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Everything posted by Patronus
Suddenly an explosion rang out. Everybody dropped to the ground as a shockwave shot over them. Shinobi knew thast bomb. Shinobi got up, and saw 2 group running towards them. Several shots rang out. Down fell Ryan and Xion, dead. Several others rizzed by Shinobi, but he dodged them. Shinobi: What da... Then a different shot rang out. It was more like the sound from Hyper Sonic when they take off. He looked over, and saw that Hope was shot. Shinobi: dem,...ah! *places a hand on his head* Pain was shooting through Shinobi's head. He got real mad, and started lashing out at anybody and everybody in the gang. As far as he knew, he could be taking down his family or friends. But he didn't care.He started takleing, stomping, kicking, hitting, everything. About 10 minutes later, the intire gang was on the ground, exept for one. Pain was still shootnig through his head, making everything blurey(sp). Shinobi: So, your all that's left..... ???: Yes. I see how good your fighting and would like to join you... Shinobi; I-i-i-i don't kno-kno-know.....*from the pain*What's your your yo-your name.... ???: Zach... Shinobi: Zach....o-k-k-k-kay..
Ok...I guess..I'll go and delete that post...just tell me what to post and I will
He pulled up in David's driveway, picked up Patamon from the passenger side, and walked up to the door. He knocked frantically. Josh: David! Let me in! David: Ok, ok, come on in. He walks with David into his room. Patamon: Heya Guilmon! Guilmon: Heya! Josh: What's the situation?
Henati sucks...well, it sucks something it shows ALOT I don't watch much anime...don't even know where to find it....but I am guessing the nudity is to make it realistic. They make anime to show what we can't do, and putting nudity in is showing it could be real. I dunno if this makes sense, but it's what I think.
I can't see the pic, but I am assuming he is picking his nose or something? Well...here goes... I knew that the eraser brain was bigger then my nostral....WHY? WHY? WHY? or This'll be the next trend! BOO-YAH!
Who loves Charmed? I do!!!!!!! Especially Piper! Anyone wanna help me put together bio's, episode summaries, and the Book of Shadows? I would appreciate it!
I'll take Mew Um...Where are you guys? I was gonna have Zach get in a fight with his dad and run off and join you.
Heres others I want: Lugia Ho-oh Mew Mewtwo Entei If one of them isn't taken, i'll tkae that one
Neo got up and followed Yuri, not really interested in the fight. "So...what am I to do? Do you know anything about that man in black who attacked me?"
My mom pissed me off royally...she compares me too much to my sister, who is like a total genious
After the surprise attack, he decided to get some food. He walked a little bit down the road and entered a restaurant name (It's name here). He entered and ordered food and drink.
As the sword raced towards him, he lifted into the air, HIGH into the air, and kick the man across the face "Who the hell are you" he yelled The man was lying on the ground when Neo landed back on the ground. He knew people were watching, but he didn't care. The man stood up and started slashing with his sword. Luckly, Neo was able to block the moves by kicking the man in the stomach several times, making him stumble back and eventually fall. Neo started running to the man, who started to stand, and jumped and pushed off the side of the buidling and kicked the man once again across the face. Suddenly, the man disappaered into dust. (OOC: How's that? Am I doing good?)
Name: Zach Age: 16 Gender: Male Specialty: Eevee Pokemon: Eevee: Tackle, Body Slam, Sand Attack, Bite Jolteon: Thunder, Thundershock, Tackle, Bite Vaporeon: Hydro Pump, Water Gun, Aqua Beam, Bite Flareon: Flamethrower, Ember, Smokescreen, Agility Espeon: Psychic, Confuse Ray, Tackle, Bite Umbreon: Confuse Ray, Tackle, Bite, Body Slam Legendary Pokemon I wanna catch: Raikou Appearance: Brown hair/eyes, jean-jacket, black shirt w/ master ball on it, belt w/ ultra balls, faded baggy panys
Neo was standing by the outside cafe: not really doing anything but watching people go. He looked around, not seeing anyone he knew, Actually, he didn't know anyone at all. All he knew was how to fight. And fight good. His fighting skills had always came naturally to him: even his special ability to levitate had came to him when he was 15. Now, 12 years later, he could take any opponent anytime. A light tap on the shoulder came to him..he spun around to see who had done it. A man, dressed in black, and who was black, was standing there....but...his eyes were red. The man drew back his sword and prepared to strike....
Name: Dogaru Koshi Alias: Neo Tompal Age: 27 Born: Tokyo, Japan Race: Japanese Fighting: Karate, Kick Boxing (he can also levitate) Neutral/Good/Evil: Neutral, very mysterious Personality: Calm, collected. Doesn't like to be bothered Bio: He doesn't even know Weapons: None Can I still join? Edit: Appearance: Silver hair, blue eyes, buff bod, black baggy pants, black leather jacket, white wife beater
(I don't know if I'm in or not, but I posted in the recruitment. If I am not, let me know and I'll delete it) [He walked into his room with his partner, Patamon, in his arms. His room is painted with a mixture of blue and grey and has four posters on the wall: Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park, No Doubt, and Mark Mgrath. He goes to his computer and moves the mouse. A box comes up asking for his password. He types it in and his desktop is seen. The wallpaper is of Holly Marie Combs (Piper Halliwell). He connects to the internet.] Patamon: We gonna go to the Digital World or what? Josh: Hold on, lemme check my email. Patamon: Oki-Day. [He opens a window and his inbox appears. There is a message entitiled: Extremely Important. From David. He opens it and reads the body] Josh: Oh god...damn it! Patamon: What?! [Patamon jumped at the outburst] Josh: I'll explain on the way. We need to get to David's house! [He stands up, packs a back-pack full of supplies, says goodbye to his Frat brothers, and locks his door. He goes outside and gets into his black Avanlanche and heads to David's house.]
I'll try to keep up with this one this time.... Name:Joshua Wires Age:19 Met Digimon: Four Years ago Personality: Cool. One of those guys everyone likes Backround: His parents both died when he was 14. He lived with his aunt and uncle until he moved to NYU college. Rookie:Patamon Champion:Angemon Ultimate:MagnaAngemon Mega:Seraphimon Biomerge: HolyAngemon (I can supply you with a pic if you like) Other: Pegasusmon (+Digi-Egg of Hope) Prairiemon (+Digi-Egg of Kindess)
Wolf I am a wolf, graceful and swift. Your fear I am true to lift. I have been in many a pack and courage I do not lack. Look into my eyes and you will see, the power and strength inside of me.
I have two suggestions: 1. You should have more themed skins (you know, like water and industraial[i think those are two]).They should be from shows (i.e Digimon, Pokemon, Gundam, etc.) 2. You should allow people to have multiple screen names. They could come in handy for RPG'S! If anyone agrees, plz post here too!
See, I have this theory: A Digimon CAN digivolve without his/her partner if certain circumstances are met. And in these cases, this is what I think: A Digimon can digivolve if something happens that is connected with his/her Crest/Digi-Egg. Here: Angewomon's crest is light. And Myotismon is evil, so light always overcomes evil. Kabuterimon's is Knowledge. He KNEW he needed to help Veemon Angemons is Hope. Same deal with him as Angewomon. But possibly this: He HOPED he could help Veemon. Make sense? Anyways, thanks for your review! I'm appreciate it very much! Chapter 2 coming soon!
Here is to the revival of this thread!! In memory of GinnyLyn! Nukarimon-Sort of like a mix between Gatomon and a Lion. He has two spikes on his head. And his eyes are jade and his fur is midnight blue. He has light blue strips on his legs and paws. Shakarumon-Champion of Nukarimon. He's a mix between Gatomon and a Saber Tooth. He is large. His eyes are a darker green and he has a almost black-blue fur color. He has more spikes on his head. There are four dark red stripes on his back. Gartumon-Ultimate. He stands upright on two feet and is like a mix between Renamon and Cyberdramon. He has midnight blue wings, his fur is black, and has two large horns that curve behind his ears. He also has red gloves on. Jakurimon-Mega. He is a cross between Angemon, Gatomon, Renamon, and Cyberdramon. He stands on four feet (like a Sagittarimon). His torso is covered in black fur, and his lower body in grey. He has a long tail with a hoop-ring around it. He holds a spear and has midnight blue gloves that extend to his biceps. If you could do these for me, I would appreciate it. Thank you. *EDIT* I just noticed the names are unbearable. So, here are the names I want: Neomon (Rookie), Unitymon (Championmon), Matrixmon (Ultimate), and NeoMatrixmon (Mega)
Very good!! It reads like a literary novel! Keep writing!
Chapter One DigiWorld: East Forest Terminal "Pepper Breath!" yelled the small, yellow lizard Digimon known as Agumon. A fireball erupted from his mouth and shot at the vampire type Digimon: Myotismon. "Lightning Claw!" yelled the small, white cat like Digimon called Gatomon. A small bolt of electricity circled her paw as she scratched Myotismon across the face and jumped back to Agumon to keep running. "Grisly Wing!" yelled Myotismon, opening his arms and sending a flock of evil, red-eyed bats flying towards Gatomon and Agumon. They quickly jumped out of the way and onto a large rock that was on the edge of a cliff. "Oh! I wish Tai was here!" yelled Agumon, pounding the rock with his fist. It suddenly shook. "Noooo! Kariiiiiiii!" yelled Gatomon, as she slipped off the rock and fell. Agumon also fell and screamed. RealWorld: Japan Tai, Kari, T.K., Davis, Sora, and Izzy sat at the pizza parlor table, eating and chatting among themselves. Suddenly, Tai and Kari doubled over in pain. "Tai? Kari? Are you ok?" asked Sora, rubbing Tai's back. "A...A...Agumon..." said Tai, as he feinted. "Gato....Gatomon.." said Kari, as she also feinted. Sora let out a small scream. "Izzy! Go call Ken or something! We need help getting them back home!" she said. "Affirmed," he nodded, and went off to the back to use his cell. "Wonder whats wrong?" said Davis, putting his arm around Tai to get ready to pick him up over his shoulder. "They both said something about their Digimon, maybe they're in trouble?" said T.K., lifting Kari over his shoulder. DigiWorld: East Forest Terminal There was a bright pink light from over the edge of the cliff and an angelic Digimon known as Angewomon flew up with Agumon in her arms. She set him on the edge of the cliff and looked at Myotismon. "We've defeated you once," she said, "and I will defeat you again. Celestial Arrow!" She drew back her arrow and let go. It struck Myotismon in the chest and he desintegrated into black data. Angewomon then de-digivolved back into Gatomon. "Good job," said Agumon walking over to Gatomon. "Thanks," she said smiling, "I just hope Kari got some kind of message. These attacks won't leave us lucky for long." Agumon nodded and ran off into the forest with Gatomon. Real World: Japan Izzy, T.K. and Davis sat in the back of Ken and Yolei's van, holding the feinted Kari and Tai. Ken was driving, Yolei was in the passenger seat, and Sora was beside Tai holding a wet clothe on his forehead. Suddenly, Tai started to come to. "Agumon....Davis?" he shouted, suddenly relizing he was in Davis's arms and sat straight up. The sudden scare made Ken swerve. "God!" yelled Yolei, "Don't do that Taichi!" "Sorry," said Tai after composing himself, "what happened?" Sora explained what had happened and explained it again when Kari came to. "Wonder what is was about?" asked Tai. "I do remember feeling Gatomon's presence..." said Kari, sitting up. "That's awkward," said Izzy, "maybe Gennai will know something. Let's go to my apartment and try to contact him from my computer." Everyone nodded. Ken drove to Izzy's apartment and everyone gathered around his computer. "Access code...Tentomon..." Izzy said, typing in a password. Suddenly, Gennai appeared on the screen. DigiWorld: West Forest Terminal "Boom Bubble!" yelled the small, gold animal like Digimon known as Patamon. A giant air-bubble flew towards the black devil like Devimon. "Super Shocker!" yelled the bug-like Digimon, Tentomon. A bolt of electricity erupted from his back and shocked Devimon, but Devimon just shook both of the attacks off. "Vee Headbutt!" yelled the small, blue Digimon, Veemon. He flew head-first into the chest of Devimon and made him stunble back. "Run!" yelled Veemon, "I'll take care of him!" Patamon and Tentomon nodded and flew off. "Death Claw!" snarled Devimon, as he slashed Veemon with his claw that was glowing black. "Ahhhh!" yelled Veemon as he was slammed into a tree. "Electro Shocker!" "Fist of Fate!" Two attacks, one a huge ball of electricity, and the other a ball of white light, slammed into Devimon and reduced him into data. A large beetle, and an angel emerged from the trees. These were Angemon and Kabuterimon. The landed beside Veemon and de-digivolved into Patamon and Tentomon. "You ok?" asked Patamon. "Yeah," said Veemon getting up and holding his head. Real World: Izzy's Apartment "Ah," said Gennai, "the DigiDestined and the newest Digital Warriors. How nice to see you." "Nice to see you too, Gennai," said Matt. Matt, Joe, Mimi, and Cody had arrived a little earlier. Joe and Mimi were on vacation visiting everyone. "Is there something wrong?" the old man asked. "Um..yes," said Sora. She explained what had happened at the parlor and how Kari and Tai had called out their Digimon's names. "weird, isn't it?" "Yes, it is. Maybe it is connected with the attacks." replied Gennai. "The attacks?" asked Cody. "Ah, yes. There have been many attacks from evil Digimon lately---and they have been all Digimon you have defeated. Myotismon, Devimon, Etemon, just to name a few. They have all been reeking havoc. I don't know what brung up this sudden spur, but it is not good. I have been waiting for you to contact me--the output from the Digital World has been closed. DigiDestined, we need you again." Everyone looked at each other and nodded. "But how will we get back to the Digital World, Gennai?" asked Ken. "I have no clue. It seems the input to the Digital World is closed also. I might be able...no, too risky." "What is it?" asked Matt. "Well, I could try converting BlackWarGreymon's data to the input factor and that could bring you here. But it would also open the gate--a Digimon could pass through it." "That is a risk," said T.K., "but we'll have to take it. If we don't, the Digital World will be in trouble." "T.K.'s right," said Kari, "we have to go." "You're brave, young warriors," said Gennai, "may I suggest some of you stay here and some go to the Digital World." "How about you guys stay here," said Tai to Davis,"we'll kick their butts!" "But why can't we go?" said Yolei. ""It'll give us an oppourtunity," said Sora, "we haven't battled for a while. You guys will get some action--I'm sure of it." "Ok," said Ken, "but how will you get our Digimon here?" "Leave that to me," said Gennai, "if Izzy can convert BlackWarGreymon's data, I can bioemerge your Digimon for you. Then Tai, Matt, Sora, Mimi, Joe and Izzy can enter the DigiWorld." "I'll get right on it!" said Izzy. "Okay. Contact me when you have done the business. Until then, rest and get ready." Gennai's picture disappeared off the screen. Izzy typed a few things in and a black screen with green numbers on it appeared. He then started typing faster then ever. "Let's get ready," said Sora. Everyone went out of the room. The girls hogged the bathroom (Mimi and Yolei had a little fight about who should take a shower first), and the guys raided the kitchen. Digital World: Lake Terminal Agumon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Gomamon, Patamon, Gatomon, Tentomon, Veemon, Armadillomon, Wormmon, and Hawkmon sat at the edge of the lake. Each one of them had scuff marks all over their body from previous battles. "I wish these attacks would stop happening," said Gomamon. Suddenly, Gennai appeared hovering above the lake surface. "Hello DigiDestined Digimon," he said. "Gennai!" they all said in unison, getting to their feet. "Yes, it is me. The Digital World is in danger. Your partners need your help." He explained everything. "What do we do?" asked Agumon. "Just go to my house," he said. Suddenly, the water started to part and revealed a silver bridge that led down into the darkness. An outline of a house was almost visible. Each Digimon walked down the bridge and into the house. Gennai then appeared in the center of the one-room house. Real World: Izzy's Apartment "Everything is ready!" yelled Cody from Izzy's room. Everyone ran into the room and gathered around the computer. "Gennai, we're ready," said Izzy once Gennai's picture appeared on the screen. "Ok. Veemon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Patamon, Gatomon, gather around." said Gennai turning to his right. The Digimon he called for lined up in front of him and looked at the screen. Each of their partners were more then happy to see their Digimon. "Now, each of you have to say 'Biomerge Activate!'," said Izzy. "Biemerge Activate!" said the five humans together. Suddenly, their Digimon were surrounded by a white light. Then, they disappeared from the screen and reappeared in another white light at each of their tamers feet. "DemiVeemon!" yelled Davis, picking DemiVeemon up. "Upamon!" yelled Cody picking him up. "Poromon!" yelled Yolei, also picking her partner up. "Minomon!" yelled Ken, squeezing him. "Gatomon!" yelled Kari. "Patamon!" yelled T.K. "Hiya!" said all the Digimon. All of the older humans smiled at this. "Also," said Gennai, "here is a gift. You're Digimon will now be able to digivolve in the Real World." The four In-Training Digimon started to glow. "DemiVeemon digivolve to....Veemon!" "Upamon digivolve to....Armadillomon!" "Poromon digivolve to....Hawkmon!" "Minomon digivolve to....Wormmon!" "Thanks!" smiled Veemon. "No prob," said Gennai, smiling, "now, for you." He added, looking at the others. "Do exactly what the others used to do." They all nodded and held out their digivices. "DigiPort open!" yelled Tai. Suddenly, they were all sucked into the computer screen in a white light. They reappeared in Gennai's house. "Tai!" yelled Agumon. All of the humans and Digimon collided with hugs. "GoodBye!" all of the ones in the Digital World said, waving frantically to the others as the output screen closed.
Writing The Return Of Daemon...Shaun's First Digimon FanFic.
Patronus replied to Shaun's topic in Creative Works
Shaun Very Very Very Gooooooood!!!!! More! More! More! Takuya Don't be so hastey...he isn't writing it for YOU or anyone except himself so he can take his time. Just because you hate cliffhangers, he doesn't have to hurry. Maybe HE loves cliffhangers. -
Please Read & Revier Prelude It had been fifteen years since their first trip to the Digital World. Tai was married to Sora and had two kids; a boy and a girl. Matt also had married, and to Mimi; they had a pair of twin boys. Each of them had stayed friends over the years, and remained friends with the other group of DigiDestined. The first group of DigiDestined and Digimon were as follow: Tai: Agumon Matt: Gabumon Sora: Biyomon Mimi: Palmon Joe: Gomamon Izzy: Tentomon T.K.: Patamon Kari: Gatomon They had fought against many enemies, and defeated all of them. T.K. and Kari had both gone with the newest Digidestined. They and their Digimon were as follow: Davis: Veemon Ken: Wormmon Yolei: Hawkmon Cody: Armadillomon T.K.: Patamon (Same as before) Kari: Gatomon (Also same as before) The two?s adventures had been very different. Each group had different ways of digivolving. For example, the first Digidestined had gone through normal digivolutions, which were: Fresh In-Training Rookie Champion Ultimate Mega But the second team?s had gone like this: Fresh In-Training Rookie Armor Champion DNA Mega (In some cases, but not all) Using the different Digi-Eggs, the Digimon were able to armor digivolve. They were able to do this before they were able to digivolve to champion. Chapter 1 Tai and Matt were in front of Tai's house. Matt had sat down on the ground. He had on baggy, nice looking khakis and a red Abercrombie & Fitch shirt. Tai had on black, baggy pants and a white wife beater. Both had very muscular builds. ?So, what do you think the message was for?? asked Matt ?I don?t know, but Izzy thinks it has something to do with the Digital World,? Tai replied. A white 2002 Cavalier pulled up into the driveway of Tai?s house. It parked behind Tai?s black Jeep and Matt?s red Neon. The driver had pink hair with red streaks. She was wearing low-cut jeans and a short sleeve purple shirt. She stepped out of the car and waved. ?Hello guys,? she said. ?Hey hun,? said Matt, getting up and kissing her on the cheek. ?How was work??Mimi had been working as a model for Abercrombie & Fitch. ?Frustrating,? she said, ?kids these days. They don?t know how to share.? Tai chuckled. He remembered when Mimi was still a teen; she had been a little snobby, stuck up, and conceited. Now she had matured. ?What?s the deal?? asked Matt. ?Well, Naomi borrowed Tamara?s lipstick....? she had rambled on and on about what happened. The only one who had even slightly payed attention was Matt, who had to do so by the rules of marriage. All Tai wanted to know was what the message had meant. Tai?s cell phone rang with the Digimon theme that Izzy had successfully programmed into it. He dug it out of his pocket: it was a cool silver flip phone. He flipped the top open. ?Tai here,? he said. ?Tai,? said a deep voice from the other end. All the boys? voices had changed dramatically. ?It?s T.K., me and Kari will be there in fifteen minutes.? ?Ok,? Tai nodded. T.K. hung up and Tai put the cell back in his pocket. Matt and Mimi looked at him. ?Who might that be?? asked Mimi smiling. ?T.K.,? said Tai walking to the door of the house.?Kari and him will be here in fifteen.? He opened the door and walked in; Matt and Mimi followed. The living room was furnished with a black leather couch and love seat, the walls were painted white, and there were three tables with glass tops. On one wall was pictures of Tai and Sora?s kids; on the same wall, there were two pictures of Agumon and Biyomon. On the opposite wall, there were three large pieces of art hanging. A girl with long, brown hair walked out of the kitchen. She was wearing a knee-length skirt and a white spaghetti strap shirt. ?Oh, hi Mimi,? she said, smiling. ?Hi Sora,? she replied, walking over to her. They both went into the kitchen to talk. Outside, a red Jaguar had pulled to the side of the street in front of the house. The driver got out. He had black hair with silver streaks and blue eyes. He was wearing blue wind pants and a white wife beater, as did Tai. He put his keys in his pocket and walked to the door and knocked. Tai answered. ?Oh, hi Joe,? said Tai, smiling. Joe had become famous by inventing a machine which could make a person?s heart beat when they were doing heart transplants. He had became rich, too. His appearance was different, but he was still the same old Joe. ?Heya Tai,? he said, stepping in after Tai had gone back to the couch. He sat in the love seat. ?Izzy said he and Yolei would be over as soon as his parents picked up Ai and Mako.? ?We?ve got Takato and Neo with their Sora?s parents,? said Tai ?And we have Mimi?s mom watching Zach and Anthony,? said Matt. Joe was married to a girl name Kara, but they did not have kids. Ken was married to Yolei, who was two years younger. Izzy was married to a girl named Zoe. Davis and Cody were all still in college, for they all were going to be teachers in the art of ?Digiology?. T.K and Kari had been married, but had no children. ?Hey hey,? laughed T.K. as he and Kari entered the house. T.K. had his usual blonde hair, but it was gelled and spiked. Kari's hair was light brown, and it was down to the middle of her back. "Whats up bro?" asked Matt, getting up and shaking T.K.'s hand. Tai got up and hugged Kari, his sister. ?Not much,? T.K. replied, ?I just got a call from Davis and the others. They?ll be here soon.? ?Good,? said Tai. He sat back down and fiddled with a necklace around his neck. ?Still got the crest of courage, eh?? said Matt, also fiddling with his necklace. Each of the original digidestined had objects called crests. When they had first learned of them, the crests and tags were supposed to be able to help their Digimon with digivolving to the Ultimate level. Each of the digidestined had found their crests, and each of their Digimon had digivolved to the Ultimate level. After their Digimon had gotten used to the digivolution, the crests/tags really had no purpose. But each digidestined kept theirs, and they were: Tai: Courage Matt: Friendship Joe: Reliability Mimi: Sincerity Sora: Love Izzy: Knowledge T.K.: Hope Kari: Light A Ford Explorer pulled behind Joe?s Jaguar. The driver had short, brown hair. He was wearing a denim jacket, black American Eagle shirt, and baggy faded pants. ?I so want his car,? said a girl, getting out of the back. She had light purple hair and blue eyes. She had on tight fitting, low cut jeans and a red short sleeve shirt. She had a white bandanna hold her hair up. ?Davis, lets steal his car!? She added, laughing, ?I don?t think he?ll appreciate that,? replied the driver. ?He?ll probably sick Gomamon on us,? said a boy with dark brown hair, getting out of the back also. He had on a dark red Abercrombie & Fitch shirt on with gold trims around the neck and the sleeves. ?Yeah, probably Cody,? said the man getting out of the passengers side. He had dark blue hair, and was dressed in a blue t-shirt and faded jeans. This was Ken. The four walked up the sidewalk to the house. Ken and Yolei were hand in hand, for they had been married for two years. Davis knocked. ?It?s open!? yelled Tai. Davis opened the door and stepped in. The others followed. ?Yo, what?s up?? asked Davis, sitting on the floor cause there was no more places to sit. ?Not much, really,? said Matt, ?just waiting for Izzy.? ?I?m gonna go and talk to Mimi and Sora,? said Yolei, getting up and walking into the kitchen. ?Me too,? said Kari, getting up and following her. ?Wonder what girls talk about?? asked Cody ?After fifteen years, we still don?t know,? laughed Joe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?Fools,? said the voice, ?they don?t know what?s about to happen. They think it?ll be as simple as before. But no. This isn?t going to be easy on them or their world.? A pair of cat-like Digimon walked in. One of them looked like a Gatomon with black fur, and the other one looked like a calico Gatomon. ?You sent for us, sir?? asked the black cat. ?Ah, yes, BlackGatomon, Mikemon, I need for you to do something for me.? said the first voice. ?Yes, anything, sir,? said Mikemon. ?One of you digivolve and go to the real world,? ?I?ll go,? said Mikemon ?Ok,? the voice agreed, ?go. BlackGatomon, you get some troops ready. We might need to send some rapid fires.? ?Yes, sir,? said BlackGatomon. The two cats walked back through the large metal door. ?Mikemon....digivole to Panjyamon!?yelled Mikemon, a strip of black data surrounding him. When it receded, Mikemon was now a large, silver Leomon. He walked off into a corridor. ?Stupid...I?ll show him...? said BlackGatomon, turning around and lowering to both of her sets of legs. She also walked into a corridor, but her shape changed into that of a woman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?Ok,? said Izzy, sitting down at the table in Tai?s living room. He had just got there a few minutes before. All of the digidestined, old and new, were waiting to hear. ?Last night, while I was paying a bill online,? he started, ?I got a email message. As always, I checked it. And you know what it was?? ?An advertisement for Burger King?? said Matt sarcastically. ?Negative,? replied Izzy. He opened a new window on his laptop. There was a digital landscape of sorts, and there were dozens of tiny little red, white, blue, pink, and black orbs in certain areas. ?Um, Izzy?? said Davis ?Care to explain?? ?Each of these orbs represent an energy source in the DigiWorld. The red, fire. The white, air. The blue, water. The pink, light. The black....well, it?s not supposed to be there,? ?What do you mean?? asked Kari ?Well, it really doesn?t show an energy source. It shows where evil Digimon are.? Everyone looked at each other, then back at the screen. ?They seem to be organized,? said Ken. ?Exactly. That means who ever these Digimon are, they aren?t wild.? said Izzy, nodding. ?What?s that?? asked Tai, pointing to a large mass of grey and black fogg-ish that was surrounding a mountain. ?I have concluded that is where the main evil Digimon resides,? said Izzy. ?Ok, so, are we going to the Digital World?? asked Mimi ?We might have to,? replied Izzy. Chapter 2 Panjyamon stood in front of the twenty foot tall metal door. He put his hand on the crack, and a light shined from beneath. The doors swung open and he stepped through. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A bright, white light appeared in the middle of the street. It formed into a circle and a silver bipedal lion stepped through. A car swerved to miss him. He stood in front of a house that had many cars in front of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?Will we be going the same way we used to?? asked Yolei. ?I do not know,? said Izzy, standing up, ?I?d have to check for digiports.?Kari watched what was happening outside. ?Guy?guys, you better see this,? she said. All of them came and surrounded Kari and looked outside. ?A Digimon in the real world?? exclaimed Mimi. ?That hasn?t happened since VenomMyotismon!? yelled Tai. ?Let?s go,? said T.K., opening the door. Everyone followed. ?And let?s hope our Digimon show,? whispered Sora to herself. The twelve adults ran into the middle of the street, in a line, and behind Panjyamon. He hadn?t even seen them. ?Hey! Stupid! Over here!? yelled Yolei, throwing a rock that hit him in the head. Everyone looked at her while Panjyamon turned around and glanced at her. ?That, Yolei, will get you and your Digimon killed,? Panjyamon snarled. ?Hey!?yelled Tai, ?What?re you doing here? Who sent you?? ?Wouldn?t you like to know?? Panjyamon yelled, right before he lept at Tai, baring his teeth. ?Pepper Breath!? yelled a voice. A fireball hit the side out Panjyamon and sent him into a car, Joe?s car actually. ?My...my car!? said Joe, putting his hand on his forehead. He quickly forgot about it and looked at where the voice had came from. A small, yellow lizard was standing on top of the house that was straight across from Tai and Sora?s. ?Agumon!? yelled Tai, smiling. ?Yo, Tai!? Agumon replied, jumping off of the roof and running to him. ?It?s been a while.? Tai nodded. ?Where?s ours?? asked Matt. ?Use your digivice?s and D3's. That?s the only way to bring the others back,? said Agumon. Everyone, except Tai, held devices in their hands. The first Digidestined had digivices, and the second has D3's. ?Gabumon!? yelled Matt. A bright, blue light emerged from his screen. A figure started to form, and eventually turned into a dog-like Digimon. ?Biyomon!? yelled Sora. A bright, yellow light emerged from her screen. A figure started to form right beside Gabumon, and turned into a bird-like Digimon. ?Tentomon!? yelled Izzy, holding up his digivice. A bright green light appeared and a insectoid Digimon formed. ?Palmon!? yelled Mimi. She did as the others did, and a leafy Digimon apppeard. Everyone else did so too, and their Digimon appeared. ?He told me you would need their help,? said Panjyamon, getting up. ?Who told you?? yelled Joe. ?His name is not of your concern right now,? Panjyamon said, ?go ahead and digivolve. I?m waiting.? ?How?d he know we?d do that?? asked Yolei. ?I don?t know,? said Izzy ?but Tentomon, you know what to do.? ?Tentomon digivolve to... Kabuterimon!? ?Agumon digivolve to...Greymon!? ?Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon!? ?Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon!? ?Palmon digivolve to...Togemon!? ?Gomamon digivolve to...Ikkakumon!? ?Gatomon digivolve to...Angewomon!? ?Patamon digivolve to...Angemon!? ?Veemon...digivolve to...ExVeemon!? ?Armadillomon digivolve to....Ankylomon!? ?Wormmon digivolve to....Stingmon!? ?Hawkmon digivolve to...Aquilamon!? ?Hahahahahaa,? laughed Panjyamon ?just exactly what he said you?d do!? ?I wish he would tell us who this ?we? was!? yelled Ken. ?Nova Blast!? yelled Greymon. He sent a huge fire ball from his mouth towards Panjyamon, but Panjyamon jumped over it and kicked Greymon across the face and into the tree. ?Celestial Arrow!? yelled Angewomon, pulling a glowing arrow back in the bow that was attached to her glove. She launched it, but Panjyamon caught it and threw it into the sky. He jumped behind Angewomon and grabbed her by the neck. ?Let?s see how this feels!? he yelled, as he prepared to snap her neck. ?Angewomon!!? yelled Kari and Angemon. A bright pink light shone from Kari?s crest. ?Angewomon digivolve to....Magnadramon!? She had digivolved to this form once before, but never more. She was now a large, pink dragon with ten wings. She was too big for Panjyamon?s grip and smacked him with her tail as she flew off. ?You stupid cat!? he yelled, getting up. ?Hand of Fate!? yelled Angemon, pulling his fist back. It shone with a bright white light and he threw a punch that sent the light at Panjyamon. ?Ice Fist!? yelled Panjyamon, cutting through the attack with a fist of ice. ?X-Laser!? yelled ExVeemon, flying into the air and crossing his arms. When he un-crossed his arms, a red laser in the shape of a X flew towards Panjyamon. ?Ice Breaker Sword!? yelled Panjyamon, drawing a sword that was seemingly made of ice, and slashing through the attack. ?He?s too powerful!? yelled Sora. ?Izzy, get the Digi-Dex!? yelled Tai, ?Greymon, digivolve!? Both the two he was talking to nodded. Izzy ran into the house to get his laptop. ?Greymon digivolve to...MetalGreymon!? ?Garurumon digivolve to...WereGarurumon!? ?Birdramon digivolve to...Garudamon!? The three Ultimates were much taller then Panjyamon, but not specifically more powerful. ?Panjyamon. Level Ultimate. Corrupted form. Attacks: Ice Fist, Ice Breaker Sword. A powerful and swift Digimon. One of the two forms of a corrupted Gatomon.? said Izzy, walking out of the house. ?Three Ultimates should be more then enough against one,? said Matt. ?But just incase..? said Yolei. She looked at Kari and they both nodded. ?Magnadramon, do it!? yelled Kari. Magnadramon returned to Gatomon. ?Gatomon DNA digivolve to....? ?Aquilamon DNA digivolve to...? ?Silphymon!?the new Digimon said. It was Gatomon and Aquilamon?s voices combined. ?Oh, I am so scared,? said Panjyamon mockingly. ?Mega Crusher!? yelled MetalGreymon, his breastplate opening and ejecting two missiles towards Panjyamon. Panjyamon jumped into the air and landed on one of the missiles, smashing it into the ground. He jump-kicked the other one on it?s side, making it changing it?s course and heading for Ikkakumon and Kabuterimon. ?Electro Shocker!? yelled Kabuterimon, trying to deflect the missile, but to no avail. ?Harpoon Torpedo!? yelled Ikkakumon, firing a torpedo from his horn. The missile changed course again, but only went above the torpedo and still towards the two. ?Static Force!? yelled Silphymon. Silphymon threw his/her/it?s arms back, and a red ball of electricity started to form in-between his/her/it?s arms. Silphymon launched it at the missile and made it explode. ?HA!? yelled Panjyamon, kicking WereGarurumon into a car and slashing Garudamon?s wing. ?Static Force!? yelled Silphymon again, and launched it at Panjyamon. He jumped over it and over Silphymon, and kicked him/her/it in the back, knocking Silphymon into the ground. ?Hammer Tail!? yelled Ankylomon, swinging his tail at Panjyamon. Panjyamon grabbed him by the tail and swung him into Davis?s car. ?Spiking Strike!? yelled Sting, plunging towards Panjyamon. Panjyamon punched him in the stomach, making him devolve into Minomon. ?Minomon!? yelled Ken, running and picking him up. ?Time to end this,? said Angemon. ?Angemon digivolve to....MagnaAngemon!? ?MagnaAngemon digivolve to...Seraphimon!? ?Go, Seraphimon!? yelled T.K., raising his fist into the air. ?Togemon digivolve to......Lilymon!? ?Lilymon digivolve to...Rosemon!? ?Two Megas? Hah! I can beat ya!? yelled Panjyamon, jumping into the air and preparing to kick Seraphimon. ?Hollowed Ascension!? yelled Seraphimon. He formed a white orb in his hand, and threw it at Panjyamon. ?Ahhhhhhhhhh!? yelled Panjyamon, as he was flung into a tree. ?Rose Whip!? yelled Rosemon, slinging her thorny, green glowing whip at Panjyamon. ?Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!? he yelled again, being struck by the whip. He stood slowly and disappeared as he glared at the twelve DigiDestined and Digimon.