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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. Heh, no wonder he has any friends. Pegasis IS Max. -shakes heead-
  2. Well, to spare myself the attack of the mods, I'll be posting my new banners here from now on. Here is one I made this morning...
  3. There isn't a way to make it pink. It's a picture tube, and I tried coloring it, but it didn't work.
  4. Here is a banner I made to go with my rpg. I couldn't find a good color of text to put on it, so I had to make an animation. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/questoftheheavens2.gif[/img]
  5. Never said I was bragging, there, bud. And it is from that book.
  6. Standing in the shadows, Dorrien read the letter. His leather coat, unbuttoned, revealed his build. His baggy pants were khaki, and his boots stylish. He read the letter. This was weird. Why did someone he probably didn't even know send him a letter...saying that they felt like a puppet? It was eerie, as the letter was clearly visible to only him. He had been reading it in the park, earlier, and had been receiving weird and rude looks. His sword clanged as it dropped down to his side. It was connected to a chain that went around his waist. He sighed, folded the letter, and put it in his back pocket.
  7. Ok, I'll post the characters/players we have so far and possibly the color code. [COLOR=crimson]The Great Angel Darvyn-Me[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The Evil Sorcerer Jeric-Ben[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]The Water Elemental Fairy Hydraia-Ohkami[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]The Warrior Katrina-Sage[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]The Gargoyle Brother Maximoff- Zidargh[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]The Angel Luna-Sakura Kid[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]The Elf Derek-Zeh[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]The Lover Tia-Kesaik Inedia[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]The Lover Zed- aYokano[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Hallucin Trance Megelani-Raiha[/COLOR] Here are the colors, in order: Crimson Dark Red Blue Indigo Sienna Deep Pink Dark Blue Coral Orange Red Purple --- Ok, all we need now are the other two fairy sisters, Kilda, and the gargoyle Herald.. I will get together with Zeh and will choose locations where your characters are, because Darvyn will be scouting for them.
  8. Here is something I put together about midnight last night....twas freaky when I took a pic of my moniter screen
  9. It's happened about 3 times since January, and 9 times in the past two years.
  10. I black out and fall, then I'm straight back up again. It's weird...I don't like it.
  11. I know it isn't the docters fault...but...I mean...at my age...all this? I mean, come on. I'm sposed to be having fun, not being poked with needles
  12. Well, as some of you know, Leo had to leave Piper to become an elder in the season finale of Charmed...well, here is my songfic. ----------- Leo: Come, stop your crying it will be alright just take my hand, hold it tight. I will protect you from all around you. I will be here, dont you cry. For one so small you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm. This bond between us, can't be broken. I will be here, don't you cry. Cause you'll be in my heart. Yes you'll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more. You'll be in my heart. No matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart always. Piper: Why can't they understand the way we feel? They just don't trust what they cant explain. I know we're different but, deep inside us, we're not that different at all Don't listen to them, what do they know? We need each other to have to hold. They'll see in time...I know...When destiny calls you you must be strong (you gotta be strong). I might not be with you, but you got to hold on. They'll see in time..I know...We'll show them together cause Piper and Leo: Cause you'll be in my heart. Yes you'll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more. You'll be in my heart. No matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart always.. Piper: You'll be in my heart (Leo: You'll be here in my heart) Leo: No matter what they say (Piper: I'll be with you) Piper: You'll be here in my heart (Leo:I'll be there) Piper: always.. Piper and Leo: Always...I'll be with you. I'll be there for you always, always and always. Just look over your shoulder. Just look over your shoulder. Just look over your shoulder. I'll be there always.... --------- The song I used was Phil Collins "You'll Be in my Heart." This is my first songfic, so forgive me if it's bad >.<
  13. Well, today, I went to the docter to get an MRI on my brain. See, I black out and fall, and they can't figure out what is wrong. Well, I didn't get the MRI, but I did get alot of *****. First, I have to get an MRI on my brain. Then, I get one on my heart. All in one day! Then, a week later, I get my brain waves tested. I don't know why, but I do. And, I forget when, I have to get a heart moniter -.- Then, July 13th, I have to sleep all day, cause I have to stay up from nine pm to seven am the next day. I have to sleep in a hospital so they can examine me. -is weirdly scared cause of that movie with Jennifer Lopez- This is gonna be hell. Well, I am apologizing in advance if I'm short tempered lately. It's cause of those damn docter hippies, I tell yah! ^_^ -Logan
  14. Patronus

    War of the Fay

    00C: Thank you, Deedlit. I [i]knew[/i] someone was gonna ask bout that
  15. Ohkami, if you're gonna be in this, you have to post more then a paragraph like you did in Final Fantasy Survivor Also, follow your link in your siggy. I made a banner.
  16. Oh, sorry bout that Raiha I might not be here few a few days in the next month or so. I have to get an MRI on my brain, my heart, get a heart moniter thingy, get my brain waves tested, and stay up for ten hours...so...yeah.. Anyways, Raiha, have any messengers? We could talk more on them
  17. All of you, this is good. I don't mind if you add to the profile, Sage. I just couldn't think of any more And no, Jeric and Kilda have to be old. No, Tia and Zed do not have kids. Yet. They have discussed the topic, but they have no interest in it right now. Raiha, sure, you can make up your own chara. I'm thinking a minion of Jeric or Kilda
  18. Kesaki If you had actually read my post, you would see that you can only play one. Kesaki and Ben I mean in the rpg. Both of you, I believe, only do one-paragraph posts. None of that in this one. Zeh Yay!
  19. I forgot to mention. You have to have more then just a one paragraph post to join this rpg. It has to be quality.
  20. The evil sorcerer Jeric and his Dark Fairy Wife, Kilda, have made the world into their haven. Torturing the poor beings of Madiena, they rule all with fear. Then, one day, the great Angel Darvyn has made up his mind. Darvyn sets out to find the ten warriors who can help him in the fight against Jeric and Kilda. Will they be able to do it? Can they save Madiena? Here are the characters names/profiles/pictures: [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/art_higher1.gif[/img] The Great Angel Darvyn. [Me] Age: 34 Specialty: Using electricity, flying, hand-to-hand combat. Bio: When he was a child, Jeric and Kilda were just beginning to rule Madiena. One dark night, his village was raided by their troops and everyone was killed, including him. Now, as an Angel, he will not stop until Jeric and Kilda are killed. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/evild.jpg[/img] The Evil Sorcerer Jeric.[Ben] Age: 756 Specialty: Using the Book of the Dead, he can preform many spells. Bio: Unknown. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/gr3.jpg[/img] The Dark Fairy Kilda[Mei] Age: 392 Specialty: Kilda can bend the elements at will. This is a cause of killing so many elemental fairies. Bio: She was an elemental fairy of wind, yet she went bad. Learning that she could kill without grief, she went on a rampage. When she married Jeric, the Dark Times began. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/elementals.jpg[/img] The Elemental Fairy Sisters (Hydraia[Ohkami], Brushfire[Blanko], and Gaea[sweetreyes) Age: (in order from left to right) 124, 149, 136 Specialties: Being elemental fairies, they can control their own elements. Hydraia (Water), Brushfire (Fire), and Gaea (Earth). Bios: Living in the Mystical Forest of Zanjahar, these three sisters have been on their own much of their lifetime. Not much is known about their parents. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/forum1.jpg[/img] Katrina Hyde [Sage] Age: 26 Specialty: Hand-to-hand combat Bio: Being a former princess of the Kingdom Diadem, she escaped the castle as the forces of Jeric invaded. Her mother and father are presumed dead. [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/gargoyl.jpg[/img] The Gargoyle Brothers (Maximoff and Herald) [Zidargh][Kaiser] Ages: 170 (Herald), 340 (Maximoff) Specialties: Flying, Both can preform various low-level spells. Petrify things and hand-to-hand combat (Thanks Zeh) Bios: Unknown [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/luna.jpg[/img] The Angel Luna [Sakura Kid] Age: 23 Specialty: Healing, flying Bio: Little sister of Darvyn [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/sylka3.jpg[/img] The Elf Derek[Zeh] Age: 189 Specialty: Bow and Arrow, small magical abilities Bio: Unknown [img]http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/tiaandzed.jpg[/img] The Lovers Tia[Kesaki Inedia]and Zed[aYokano] Ages: 34(Tia) and 40(Zed) Specialties: Each can preform small spells, hand-to-hand combat Bios: Each met when they were teens. They don't talk much about their lives, so it's still a mystery. ------------ I'm playing Darvyn. All I need to you to do is list the profile of the character you will play. The Three Elemental Sisters, The Gargoyle Brothers, and Tia and Zed are all seperate characters.
  21. Well, it means he/she has to save his/herself before the one s/he is battling gets more powerful.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kesaki_Inedia [/i] [B]hey logan did you draw that yourself? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue]-laughs- I [i]wish[/i] I did. My hand lies in writing, not drawing ^_^[/color]
  23. [color=darkblue]Well, everyone has a song that either makes them cry, or emotional. Here are a few that make me emotional. 1. "You'll Be in my Heart" by Phill Collins- it makes me think of how things will change in the future, for me and my family, which is, well, deep for me. 2. "Foolish Games" by Jewel- because it makes me miss my sister more then I do already. She's in Florida, and probably will be for the rest of her life. I'll edit this post, or post again (if someone has replied) when I think of the others. o-O[/color]
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