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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. [COLOR=blue]Gambit isn't supposed to be in X2, but in X3. I can't wait to see of they show who Nightcrawler's dad is. I know his mother is Mystique.[/COLOR]
  2. AND ME AND ME! Can I be the writer? Or is that your job? EDIT: Hey Ginny, I have to talk to you about something ~_^ Something....well, just pm me to find out.
  3. You'e brilliant! Leomon: You are too, Z. Not really, Lee. I guess you'll be the one with the sucessful continuatin of Digimon *sigh* Well, atleast tried. EDIT: If you're looking for a writer, could I be one?
  4. We can kinda cut unnecesary characters out if we feel we need to. Plus, I have an idea. If all the characters are on different continents, we each can write our own sections to it and then when they all meet, we'll mix. I don't know where this thread should go...it's more of a manga-wannabe-thing and I wouldn't care if they moved it.
  5. I might be going down to Louisianna (I live in Ohio) to visit my Aunt and cousins. Then I will be going to Florida to visit my sis, who works at Disney World....so...YAHOOOOO!
  6. Ok...The poll thread went over better then I expected. Now to put it into effect. Since there were so many good idea's, this is where we will spin them into one "story". Each of you who wants to contribute, list atleast 5-8 Digimon (and or humans) and their bio's-personalities. After we have that down, we can start on a story line. Ok? Here are my characters: The humans Drew Latchkey- Born and raised in LA. Has an attitude and isn't afraid to use his fists to do his talking. He is an orphan, abandoned at 3yrs old and left at his aunt's. Ran away from his aunt's at 10 and has been on the streets since. He is 15 now. Tamara Marion- Born in Jackson, Ohio moved to LA with her parents when she was 6 years old. Very kind and gentle, but kind of a loner. She is very close with her little sister, Desiree and is always by her side. She is 16 years old now. Desiree Marion- Born in LA and is younger sister to Tamara. She is mature for her age (6 years old), but still has some childish acts in her. Tamara and she have a very strong bond unlike any other. Frank Damba- Born and raised in San Fransisco. Very passionate in music, jazz especially. A goth in feelings, but not "style". Has a secret hatred of his father for taking him away from his little brother, Tyler when he was 13 and Tyler was 5. He is 15 years old. Antonio Dominion- Born in southern Italy and moved to Richmond, Virginia when he was 8 years old.Very calm and collected in nature, he'd rather talk things out rather then fight. His mom and dad aren't very literate in English, so he tutors them daily to help them. He is 15 years old. Andros Wills- Born and raised in Japan. He recently moved to LA with his mother after his father died. Very shy and quiet, but hates when people put him or anyone he cares about down. His 8 year-old sisters, Kara and Tara are his best friends in life other then his grandmother. He is 16 years old. Kara & Tara Wills- Born and raised in Japan. Moved with their brother and mother to LA. The two like to complete each others sentences and confuse people by acting like each other. They admire their big brother greatly and want to grow up to be just like him. The Digimon BlackAgumon(Shade)- A misunderstood Digimon. He IS a dark form, but isn't evil. He is very couragous and will do anything for his tamer, Drew. For this reason, he is associated with the Neo Crest of Courage. Monmon(Beau)- A very wacky and friendly Digimon. He isn't very literal, but he is smart. His friends are the most important possesions in his life. Because of this, he is associated with the Neo Crest of Friendship. Labramon(Merry)- A child Digimon, she is loyal and loves her Tamer, Desiree. Anyone who she cares about, she loves deeply and will always. For this reason, she is associated with the Neo Crest of Love. Veemon(X)- A Digimon who packs a punch. He is always there and there is no doubt in any-mon's mind who is the most trustworthy Digimon there is: X. For this reason, he is associated with the Neo Crest of Trust. His tamer is Frank. Taromon(Kami)[A Lop/Ter/Cirri twin. Red and gold with two horns on his head and a diamond on his chest]- A Digimon who savors the moment and always shows up when expected. His friends are his power and his power is with his friends. For this reason, he is associated with the Neo Crest of Reliability. His Tamer is Antonio. Guilmon(Darryl)- This playful critter is an exception to the rule that all Virus Digimon are bad (like BKAgumon). His intelligence couldn't get him into Stanford, but he makes do with what he has. He makes everyone feel good and likes to have fun. For this reason, he is associated with the Neo Crest of Sincerity(sp?). His Tamer is Andros. Elecmon(Leo)- He is young but wise and treats everyone with respect. His Tamers, Kara and Tara, provide enough love for him to last on for a life time. His motto is this: "We all are one in all and forever we will be." No one truly knows what it means, but he says it is about equality. For this, he is associated with the Neo Crest of Equality. How's about that? We can have as many characters we want. I am thinking an international thing...but I want to hear your ideas!
  7. Minun=Sparky Blaziken=Macho Medicham=Chan-Chi Swellow=Sweeli Azumarill=Azuki Groudon=Koo-Koo
  8. Most of the characters in my fic are named after people I know, but their personalities are not the same. I think it is hard to put someones personalitity into words. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The bell rang at the end of ninth period in Jackson Middle School. Zach Wills rushed out of the classroom and to his locker. ?Damn lock,? he said, turning the faceplate and pulling. It didn?t open. ?Need some help?? asked a girl. She was wearing a white shirt with light blue stripes. Her brown hair was tied back with a white ribbon. This was Kayla Webb. She was popular, as was Zach, and had a crush on him. ?No thanks,? he replied. He put all his strength on pulling on the lock. Suddenly, his hand slipped and fell back to Kayla?s feet. She giggled. ?You sure?? she asked politely. ?Well, maybe,? he said, getting up and blushing. Kayla bent down and put in the combination, which Zach had whispered into her ear. She then pulled and the lock opened. ?Presto!? she said, smiling. He bent down beside her to pick up his things. ?Thanks,? he said, blushing again. She smiled and put her hand on his thigh and pushed herself up. ?No prob,? she said, ?gimme a call sometime.? She walked away, waving. *** Derek walked past Zach and glared at him. He hated Zach. He deserved the girls more then Zach did. And he was as popular as him. Why did he get Kayla? ?Fool,? Derek mumbled as he opened the door that lead to the gym. He was dressed in red shorts and a white t-shirt. His hair was dirty blonde. ?Stop complaining,? said a guy shooting a basket. He was wearing blue shorts with no shirt. He had brown hair. ?Shut up, Fowler,? said Derek. He was referring to Anthony. ?Whatever Moore,? replied Anthony, rubbing his buff chest. He threw the ball at Derek and hit him in the stomach. Derek just flinched and walked out. *** Katy Davis and Shannon Stiltner walked out of the school. ?I think it?s funny that Derek hates Zach,? giggled Shannon. ?You?re about the only one,? said Katy, rolling her eyes. ?Oh, look, there?s Shauny boy,? she added as a boy with a grey shirt and blue shorts on passed them. A girl with blonde hair, blue shirt and white short-shorts on came and stood beside Katy. ?Stop being mean,? she said, ?he hasn?t done anything to you.? ?Oh, Carmen, it?s always like you to ruin and girls fun,? said Katy, walking away with Shannon. ?I thought I was just being....kind...? she said quietly smiling at Shaun. She walked away. *** Zach walked down the road, passing various cars parked along the road. Black clouds started to roll in, showing signs of a storm. ?I hope it doesn?t rain,? he said. ?You shouldn?t worry,? said a voice out of nowhere. ?Huh?? said Zach, spinning around to see who was there. No one. ?Um....o...kay...? He started walking again, doubting his sanity. ?It is time,? the woman?s voice said again. Zach stopped and looked around. Still no one, but the wind was blowing abnormally strong. ?Ugh,? said Zach, being pushed into a parked car by the super strong wind. Before he hit, he disappeared. *** Kayla walked down the same road Zach had. She had just turned the corner right after Zach disappeared. She had forgot to give him her number. ?That?s weird,? she said. ?Join him,? said the voice. ?Huh? Who is there?? she said, looking around. ?You will see.? the voice replied. Kayla looked up at the black clouds. Rain started to pour. Hard. She started to walked backwards, and tripped over a brick that separated a backyard and the sidewalk. She fell back into a pool, and before she hit the water, she disappeared. *** Derek huddled under a tree as it rained. He wasn?t mad, but still hated Zach and Anthony. ?Damn rain,? he mumbled. ?Are you ready?? asked the voice. ?Um.....for what?? he asked, looking around. Suddenly, a lightning bolt hit the tree. Derek ran from it and dove into the grass. A line of fire ran down the trunk of the tree and onto the wet grass. It seemed not to be effected by the rain. It strangely made a circle around him. He stood up and looked at the circle of flames. ?This is some weird ****,? he yelled. Then, some of the flames moved inwards to Derek. As soon as it got to his shoe, he disappeared. *** Anthony shot another ball. He made it. He wiped sweat off his forehead and started walking towards the locker room. ?Get ready,? said a voice. ?What?!? he asked, looking around. He shrugged it off and started to the locker room again. Suddenly, the ground started to shake violently. A crack ran up the wall and into the ceiling. Anthony fell to the ground and looked up. ?Oh god,? he said. A piece of ceiling broke off and was falling to where Anthony was. Right before it hit, he disappeared. *** Brandon stood in awe. He was watching the scene with Derek. He hadn?t gone to school today and if he had, he would?ve hung out with Zach. ?I better go...see...? he hesitantly said. He rushed to the door then stopped. He was afraid to go outside because it seemed that the fire circle had been caused by the....weather. Then, a lightning bolt struck the house. Brandon put his hand on the doorknob and disappeared. ***. ?Bye!? said Katy, turning the corner to her street. She started walking to her house, shivering slightly because of the rain. ?Come on,? she said, hoping it would let up. Then Shannon came running up behind her. ?Here you forgot your?? she started, but then a lightning bolt hit an electric pole. ?It is your time,? said a voice. The pole started to fall and the girls started to scream. Before the pole hit them, they disappeared. *** Zach slowly came to consciousness. He hadn?t opened his eyes, but he could feel something on his stomach. He slowly opened his eyes to see and small red creature on his stomach, smiling goofily at him. ?Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!? he yelled, leaping up. ?What?s wrong?? asked a familiar voice. He turned around to see Kayla holding a creature that looked like a cat?s head with a tail. ?What?s that? What?s this?? he asked frantically, pointing at the two creatures. ?I?m Nyaromon,? smiled the creature In Kayla?s arms. ?And I?m Gigimon!? yelled the red creature leaping onto Zach?s shoulder. ?Gigi-what?? Zach asked, confused and still doubting his sanity. ?Gigimon,? said another familiar voice. He turned around to see Derek standing in the shadows. He was holding a small pink creature. ?I?m Koromon,? it said. ?Who else is here? Seems everybody keeps popping up.? said Zach sarcastically. ?There?s Anthony, Brandon, Shannon, and Katy,? said Kayla. ?And my brother, Tsunomon and his brother, Motimon, Yokomon, and Chimpmon,? said Gigimon. ?What are you? Where are we?? asked Zach. ?We are Digimon and we are in the Digital World,? said Nyaromon. ?Digi-wha?? asked Zach. ?Gennia will be able to explain better then we,? said a pink little Digimon who had just walked in. ?That?s Motimon,? said Koromon. ?Let?s go into the main room,? said Motimon. He lead them into a large room. Anthony was holding a Digimon with gold fur and horn. Another one that looked exactly like it sat beside him. ?Finally,? Anthony said, ?took ya a while to wake up. Meet Tsunomon and his brother, um, well, Tsunomon.? Brandon was holding a Digimon that looked exactly like Gigimon. ?Meet Gigimon?s bro,? said Brandon. Motimon went to Shannon?s lap. Katy was holding a Digimon that looked like a monkey?s head with a tail. There was a pink Digimon beside her. ?Meet Chimpmon and Yokomon,? she said. ?Hi,? said Zach. ?Gennia should be here soon,? said Motimon. As soon as he said this, two people appeared in the middle of the room. It was Shaun and Carmen. ?Where are we? asked Carmen. Motimon told the two exactly what he told Zach. ?Carmen?s mine!? yelled Yokomon, jumping into her arms. ?Shaun?s mine!? yelled Tsunomon (not Anthony?s) , jumping into his arms. Then, a woman with long grey hair and a purple and gold dress on appeared. ?Ah, Gennia,? smiled Nyaromon. ?Hello, Digimon, DigiDestined,? she said. ?DigiDestined?? asked Carmen. ?Yes, DigiDestined. Those who are to save the Digital World.? ?Save from what? What are Digimon? And what is the Digital World?? asked Anthony. ?Digimon is short for Digital Monsters. Beings who are made purely from data. Created by data from computers. The Digital World....well, it?s even a mystery to me. Only the Digimon Angel?s and God?s know what it truly is.? ?What are we supposed to save the Digital World from?? asked Carmen. ?Evil Digimon. They have been running rampant and are destroying our world.? ?This is way much,? said Shannon. ?Do not worry, Children. You will get used to it. Now, to get you your D-Powers.? She rose her hands. Then, nine devices floated to the kids. Zach?s was light blue, Derek?s was red, Shaun?s was blue, Kayla?s was pink, Anthony?s was green, Brandon?s was red and black, Shannon?s was maroon, Carmen?s was pink and blue, and Katy?s was light green. ?What are these?? asked Kayla. ?These are Digital Power?s, or D-Powers. They help your Digimon digivolve. They can also track and locate Digimon or each other. ?Cool,? said Carmen. ?Now for your Digimon. I will infect you with the Neo Sphere allowing you to digivolve differently then normal.? She rose her arms again. Nine purple spheres entered the Digimon. Then, they started to glow. ?Gigimon(Zach?s) digivolve to.....Dorumon!? ?Gigimon digivolve to....NeoGuilmon!? ?Nyaromon digivolve to.....NeoSalamon!? ?Tsunomon(Shaun?s) digivolve to......NeoGabumon!? ?Tsunomon digivolve to....NeoBetamon!? ?Motimon digivolve to....NeoTentomon!? ?Yokomon digivolve to....NeoBiyomon!? ?Chimpmon digivolve to.....Monmon!? ?We?re...different,? said NeoTentomon, looking down at himself. ?Now, you need to go to File Island. Be careful. I will see you later.? She disappeared. So did the kids and Digimon, but they reappeared in a forest. ?How do we get there?? asked Zach. ?Who cares? Duck!? yelled Anthony. Everyone did so as a black fireball soared over their heads. A black T-Rex like Digimon walked over the hill. ?Uh-oh!? said Monmon.
  9. Do you know where I could get some downloads??
  10. I am using PhotoImpression4...a lesser known one, but I like it. You can have the Beelzemon one if you like ^_^ Heres another...
  11. Here's a new one. Thanks Nantanimon
  12. I will post my banners here, and I would like to see what you think. Here is the one I just did. It is simple, but nice, I think
  13. Patronus


    The newer ones are hilarious! She is a witty, smart *** person and I love it!
  14. And it is a tie! Shaun's Return of Daemon and Devidramons Bad Kitty! Congrats! ~ignore the attachment
  15. Zach: Time to bring out Force 3! He holds out three Ultra Balls. Zach: Transport Jolteon, Umbreon, and Eevee to Computer. Transport Tentacruel, Nidoking, and Blastoise to me! The three he held out glew and disappeared. Then, three more Ultraballs appeared. Zach: Go, Tentacruel, Nidoking, and Blastoise! Everyone, get on Blastoise's shell (If you aren't riding already) Nidoking, use hyper beam! Tentacruel, leer! Then use Hydro Pump! Now Sting! Then, Mew came from his Ultra Ball. Mew: [B]Zachary, we need help. There is only one way to even weaken him a little. Everyone must use all of their Pokemon, even the ones they don't have with them. You, alone, have fifteen in your computer. With the combined strength, you can hold him off.[/B]
  16. Very Good! ----------- Ignore the attachment:(
  17. Zach: Go, Mew, Umbreon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, and Eevee! All of you, use tackle! The siz Pokemon ram into Rogard, making him get off balance. Zach: Mew, Psychic! Mew hit it with a powerful attack, which made him rise into the air then drop onto the ground, making a large crater in the ground. Zach: Vaporeon, use Hydro Pump and fill the crater! Vaporeon: Va Va! Vaporeon filled the crater up to the tip with water. Zach: Jolteon, now, use Thunder! Jolteon sent a thunder into the water, and since water conducts electricity, it did great damage. Rogard was now at 65% strength.
  18. I'll use a gold D3 ------------------ Patamon floated behind Josh. Josh: Do you want us to go and see if we can get any clues? Patamon can digivolve to Pegasusmon and we can fly and search. Patamon: Thanks for volunteering me! Josh: We should do all we can, Patamon. Patamon: I know, I know. I was joking. Josh: Oh, okies. -------------------- Ignore the attachment.
  19. Zach: Go, Vaporeon, Mew! Mew: Mew Mew Vaporeon: Va Va! Zach: Vaporeon, Hydro Pump! Mew, Psychic! The two attacked and sent Nogard and Gravyle into a wall. Zach: Ha!
  20. I don't care if it is closed, I just want for everyone to see my first banner! Someone special (you know who you are) helped teach me!! Tell me what you think! (if it isn't closed) [color=indigo]Moved this to the Art & Desing forum. The Banner/Avatar Request forum is only for requesting banners/avatars. If you have one that you want to show off, you should post it in the Art & Design forum. - Desbreko[/color]
  21. I was looken in the Digimon part for my FanFiction (Gallantmon, to be exact) and saw the word 'forum'...I just clicked and got it!
  22. Honey, maybe you could get a face lift to look like this? It's sooooo sexy!
  23. [U]Again[/U] , with the permission of ShyGuy, I bring you Digimon FanFiction of the week. Here, you tell me who you think should be the author of the week and why. At the end of the week, I will tally them up and tell you who it is!
  24. He stood back. He grabbed a Ultra Ball offf of his belt and threw it into the air. Zach: Mew, I choose you! Mew: Mew Mew Zach. How about I have Mew paralyze her, then she won't feel anything. Then I will have him use his psychic powers and take it out. Shinobi: Okay..it better work. Zach: Mew, use metronome! Mew started moving his fingers back and forth, and a wave of electricity covered Hope. Zach: Now, take the bullet out! Mew nodded and focused on the hole and then squinted his eyes. The bullet flew out of the hole and into Shinobi's hand. Zach: Remove the paraylasis! Mew's eyes glew purple and Hope started to cough
  25. Mew escpapes the pokeball, as expected. Zach: Umbreon, go! Bite! Mew, unexpecting the attack, was hit with a fierce attack. Zach: That's what all my level 100 Pokemon can do, Mew. Now you're mine! Ultra Ball, go! The ball dropped to the ground and started shaking. Suddenly, it stopped. Zach: Transport Espeon to computer. The Ultra Ball on his belt, which contained Espeon, disappeared. The one with Mew flew back to his hand. He walked to Shinobi. Zach: I'm sorry...maybe Mew can heal them all?
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