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Everything posted by Patronus
ooc: I am sorry, but I havent been able to keep up for....I have been very busy. I think I might resign my char, and you guys can recruit another. Again, I am sorry.
He stood up and walked to Elecmon, who was sitting on a rock. Zach: Why are we here? Elecmon pointed at Wormmon Elecmon: Ask him. Wormmon: What about me?
Ginny Sure ^_^
Very nice, Devi. Do you by any chance hav a pic of SaberNekomon? I picture her looking like the S2 Mimi only with cat features
Elecmon grinned. Time to have fun. A surprised Zach stood up. Zach: You're attack is Slamming Thunder, right? Elecmon smirked Elecmon: Oh yeah.... Zach: Lets do it. Elecmon: Slamming Thunder! Elecmon was surrounded by Lightning and he started to run towards the Chamelemon. He jumped into the air and slammed into it, paralyzing it. Zach: Wow! Just how I drew it!
Zach:The..the Digital World? Um, I'm not sure if you know this, but the Digital World isn't real. Elecmon: Of course it is! Why would you be here if it wasn't? Zach:Probably inhaled some of those goths' crack. Elecmon laughed, along with the other digimon. The sky was blue and had weird strands of numbers flying around. Elecmon: Wormmon, Kyokomon, Tentomon, want to take them to the Digi Cafe? Wormmon: If I have assumed right, there is still one missing. Veemon popped its head out of out of a hole in the ground Veemon: Yes, mine! Where is Yami... Zach looked at Leon and whispered Zach: Just wait till I turn those goths in for possession....
Takuya, Ok. ^_^ What about your D-Tecter?
He saw Leon fall Zach: These are.... Zach+Leon: Digimon!
Okies your approved!
It is ok. ^_^ RazeGallantmon is great. If you don't already know, you can write your intro (how you got to the d-world)
It is okies. I am sorry to inform you, but all the good guys' spots are taken. Mind playing one of the evil 'goths'? Add me to msn @ [email]charmedprotecter@hotmail.com[/email]
He had landed in a poof of dust, and, was surprised to see a red creature sitting on him. Zach: El...El...Elecmon? Elecmon: Yeperz. Thats me! He looked at Elecmon, then to Aiko, sitting beside him Zach: Aiko? You too? God, whats going on? He looked on his other side Zach: Leigh? Where are we?
Blonco, Youre right. Okies ^_^ Kairi Sure Both: You guys need to mono (rp w/ self) but incorporate your Leons and Zach's friends. Cuz Zach is in the dorld
Blanko Of course you're approved! On suggestion though...you might wanna change the color of your D-Tecter if you're a good guy.
He looked at Leon then back to the device. He touched it with one finger, and then a bright yellow light appeared Zach: Leon, heeeeeelp! He was suddenly sucked into the device, and the device itself disappeared
OOC: Just a tip, but don't say what a another persons char does. ^_~ -------------------------------- He nodded and preceeded to the locker room. There was steam already in there. He went to his locker and opened it to find a red device glowing brightly Zach: What the fu-- He looked at Leon then looked back at te device.
OOC: Sure ----------- Zach turned into the gym of Jackson Middle School, his best friend beside him. (Thats you) He carried his books by his side. There was a drawing of a red creature on his trapper. He had drew many of these creatures: and had called them Digital Monsters, or Digimon for short. Zach: Look, theres the goths. He said, pointing to a group of four people dressed in black.
Silent Death, Sure. Anything you want. ^_^ If either of you have msn, add me. [email]charmedprotecter@hotmail.com[/email] Ok, I have the thread ready if you're ready to begin
Digimon: Light vs. Dark is on! Plz see recuitment if you want to join! Current Members: Yami (GotenksSSJ343)- Veemon - Blue D-Tecter Leon (silentdeath)- Tentomon - Green D-Tecter Aiko (Kairi)- Kyokomon - Purple D-Tecter Leigh (Blanko)- Wormmon - Black D-Tecter Ok, all the good guys spots are taken. Now, we need people to play the Dark DigiDestined *thunder rolls, lightning flashes* :nervous: Darigann (Solo Tremaine)- BlackGuilmon - Black/Silver D-Tecter Rokas (rokas)- Choleramon - Swamp Yellow D-Tecter David (Takuya)- BlackAgumon - Black/Purple D-Tecter Sakhi (Mina Karusala)- ShadowRenamon - Dark Purple/Gold D-Tecter
SilentDeath, Same goes for you! ^_^. Will be ready in a sec....
Gotenks, You're approved! ^_^ We'll start right away if you want, because we don't have to wait for the others. We can kinda do a pre-lude,
This Digimon rpg plot is as follows: There are four gothic teens in Jackson High School. Each of them are taken to the digital world and receive corrupted Digimon: Jeremy: BlackAgumon Amber: ShadowRenamon Kerry: ShadeGabumon Darigann: BlackGuilmon Then , five other teens from the school are taken to the digital world to rid it of these evil menaces who spread dark spores and chaos in the Digital World. Roles: You who want to play the good guys, you can have any digimon you want, as long as it isn't a corrupted form. (I allow ficdigimon) You who want to play the dark tamers, you can give me a alternative name/partner, but the digimon have to be corrupted. If you do not want to make your own, you can choose from the ones provided. To post your 'resume', I will give ou an example using mine. Name: Zachary Kentari Age: 17 Hair/Eyes: Brown/Blue D-Tecter Color: Red Digimon levels: Rookie: Elecmon Champion: Leomon Ultimate: GrapLeomon Mega: SaberLeomon I hope you're interested! Rules: 1. No god playing (dont make your characters all-power or invincible) 2. Don't take the plot into your own hands! P.S. If you're planning to be a good guy, you're digimon CAN armor digivole. P.S.S. If you're digimon is a fic-digimon, and you have a pic of it, plz attach it to your resume. Thankies ^_^ I am sorry, but all the good guys' parts are filled. If you want to be a good guy REALLY bad, PM me and I will consider. There is now (1) dark digidestined open.
[COLOR=indigo] OOC: Here is Zach's stats. Name:Zachary Tamaka Age:17 Hair/Eyes:Brown/Blue Digimon Levels: Rookie: Vi-Elecmon Champion:Mikemon Ultimate:Panjyamon Mega:NeoLeomon Is this ok?
I changed the most ones. I do not change the three for it is dedicated to my friends. Sorry, but I will keep it that way. It shouldnt be hard to follow now, anyways. Sorry for double post, but I do not mean Andrew in my previous posts. I mean Zeke *pounds head on desk*