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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. Ok, I am going to start a RPG group on MSN. I need the profile/picture of each Aeon that appears in FFVIII (8) and FFX (10). Profiles should look like this: Name: Element: Appearence (if no picture) Attack: Overdrive:
  2. Patronus


    Mitsuna: Bubbly, use Earthquake! Neo: Helix, Focus Energy! Don't let the attack shake you! Helix shut his eyes as the earth below him shook. He stumbled back, kept his balance. Neo: Helix, use Crunch! Helix charged at Bubbly, his jaw wide open. Mitsuna: Bubbly, use Body Slam! Bubbly charged at Helix at the same time, and knocked into Helix hard, sending him flying, almost to the outside of the ring. Neo: Helix, hang in there! Use Headbutt! Mitsuna: Body Slam! Teach them not to mess with us! The two Pokèmon collided, each pushing with great strength. Bubbly started to shove Helix back, but he wouldn't give. Neo: Helix, stay in there! Mitsuna: Harder! Push harder! Then, Bubbly shoved Helix to the line of the ring, almost out. Neo: Helix!!!! Helix started to glow. He slowly changed his shape. Mitsuna: He's evolving! He then evolved into Shelgon. Neo: Shelgon, evolved form of Bagon. Ability: Rock Head. Pokèmon does not recieve recoil damage from attacks such as Double Edge and Take Down. Neo: Go, Helix!
  3. Patronus


    Neo walked down the streets of Rustboro. After being attacked by that man in red, he needed to heal his Pokèmon. Yena was at his side, and Bagon (which I think I'll call Helix) was in his heavy ball. Neo: Somethings just happened. I know it. He walked into the Pokècenter and saw Nurse Joy and her Blissies apparently dusting. He walked to the counter and held his Heavy Ball out. Neo: Would you mind healing my Yena and Helix for me, m'am? Nurse Joy: Sure, it'll take a second. Nurse Joy smiled and took the Heavy Ball into the back with her. Yena was not far behind. Neo walked to the sliding doors of the Pokècenter and stared outside. Outside, he saw various trainers and breeders walking around outside. Neo: All these people, living their lives as if nothing will happen. As if nothing could come and kill them all, as if they were invicible. Foolish. He turned around and saw Nurse Joy exit the back of the center. She handed him his Pokèmon and he exited. Neo: Time to go and win my first badge. The Rustboro Gym Badge. He ran down the road to the gym. -------------- Jerrik turned off of the road he had been previously walking on and into a field. Jerrik: [i]Where are you, Regirock?[/i] He continued to walk around, searching for a Pokèmon. ???: Hey, I think that's him! ???: Me too! Let's challenge him! Suddenly, two boys jumped from the tall grass. They looked very similar, and were actually twins. ???: Are you the Gym Leader of Verndanturf? ???: Are you? Are you? Jerrik: (slightly annoyed) Yes, I am. What have you come here for, to challenge me? If so, I need to know my challengers names. ???: My name is Dustin! ???: I am Justin! Dustin and Justin: And we're here to challenge you! Jerrik: [i]Ok..[/i] Make the first move. Show me what you've got. Dustin: Solrock, go! Justin: Do it, Lunatone! Jerrik: Show them what you've got! Aggron, Mawile, go! Solrock and Lunatone appeared side by side, as Mawile and Aggron did. Justin and Dustin: Cosmic Power! Jerrik: Wait. Mawile's Ability is Intimidate. Which means your Pokèmon's attack power is deacreased by one, which means the attack does nothing to my Pokèmon.. Justin and Dustin: Oh no! The attacks were launched, and as Jerrik said, the attack did nothing. Jerrik: It also helps that my Pokèmon are both of the Steel type and your attack was a Normal type. Now, Aggron, use Metal Claw! Put Solrock out of the game! Aggron charged at the Solrock, his right claw pulled back and shimmering of metal. He jumped into the air and slashed Solrock, sending it flying into Dustin and knocking him down. Justin: Now it's all up to me! Lunatone, use Hypnosis on Aggron! Put him to sleep! Many purple psy-waves emitted from Lunatones forehead. The psy-waves hit Aggron, and sent him snoozing. Jerrik: Aggron, return! Now, Mawile! Crunch! Mawile jumped into the air, turned backwards, and picked Lunatone up with its mouth. Then it slammed it into the ground. Jerrik: Faint Attack, now! Mawile slowly disappeared. Lunatone looked around, puzzled at its disappearance. Suddenly, Lunatone was slammed hard into Justin. Jerrik: That's what happens when little boys get themselves into battles they know nothing about. Now challenge me when you get common sense. Jerrik turned around and walked away, his hands in his pockets. Mawile skipped behind him.
  4. No, both of you are being children. Both of you quit arguing or neither of you will be in the rpg.
  5. Power: Telekinesis, Telepathy, power to control weather, elements. Used for: Nothing, really. I would most likely taunt people. Good or bad: Neutral
  6. I think Otkau and Oekaki both mean fan, don't they? Like a fan of a show
  7. Thankies! I appreciate it! Heres another
  8. I made a new thread so icons wouldn't get confused with banners. I use icons to chat a the pork, another site I visit. They each have to be 120 by 120. Please rate on a scale of 1 to 10
  9. I don't see whats so funny. It's probably a typo
  10. By now you should know not to double post. I suggest you use the edit button before a mod gets you. I think you need to work on your drawing. His head is out of porportion and his hands aren't just round circles. 2/10
  11. Persephone IS in the movie. Saw her in multiple interviews. Wonder why they chose a Greek Godesses name...
  12. Patronus


    Actually, the song was the song written for the movie The Craft
  13. Sora, Kairi, and Rikku are now twenty-one years old. Each of them have a younger sibling, each oddly being the same exact age of 14. When a dark hole erupts on the island, and a giant new Heartless appears and attacks, Sora, Kairi, and Rikku fight it off. But not without being captured. After they defeated the giant Heartless (known as Chaos), they are captured by three new Heartless (Darkness, Shade, and Strike), and are taken back to the Kingdom Hearts World. Darius, Sora's brother, Zach, Kairi's brother, and Kayal, Rikku's sister, watch as their siblings are captured. They wait for days, to find nothing or no one return. Then, one night, Darius sees another dark hole open. He takes his wooden stick, the one Sora had used, and decides to go and find his brother and Rikku and Kairi. Zach and Kayal also see the hole, and follow Darius into the Kingdom Hearts World. When they arrive, they are surprised to have three majestic weapons in their hands. Darius's stick had turned into a new, cooler Keyblade. It was slim and shiny, red with silver. The keychain on it resembled Sora's outline. It's called the Crimson Keyblade Zach had gained a long, silver rod. It had spikes on the end and it looked like an alonged Keyblade. This was known as the Keystaff. Kayal gained a bow with a golden arch. Her arrow was thin and golden, with a pink ribbon tied to the end of it. The tip of it also looked like a key. This was known as the Keybow. Ok, we will act all of the above out. Whoever plays the sibling, has to play the other sibling (ex. If you play Kayal, you have to play Rikku) Here are the possible spots: Sora-Darius Kairi-Zach Rikku-Kayal Goofy Mickey Donald Stitch Darkholme Darkholme is a woman, who, in person, appears as an old woman. She has often met with the three new warriors, but they do not know who she is. She does not reveal her identity. Here is how you joins: Name(s): Appearance: (for new ones, make sure they resemble their siblings) Weapon: Special Attack: Guardian: (only available to Darius, Kayal, and Zach) Here is mine: Name(s): Darius-Sora Appearance: Darius: Short, brown, spiked hair. Khaki-pants that go down to his knee, loose white buttoned shirt. Blue eues. Sora: See attachment. (he looks older) Weapon: Darius: Crimson Keyblade Sora: Any in the game Special Attack: Darius: Strike of the Keyblade Sora: Stratosphere Strike Guardian: Beast, from Beauty and the Beast. Launches a powerful claw attack.
  14. Patronus


    Neo stepped off of the boat. On the side of the boat, S.S. Jameson was painted in big red letters. People rushed past him, each hurrying to do something. A Mightyena came up behind him. Mightyena: Yena! Yena, yena, might! Neo: [i]I know, Yena. We don't know what we're getting into.[/i] He left the boat dock, Yena following him. A man in an all red passed him, knocking him down. Neo: Hey! Watch out! Yena, go get him! Body Slam! Yena started running towards the man, who hadn't even looked back. Yena: Yena! Might! He lept forward and fell ontop of the man. The man screeched out. Neo: You owe me an apologie. Now. Man: I don't owe you squat, kid. Get lost. The man pushed Yena off of him and swung at Neo. A Heavy Ball dropped from Neo's belt as he ducked. Neo: Mightyena, get ready! Yena stood up and bared his teeth. Man: Go, Torkoal! Magcargo! Neo: Whatever. Suddenly, the heavy ball that had dropped rose into the air al by itself. Neo: Go, Bagon! Bagon: Bagon! Gon! Man: Torkoal, Magcargo Fire Spin! The two fire-type Pokemon launched two spiral flames that surrounded Neo's Pokemon. Neo: Bagon, use Headbutt! Run through the flames! Bagon scratched his foot against the ground, as a bull does. He charged at the flame and went right through. Neo: Yena, jump over the flames then use Take Down! Yena did as Bagon did and jumped over the flame. He then charged Torkoal and rammed into its side. Man: Torkoal! No! Neo: Finish it with a Crunch! Yena charged once more and bit down hard on Torkoals leg, where it was unprotected. Man: Return! Magcargo, smokescreen! Neo: Bagon, sniff for Magcargo! Bagon started to sniff, then stopped. Neo: Use headbutt! Bagon charged towards Magcargo and smacked into its neck, making it slam into the man. Man: Arh...return! This isn't the end! The man got up and ran. ------------------------ Jerrik walked down the dirt road. No one, nothing was in sight. He liked it this way. That's why he traveled, so he didn't have trainers at his feet every minute. This way, they had to come and find him, where ever he was. He continued walking downthe road.
  15. Patronus


    Trainer Sign-up Name: Neo Age: 17 Hometown: Pallet, just now getting to Hoenn Appearence: Jean shorts that come to the bottom of his knees, green shirt with arms cutt off, black hair, blue eyes Bio: His dad is the new Gym Leader of Viridian City. He wanted to journy to Hoenn to do something his father never did. He found his Mightyena hurt, at the side of the road. Ever since, they have had a close friendship and Mightyena, nicknamed Yena, never goes into his ball. His Bagon was given to him by his great grandfather right before he died. He cherishes it deeply. He also has telepathic and telekinetic abilities, as Sabrina. Pokemon: Mightyena, Bagon [url=http://www.pokemondomain.com/pokedexrs/dex3/bagon]Bagon[/url] [url=http://www.pokemondomain.com/pokedexrs/dex/mightyena]Mightyena[/url] ----- Gym Leader Sign-up Name: Jerrik Age: 21 Gym: Verndanturf Gym Appearance: Short, white hair. Long, baggy black pants and red muscle shirt. Bio: He has always been a loner since he has had to train to be a leader all of his life. He decided to be different then most gyms and use two types, which have almost nothing to do with each other. He is a traveling Gym Leader, which means you have to find him to battle him. Signature Type: (he has two types, is that ok?) Steel and Dark Pokemon: Aggron Mawile Sharpedo Absol
  16. Well, Ultryneo, Draagul signed up first for that part. Sorry.
  17. Hey, Nomad, I requested to Ginny to make me an X2 Survivor Banner, but she seems not to have any time. Could you make me one? If you need the background, email me. The file is too large to post here.
  18. Patronus


    Well, DevilzAdvocate, this is a thread for people who do like the show. You have no right to come in here and call it stupid. If you continue to do this, you won't be happy. Trust me. Oh, and learn how to spell Devils
  19. The ancient town of Shinjuku is attacked by the Kaosu Ninja's. They attack the tower that conceals the Five Elements: East: Air: Falcon South: Fire: Tiger West: Water: Dolphin North: Earth: Bull Center: Light: Dove (The animals are just symbols) The Master Ninja, Faita, attacks the head of the Kaosu Ninja Team, letting the elements go free. They go to five people, who are in their late twenties-early thirties, who are fleeing the town, and turn them into the Elemental Ninja's. These are the colors of the suits each will wear: Air=White Fire=Red Water=Blue Earth=Green Light=Silver Heres how you sign up: Name: Age: Gender: Element: Direction: Weapon: Description: If you're gonna be a member of the Kaosu Elite, who are five in number, heres how you sign up: Name: Ninja Name (must be in Japanese. Heres a link to translate: [url]http://www.freedict.com/onldict/***.html[/url] ): Age: Gender: Weapon: Specialty: Description: Ok, here is mine: Name: Taka "Toru" Hae Age: 28 Gender: Male Element: Air Direction: East Weapon: Staff, which is made of steel Description: Black hair, blue eyes. Muscular body. 6'2"
  20. [color=darkblue]Well, I think Clay looks like a deformed alien. Ruben looks like a teddy bear, a not so very cute teddy bear, and all I have to say is that...KIMBERLY LOCKE WAS WRONGED! -Logan[/color] [color=darkblue]P.S. Being prejudice against anybody isn't smart. You can be arrested for certain things, you know. And if you're prejudice against anybody, you're no friend of mine, JJRiddler. (Which means you're out of my RPG)[/color]
  21. Heres another..STORM....ah...Storm..
  22. Type [color=darkblue*]text[/color*] Only without the asterik, and it can be any color out of the selection.
  23. Sorry for the double post, but this is to get your attention. There is a new thread concerning the RPG. Go there from now on.
  24. Ok, here is our clean slate. Our first attempt got hectic, and most people jumped around to conclusions. This one will be [U]organized and in order[/U], unless you want to be out of the RPG. Only one new change, and that is no color code. I am going to post the rules again. 1. Have to be one of the members who signed up in the recruitment thread. We are no longer accepting more people. Wolverine-Logan Storm- Logan Jean Grey- Logan Professor Xavier- Logan Magneto- Shinji Ikari Mystique- oekakiotaku Cyclops- G/S/B Master Rogue- Ohkami Iceman- Schrat Pyro- Beelzebumon Nightcrawler- Kaisuke Sabertooth- G/S/B Master Toad- Braidless Baka Jubilee- Rei Shadow Cat- Lady Katana Colossus- Kakashi Lady Deathstrike- Juuthena Gambit- doukeshi03 2. Have good post quality. [B]Do not use one-paragraph posts.[/B] --------------- Jean Grey had short, brown hair. She was wearing a white blouse and a grey business coat and skirt. She stood behind the podium in which she had before in front of the senate. This time, as before, she was pleading the Senate not to pass the Mutant Registration Act(MRA). Senator Marcus, a man in his late forties with tan skin and salt-and-pepper hair, sat where Senator Kelley previously had sat. "And how do we know each and every mutant isn't out for world domination, Ms. Grey," he said. "There is no possible way that we could," Jean replied, "for a homo sapien man or women could have the exact intentions. We do not----" Senator Marcus cut her off. "But a human could not act upon it, Ms. Grey. A human has no telekinetic powers, no ability to shoot lasers from glowing eyes, no super-human strength. Mutants [I]do[/I], Ms. Grey. And that is why I urge this Senate to vote yes to this bill." Jean sighed. She had seen this before, and knew it wasn't going to get much easier. "This meeting is done," said a man, "we will meet again tomorrow at 9 in the morning. Have a good day." Jean walked through the hall. She noticed people staring, people wondering if she would hurt them. [i]Freak[/i] [i]Get away[/i] [i]Don't hurt me[/i] She shook her head as these thoughts were received. She stopped when four men and two women stood in front of her. These were Professor Xavier, Logan, Scott, Bobby, Storm, and Rogue.
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