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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. None of the codes work for me...any suggestions?
  2. Jackson isn't very big or anything...ask Shaun. It's a small county with big secrets
  3. I live in Jackson County, Ohio. Some of you may of heard of it, some may have not. But I am here to tell you the deep, dark secrets of this Ohioan county. Well, my mom and I were watching some kind of homicide investigation show on Court TV. After watching some of it, I started to ask her questions like "Have there been any murders in Jackson?" She answered yes. And I was surprised to find the grim truth... She said that this woman name Lacy, whom my grandmother was friends with and her mom, was found in a cemetary behind the local Vetrenarians Office. She had been raped, and her feet and hands were tied together. She had been strangled to death. The story behind this? She had been working in a job where she had found out dark secrets about the judges of the county court and the political spotlights. One night, in a bar, she had made a remark like this: "You have no idea what I know." That was like a week before she was reported missing. My mom and grandmother say that the judges hired a hit man from out of town. It [i]had[/i] to be professional, because the case has gone unsolved for almost 30 years. Jackson County has once been commented on by Johnny Carson. His remark? "If you want to get away with murder, go to Jackson County, Ohio." Has your town ever had any famous-recognition for it's dark secrets? Any horrible secrets that go unsolved even today?
  4. Baron Samedi This is for Otaku Boards Banner, not for a random banner. Delete your post unless you have an OB Banner to show. EVERYONE: I have changed the deadline for the entries. It is now June 20th, 2003.
  5. I already have a contest going...It doesn't look to be going well, but I don't know yet
  6. Isa make a recent, updated thread. Isa hope you like my improved skills ^__^
  7. I know this is about X2, but I have a question of X1. You know when Xavier shows Logan around the school? Who is that girl with the big blonde affro?
  8. Hey, yousa been here long enough to know not to double post....Isa don't want you to get in troubles with the mods
  9. [size=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well, I think it is really annoying when people don't use periods or proper grammar...Like when people talk like this: i think we think yous should make a two suggestion don't you? i like this movie it is my fav I think that using proper grammar and punctuation should be part of the rules... -Logan[/color][/size]
  10. I agreed with KnightOfTheRoses. It looks....old. I, personally, don't like the NES or SNES look... 1/10
  11. Guy on the left: Hey mom!!! *big smile* Guy on the right: Maybe we shouldn't have agreed to the Airplane Fear Factor.....
  12. But...Lulu was like 40 in FFX...or atleast I thought she was...I don't know. All I know is that I hate Seymour o-O
  13. I think that the Renne, the pic of her with the Tidus look alike, looks like Rinoa.. And I also think Paine could be a kid of Lulu and Auron...they might've had a fling in FFX...o-O *dodges swords*
  14. Patronus

    .... Xd

    You're at Otaku Level and you still double post? *mutters rude comments* Anyways, I like the piccy!!! Its cool! 8.5/10
  15. [color=darkblue]Mange is comic books, right? Then why couldn't it be it the Art/Design forum? I think it is fine where it is, but why couldn't be? -Logan[/color]
  16. [color=green]Who really has a say if we deserve to be here? Ask anyone of any religion and they'll say whoever their main god/goddess is. -Logan[/color]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]I have decided to make a Otaku Boards Banner Contest. It will be open through June 3rd, and after that, the judges and I (the judges are Queen Asuka, Digital Monster, Zeh and myself) will vote and come up with first, second, third places and honorable mentions. The rules are the following: 1. Must have something to do with Otaku Boards. You can have members of other shows/animes on it, but it has to have a Otaku Boards theme. 2. Size of banner must be 500x100, the standard size of OB. 3. All entries must be in as of June 20th, 2003. 4. The other categories, which are not overall, will be: Best graphics Best design Most imaginative Most Admired (Each judge will post their choices for these four categories) Anyone, except the judges, is allowed to join! I hope you have fun! -Logan[/COLOR]
  18. Kawaii!!!! Isa like...!!!! *has an idea for a thread...*
  19. No one in response to mine? I still stand by it though
  20. If we weren't on this planet as humans, we'd be here as something else. And probably, that something else would be the dominate species. If we weren't, there would be something that was....So it is inevitable that there will always be something to abuse god given rights. -Logan
  21. That is not what I am asking, Dark Death. I am asking about on the Otaku Boards. I am trying to be serious here and don't want to have this closed. So stay on the topic.
  22. What has been the saddest moment on Otaku Boards? I mean, not like, when someone leaves for a month, but when someone actually cried.. I don't know of any, but I have one in my life. My best friend, Tiffany, is moving to Florida. This coming Friday is her last day. I live in Ohio. I have never been able to tell her I love her. Not in the friend sort of way, in the [i]love[/i] love way.
  23. And people wouldn't use proper grammar...I hate it when people don't use proper grammer
  24. There's....nothing there. :S
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