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Everything posted by Patronus
I was wondering....will Jubilee get a big role? BTW, what is officialy her power? I know it's like fireworks. Whats that screaming girls name?
heres another one...X-men is my new fav (after Charmed and Digimon)...but not the cartoon...X2!!!
I figured out what is was!! It was this already-downloaded thing caled Freedom Security
Are you guys still writing?I want to know cuz I would like to help
That's just it. THIS IS THE DIGIMON FORUM. It [U]has[/U] to do with Digimon for it to be in the Digimon Forum. Why don't ya [U]read the rules[/U]
I saw it and all I have to say is....wow. Especially when Magneto [spoiler]took the iron from that guys body.[/spoiler] That was cool Then theres Bobby....Bobby and Storm....ah.... I didn't see Gambit or Beast there at all, but I do think that metal guy will play a role in X3 As I was watching it, I remembered that Quicksilver appeared in the first movie. [color=green]I added a spoiler tag. Try not to give anything away. -Endymion[/color]
This is kinda stupid, if you mind. This is [I]Digimon[/I], not"clan"
I can't read that right now cause I am about to go see X2. I'm glad you liked it. I wasn't sure if that was what you wanted. I DO have an idea, though You say a Digimon's soul goes on to create a new life or being. I say there are a certain few whose past lives can be contacted---and they are the keys to the Hybrid's past. Maybe even a clue to where Dante went---or [I]is[/I].
I just watched an X-Men cartoon...It was the one where Mystique was captured by that...Keen, was it? Then they found out Mystique was Keen's and NC's mother. (Hint: When Rogue and NC bust in, she says: "Rogue! They only wanted your brother!") And yes, he is really that religious. He tells Mystique and his bro he will pray for them many times. Well, off to see the movie!
I was worried that people would think that I copied off of your fic.....but I haven't. I've always wanted to use Mikemon/Persiamon and BlackGatomon/LDevimon as villans in a fic. Now, I just had an idea to use them good. I assure you, I am not copying off of your story. And yes, Mikemon and BlackGatomon will not work together. They will cross paths, and that will lead to cat fights...no pun intened. The dark lady...is well...she's the dark form of a digimon from s3
Ok, ok, I know I have alot of fics out there. But this one is for me to write in Study Hall @ school. I will be skipping my daily nap, but oh well. I haven't really done much with Tamers, so I'll give it a try. First of all, each tamer will be teleported to the Digital World by the DigiGods. (Not Azulongmon--I will explain those later) They are: Zeusmon Poseidonmon Athenamon Heramon Hadesmon Dionysusmon Persephomon Hermesmon Aresmon Hecatemon Apollomon When they are summoned, they will be reunited with their Digimon. Then, something terribly goes wrong. The Nexus (I will explain that too) is corrupted by a army of evil Digimon. In order to save themselves, the Gods release their power and enter the Tamers, and the mysterious new Tamer, Hitori. With the Nexus corrupted, the so-known Gods, Azulongmon and the others are converted into Digi-Eggs. To make matters worse, the Tamers are then separated into groups and spread throughout the DigiWorld. Each group finds and has to protect the Digi-Eggs. But what about the entities inside of them? Tune in to find out. Here are the pairing and the entities the Tamers carry: Takato-Zeusmon-Guilmon Henry-Dionysusmon-Terriermon Hitori-Hadesmon-Dorumon Rika-Athenamon-Renamon Suzie-Persephomon-Lopmon Kenta-Poseidonmon-Gomamon (Still thinking whether or not) Kazu-Hermesmon-Hagurumon Ryo-Aresmon-Monodramon Jeri-Heramon-Elecmon Ai+Mako-Hecatemon and Apollomon-Impmon The Nexus: The sphere that protects the Digital World from crashing. The So-Called DigiGods: Were created by the real DigiGods to govern.
Is Phoenix a mutant or a spirit? Why does Jean turn into her? I remember watching that saga when I was like nine, so I never understood it
I don't think I should be the only one in charge. We three could. Then, it would be equal amounst of power between all of us. Anyways, here I go. ---------- Raine stood on the white sand beach of the island. She watched the clear blue ocean sway back and forth from the shore. Her white hair blew in the wind. She was wearing a brown skirt that a a slit up to her thigh. Her blouse was connected to it and came up behind her neck. Her crystal blue eyes shimmered in the sun. Her skin was a tan color and smooth all over. "The ocean holds many mysteries," said a voice from behind. She turned around to see her father, Gerrad, standing and looking at the ocean. "I'm sure it does, father," she replied, "but, father, aren't you supposed to be at the meeting with the Elder's?" Gerrad's skin wasn't as tan as Raine's, but his eyes were the same crystal blue. His hair was short and black. He wore brown pants, the same material as Raine's decor, and a brown shirt. He looked about 30-36, but was really 43. "I am," he said, smiling, "and I was. They started talking about that journal of Danate Atraides again. I don't see the point of discussing it. It might be a hoax, but they think it is a relic. I don't really know what is so important about it anyways." "Tell me, father. Is it true that he says something about different beings other then us? Monsters, some say." "It is true," he replied with a sigh, "but do not let demons play with your mind. It is hard to tell fact from fiction these days, so don't go digging for answers." "I won't father," she said smiling. She turned back to the ocean and started to hum softly. [I]"That song,"[/I] he thought to himself, [I]"it sounds..familiar."[/I] ------------- Is that good?
DOES anybody know who Nightcrawlers dad is>? [spoiler]EDIT: Jean dies? *runs away, crying* Atleast Storm doesn't die...ah...Storm..[/spoiler] [size=1][b][color=darkblue]Spoliler tags added. -Shy[/color][/b][/size]
Writing Name some of your favorites book and why.
Patronus replied to BlackDragon465's topic in Creative Works
I like the book Diadem. I've read it like alot -
This banner is REALLY REALLY simple, but I like the phrase. It's from Jewel's song, Foolish Games. [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] oops..forgot to attach it :rolleyes: [color=teal]Do NOT double post. There are many ways to avoid this, such as the edit button. -Syk3[/color]
[COLOR=blue]My name is Zach, a.k.a Tamer_Zach, and I am 14 years old. I am an ameteur writer, hoping to write a real book someday. Digimon is what I like best, and what I write about most of the time. I have been with Otaku Boards for a little over two months now, and I enjoy it deeply.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]I have been writing since third grade, and I am in eighth now. Anytime I have free time, I write. It is my life. What I plan to do when I am old enough is to teach at New York University as a cultural beliefs professor.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]I also write poems, which have gotten me far. I have been in a book, on a cd, and was invited to California to accept an award.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]If I am blessed with the title Otaku Idol, I will do my best to inspire all the Otaku Writers![/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]I am you judges follow you instincts and pick me![/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Bye for now![/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]-Zach[/COLOR]
Bear with me people. This is my newest fanfic, one that I intend to finish. I hope you read and review it!! ----------------- Episode 1- Hallucinations Mikemon walked down the dark alley; she had been in the Real World now for a week. She had a calico colored fur on her head, her tail, and her upper torso. The rest of her body was white. She wore brown gloves on her paws. She didn?t know why she was brought here, or how she even got here. All she knew was that she smelled Digimon: 12 Digimon, twelve humans to go with them. Once she found them, she watched them. She watched them well. One, a young girl, about 14 or 15, had a Gatomon. ?Gatomon,? she thought, ?I remember you. You were once Myotismon?s minion. Then you turned weak and good. If I could, I would take you out right now. If only, if only.? Mikemon jumped from the street to the dumpster that was set on the side of the ally. She then jumped from that to a fire escape ladder. The iron went clank clank as her paws hit each step. She hopped onto the iron floor and climbed another series of stairs. She stopped when she got to a window. She sat on the window seal and watched as the girl and her Gatomon talked in the room. ?How are you feeling, Gatomon?? asked the girl. Her long, brown hair brushed her shoulders as she smiled. She had pink eyes and lips. She wore a white t-shirt with pink stripes on it. Her shorts were about to mid thigh and had a butterfly design in fake jewels. ?I am good,? replied the cat Digimon. She was fully white with purple stripes on her tail and purple tips on her ears. She wore a golden tail ring and had purple gloves on her paws. ?How are you, Kari?? ?School was good,? Kari replied, ?we learned how to say ?Do as I say, not as I do? in French. Faites comme je dis, pas comme je fais.? ?That?s neat,? Gatomon said, smiling. Kari got up from the bed and walked to her computer desk. She moved her mouse and a box opened asking for her password. She typed a word in and the screen changed to a desktop. The background picture was of her and eleven other Digimon and humans. ?Whatcha doin?? Gatomon said happily, jumping onto the computer desk. ?I?m gonna see if T.K. is on,? she replied, turning her head toward Gatomon. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a calico cat on the balcony: Mikemon. ?G?Gatomon, look!? She said pointing to the cat. ?Oh crap,? thought Mikemon to herself. She did a back-flip off the balcony and landed in the alley. She ran off as quickly as she could. ?What?!? said Gatomon, surprised. She turned around to see nothing but the blue sky. ?I swear I saw a....re-colored you...? said Kari, drawing her hand to her mouth, ?Kari, I think you?re hallucinating,? said Gatomon, laughing. ?Maybe so...? Kari said slowly. *** BlackGatomon strolled down the busy street; humans kept staring at her and it was getting on her nerves. ?Haven?t they ever seen a Digimon before?? she asked to herself. She was pure black, dark as the night. She had purple tips on her ears and a purple tip on her tail. She wore dark purple gloves on her paws. She was on her way to watch the Digimon known as Patamon. She had been watching him for weeks now, ever since she smelled him. She had arrived mysteriously in the Real World a month ago, and she had never known how. ?Patamon,? she thought, ?a childish Digimon. He defeated Devimon by himself. He turned into Angemon, MagnaAngemon, and Seraphimon: three angel forms that threaten the existence of Digimon like me. I am not worried about that Gatomon my mother fought with, but this Patamon is worse trouble. I will destroy him and his friends.? She continued down the road until she got to an apartment complex. She flipped up to a second floor balcony and watched as a boy and Patamon sat in the room talking. ?Whatcha doin T.K.?? asked Patamon, a small Digimon with the top half of his fur gold and the other white. His ears looked like small wings and he had big, googly blue eyes. ?Seeing if Kari is online,? the boy replied. His short, spiked hair was golden blonde and he wore an aqua colored shirt. His shorts were Khaki?s and went down to just below his knee. He typed in a password and started to connect to the internet. He saw a bird out of the corner of his eye and turned his head to the window. He saw a pure black cat that looked a lot like Gatomon. ?What is it?? Patamon asked, noticing that T.K. was staring at something. ?Oh sh?? BlackGatomon said as she saw T.K. look at her. She kicked off of the balcony and back into the street. She ran through the crowd as fast as she could. ?I thought I just saw a black colored Gatomon,? replied T.K., running his fingers through his hair. ?Silly T.K.,? said Patamon, smiling, ?there is no such a thing.? ?Yeah, I guess you?re right,? T.K. said. He clicked on Kari?s screen name (Gatomons*Power) and typed a greeting in. *** Kari smiled as an IM arrived from T.K. (his screen name was Angemon). She replied to his greeting: Angemon: Hello, how are you? Gatomons*Power: I am great, how about you? Angemon: I am great, too. Thanks ^)(^. I just saw the most bizarre thing. Gatomons*Power: What was it? Angemon: I swear I saw a black colored Gatomon. Gatomons*Power: You did?! I just saw a calico colored Gatomon. Wonder what it was? Angemon: I don?t know. If we saw two different types, it might be a problem. Call the girls, Davis, and Ken. I?ll call Matt and the others. Tell them to meet at my house. Gatomons*Power: Ok. Well, bye. I?ll see you later. Angemon: Ok. I love you. XOXOXO Gatomons*Power: I love you too. XOXOXO She logged off the internet and grabbed her cell phone and started to dial a number. *** Yolei?s phone rang. She was wearing a purple, cut off shirt and low cut faded jeans. Her was purple and she had it tied back in a red ribbon. She held a small, pink bird Digimon in her arms. This was Poromon. He had small wings and a red feather on the back of his head. It was red, it?s tip yellow. Bring Bring. The phone rang. She put Poromon down on the couch and walked over to the phone. ?Hello, Yolei speaking,? she said politely. ?Yolei? Hi, it?s Kari,? said the sweet voice from the other line ?Oh, hi Kari. What?s up?? she replied. ?We might have a situation. Meet at T.K.?s house. Oh, and can you call the others?? ?Sure, no prob. See ya!? ?See ya. Bye.? They hung up and they continued to call people. *** T.K. hung up after an hour of calling everyone. ?Sheesh,? he said, plopping onto his bed, ?I wonder what my phone bill will be.? *** (An hour later) Davis and DemiVeemon climbed up the stairs. Davis had wild brown hair and a red shirt on with a flame in the middle of it. His pants were baggy and black. DemiVeemon was small a blue with short arms and legs. ?Davis, what do you think is the problem?? DemiVeemon said in his chibi voice. ?I don?t know,? Davis replied, ?but it has to be bad.? Knock Knock was the sound of his fist hitting the wooden door. T.K. answered the door with a smile and invited him in. Everyone was already there: A guy with spiked, brown hair. He wore a green shirt and a jean jacket. His pants were the new ?dirty? look. This was Tai. A guy with the same golden blonde hair as T.K. His shirt was dark red and his pants Khaki. This was Matt. A boy, about 12, sat on the couch. His hair was cut short and was black. He wore a beige t-shirt and faded pants. This was Cody. He was holding a small, goldish Digimon. This was Upamon. A girl with brown hair to her shoulders sat holding hands with Tai. She wore a faded skirt and pink cut off shirt. This was Sora. Yolei and Poromon sat behind her. Ken, a boy with really black hair sat on the edge of the couch. He was wearing a green shirt and faded jeans. He was wearing a small green Digimon known as Minomon. Kari and Gatomon stood behind him. Izzy was a boy with red frizzy hair. He wore a red t-shirt under a jean jacket. His pants were faded. Mimi was a girl with pink and purple striped hair. She was wearing a purple shirt and low-cut jeans. Joe had blue hair and wore a white t-shirt. His shorts were Khaki. ?So,? said Tai, ?what?s the deal?? ?Well,? started Kari, ?me and T.K. have seen two cats that looked remarkably like Gatomon. One black, one calico.? No one said anything. ?Well?? asked T.K. ?Well, nothing,? said Matt, ?there are lots of cats in this city. Your imaginations are overactive.? ?But these cat?s were bipedal and had gloves,? objected Kari. ?I do think Matt is affirmative in that it was your imaginations,? said Izzy, ?but we should keep an eye out anyways. T.K. and Kari are too skilled to let their imaginations to run completely active.? ?We will,? said Mimi, ?but what do we do if we spot something?? ?You still have your Digivices?? Ken asked. ?Yes,? they all agreed. ?Then call for us into them. They should work as communicators,? he continued. Everyone got up and left, leaving Kari and T.K. in a sense of betrayal, but they listened to their instructions. *** Mikemon walked down the street. It was almost deserted, as it was night. Not many people noticed her, so she felt safe. ?That girl...I wonder if she saw me,? she thought to herself. She turned a corner and proceeded down a dark valley. A mist slowly moved in and surrounded Mikemon. ?This is odd,? she thought to herself, ?this isn?t natural.? Slowly, she felt her feet lift off the ground. Through the mist, she could see a black womanly figure. ?Who are you?? she shouted out. ?A Digimon who wants to help you get what you want,? said the woman. ?What do you mean? Gatomon? How?? ?I can give you power. You have to do one thing for me: destroy the DigiDestined. Will you accept?? ?How do I know I can trust this mysterious Digimon?? she thought to herself, ?Well, I can get Gatomon. I will try.? ?I accept,? she said aloud. ?Good,? said the dark voice. She outreached her hand. A black orb appeared and was injected into Mikemon. Mikemon felt power inside he;: it was flowing throughout her body. She felt herself lift off of the ground. She closed her eyes and put her arms down to her sides. ?Mikemon digivolve to...? She felt her body slowly shift. She grew taller, and her claws grew bigger and sharper. She felt another tail sprout and grow longer. Her thighs got bigger and gained leopard fur. She felt her ears and hair grow. ?Persiamon!? She landed back on the ground. She now had long, red hair and a purple scarf draped across her mouth. ?Now, go. Destroy the DigiDestined,? said the dark Digimon. Persiamon nodded and disappeared. *** Davis and Ken walked down the sidewalk. It was dark now, and they were going to get some food. Davis was holding DemiVeemon and Ken was holding Minomon. ?I?m starving,? said Davis. ?Me too,? agreed DemiVeemon. ?We?ll get as much as we can fit in our stomachs when we get there,? said Ken, laughing. *** Persiamon lept from the roof top to the hood of a car. She stood from her crouching position and looked around. She suddenly saw the two of the new DigiDestined and their Digimon. ?Ah, well,? she thought, ?I would like an appetizer...? *** ?Whose gonna pay?? asked Davis, worried about him having to pay for the meal. Ken and the others didn?t reply. ?What is it?? he asked. They were staring at something. He turned to see what it was. He saw some sort of bipedal cat. ?No big deal,? he said to himself. ?Wait!? he suddenly figured it out: a bipedal cat! ?Ken, what is that?? asked Minomon. ?It?s a...Digimon,? replied Ken. The Digimon jumped from the car hood to the sidewalk and started walking towards them ?Guys, do it!? said Davis, putting DemiVeemon down, like Ken did to Minomon. ?DemiVeemon digivolve to.....? He felt himself lift into the air. He closed his eyes and spread his arms. He let the power flow through him. ?Veemon!? He was taller now, and blue all over. He had a small horn and a yellow V on his forehead. ?Minomon digivolve to....? He also felt himself lift into the air. He closed his eyes and let the power flow. ?Wormmon!? He was now a green worm with purple tips on his short numerous legs. His forehead had a purple X on it and he also had a dark purple beak like mouth. ?Just try it,? thought Persiamon. She stopped walking. She brought her claw up to her chest. It began to shine a bright red. ?Plasma Claw!? she yelled, lunging forward at the two Rookie-level Digimon. Her glowing claw outreached, she passed the two Digimon, cutting both of their cheek. ?Veemon!? yelled Davis, running to his side. ?That?s not smart, young DigiDestined,? said Persiamon calmly. She lept in front of Veemon and kicked him out of the way. Then, she outreached her arm and picked Davis up by his neck. ?Davis!? yelled Ken, ?Wormmon, do it!? He held out his black D3. ?Wormmon digivolve to....? He lifted off of the ground. Strips of data swirled around him, then latched to him. He felt his form shifting and growing. The data removed and a new being emerged. ?Stingmon!? He had a large, buff body now. Black armor like accessories around his shoulders, arms, and thighs. He had long, clear wings and short purple-ish hair under his under the mask-like cover he wore. His attenae were orange striped and his large eyes were red. ?Let him go,? said Stingmon sternly. He had landed behind Persiamon and extended his purple dagger to the back of her neck. ?Sneaky,? she thought. She suddenly threw Davis to Ken and spun around. She kicked Stingmon across the face and jumped into the air. Davis grabbed his throat and started coughing. He then held out his light blue D3. ?Armor Digivolution, Veemon!? he yelled. ?Veemon armor digivolve to....? A flame swirled around him, which was mixed with red data. It swirled around him and formed a shape of a Greymon. It then latched to his body. He felt his power surge and grow. ?Flamedramon!? An armored claw slashed through the fire. He was now dressed with flame decorated armor. It covered his claws, feet and thighs. A breastplate covered his chest and a helmet covered his face. His horn was large now, and he had a black belt around his forearm. ?Come get me,? Persiamon said, slyly smiling. She turned around and started running quickly down the sidewalk. ?No need to,? replied Flamedramon calmly. He raised his arms. His hands then were engulfed in flames. ?Fire Rockets!? He did a one-two-punch and shot the fireballs at Persiamon. ?Now,? said Persiamon to herself. Right before the attack hit her, she flipped into the air. She landed with her legs spread apart, her left paw on the ground, and the other in the air. ?Moon Shooter!? yelled Stingmon. He gripped the top of the black armor on his left arm. A white light started to form in the hole, and then turned into a ball of light. He then shot it at Persiamon. ?Plasma Claw!? she yelled again. Her claw glowed red again, and she sliced through the attack. ?Oh no,? said Davis. ?Plasma Claw!? she yelled once more. She lunged at Stingmon, her glowing claw leading her. He tried to move out of the way, but she was to quick for him. She raised her claw into the air and slashed him across the chest. ?Ahhhhh!? he yelled, falling to the ground. He then reverted back to Minomon. ?Flame Knuckles!? yelled Flamedramon, lunging at Persiamon while she had her back turned. ?Yah!? yelled Persiamon, turning around and punching Flamedramon in the face with her Plasma Claw. He was slammed into the ground and de-digivolved into DemiVeemon. ?This is easier then I thought,? she said aloud. ?Who are you?? yelled Davis, running to and picking DemiVeemon. Ken came to his side and picked up Minomon. ?An old friend of a friend of yours,? she said, smirking. She lept up into the air and onto the same car she had done before. She then jumped onto a rooftop and proceeded to run away. *** Knock Knock was the loud sound of Davis?s fist on T.K.?s door. T.K. answered the door and was shocked. ?We...we fought...a cat Digimon,? said the weak DemiVeemon. ?Come in, come in,? said T.K., letting them in. They went to sit on the sofa and Ken told him about the Digimon and what had happened. ?It?s weird,? said Davis, ?she didn?t look like either of the Digimon you and Kari described.? ?Maybe it is a different Digimon,? suggested Davis. ?Or a digivolved cat..? said T.K.
I just like the name Andros. And by Latin, I mean from Latin America, AND Latins did not turn into Romens, Greeks did.
[COLOR=blue]Until I get enough time to download PSP7 (which is approx. 5 hours), my banners will be kinda plain. But I kinda like plain.[/COLOR]
Each person will write with their own group, until there is a time each of ours will have to meet. This is not an RPG And Andros isn't fully Japanese, his mom is Latin
Um...Sorry, but you have to have a fanfic in some way or form so I know you can contribute a good writing. If you do, show me some!! :freak: :toothy: :mrt: ---------------------- ignore this
Okies. I just loved to write