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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. Patronus


    Make it non-talking. I plan on doing something with the real Team Rocket later.
  2. Patronus


    When we have everyone signed up
  3. Well, the one thing that scares me is seeing women and children being killed. It's weird, I know, but I can't stand it. When I watch movies with it, and they show them dead, I can't shut my eye for I will see them for eternity. It's...bad... Damn photographic memory.... The Mothman also scares the bejezes outta me. I live like one hour from point pleaset...maybe an hour and a half...in Ohio. I believe in all that stuff---Aliens, Witchcraft, stuff like that. I've witnessed it, too. I mean, the Mothman tops it all. -looks up- I don't mean I've seen the Mothman...but I am pretty sure my mom is relation o-O
  4. Jigglypuff started running fast, jumped up, then Double Slapped two Crystal Mario's. Jigglypuff: Jigglypuff! Puff! Puff! Suddenly, she started to move her tiny arms back and forth and used Metronome. Then, a huge flame engulfed several Crystals. Jigglypuff: Puff!
  5. It's kind of...bland. You need more description, action, and character interaction.
  6. Patronus

    War of the Fay

    [color=red]Red leaned on the wall behind her. She put her elbow in her palm and rested her head on her free hand. Her red hair draped down in her face, only showing her pure red eyes through patches of hair. She didn't know whether or not to go along with this plan; it might work, it might not. That was what she had always been taught. Never expect what you believe. Disgarding the human might do the King well, but what about Queen Titania? She obviously loved the man and breaking that would put the Queen in a load of pain. Red stood up straight. "We must not harm or ban the human," she said, "afterall, we're the Alliance to the Queen, right? The Queen obviously loves the human, yet so much more then the King. Bring the King and the Queen together will be disasterous to her heart." She nodded, as if agreeing with herself. She leaned back on the wall, then held up her right hand. A flame suddenly lit around it as she waited for someone to object. Someone [i]always[/i] objected.[/color]
  7. I've never been in a reck, but my sis has two times. Once, her friend was driving and she was the passenger. A guy in a yellow car (don't ask why I remember that) sped up and rammed them into a tree. My sister lunged forward and smashed the windshield with her head. She still has pieces of glass in her face that they can't get out. (this has been...let's see...I was in third grade....six years ago.) The second one happened just a few weeks ago. Nothing big, just a man rear-ended her when she was driving. Her friend sprained her neck, and my sister sprained her entire back. My sis is sewing the man for medical expenses (Go Des) Well, this one isn't a reck, but almost: Des, Nick (her ex-bf), Victoria (his sis), and I were following my mom and my grandma to Kings Island. Nick started talking to Des and wasn't paying attention and curved off the road, almost hitting a sign. I yelled "What the f*ck are you doing?!" And that is when my sis found out I cussed, but didn't tell mom.
  8. I really hope they get new trainers with him this time that have GOOD Pokemon. I mean, Ash, he gives his away, so you can't count on him. Hopefully someone with a Jigglypuff or Nidorino...
  9. As Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Toadstool, Yoshi, Donkey King, Bowser, Wario, and Waluigi race on the Super Star Track, they are suddenly attacked by a huge shadow monster. Everyone, even Bowser, is afraid of this new evil. While planning on what to do in Peach's Castle, a Shadow Mario and Shadow Luigi attack them. Peach leads them out in a secret passage way and they are now on their own. Mario and company will go through various "levels", ranging from racing in go karts to saving snowmen and their mother. The Characters are: Mario Luigi Peach Toadstool Donkey Kong Yoshi Wario Waluigi Daisy Shadow Mario Shadow Luigi Shadow Peach Shadow Toadstool Shadow DK Shadow Yoshi Shadow Wario Shadow Waluigi Shadow Daisy After each level or during, they will have to fight the Shadow Clones. Here is how you sign up: Name: First Appearance: (try google to search) Other Appearances: (List four max) Mine: Name: Mario First Appearance: Super Mario Brothers (I think. If not, I'll revise it) Other Appearances: Yoshi Island, Mario Party, Paper Mario P.S. Can someone please tell me the name of the Princess in Green from Mario Party2/3
  10. Katrina looked at everyone the got really excited. She ran to get to the Jigglypuff statue first, and she did. She put her hand on it and emitted a bright pink light and turned into Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff: Jiggly! Jiggly puff puff puff! Everyone just looked at her, not able to understand her. She puffed up. Jigglypuff: Puff puff! She crossed her small arms and turned around, mad at the people for making her look stupid.
  11. I'm gonna play two charas 1: Player name: Zach Character name: Pikachu Appearance: see attachment Bio: Pokèmon of Ash Ketchum and best friends with him, he has been through alot. Info: Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Pokemon Stadium, PS2, Pokemon Snap, Hey You Pikachu! 2: Player Name: Kayla Character Name: Jigglypuff Appearance [img]http://www.silkroad-online.com/cnj/pokemon/3d/rgb/039jigglypuff.jpg[/img] Bio: A lone Digimon, she has put many asleep. Info: Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Pokemon Stadium, PS2, Pokemon Snap.
  12. [b]name:[/b] Kira "Red" Juri [b]gender:[/b] female [b]age-group:[/b] middle aged(240 yrs.) [b]race:[/b] Pyro's/Fire Mages [b]alliance:[/b]Titania's Followers [b]appereance:[/b] (see attachment) [b]biography:[/b]She came from the highest family in Pyro/Flame Mages and was daughter of the king. After going through much training, she become one of the most powerful Pyro's ever to be in th kingdom. When told she was going to have a husband chosen, she fled the kingdom and has been on her own ever since.
  13. Patronus


    Well, just make it red and black. No team rocket.
  14. Patronus


    Yeah, but shouldn't be Team Rocket outfit cause it's not the same
  15. Patronus


    Needs more description. Hair, eyes, you know
  16. Patronus


    That is NOT how you sign up..and plus, you need different name/Pokèmon
  17. Patronus


    Yeah, for now. Make him like, 17-18 cause he is his older brother
  18. Patronus


    Harvey and Kei are two trainers from pallet town. Kei, a water Pokèmon trainer who returned recently, Harvey a trainer who has been restricted from going on an adventure by his parents. The reason: His father does not want him to get hurt. One night, Harvey runs to the beach and meets Kei. The two sail away on one of her water Pokèmon and begin their journey. Halfway through their adventure, Harvey finds his cousin, Ben, recklessly fighting a weird and new Pokèmon, we know as Medicham. After almost beating the Pokèmon to death with his Arcanine, he battles Harvey and defeats him then tries to capture the new Pokèmon. Harvey quickly saves the Pokèmon by catching it with an Ultra Ball and then escapes. He names the new Pokèmon Medicham. ---------- We can have a maximum of five more trainers with Kei and Harvey. We need someone to play Ben, Team Rocket, Team Magma, Team Aqua, and Harvey's older brother, Kashu. (their parents sent him to bring Harvey back) So here is a list of playable characters: Harvey Kei Ben Team Rocket (someone to play Meowth, possibly)(two people must sign up) Team Magma (two people must sign up) Team Aqua (two people must sign up) Kashu Remember, other trainers also sign up. Above are just the ones already created. Sign up sheet: Name: Age: Description: Pokèmon: You can only have the first 251, none from Ruby and Sapphire--Harvey and company discover them. You can also have three Pokèmon when you join. Catch more later ^_^ My sign up sheet: Name: Harvey Kiro Age: 14 Description: Silver hair, tall, blue eyes, strong build. Pokèmon: Jigglypuff Nidorino Quilava Medicham (catches later)
  19. -is sick of having jerks who come here and do nothing but insult OB- Well, if you think these boards are crap, then don't add to it. And doughnuts can be good
  20. Patronus


    I really don't know. I think she is alone, either being controlled by someone or something. There wasn't a background o-O
  21. Patronus


    Here is an icon I made for another site with an eye I liked that I used
  22. Patronus


    Here is the modified one for you, Break Thanks to both of you
  23. Patronus


    Well, I got ta thinking...and I made this
  24. Well, I was fooling around with PSP and decided to do something... It's supposed to mirror a bugs point of view
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