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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. The Toa Nuva are living happily since their last big battle; visiting among friends, laughing and staying with family. The happiness is short lived, though. An earthquake suddenly shook the ground. A brown amored, lizard like being jumped from a crater in the ground. He was carrying a duel edged staff in his hands. He put his head into the air, and sniffed. "They're near," he said to himself. "Ahh!" yelled a womans voice. It was a villager of Mata Nui, and a frightened one at that. The brown lizard shot two blasts of earth at the woman, but missed. She took off running, yelling at the top of her lungs. "What's that?" said Lewa Nuva from the village. His fellow warriors shrugged, and they ran off toward the scream. Making their way past the screaming woman, they found themselves in front of the brown lizard. "I've got them. Get here. Now." the lizard said, apparently to himself. From the waters, a blue lizard emerged and darted through the village. From the mountain top, a white lizard appeared and raced it's way down the slope. From the sky, a green lizard flew down and landed next to the brown lizard. A black lizard teleported in beside the other two. Suddenly, a large blast of magma erupted and a red lizard appeared. "Who are you?" yelled Gali Nuva. "We are the Rahkshi. And we are here to destroy you," said the green lizard. Who were these "Rahkshi"? And why did they want to destroy the Toa Nuva? --------------------- The Toa Nuva: [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336lewanuva.jpg[/img] Bio:[b] The Toa Nuva of Air has grown stronger as a result of his struggles against the Bohrok. His new air katana can be attached to his body to allow him to glide on wind currents. Combined with the power of Miru Nuva, he can now fly high over the island, keeping an eye out for potential threats to the peace of Mata Nui.[Me][/b] [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336pohatunuva.jpg[/img] Bio:[b] Pohatu Nuva's climbing claws make it easier than ever for him to scale the rocky peaks near his village. When joined together, his claws form the legendary Kodan ball. Using the Great Mask of Speed, Kakama Nuva, he has devoted himself to repairing the damage done to Po-wahi by the rampaging Bohrok.[/b] [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336onuanuva.jpg[/img] Bio:[b]Mata Nui will need the wisdom and strength of Onua Nuva more than ever in the months to come. Now no place on the island is too far or too dangerous for him to reach, for his quake breakers can be used as high-speed, all-terrain tracks. They can also be used to carve new passages in the earth. Onua Nuva wears the Pakari Nuva, which increases his raw strength to amazing levels.[/b] [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336galinuva.jpg[/img] Bio:[b]Gali Nuva's aqua axes can be attached to her feet to serve as scuba fins. Now there is truly nothing faster or more powerful than her under the water! And she will need that power to save Ga-koro from the darkness that is on its way. Protector of the oceans and waterways of the island, her Kaukau Nuva allows her to plunge to the very bottom of the sea and survive.[/b] [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336tahunuva.jpg[/img] Bio:[b] Of all the Toa Nuva, Tahu Nuva most welcomes his new power. Now he feels even more confident that he can protect Ta-koro from any danger! When trouble threatens, his magma swords can be joined together to form a lava board that carries him swiftly over the magma flows. He wears the Hau Nuva, which he uses to protect his people against any harm.[/b] [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336kopakanuva.jpg[/img] Bio:[b] His new power has, if anything, make Kopaka Nuva even colder and more remote than the mountain upon which he lives. His ice blade can be split in two to form power ice skates that let him rip through the ice and snow. He wears Akaku Nuva, using its power to keep watch on all of Ko-wahi from the top of Mount Ihu.[/b] ------ The Rahkshi [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336lerahk.jpg[/img] Bio:[b] Although not a cunning planner, Lerahk more than makes up for what he lacks in intelligence with sheer power. The touch of his staff can poison anything ? plants, animals, soil, or any foe he might choose. Unlike Guurahk and Panrahk, his power does not work over distance ? he must physically touch his target.[/b] [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336panrahk.jpg[/img] Bio:[b] The Panrahk is strong, exceptionally fast, and possessed of incredible endurance. But his true power lies in his staff, which can cause objects to fly apart with a mere touch. It can also be used to cause explosions at a distance. Even the strongest koro walls cannot long stand against Panrahk?s raw power! As he walks, the soil beneath his feet blows apart in a series of small explosions ? these sounds serve as warning to the Matoran of this Rahkshi?s approach.[/b] [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336guurahk.jpg[/img] Bio:[b] When Guurahk uses his tool, a web of cracks appears in his target, and eventually it collapses to the ground. But the staff would mean nothing without Guurahk?s skill at divining an opponent?s weak spot -- he is able to spot the stress point in any structure or the weakness in any foe and target it immediately.Guurahk?s staff emits a powerful cone of energy which can disintegrate whatever it strikes.[/b] [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336kurahk.jpg[/img] Bio:[b] Though he is fast and strong enough to down any foe, Kurahk prefers to make his opponents turn against each other. His Staff of Power fire rings of anger, which can cause his target to become consumed by rage. Even the Toa Nuva are not immune to his power, which magnifies any difference of opinion into an all-out physical conflict.[/b] [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336turahk.jpg[/img] Bio:[b] Turahk is the master of fear. Using his staff, he can induce anything from slight unease to complete terror in his foes. A being struck by Turahk?s energies will either run in panic or remain rooted to the spot in sheer terror. Turahk?s power is particularly disturbing to the Toa Nuva, heroes who have rarely known fear.[/b] [img]http://otakuleh.250free.com/img320x336vorahk.jpg[/img] Bio:[b] The Rahkshi called Vorahk has an insatiable hunger for power. Using his staff, he can drain the energy from an opponent and add it to his own. As his foes grow weaker, he grows stronger, until nothing can stand against him.[/b] ---------- We will start with where it stoped in the intro. This rp WILL be long. As this is only the first plot. And, if you join, you have to post no less then three paragraphs in the rpg. When you sign up, give the profile/name of the one you choose. I am going to be playing Lewa Nuva.
  2. Someone is already using that one so you can't...:-/
  3. Dan Rugh>> Nice pic! I like it, and it looks professional. Yet, it could do without so much pencil and more color. 9/10 Second entry> Nice. Very gothic and nice. I like it. 9.6/10 Hataki>> Er, I think you could do better. The three pictures don't go well, and the text is hard to read. The background is ok, but it could be better. 6/10 Shinobi>> First entry>> Nice!!! I like it, and it's very professional. 10/10 Second entry>> Wow...wow...wow...Well, another perfect design! 10/10 Third entry>> Very good. Could do without the little star beside the text, cause it looks girly. 9.7/10
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RequiemofaDream [/i] [B]well, i didn't really ask for feedback on my problems, but since you gave it, [/B][/QUOTE] Then why did you post this? >.> Anyways, give it some time. Alot of women miss their periods, but it is really nothing. So, whether she is or isn't pregnant, you should be responsible in your actions.
  5. It's something for members who were chosen by the judges; each have to do a task that is requested by the judges, and then they are voted on by members of the boards
  6. Um...no. Read about it in the Event Arena, and you'll see
  7. I'm on a roll! Heh..heheh..heh... [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/gali.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/guurahk.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/kopaka.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/kurahk.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/lerahk.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/lewa.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/onua.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/panarahk.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/pohatu.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/tahu.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/turahk.gif[/img [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/vorahk.gif[/img]
  8. Hataki>> On your first one, very nice. I like the white-black tone and the dramatic-cy of it. Very good. 9.5/10 On your second one, I think it could of looked better without the thing to the left, whatever it is. And the text it the corner could be in a different font. All over, you did pretty well. 7/10
  9. Heh, Chris, I do. I was just stuck on trying to make this one. As I said, Hataki, I like it ^_^
  10. Actually, yes, they should know each other. They are in the same business, and I'm sure they have to keep each other updated
  11. You're still not allowed doing this. This is advertising, and is against the rules. Don't try and bypass that
  12. This is awesome. Keep showing us your work!
  13. Here are some avatars...Desbreko got me in the mood to make them [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/sonic.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/tails.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/knuckles.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/manic.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/shadow.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/rouge.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/garnet.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/harle.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/luigi.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/mario.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/peach.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/samus.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/toad.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/waluigi.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/wario.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/yoshi.gif[/img] And the attachment is a new banner...^_^
  14. Patronus

    otaku prom

    I'm gonna ask Ginnylyn to go...mwahahah! -laughs evilly- No you tell, got it?
  15. Awww! Tell her Zach/Logan told her congrats! Does he look like his momma?
  16. Using the word "stupidest" Heh Probably when I ran into a big pole at the mall...It started wiggling and I thought it was gonna fall, but it didn't. Thank god! You wouldn't have me if you did...heh
  17. doukeshi> Yes, you're in oekakiotaku> Sorry, nope. Nothing personal ^_^
  18. Sorry, aYokano...you're not qualified to be in this. I hope you don't take it personal
  19. [color=darkred][size=1]Here are some new ones...I'm kinda stuck on what to do for a banner, so these are probably sucky.[/size][/color] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/avril.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/charmed.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/smile.gif[/img]
  20. Ok, this forum needs a quiz. It'll be as any other: you answer correctly, you ask the next question. Each time, someone will post a few or all the lyrics to a song and you have to figure out the song and who sang it. I'll go first... Oh, and make sure the lyrics do not give the title away! I never minded calling You a King If that meant that I could count on You To give me everything I never thought to ask You I always thought You knew It was never my intention to question You You never minded calling me a child Well, I guess that's how I acted all the while But You live through every tantrum, You see through every lie Though they seem to be more common I just wanted You to know why oh why
  21. Patronus


    This is only for me and Lady Katana. Spectaters are welcome, though. Characters are: Red (No, not the one you're thinking of) Pokemon: Meditite Jigglypuff Male Nidoran Bellsprout Houndour Poliwag Rayne Pokemon: Seel Pidgey Sentret Oddish Growlithe Magikarp -------------- Red smiled as his grandparents arrived. His hair, long and messy, draped almost over his blue eyes. His black shirt, blue baggy pants, and nice boots were the fashion of the times. Red lived in Newbark Town, a town where the second Pokèmon Master started from. He was ten years old, and was ready to start his journey, yet he didn't have a Pokèmon yet. His grandmother smiled and commented on how he had grown, and his grandfather saying what a fine boy he was. Red smiled. This was the life. No hassles, no mean bullies. Nothing. Two hours later, after Red's parents and grandparents had caught up, they called Red in. His grandfather was holding a Pokèball. "Red, you're ten years old, and you're ready for your Pokèmon journey, right?" his grandfather said. "Yes, grandpa, I am ready. Have been all my life," replied Red. "Well, Red, we have a surprise for you." said his grandfather. He threw the Pokèball at Red's feet and a Pokèmon emerged. Wait. Was this a Pokèmon? He had never see this one before. "What...what is this?" asked Red, backing away from the strange being. "It's a Meditite, one of the new Pokèmon that was discovered in Hoenn. We caught it in our backyard, and figured we'd let you use it for your starter Pokèmon." said his grandmother. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" said Red, hugging his grandparents, then his parents, and finally his Meditite. "We've arranged for you to go to Professor Elm's tomorrow and get your Pokèdex and Pokèballs," said his father. Red just sat there, smiling and hugging his new Pokèmon. "Medi...ditite!" said the Pokèmon.
  22. I'd really only believe you if you were someone I knew, but I'm not saying you're a lier. I, personally didn't hear about this. It's a shame, as I would of liked to tested.
  23. OOC: Blanko, I'll have you know I've been waiting to see where your characters went. And I can't post until I get enough info, ok? And I've been busy for the last few days, so [i]excuse[/i] me if I haven't had time. ----------- Luna looked over at Darvyn after recieving the news. It had been an hour that had passed. Darvyn had a hard time explaining everything, but had finally gotten through to her. [color=deeppink]"So....me and you are one of these warriors?"[/color] she asked, tilting her head. [color=crimson]"Yes, me and you are to find the others and together lead the battle. It won't be easy, but after the fact, Madiena will have a brighter future."[/color] [deeppink]"So, when do we leave?"[/color] [color=crimson]"As soon as we can. We still have to locate the first warriors: The Three Elemental Sisters. We have locater Angel's locating them right now; we should be able to take it from there."[/color] Luna smiled and jumped up, as always.. She ran out the door to tell her friends the news. After the announcment, the group squeeled and shouted. Darvyn smacked his forehead. This is [i]exactly[/i] what he needed.
  24. Exactly why I didn't give one, Raiha. I knew there were people on OB who could and couldn't do that. But remember, all of you: Just because you make a sign-up sheet doesn't make you eligable. I will post my part later; either Leo or Wrath. Raiha, you're in. ^_^
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