dmg and may cause Poison/Petrify. Cait Blizzard-Causes ice dmg and may cause Posion/Petrify. Cait Water-Causes water dmg can may cause Poison/Petrify. Power Eraser-Decreases enemies' attack. Armor Eraser-Decreases enemies' defense. Magic Eraser-Decreases enemies' magic attack. Mental Eraser-Decreases enemies' magic defense. Speed Eraser-Decreases enemies' evade. Friend from the Stars!-Chance to instantly kill enemy. Ribbon-Immune to all Status Effects. Auto Shell-Automatically casts shell. Auto Protect-Automatically casts Protect. Rage-Use any Rage learned from Berserker. White Magic-Use any White Magic learned from White Mage. PAINE'S ABILITIES: Fight-Ability to fight. Tonberi Dark Slash-Damages enemy and causes Blind. Tonberi Silence Slash-Damages enemy and causes Silence. Tonberi Sleep Slash-Damages enemy and causes Sleep. Tonberi Rage Slash-Damages enemy and causes Berserk. Tonberi Poison Slash-Damages enemy and causes Poison. Tonberi Stone Slash-Damages enemy and causes Petrify. Tonberi Stop Slash-Damages enemy and causes Stop. Tonberi Fourfold Slash-Dmgs enemy and reduces attack,def,m.attack,m.defense. Tonberi One-Hit Slash-Chance to kill enemy. Cactuar Machinegun-Greatly dmgs enemy. Ribbon-Immune to all Status Effect. Auto Shell-Automatically casts shell. Auto Protect-Automatically casts Protect. Ougi-Use any Ougi learned from Samurai. Black Magic-Use any Black Magic learned from Black Mage. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/samurai.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Fight- Ability to fight Throw Gil- Throw gil to damage enemy. Clear Mirror- Damage mirror depending on how low your HP is. (Lower=more damage to enemy!) Destroy Evil- Damages enemey's MP. Stop Motion- Stops enemys preparation. AWakened Dream- Nullified enemys status. Light Bullet- Damages one enemy. Supreme Bullet- Damages all enemies. Training- Damages enemy depending on number of kills. True Iron-Cutter- Kills all enemies. Chances to fail are present. Peerless- Raises on attack and hit. Majestic- Cast Protect and Shell on self. Renewal- Cures and eliminate staus ailements on self. Gale- Raises Evade and Haste on self. Iron-Cutter- Kill one enemy. Chances to fail are present. SOS-Critical- Deals critical hits when HP is low. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/songstress.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Darkness Dance- Blind all enemies. Silence Dance- Cast Silence on all enemies. Magical Dance- Party's MP will not decrease while dancing. Mabaria Dance- Party does not recieve Magical Damage while dancing. Sleep Dance- Cast sleep on all enemies. Carnival Dance- Party's MAX HP is increased by 2 while dancing. Breakdance- Casts Slow on all enemies. Stop Dance- Casts Stop on all enemies. Accel Dance- Casts Haste on all enemies. Final Dance- Party always hit Critical Hits. Support Song- Party's attack increases. Defense Song- Party's defense increases. Mysterious Melody- Party's M. Attack increases. Purity Preparation- Party's M. Defense increases. Focus Chant- Party's Hit rate increases. Matador Dance- Party's Evade increases. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/thief.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Fight- Ability to fight Steal- Steal an item from enemy. Steal Gil- Steal gil from an enemy. Steal Time- Casts stop on enemy. Steal HP- Steals HP from enemy. Steal MP- Steals MP from enemy. Always Steal- Steal without failing. Steal Good Stuff- Steal rare items from enemy. Steal Heart- Inflict Berserk on enemy. Steal Spirit- Causes enemy to flee. Run Away- Causes all enemies to flee. Item Hunt- Increase rate of getting items. Preemptive- Start first in battle. First Strike- Increase chance of first strike. Slowproof- Immune to slow. Stoipproof- Immune to stop. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/trainer.jpg[/img] YUNA's ABILITIES: Fight-Ability to fight. Holy Kodaigo-Inflicts holy damage. Flame Kodaigo-Inflicts fire dmg and chance of causing Blind. Ice Kodaigo-Inflicts ice dmg and chance of causing Stop. Lightning Kodaigo-Inflicts thunder dmg and chance of causing Berserk. Flood Kodaigo-Inflicts water dmg and chance of causing sleep. Kodiago Cannon-Chance to inflict instant death. Kodiago Sentence-Inflicts Death Sentence on enemy. Healing Kodaigo-Heals party member. Healthy Kodaigo-Cures status ailments. MP Consumption 1/2-Reduced MP consumption by half. HP Gain While Walking-Regain HP when walking. MP Gain While Walking-Regain MP when walking. Kodaigo Lv.2-Preparation time reduced by 30%. Kodiago Lv.3-Preparation time reduced by 50%. RIKKU'S ABILITIES: Fight-Ability to fight. Shrewd Giki-Damages enemy while stealing gil. Eye-covering Giki-Damages enemy and causes Blind. Say-Nothing Giki-Damages enemy and causes Silence. Looting Giki-Damages enemy while stealing item. Angering Giki-Damages enemy and causes Berserk. Teasing Giki-Damages eney and delays next turn. Healing Giki-Cures status ailments. Cheerking Giki-Heals a party member. Support Giki-Raises attack/defenes. Over Here!-Calls party member for damage. MP Consumption 1/2-Reduced MP consumption by half. HP Gain While Walking-Regain HP when walking. MP Gain While Walking-Regain MP when walking. Giki Lv.2-Preparation time reduced by 30%. Giki Lv.3-Preparation time reduced by 50%. PAINE'S ABILITIES: Fight-Ability to fight. Flory Glory-Chance to inflict instant death. Flory Poison-Damages enemy and causes Poison. Flory Stone-Damages enemy and causes Petrification. Flory Death-Chance to inflict instant death. Flory Guard-Heals member and casts Protect. Flory Accel-Heals member and casts Haste. Flory Shield-Heals member and casts Shell. Flory Heal-Heals all party members. Flory Recover-Raises attack/defenes. Over Here!-Cures status ailments. MP Consumption 1/2-Reduced MP consumption by half. HP Gain While Walking-Regain HP when walking. MP Gain While Walking-Regain MP when walking. Flory Lv.2-Preparation time reduced by 30%. Flory Lv.3-Preparation time reduced by 50%. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/warrior.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Fight- Ability to fight Iron Wall- Defend until next turn. Flametan- Fire attack. Icebrand- Ice attack. Thunderblade- Thunder attack. Aquasaber- Water attack. Gravitysword- Gravity attack. Exaclibur- Holy attack. Power Break- Damages enemy and lowers its attack. Armor Break- Damages enemy and lowers its defense. Magic Break- Damages enemy and lowers its magical attack. Mental Break- Damages enemy and lowers its magic defense. Delay Attack- Damages enemy and delays its next turn. Delay Buster- Damages enemy and greatly delays its next turn. Assault- Casts Haste, Berserk, Shell and Protect on all party members. SOS Protect- Casts protect when reaching critical health. [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/whitemage.jpg[/img] ABILITIES: Pray- Slightly heals all party members. Cheer- Heals own HP. Cure- Slightly heals. Cura- Heals medium. Curaga- Heals greatly. Regen- Regenerates HP of one member. Esuna- Cures status ailments of one member. Dispel- Cures magic effect of one member. Raise- Raises one party member. Araise- Raises one party member w/ full HP. Shell- Reduces magic damage. Protect- Redcues physical damage. Reflect- Reflects spells back. Full Cure- Fully cures one party member. White Magic Lv. 2- Preparation time reduced by 30% White Magic Lv. 3- Preparation time reduced by 50% [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/zankio.jpg[/img] No abilities provided. --- These look really awesome. I can't wait for the game to be released. -L/Z[/size]
  19. [size=1]If you ever quit Ginny, I'll never forgive you. You'll always be my and several others role model and quiting will ruin that. Please, [i]please[/i] don't quit. -L/Z[/size]
  20. [size=1]Who do you like the most in the showbusiness world? Explain why and the first movie and/or favorite move of theirs. Actresses Sandra Bullock- I really like her because of her attitude and beauty. Life is her box of chocolates and she isn't running out soon. Movies: [i]Practical Magic, Miss Congeniality[/i] Julia Roberts- I love her laugh. Her beauty factors in, and she always remains calm in front of the press. Movies: [i]Pretty Woman, Stepmom[/i] Actors Vin Diesel: There really isn't much to say about this action packed actor. He's cool and very calm. Movies: [i]The Fast and the Furious, xXx[/i] George Clooney: He's nice, handsome, and very considerate. Not to mention he lived in my town as a child. Movies: [i]Batman and Robin[/i] -L/Z[/size]
  21. [size=1]Mine would be... "The Hairy Clown" oO -L/Z[/size]
  22. [size=1]It isn't the same. We have different rules and such; which you should obey or prepare to get banned. =L/Z[/size]
  23. Patronus


    I'm not so sure you can---haven't seen you around too much. Sorry, but I am sticking with my decision.
  24. Patronus


    Oops. Sorry, I forgot to tell you. This isn't modern day...this is, like, way long ago. Anyways, change that and you're in.
  25. Patronus


    Silpheedpilot and JJ>> Sorry, but I don't think I can trust either of you to post good quality in this. Sorry, you're not in.
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