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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. This is....advertising...and there are links to hentai on there Anyways, welcome to the boards
  2. OOC: Sage, because she is a rogue princess, so she shouldn't be in her kingdom. And we have lost one, Sakura Kid. Now Luna is open. I want to know NOW if you are leaving. If not, plan on staying.
  3. Hundreds of years ago, people lived by and respected the bible. Each feared the Seven Deadly Sins, living and abiding by them. But now, now in the year of two-thousand and three, they are ignored and disrespected. People commit these sins every day, without even considering the consequences. That is about to change. -Chapter 1- Leo Collins walked down the street of New York City. His brown hair was spiked, his blue eyes scanning the area in front of him. He wore a brown leather jacket with a tight, white shirt under and baggy jeans. On his left index finger was a silver band with a weird red writing on it. He?d just gotten off of work and was heading home. He worked at the New York Times as one of the top reporters of the city. After a three month long topic, he was glad to get some time off. A week before, he had arrived back in town after staying in Europe for an assignment on how people view New York. It wasn?t a simple job, or even interesting. But the pay he made on it was more then he made in a year. Today, Herald Griffin, the editor, had given him a week off. Griffin, one of the most bossy and ignorant men in New York, was known never to give days off. But somehow, he had received a week off. He turned to his street, a damp, gloomy place. It looked as though the worst part of town, yet it was safer the uptown New York. His apartment wasn?t far from the street that led to the one he had just exited, so that if he had ever ran into a gang, they wouldn?t chase him into another gangs territory. Although this wasn?t really a safe alternative, he decided it was good enough. He turned into his apartment building and unlocked the front door with his key. He put them back in his pocket as he made his way up the stairs. He nodded politely to and elderly woman that lived on his floor, then went to his apartment. The number was 7AB. He put his key in the hole and turned it, opening the door. Inside, the apartment was lavished with white walls and carpet, a red sofa, a red armchair, and a big screen tv. His kitchen was decorated with a black-and-white style tiled floor, white walls, and black cabinets. He set his keys on the kitchen table and got a Corona Beer out of the fridge. He went into the living room, took his shirt off revealing his six-pack body, and lied down on the sofa. He put the beer on the glass top table and closed his eyes. Moving from the shadows, the woman with long, blonde hair and green eyes followed a business man and his wife. The two were lavished in expensive clothes and jewelry, and both snickered when a homeless man begged for loose change. The man kicked the cup out of the poor mans hand and laughed. The woman, hanging on his shoulder, chuckled. The blonde woman from the shadows yelled out at the two prideful people. ?You are to be punished for your sins!? she yelled, pointing out from under her white cloak. ?Bah! Get out of here and go preach to someone who cares,? snarled the man, moving his hand as if to tell her to shoo. The blonde woman rose her head, her hood falling on her back. She was beautiful, her green eyes eerily green. ?You are being punished,? she said. Suddenly, a green crescent passed through each eye and the prideful man went flying into a metal post. His wife screamed, putting her hand to her mouth and backing away from the woman. Again, two green crescents passed through her eyes and the woman flew through the air and landed in a shopping store window. Each were dead as blood leaked from their heads. The homeless man looked up at the green eyed woman as she made her way over to him. She bent down and put her hand on his cheek. ?Who?who are you?? he asked, slightly smiling. ?They call me Pride,? she said. Suddenly, she moved her hands and there was a loud crack. She had broken his neck, and he fell over, dead. ?And your suffering is over.? She turned around, slinging her hair as she went. She entered the alley and then disappeared with a flash. ------------- Wanna know why it has a chapter? Because, this is based off my story "The Seven". It is about Morte, a son of the devil, incarnating the seven deadly sins. Wanna know what they are? Pride- believing yourself to be the greatest Wrath- wanting to kill, hurt, or damage someone or thing Greed- wanting everything Lust- commiting adultry, looking at someone with unnatural thoughts Gluttony- overendulging yourself Sloth- laziness Envy- thinking you're not able, wanting to be like someone too much These are all playable characters, as well as... Leo Collins Morte/[spoiler]Herald Griffin[/spoiler] (insert a name here)- some woman who is in love with Leo And maybe some friend of Leo's... I want to, before I go on, tell you something: I am only accepting those I think worthy! You may post your profile, but I will have the final say. Each Sin has their own power/weapon. I have only given a few permanent weapons, and other I could not figure what they should have. Pride- Telekinesis Wrath- Sin Spawn (A red ribbon that emerges from his chest and is indestructable) Those are the two permenant weapons. Later, I will post pictures of what they should kinda look like, but don't have to. You can create what you think, but I'll approve it.
  4. For one thing...I have almost four hundred...and for the second, you're banned -hops up and down happily-
  5. I have my left ear pierced and that's all...I want my center lip, my belly button, my upper ear, and my tongure pierced oO Just imagine what I'll look like
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vicky [/i] [B]Thanks for calling me a computer dummie! I pretty hurt by that! I've found a really big problem with the boards: 1. I belive in ghost, but some people say that I'm nuts, 'cos I belive in them. [color=red]If you plan on stating your opinion or beliefs, expect people to respond to it. If not, you'll find yourself no where. Fast.[/color] 2. I'm afraid to revile who I really am. I'm nothing like this. I think people will just say I'm nuts. I'm always alone, even here. I know, no one understands me. [color=red]This really makes no sense. You chose to not reveal your true self, and so it is your fault.[/color] 3. Some of the guys here keep say'in stuff about my storys. Like the spellin' and the plot! I sick of it! I get loads of that in school. [color=red]Aw, poor you. If you ever plan on being a writer, you need to learn how to spell simple words then complex. And expect the greatest of criticism if you're ever to become a good writer.[/color] 4.The moderater's on the DBZ part, close the tread for no reason. I saw one that said 'Man, do they ever give an age?' And this was how it was closed, no one had posted on the tread. 'nope.' That all that was put. I could have told the tread starter Goku's age. [color=red]Just because someone can answer a question like that, doesn't mean the thread should stay open. Never ever say mods close a thread for no reason unless you KNOW it was closed for no reason.[/color] Don't think I'm being...bossy....kinda, but I just noticed a few things. [/B][/QUOTE]
  7. OOC: Kesaki, I told you I wasn't accepting one paragraph posts. Write detailed and better, or I'll replace you.
  8. I just dug up my old Yu-Gi-Oh! cards....Sorry if there are too many or too less...they were scattered with my Pokèmon cards in a big box Monster Reborn Lord of D. Change of Heart Dark Magician Dom the Angel of Silence Reinforcements Mystic Clown Skull Red Bird Rogue Doll Book of Secret Arts The Flute of Summoning Dragon Kojikocy Uraby Ancient Elf Winged Dragon, Gaurdian of the Fortress #1 Mystical Elf Rude Kaiser Trap Hole Commencement Dance Harpie's Brother Gyakutenno Ryu-Ran Battle Ox Le Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Blue Eyes White Dragon Sorcerer of the Doomed Koumori Dragon Curse of the Dragon Castle Walls Gaia the Fierce Knight Wall of Illusion Reinforcements
  9. OOC: Please, stick to the names. It should be Hydraia (High-dray-a) --------------------------- After the meeting with Tatidious, Darvyn had gone to find his sister, Luna. The prophecy told of two siblings bearing wings from the heavens; Darvyn and Luna were these siblings. Being the young girl she was, she was always out doing something. Thank Gods for the Heavens that there was a limit to where she could go. But now, now they would have to go down to Madiena. This would take a crap load of magic and patience. [color=crimson]"Luna! Luna!"[/color] shouted Darvyn, cupping his hands around his mouth. [color=deeppink]"Big brother, big brother! I'm here!"[/color] said a five foot three girl, with brown hair and green eyes. Her dress, made of pink and purple threads, dropped down to her ankles. Her shoes, each with a small heel, were dark purple and had purple ribbons tied around the bottom of her legs. Her wings weren't as big as Darvyn's, but they were close. [color=crimson]"Luna, we need to talk,"[/color] he said camly. [color=deeppink]"Oh, big brother, this won't be serious, will it?"[/color] she said, tilting her head. [color=crimson]"Yes, Luna, this is important,"[/color] said Darvyn. Luna sighed as they headed back to their heavenly home.
  10. Here is a new one...it's made to go with my story called The Seven
  11. -sighs- Looking at the songs you guys chose makes me look like a sissy It never ends, does it?
  12. Here is the map...imagine it more elaborate and big...this is just a basic layout
  13. OOC: Here are the locations in which we can venture, excluding the heavens. Forge Island- Dark Island, inhabitated by low-level sages Ancient Ruins of Hataji- Ruins hidden deep in the jungle of Tavernia, only known to the Gods and Angels Tavernia- A large jungle, inhabitants include Makara Beasts Mystical Forest of Zanjahar- home to dozens of types of fairies and calm beasts, including the Three Elemental Fairy Sisters Kingdom Diadem- A kingdom which was once made of pure crystal, now is home to Jeric and Kilda's castle, and is made of marble Uncharted Territories- Unknown lands even Jeric has no knowledge of. Darvyn and the God Tatidious are the only one who knows what lies in them North Kingdom of Shiar- A kingdom in the north, a prosperous kingdom. Specializes in trade East Kingdom of Firo- A kingdom to the south, where Jeric's dark warriors are trained Elven Plain- A floating fortress in the sky. Made of complete crystal. Elves are trained here Zaquar- Ocean Here are where your characters are as of now: Mystical Forest of Zanjahar- The Three Elemental Sisters Kingdom Diadem- The Gargoyle Brothers North Kingdom of Shiar- Tia and Zed, Katrina (she is exiting), Hallucin (inflicting pain upon random people) East Kingdom of Firo- Jeric and Kilda Elven Plain- Derek
  14. Ok, for one thing. Be nicer. Stop snapping at people and acting like you're higher then everyone else And you are a good artist, I'll give ya that, but you're too damn cocky
  15. I act older in RL, and I act my age in NL...so...Yeah, I'm pretty mature
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan [/i] [COLOR=crimson]The Great Angel Darvyn-Me[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The Evil Sorcerer Jeric-Ben[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]The Water Elemental Fairy Hydraia-Ohkami[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]The Warrior Katrina-Sage[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]The Gargoyle Brother Maximoff- Zidargh[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]The Angel Luna-Sakura Kid[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]The Elf Derek-Zeh[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]The Lover Tia-Kesaik Inedia[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]The Lover Zed- aYokano[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Hallucin Trance Megelani-Raiha[/COLOR] [color=firebrick]Kilda the Dark Fair-Mei[/color] [color=green]The Earth Elemental Fairy Gaea-sweetreyes[/color] [color=red]The Fire Elemental Fairy Brushfire-Blanko[/color] [color=chocolate]The Gargoyle Brother Herald-Kysair Shade[/color] Here are the colors, in order: Crimson Dark Red Blue Indigo Sienna Deep Pink Navy Coral Orange Red Purple Firebrick Green Red Chocolate [/QUOTE] You can only post in this rpg if you have signed up in the recruitment thread. Please, no one paragraph posts or changing something drastically. ------------------ Bringing his hands down to his sides and spreading his wings, he stood in front of the great God Tatidious. The Angel, dressed in a long crimson-and-gold like uniform, was known as Darvyn. His pure blue eyes and golden hair were that of an angel indeed. Golden boots rested on his feet, golden pads rested on his shoulders. His wings, over a 30 foot span, were beautifully white. [color=crimson]"Oh mighty God Tatidious, God of Spirits and all that is Holy, please hear my plea."[/color]he said, looking at the ground. "What hast you found?" said the God, in his mighty voice. [color=crimson]"Lord Tatidious, as you know, the Evil King and Queen, Jeric and Kilda have distraught the world and brought pain and suffering to those who bare upon the land. I, myself, have known that pain."[/color] "Why do you come upon me, bearing news of time past?" [color=crimson]"Because I have found Madiena's saviors,"[/color]The great god gasped in his almighty power. It was one thing talking of this evil in front of Tatidious, but another thing to say you could defeat it. "Tell me more of these saviors," raged the god. [color=crimson]"As you know, I have been studying the Ancient Ruins of Hataji (Hah-ta-hee), which bear the language unknown to all, even yourself. We have thus concluded that these hieorglyphics were those made by ancient gods, before humanity was created."[/color] "Why do you tell me things I already know of, Darvyn?" [color=crimson]"Because, they are not of ancient gods! I have finally found out who they were written by and why they were." Ages upon ages ago, the Ancient Gods built this wonderful land. Before creating humanity and all of the races, they created the one feared race of this time: Sorcerers. But at that time past, sorcerers were friendly and well-thought of by the beasts. One sorcerer in particular, was Kirskoff. Of all the sorcerers, he was the greats. He had a family, a wife and a child. When the child grew and became a full Sorcerer, his powers rivaled those of your own. This was a blessed occasion in the Old Madiena. Yet, there was a danger to be told. An old Sorcerress, by the name of Jeweldina, told of an abomination and destructer of life. Being the nice sorcerer he was, Kirskoff listened closely. His son, Mavrick, was unwise and unkindly; ignoring the woman, he made fun of her to the crowd. Many laughed; many cowered in the young sorcerers shadow. The old Sorceress yelled and shouted at Mavrick, pointing at him and cursing him. Suddenly, she stopped. A single silk thread from under her garments suddenly unwove. She grew from her old state into a beautiful young Sorceress. It was the great Sorceress Jeweldina, second to Kirskoff. "For your unkind and foolish nature, your sons shall be cursed, young Mavrick! Every son you have shall kill you; and then take over and mistreat Madiena." With that, the young Sorceress disappeared. All the lower sorcerers and sorceresses gasped in fear. Mavrick stood there, stunned. Kirskoff banished Mavrick to the Island of Forge, a so-though uninhabitated place. Finding himself alone, he ventured the island. He eventually found an uncivilized race of Sages, and married a young woman. Many years, he lived, and so did she. Many years, did he make sure he never had a son. Then announced his wife she was pregnant. Mavrick was outraged. He loved his wife dearly, so he let her live. The child, a baby boy, was born. Jeric was his name, and his future was distructious. Mavrick raised his son without teaching him sorcery, yet he could not escape the curse. The young Jeric read a spell aloud, one that turned his father into a snake. Not knowing it was her husband, Jeric's mother killed him. So started the life of Jeric; he conquered the island his father was banished from and the Island Forge. After that, it is unknown to us."[/color] "So this was written by who?" [color=crimson]"This was written by nobody else by Jeweldina herself. Knowing the curse would come true, she cast a reincarnation spell on twelve of her top students. Her prophecy was as so:[/color] [color=tomato]From the heavens, two siblings bearing wings shall guide the warriors. Enchanted beings, these sister will be Mother Nature herself. A rogue princess she shall be, with pain in her heart and a sword in her hand. From the stone of the world, these brothers are hard to control. An elf is a creature too, and he can fend for himself. Lovers are strong and will be helpful against the evil. A psy she is, and you don't need to be shown any less. She will be misguided, but will find her way.[/color] [color=crimson]I know where these warriors are located. In fact, you stand in the prescence of one."[/color]
  17. Well, I'm gonna start the actual RP without the four we're missing. Members can control them until we have them...
  18. Here are some new ones, and thanks for your comments [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/logan.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/robotic2.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/siren2.gif[/img]
  19. Well, the first and third is Speacial Edwardd. The girl is Whorey Lori (named after my moms nickname in school. She was never actually a whore) And the last guy is Dr. Zachenstein.
  20. Well, I'm not arist, like Ginny. But here are my own drawings. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/mydraw.jpg[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/mydraw2.jpg[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/mydraw3.jpg[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/zachenstein.jpg[/img] That last one took forever to do -.-
  21. Those really have nothing to do with you behavior. Sure, Shakespear could write like nothing. But if he was a jerk, most people would hate his guts. And it is not only PoisonTongue who you should apologise to. Raiha also finds you...annoying, among other things.
  22. Thankies you guys ^_^ Heres a few more... [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/vegita.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/fear.gif[/img] [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/bringit.gif[/img]
  23. I seriously doubt they're giving you a second chance. Making multiple accounts is against the rules anyways -.-
  24. I really don't think that matters...she's Rinoa, from FF8
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